Thoughts on an Antique Quilt
Her initials are all that is left to mark her passing.15 total reviews
Comment from Father Flaps
Hi Cass,
My wife has made some quilts. She even took her father's plaid shirts when he passed away in 2007, and made a beautiful quilt out of them. She gave it to her mother for Christmas.
Some people are remembered by their paintings. Some, by their poems and stories. A few, by their handiwork with needle and thread. That's definitely art, too. A quilt takes a lot of time, a lot of patience.
I especially like this verse,
"Some one sat here long ago
Plying her needle and thread
Stitching the silken quilt that lies
Upon this antique bed."
Nicely penned, my dear! Thanks for sharing.
reply by the author on 07-Mar-2022
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Hi Cass,
My wife has made some quilts. She even took her father's plaid shirts when he passed away in 2007, and made a beautiful quilt out of them. She gave it to her mother for Christmas.
Some people are remembered by their paintings. Some, by their poems and stories. A few, by their handiwork with needle and thread. That's definitely art, too. A quilt takes a lot of time, a lot of patience.
I especially like this verse,
"Some one sat here long ago
Plying her needle and thread
Stitching the silken quilt that lies
Upon this antique bed."
Nicely penned, my dear! Thanks for sharing.
Comment Written 07-Mar-2022
reply by the author on 07-Mar-2022
Dear KimBob, Thank you for your review and the five stars on Thoughts on an Antique Quilt"
It was a favorite piece when I wrote it some years ago and doubly precious now, since it was a day out with my late husband that we both enjoyed to the full. Patchwork has always been a favorite pass time for me and quilts a special way of giving a totally personal gift to someone you care about. Thank you again for the review It now bumps it up to 15
which gives it a "recognized" standard. But, I think you knew that, didnya? cheers Cass
Comment from l.raven
Hi Cass, I love your poem sweet girl...when I was in Florida with my daughter...we went to a place called...Heritage House...all old buildings...I loved it...I love your poem...and love this very well written my sweet you....Linda xxoo
reply by the author on 29-May-2018
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Hi Cass, I love your poem sweet girl...when I was in Florida with my daughter...we went to a place called...Heritage House...all old buildings...I loved it...I love your poem...and love this very well written my sweet you....Linda xxoo
Comment Written 28-May-2018
reply by the author on 29-May-2018
Dear Linda, Thank you for your review and the five stars. Heritage House sounds as though I would enjoy myself greatly there.
The old places done up to look as they did when they weren't old are fascinating. I have photos of places visited when my children were young that are just as meaningful now as they were 30 years ago.. I am sure you had a lovely time at Heritage House and I wish I could visit it too.. Love ya too darlin'.Lots'n' lots. cheers Cass
you are so welcome Cass..we have gone a couple times with truly is fascinating...I too love places like that...I love when driving by an old building wondering what went on in seeing you sweet you lot's'n'lots as well...xxoo Linda
Comment from The Cowboy Poet
I really like this. It flows smoothly, unforced in rhyme and rhythm. Beautiful imagery that takes me back to a simpler time in my own life. Keep up the good work. This poem is one of the better ones I've read today. Cowboy
reply by the author on 25-May-2018
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I really like this. It flows smoothly, unforced in rhyme and rhythm. Beautiful imagery that takes me back to a simpler time in my own life. Keep up the good work. This poem is one of the better ones I've read today. Cowboy
Comment Written 24-May-2018
reply by the author on 25-May-2018
Wal, Ah do thank ye mos' kindly fo' yo' comments and generous five stars. 'Scuse me for expressing myself in western parlance. Just having a little fun. This poem is a favorite from a long time ago. It was originally much shorter, but when I revamped it more verses suggested themselves. So, here we are. Your comments are most generous and very welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it cheers Cass
Well, Ma'am, I didn't know you were a cowgirl or I would have buttered the bread a little heavier. You come over to the bunkhouse anytime. We serve good coffee. Cowboy
Comment from evesayshi
In my opinion, a truly lovely poem and a gift to us all, written in respectful tenderness, a rhyming gem, with only a couple of uneven spots, easily revised upon reading the work aloud several times to "hear" the sing/song effect of rhyming poetry, for example, with your permission:
deleting the word "own" in the 3rd stanza, 2nd line...
reply by the author on 24-May-2018
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In my opinion, a truly lovely poem and a gift to us all, written in respectful tenderness, a rhyming gem, with only a couple of uneven spots, easily revised upon reading the work aloud several times to "hear" the sing/song effect of rhyming poetry, for example, with your permission:
deleting the word "own" in the 3rd stanza, 2nd line...
