Commentary and Philosophy Fiction posted November 9, 2017 | Chapters: |
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Just my kittens!
A chapter in the book The Book of Fine Poetry
The Purrness of Evil?
by Ricky1024
Background Follows with this important poem "Within the Tme of Our Existence" |

"The Purrenees of Evil?"
Written on November 8th, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
?<*> C. FanStory <*>?
Example Number One:
"Here kitty, kitty, kitty!" "Here kitty, kitty, kitty!" "Here kitty, kitty, here kitty, kitty!"
"Where have you been Blackie?"
I Wondered.
"I've been out with a new, stray, cat called Puss!"
"Okay Blackie, now what did you and Puss do?"
"Well Daddy, me and my new friend Puss went out!"
"And, we went to this place...
"And, he's called it...
"A Bank" I think?"
"And, and...
"He said we have to go inside and get all..
"The Greens?"
"And, with it we can get goodies!"
"And, then we can go get Foodies...
"And, Treaties...
"And, Lickie, Lickies!"
"And, then after stealing all...
"The Greenies" we burned the whole place down!"
"Bad Kitty!"
"Now Blackie, say...
"Seven Hail Kitties" and in your room for a week with no treaties!:
"Ahh, Dad?"
Example Number Two: "Ring, Ring, Ring!"
"Hello Kitty?"
"Oh, Hi Midnight and what did you say Midnight?"
I Ask.
"You went out?"
"And, yes?"
"You're with a new friend named Boots?"
"Puss's brother?"
"Oh no, trouble!"
"So what did you and Boots do?"
I Wondered.
"Did you get into trouble like your older brother Blackie?"
I Ask.
"Well Daddy, me and Boots went to the park and we saw this girl kitty named Mona and..
"And, she was running and...
"And, she wasn't running away from anything...
"So, he jumped on her and Boots raped her...
"And, he made her cry...
"And, the he bit her on her neck...
"And, she stopped breathing...
"Bad, Bad, BAD, Kitty!!"
"What did I tell you about going out and hanging out with Strays like Blackie?"
"Now say...
"Eight Hail Kitties" and no Treaties and no Foodies for a whole week!"
"Get in your room!"
Example Number Three:
"Daddy I'm home!"
"Where you been messing around with stray cats or kitties Mystery?"
"Like your brother's, Blackie and Midnight?"
I Wondered?
"No Daddy and I met a nice girl named Dalahi and she smells sweet like a flower!"
"And, she took us to this place called...
"A Concert?"
"And, and they passed around this stuff?"
"And, it was like...
"And, it was like something you swallow...
"And, we swallow it...
"And, then I started feeling really funny...
"And, Daddy...
"And, and, and...
"I started getting really, really...
"Oh, My, God!"
"I'm going to go throw up!"
"Bad Kitty!"
"Bad Kitty!"
"Go to your room and after you're done throwing up...
"No Treaties, No Foodies...
"For two, full, months!"
"But Daddy!"
"Two months?"
"The other kitties weren't treated that bad!"
Complained Mystery.
Example Number Four:
"Hi Daddy, I'm home!"
"How you been and what have you been up?"
I Asked.
"I met a new friend and he took me to this special place...
"And, we went to this place...
"And, it was really, really, really!"
"And, it was a nice place...
"And, it was like they had these things...
"And, they call them beds...
"And, there...
"And, and I...
"And, we went in the beds...
"And, we found ourselves some...
"Some new friends...
"And, their names were Missy and Tina...
"And, then Garfield said that they are our new friends...
"And, then we did something bad!"
"I am so sorry!"
"You did not do what I think you did?"
"Oh, My God!"
"You could get a disease!"
"And, I would then have to take you to the vet for a shot!"
"Right now!"
"Go to your room and don't come out!"
"And, say...
"Nine, Hail Marys and Nine Hail Kitties!"
"And, no Lickie, Lickies, or Treaties, or Foodies...
"For three months!"
"And, you better not have any diseases!"
"But Daddy?"
"In your room, NOW!"
"These are all examples of what I call...
"The Seven Laws of Judification."
"Starting with of course addictions...
"To injectable drugs... "To addictions of snorting various forms of drugs...
"To addictions of over-the-counter, dispensed medications..
