Fantasy Poetry posted February 26, 2015 Chapters: 3 4 -5- 6 

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Story Poem in Trochaic Tetrameter 8/7/8/7/8/7
A chapter in the book Lady Lily

Lady Lily and the Wizard 5

by w.j.debi

Previously--The wicked wizard, Fearsome Joe D'pring has taken over the Kingdom Lore. He changed the King into a dragon and the Queen into a butterfly. Lady Lily transported the King and Queen to Forest Krell for safety. Joe has tracked them down by using a crystal seeing stone given to him by Luke.

Lady Lily and the Wizard
Part 5: Storms

Roaring fire burst from the dragon.
Fearsome Joe returned the same.
Lady Lily gave a flourish,
"Now with magic I proclaim
plants and creatures of this forest
are protected from all flame."

Smoke and lightning mixed together
thus obscuring all around.
Great roars crashed against the thunder
and above the smoke and sound
Luke called out, "My loyal army,
Lady Lily must be found."

"Yes!" cried Joe, "She must be captured."
Luke advanced with sword in hand.
"I am here," she said, appearing.
"Let us do as we have planned."
Luke then winked at Lady Lily,
"My dear wife, we understand."

Luke now stood beside his Lily
and together they declared,
"Everyone surround the wizard.
Fearsome Joe is not prepared
to defend against our forces."
"What?" scoffed Joe. "You think I'm scared?"

Magic creatures stepped in closer.
Joe saw he was all alone.
Dragon jaws were snapping nearer.
Joe pulled out the crystal stone.
Seeking refuge, he spoke to it,
"Here is what I would be shown..."

When Joe found his land of promise,
he began a traveling spell.
Lady Lily watching closely,
conjured up a spell as well.
Lightning flashed and Joe commanded,
"Take me far from Forest Krell."

In a dark and wild tornado,
Joe was grinning as he spun.
Can our Lily stop him leaving,
for the battle's not yet won?
King and Queen are still enchanted.
Without Joe, what can be done?

to be continued...


Thank you to Angelheart for the use of "Storm Brewing in The Heavens."

Trochee meter is the opposite of iambic meter so the stress is on the first syllable DUM da, DUM da, etc. I also opted to use Catalexis lines on every other line, which mean you drop the final unstressed syllable at the end of a line thus giving the 8-7-8-7-8-7 syllable count in this verse.

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