Comment Written 24-May-2018
reply by the author on 24-May-2018
Dear evesayshi, Thank you for your review and the five stars. Your suggestion has been acted upon and it does scan better. Thank you for that. The poem was written from another shorter piece written many years ago. It was always a favorite, but there was "something" that held me back from posting it in its original form. One day I found it and picked up the pen and began to write it again. And Hey presto this is the result . I am glad you like it. cheers Cass
You are so welcome, Cass, my pleasure, for such a marvelous write, and thank you for sharing...Eve
Comment from BeasPeas
Hi Cass. This is a lovely poem. Well written. It brings the reader back to a more leisurely time. Well described. I can see the woman in my mind sitting there quilting. Nice author's notes, too. Marilyn
reply by the author on 24-May-2018
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Hi Cass. This is a lovely poem. Well written. It brings the reader back to a more leisurely time. Well described. I can see the woman in my mind sitting there quilting. Nice author's notes, too. Marilyn
Comment Written 24-May-2018
reply by the author on 24-May-2018
Dear Marilyn thank you for your review and the AWESOME SIX STARS. This poem came from another shorter piece written many years ago. The experience of being in that room with the needle still in the reel of thread and the little jacket and shoes left as though the child had gone down for a nap was very strange. The whole house seemed filled with unseen presences and I was totally blissed out. The quilt on the bed is magnificent. Delicate fabrics in shades of gold. Gorgeous!!! I took photos but not with a digital camera. It has been nearly 20 years since I was there. I need to go again and take some more photos I can share. Cheers Cass
I hope you do go there again. To some of us, these experiences are very special. Marilyn
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
A delightful poem of a bygone age when quilting was indeed an art. I made a quilt, but it was all made on the sewing machine which is not quite the same and it used to take months if not years to make a bed quilt. A look into the past here and the appreciation of those talents that are now lost, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 24-May-2018
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A delightful poem of a bygone age when quilting was indeed an art. I made a quilt, but it was all made on the sewing machine which is not quite the same and it used to take months if not years to make a bed quilt. A look into the past here and the appreciation of those talents that are now lost, love Dolly x
Comment Written 24-May-2018
reply by the author on 24-May-2018
Dear Doll, Thank you for your review and the five stars.Never mind how you made it. Whether sewn on a machine or by hand it doesn't matter. The thing is you DID make it and so Goodonya Girl Well done. I had one quilt that I finished and then went into withdrawal. (TRUE) So I rounded up all the papers I had left and began another the next day. It took from October 1987 to April 1992 to complete, and I still have it. My cat Hailey said it was hers and sat upon it to have her picture taken. Quilts have an irresistible attraction to pussycats and so I had to agree that Yes, it was her quilt. I must take some photos with my digital camera so I can share the quilts I still have in my possession. I love quilting and patchwork. Almost as much as I love my dolls and making them clothes. Then, there's my garden?? Oh well it's nice to have a full life isn't it? cheers Cass
Comment from Aussie
Well written Aussie mate. So much love went into that quilt, still it remains part of history, it tells a tale of long ago and will never know who made it. Hours of work and love never wasted for onlookers.
reply by the author on 23-May-2018
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Well written Aussie mate. So much love went into that quilt, still it remains part of history, it tells a tale of long ago and will never know who made it. Hours of work and love never wasted for onlookers.
Comment Written 23-May-2018
reply by the author on 23-May-2018
Dear Aussie, Thank you for your review and the five stars. Yes, I believe there was love sewn into every piece of that quilt. I could feel it in that quiet, sunny room where her sewing box rested on the bedside table. It felt as though she had just gone to get a glass of water, before the baby woke up and soon she'd have to leave her sewing for other duties. So sweet, so real cheers Cass
Comment from LateBloomer
Hello Cass Carlton, Your poem is warm and heartfelt. I can feel the love within.