"And, pills and alcoholism of course."
"The Second Law of Judication" is of course addiction to tobacco."
"According to the President of...
"The Mormon and Latter Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ." "Tobacco was originally meant is a poultice...
"Or dressing on an animal's wounds."
"Now this has gotten out of control throughout man's history."
"Actually starting with the American Indians and the "Peace Pipe!"
"Now, it is smoked and snorted and there are various forms of tobacco that will get you in what is called...
"A State of Ufouria!"
"Or a State of high by smoking things such as...
"Marijuana, peyote, and of course there are other forms of highness like mushrooms, ect...
"Thee Tobacco Industry" consist of...
"The Three Big T' S."
"Which are R.J.R. Reynolds, Liggit Myers, and Philip Morris."
"Together, they contributing and control this Industry with our addictions."
"Which enables them to profit and make billions of dollars a year!"
And, they've been doing it on Tobbaco Farms now...
(In the Southern States such as South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia)
"For quite a few decades now."
"They post on their cigarette packs...
(Which they've been forced to, of course, after taking all TV commercials off)
"That smoking cigarettes can cause cancer?"
"I would love to see it revised to...
"Smoking cigarettes can and will cause cancer, other related lung disorders, and possible eventual death!"
"So that children starting around the smoking age of eight and up, can make a viable and proper decision."
"This way they don't have to suffer!"
"The next...
"Law of Judification" or "Seven Deadly Sin" is going to, through, and under the Earth with...
"The Oil Industry."
"These companies consisting of the majors like...
"Exxon, Sunoco, Shell, Gulf, Getty, and Hess."
"And, they are sucking "The Core Blood" of this planet Earth up through there various forms of drills and devices."
"And, as they are bringing it up and forward, it's being transferred...
(By Factories and Refineries)
"Into various products that are causing air, water, and land pollution!"
"Even the creation of heating oil is of course a major pollutant!"
"The Transportation Industry consisting of the Lesser...
"To the Greater...
"Going from as little as motorized bicycles, all the way up to jet airplanes...
"And these major Companies...
"On this Industry...
"Classic Example over fifthteen, years, ago?"
"The Exxon Valdez!"
"And, the animals that were rescued or destroyed in...
"The Alaska's Prince William Sound."
"Next we go into..
"The Banking iIndustry" consisting of...
"The Bank or Yank of America, Chase Your Money Away Manhattan, Soverien Sanyander," and...
"We also have, of course, the two Canadians!"
"Touch Down Your Mo ey or TD. and...
"Wells Fargo."
"By the way...
"They are not subject to State Laws cuz they're Canadian-based."
"And these Banks will take your money and make you pay it back...
(Multiple times and various decades)
"In interest!"
"It is incredible when you figure it out!"
"Even Al Capone way back in the thirties and forties...
"If you borrowed money from him...
"He wouldn't steal and take your house!"
"And, leave you homeless like Bank America or my Mortgage Company...
"He would just break your arm and leg!"
"Yes, a lesson wr need to learn!:
"And, here is the next one!"
"So, now we go into the next...
"Which is the Fifth...
"Law of Judification."
""Called the... "Telecommunication Industry!"
"Which consists of companies such as...
"In-Direct TV, I do the Dishes Network, and Comcast!"
"These TV systems and others offer various services such as Wi-Fi, and Call phone."
"With these services, we can go on the internet and tele- communicate practically free."
"And, with companies like AT and T, and Verizon, whom are supplying us with the communication of our cell phones and landlines...
"Are tapping...
"The Airways" what are up there and meant to be discovered by us from God for free?"
"But instead they are making a fortune!"
"Check your bill ladies and if you like the best of the best...
"Your current bill for those serves is astronomical!"
(Depending on how many cell phones and Land Lines your using)
"Anywhere from $125.00 to $500.00 a month!"
"Now we're going to go into the sixth...
"The Sixth Law of Judification.:
"Which is now not only petty but serious!"
"Which would be the current lack of Monopolization Laws!:
"Some Classic Examples...
"Home Your Depot, Lowe's, King Koles, Book Companies, and...
"Most Major Supermarkets!"
"The Big Boy?"
"Sam Walton with his Walmart Industry!"
"And, he's sucking dry...
