Reviews from

Such Faith

Broken faith is a lot to ask...

20 total reviews 
Comment from Shanbreen
This work has reached the exceptional level

Boy, Yevette, you are unbelievable. What a superb poem and you have so much depth in the poem. I hope you had a win, you deserve it. Your last verse just left me with a big, "Wow!'

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2018
    Thanx so much for the wonderful comments and encouragement, Shanbreen - both mean a lot!! Just the fact that it moved you enough to award those stars really puts an awesome smile over here - both inside and out!!! ;) ;) Dunno about the competition as they've not yet announced the winners...keepin' my fingers crossed!! :) ;) Have a Happy Thanxgiving, ya hear?!! :)
reply by Shanbreen on 20-Nov-2018
    You, too. Have a great gobble-gobble day.
Comment from royowen
This work has reached the exceptional level

Faith is faith, and it's not necessarily attached to any theistic leaning, it could be faith in people, faith in government, or indeed in the power of Satan God forbid. Beautifully written Yvette, a bit different for you, bur never the less, a brilliant work, well done, good luck, blessjngs, Roy

 Comment Written 17-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 18-Nov-2018
    Thank you for the wonderful comments and those remarkable stars, Roy -- honored that my poem moved you to award them! :) Take care and have a wonderful remainder of the weekend! :) Yvette :)
reply by royowen on 18-Nov-2018
    Well done and earned Yvette
Comment from meeshu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is so powerful, you will have readers questioning their beliefs and judgments. a thought-provoking piece with real staying power. should be a winner, Yvette. it already is..................meeshu

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 17-Nov-2018
    You have no idea how true your words are here, dude....I've had some of the MOST insane responses to this post!! And, because they've started asking questions of themselves, instead of answering them, they are actually asking them of me??!!!!! As if I even know anything about any of them to even answer the questions....'did I mean to imply that they...' and 'are you saying that I...' and the one asking me if I was talking about Muslim children....huh??? I was very generic in my response, but golly-gee-willikers, Batman.....what in the world? :) ;) ;)
    Okay, so I at least hope you smiled a bit there -- looking forward to the Christmas ideas -- you and Cyndy take care!! :) Yvette :)
Comment from tbacha58
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So, I'm begging you now
Swallow your pride
Welcome them inside

Hi Yvette, a very strong with an unbelievable message. I also liked a lot the rhyming with the details of the fire. Those are so sad, and we should feel with the population under fire. Good job. Terry xoxo

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 17-Nov-2018
    Thanx for dropping by, Terry -- as a teacher, this write truly came from 'inside'. As a poet (we'll go with that for now - LOL!), I strive to present things in a way that does provoke folks to think....not in a bad or a good way, just to think! :) ;) So glad you enjoyed the offering, ma'am -- have a wonderful rest of the weekend! :) Yvette :)
Comment from poetwatch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey Yvette it is a good write- I just wish you left a note. Two people male and female that believe another ignores them because of broken faith? "Forged in flames you can't understand" This line tell me that the person that crosses the street is set in his/her way. A father/mother that disowned them? Then this line, "their Faith is strong yet dark/Fire and life have left their mark" Life is not as beautiful as we want it to be. Yet, your last stanza is a beauty. It is hard for an old dog to learn to swallow, but love conquers all so... maybe? Good entry for the Faith Poetry Contest.

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 17-Nov-2018
    Thanx for dropping by, Jose -- as a teacher, the feelings behind this write truly came from experiences and observations. As a poet (we'll go with that for now - LOL!), I strive to present things in a way that does provoke folks to think....not in a bad or a good way, just to think -- as such, this was one of those that I purposefully left off the author notes! :) ;) So, I see that I achieved my goal with you -- wonderful!! :) :) You be sure to have a wonderful remainder of your weekend, sir! :) Yvette :)
Comment from Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level

This brings tears to my eyes, my friend, I kid you not. Sadly, "welcoming them inside" can be a dangerous thing to do, although I say there's something to be said for refusing to let fear rule us. The LEAST we CAN do though is offer a hand up. "There but for the grace of God go I!"

Wonderful poem! Best of luck!

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2018
    Wow, Dawn!! Thank you for those stars, ma'am. You know, as a teacher, this write truly came from 'inside'. So many students and youth have the most damning view of others and how those others see them... that it truly has become their 'Faith in humanity'...and how horrible is that?! ;) ;) To compound to the divide, that 'Faith' comes out in their attitudes, their dress, their looks, their actions, (all of which are, many times, misconstrued). I honestly wasn't looking to try to fix anything with my write [as some seemed to think], I was simply writing from a desire in my heart to see that miscontruence, if you will, altered. Thank you again, for seeing the reality behind my words, friend, and have a wonderful weekend! :) ;) Yvette :)
reply by Dawn Munro on 16-Nov-2018
    Most welcome, Yvette.
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Faith has many sides, and I will not touch yours, or his or theirs...if they want to worship Ahriman in the loo, I won't get in their way. Interesting thought here, and fine rhyming quatrains...

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2018
    Thank you for the read and review, LlJ Red - appreciate your stopping by. ;) ;) Yvette ;)
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem describes well the people who need real faith. They need to be shown love. It also could be about how we sometimes ignore the homeless and poor
when we see them and how we should help them.

Keep writing


 Comment Written 16-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2018
    Thanx for dropping by, dp -- as a teacher, the feelings behind this write truly came from experiences and observations. As a poet (we'll go with that for now - LOL!), I strive to present things in a way that does provoke folks to think....not in a bad or a good way, just to think! :) ;) So glad you enjoyed my offering here -- be sure to stop by anytime! :) :) Have a wonderful weekend! :) Yvette :)
reply by dragonpoet on 16-Nov-2018
    No problem, Yvette. I will. Enjoy your weekend too.

Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Does faith belong only to those who have a home, family, friends and much material wealth?
Or, is the homeless man and woman more prone to and/or deserving of faith?
Do both have some modicum of faith but for different reasons?
Does one group of people possess more "faith" than another?
This intriguing, thought-provoking poem on one's faith raises a plethora of interesting questions.
Best wishes to you in the contest with this fine entry, Yvette.

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2018
    Thanx for all your wonderful comments and more, Dean - they mean a lot to me. :) ;) ;) As a teacher, the feelings behind this write truly came from experiences and observations. As a poet (we'll go with that for now - LOL!), I strive to present things in a way that does provoke folks to think....not in a bad or a good way, just to think! :) ;) So glad it seemed to achieve the good kind of questions for you! :) :) Have a wonderful weekend! :) Yvette :)
reply by Dean Kuch on 16-Nov-2018
    You're very welcome, Yvette, and you do the same.
Comment from Ricky1024
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is 'S Faith Contest Entree Rich in Theme and Imagery.
It read well and Flowed well with No Grammar Issues as well...
Adjective and Objective Contents were both Excellent and Exceptional while Descriptive Measures aligned Perfectly.
Good Luck With this My Dearest of Yvette...
Ricky and Thee...

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2018
    Thanx so much for the wonderful stars, Doc -- I always so very much appreciate your stopping by a read and review -- come by anytime! :) ;) Take care, sir, and have a wonderful weekend! :) ;) Yvette :)