After a person dies, it is amazing how it's the simple things, the essence, of the person that is remembered more than anything else. I especially liked:
Voice and hands long ago stilled
As fingers grew stiff and slow
But quilt remains her testament
Of those days long ago.
(A labor of love lives forevermore)
Great complementary artwork choice. Silky rhyming. A pleasure to read. Thank you for your author's notes. Keep the blue waters flowing. LateBloomer
reply by the author on 23-May-2018
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Hello Cass Carlton, Your poem is warm and heartfelt. I can feel the love within.
After a person dies, it is amazing how it's the simple things, the essence, of the person that is remembered more than anything else. I especially liked:
Voice and hands long ago stilled
As fingers grew stiff and slow
But quilt remains her testament
Of those days long ago.
(A labor of love lives forevermore)
Great complementary artwork choice. Silky rhyming. A pleasure to read. Thank you for your author's notes. Keep the blue waters flowing. LateBloomer
Comment Written 23-May-2018
reply by the author on 23-May-2018
Dear Friend, Thank you for your review and the five stars. This poem came from one that was written many years ago after a visit to a lovely house where the quilt was laid on the bed. It stayed with me in its very short form until just recently when I decided to do some more work on it. I am glad I did. cheers Cass
Comment from Air Spirit
A lovely and nostalgic poem, about yesteryear and one of your favorite hobbies... I know of that warm yet melancholy feeling you can get when looking at a blanket that has been had sewn together, particularly when it's sewn together with pieces of different fabric --perhaps left over from dresses made for little girls (like the one in your poem), and each stitched patch on the quilt, made from another time, another place, with a different meaning and an different space... the poem makes me think of both of my grandmothers... they used to love to make quilts.. that looked much like this one... I think my favorite stanza was "...Forgotten now, her name unknown
But in claim of what she did
Within the lovely silken folds
Are her initials, carefully hid..." Excellent poem and a memorable one, because not only is it well written, but written about a subject near and dear to my heart because of the artists who made them..
reply by the author on 23-May-2018
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A lovely and nostalgic poem, about yesteryear and one of your favorite hobbies... I know of that warm yet melancholy feeling you can get when looking at a blanket that has been had sewn together, particularly when it's sewn together with pieces of different fabric --perhaps left over from dresses made for little girls (like the one in your poem), and each stitched patch on the quilt, made from another time, another place, with a different meaning and an different space... the poem makes me think of both of my grandmothers... they used to love to make quilts.. that looked much like this one... I think my favorite stanza was "...Forgotten now, her name unknown
But in claim of what she did
Within the lovely silken folds
Are her initials, carefully hid..." Excellent poem and a memorable one, because not only is it well written, but written about a subject near and dear to my heart because of the artists who made them..
Comment Written 23-May-2018
reply by the author on 23-May-2018
Dear Friend, Thank you for your review and the five stars. This piece has come from an earlier poem, which was shorter. I am surprised and pleased at the response it has evoked. Many people remember someone in their family either making quilts or owning them. It is a delightful pastime and I have several in my possession which are more than 30 years old. One is all cotton and faded now but still precious to me with the memories of those days sitting sewing and dreaming by the fire, or out under the blossoming plum tree with a tray of tea and my friends there with their knitting. Memories ,Memories cheers Cass
Comment from Ava Wilson
This is an absolutely beautiful poem and it is a great reminder that we need to think about our lives and the legacy we leave. I pray that we all have more to leave behind than just our initials on a quilt we made. Great job on this!
reply by the author on 23-May-2018
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This is an absolutely beautiful poem and it is a great reminder that we need to think about our lives and the legacy we leave. I pray that we all have more to leave behind than just our initials on a quilt we made. Great job on this!
Comment Written 23-May-2018
reply by the author on 23-May-2018
Dear Ava, Thank you for your review and the five stars. You make a valid point in your comments. Leaving behind something real and tactile is a true legacy, but if we are remembered for our personality and the things we have taught others, we will be remembered far longer. cheers Cass