"Hometown business and crippling the small companies with...
"His Massive Two Thousand Plus Stores!"
(Who could ask for anything more?"
"Shop Walmart!"
"And, thry gotz EVERYTHING!:
"From hardware, Pharmacies...
"Right up to Supermarkets!"
"And, yes...
"Walmart has it all and now we are going into the very, very, last and I saved the most important...
"One for last!"
"The Seventh and final Law of Judification" is the lack of Religion@"
"And, in "Today's Dorried World."
"Dad or mom the...
"Bread Winners will drove astronpmical distances like...
"New Jersey to New York for their serious office jobs...
"Or serious Administration jobs."
"And, they would rather duffer with the commute and make a lot of money...
"Driving back and forth!"
(Which takes a lot of hours out of the day!)
"And on "Sabbath Sunday or for them...
"It's a day of rest!"
"To be or not yo be home on the weekends?"
"That is the question?"
"Now for them, it is Sunday!"
" A day of rest but they don't look at it today...
"To honor?"
"Instead to save your Sundays watchong the various Sports on TV!:
"From Hockey, Baseball, Tennis, Basketball, to...
(Of course)
"The Sunday N.F.L. Football Game!"
"And, everybody loves that!"
"So, there you have it!"
"The Seven Laws of Judification and The Seven, Deadly, Sons" all wrapped up in one...
"N.F.L. Seadon package!"
"And, this is why the Earth....
"Our Place of Birth)
"Is revolving backwards!"
"Which will continue this way until Mankind grows up."
"Which in my terms is...
"Psychologically, Spoctological, Ill- Logically Locical!"
"Which of course is quite Enterprising?"
Approximate Word Count..
Written on November 8th, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
?<*> C. FanStory <*>?
Example Number One:
"Here kitty, kitty, kitty!" "Here kitty, kitty, kitty!" "Here kitty, kitty, here kitty, kitty!"
"Where have you been Blackie?"
I Wondered.
"I've been out with a new, stray, cat called Puss!"
"Okay Blackie, now what did you and Puss do?"
"Well Daddy, me and my new friend Puss went out!"
"And, we went to this place...
"And, he's called it...
"A Bank" I think?"
"And, and...
"He said we have to go inside and get all..
"The Greens?"
"And, with it we can get goodies!"
"And, then we can go get Foodies...
"And, Treaties...
"And, Lickie, Lickies!"
"And, then after stealing all...
"The Greenies" we burned the whole place down!"
"Bad Kitty!"
"Now Blackie, say...
"Seven Hail Kitties" and in your room for a week with no treaties!:
"Ahh, Dad?"
Example Number Two: "Ring, Ring, Ring!"
"Hello Kitty?"
"Oh, Hi Midnight and what did you say Midnight?"
I Ask.
"You went out?"
"And, yes?"
"You're with a new friend named Boots?"
"Puss's brother?"
"Oh no, trouble!"
"So what did you and Boots do?"
I Wondered.
"Did you get into trouble like your older brother Blackie?"
I Ask.
"Well Daddy, me and Boots went to the park and we saw this girl kitty named Mona and..
"And, she was running and...
"And, she wasn't running away from anything...
"So, he jumped on her and Boots raped her...
"And, he made her cry...
"And, the he bit her on her neck...
"And, she stopped breathing...
"Bad, Bad, BAD, Kitty!!"
"What did I tell you about going out and hanging out with Strays like Blackie?"
"Now say...
"Eight Hail Kitties" and no Treaties and no Foodies for a whole week!"
"Get in your room!"
Example Number Three:
"Daddy I'm home!"
"Where you been messing around with stray cats or kitties Mystery?"
"Like your brother's, Blackie and Midnight?"
I Wondered?
"No Daddy and I met a nice girl named Dalahi and she smells sweet like a flower!"
"And, she took us to this place called...
"A Concert?"
"And, and they passed around this stuff?"
"And, it was like...
"And, it was like something you swallow...
"And, we swallow it...
"And, then I started feeling really funny...
"And, Daddy...
"And, and, and...
"I started getting really, really...
"Oh, My, God!"
"I'm going to go throw up!"
"Bad Kitty!"
"Bad Kitty!"
"Go to your room and after you're done throwing up...
