Fantasy Poetry posted February 21, 2015 Chapters: 2 3 -4- 5... 

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Story Poem in Trochaic Tetrameter 8/7/8/7/8/7
A chapter in the book Lady Lily

Lady Lily and the Wizard 4

by w.j.debi

Previously--The wicked wizard, Fearsome Joe D'pring, has taken over the Kingdom Lore. He changed the King into a dragon and the Queen into a butterfly. Lady Lily transported the King and Queen to Forest Krell for safety. Joe has tracked them down by using a crystal seeing stone given to him by Luke.

Lady Lily and the Wizard
Part 4: The Battle

Clouds of magic growled with thunder.
Lightning set those clouds aglow.
Sparks and flames grew ever fiercer
from the hands of Fearsome Joe.
Wild winds whirled around the wizard.
Yes, he was a fearsome foe.

Lady Lily faced him boldly
as she countered every spell
in defense of all the creatures
dwelling in the Forest Krell.
Well, it made the wizard angry;
Joe began to curse and yell.

When he saw Krell's creatures tremble
Joe declared with great alarm,
"We must capture Lady Lily.
Don't you see, she'll do us harm?
She's beguiled by dragon magic,
taken in by mystic charm."

But Krell's creatures knew their Lily
so they knew the wizard lied.
And it made Joe even madder
for it hurt his wizard's pride.
So he called his chief adviser,
"Luke, I need you by my side."

Luke was dressed in shining armor.
In his hand he held a stone
which Joe took and then spoke to it,
"Here is what I would be shown:
there's a butterfly that's special.
Once she sat upon Lore's throne..."

Soon Joe grinned with glee and malice.
Yes, from here she could be seen.
So Joe threw a net toward her
--but the dragon stepped between
Joe's dark threatening net of menace
and Lore's sweet devoted queen.

Can the dragon beat the wizard?
Can he save his queen so fair?
Will the fearsome spell be broken?
Lady Lily standing there
summoned all her greatest magic.
"Fearsome Joe, you best beware!"

to be continued...


Thank you to Miki Ohno for the use of the artwork "Stormy Planet"

Trochee meter is the opposite of iambic meter so the stress is on the first syllable DUM da, DUM da, etc. I also opted to use Catalexis lines on every other line, which means you drop the final unstressed syllable at the end of a line thus giving the 8-7-8-7-8-7 syllable count in this verse.
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