"No Treaties, No Foodies...
"For two, full, months!"
"But Daddy!"
"Two months?"
"The other kitties weren't treated that bad!"
Complained Mystery.
Example Number Four:
"Hi Daddy, I'm home!"
"How you been and what have you been up?"
I Asked.
"I met a new friend and he took me to this special place...
"And, we went to this place...
"And, it was really, really, really!"
"And, it was a nice place...
"And, it was like they had these things...
"And, they call them beds...
"And, there...
"And, and I...
"And, we went in the beds...
"And, we found ourselves some...
"Some new friends...
"And, their names were Missy and Tina...
"And, then Garfield said that they are our new friends...
"And, then we did something bad!"
"I am so sorry!"
"You did not do what I think you did?"
"Oh, My God!"
"You could get a disease!"
"And, I would then have to take you to the vet for a shot!"
"Right now!"
"Go to your room and don't come out!"
"And, say...
"Nine, Hail Marys and Nine Hail Kitties!"
"And, no Lickie, Lickies, or Treaties, or Foodies...
"For three months!"
"And, you better not have any diseases!"
"But Daddy?"
"In your room, NOW!"
"These are all examples of what I call...
"The Seven Laws of Judification."
"Starting with of course addictions...
"To injectable drugs... "To addictions of snorting various forms of drugs...
"To addictions of over-the-counter, dispensed medications..
"And, pills and alcoholism of course."
"The Second Law of Judication" is of course addiction to tobacco."
"According to the President of...
"The Mormon and Latter Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ." "Tobacco was originally meant is a poultice...
"Or dressing on an animal's wounds."
"Now this has gotten out of control throughout man's history."
"Actually starting with the American Indians and the "Peace Pipe!"
"Now, it is smoked and snorted and there are various forms of tobacco that will get you in what is called...
"A State of Ufouria!"
"Or a State of high by smoking things such as...
"Marijuana, peyote, and of course there are other forms of highness like mushrooms, ect...
"Thee Tobacco Industry" consist of...
"The Three Big T' S."
"Which are R.J.R. Reynolds, Liggit Myers, and Philip Morris."
"Together, they contributing and control this Industry with our addictions."
"Which enables them to profit and make billions of dollars a year!"
And, they've been doing it on Tobbaco Farms now...
(In the Southern States such as South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia)
"For quite a few decades now."
"They post on their cigarette packs...
(Which they've been forced to, of course, after taking all TV commercials off)
"That smoking cigarettes can cause cancer?"
"I would love to see it revised to...
"Smoking cigarettes can and will cause cancer, other related lung disorders, and possible eventual death!"
"So that children starting around the smoking age of eight and up, can make a viable and proper decision."
"This way they don't have to suffer!"
"The next...
"Law of Judification" or "Seven Deadly Sin" is going to, through, and under the Earth with...
"The Oil Industry."
"These companies consisting of the majors like...
"Exxon, Sunoco, Shell, Gulf, Getty, and Hess."
"And, they are sucking "The Core Blood" of this planet Earth up through there various forms of drills and devices."
"And, as they are bringing it up and forward, it's being transferred...
(By Factories and Refineries)
"Into various products that are causing air, water, and land pollution!"
"Even the creation of heating oil is of course a major pollutant!"
"The Transportation Industry consisting of the Lesser...
"To the Greater...
"Going from as little as motorized bicycles, all the way up to jet airplanes...
"And these major Companies...
"On this Industry...
"Classic Example over fifthteen, years, ago?"
"The Exxon Valdez!"
"And, the animals that were rescued or destroyed in...
"The Alaska's Prince William Sound."
"Next we go into..
"The Banking iIndustry" consisting of...
"The Bank or Yank of America, Chase Your Money Away Manhattan, Soverien Sanyander," and...
"We also have, of course, the two Canadians!"
"Touch Down Your Mo ey or TD. and...
"Wells Fargo."
"By the way...
"They are not subject to State Laws cuz they're Canadian-based."
"And these Banks will take your money and make you pay it back...
(Multiple times and various decades)
"In interest!"
"It is incredible when you figure it out!"
"Even Al Capone way back in the thirties and forties...
"If you borrowed money from him...
"He wouldn't steal and take your house!"
"And, leave you homeless like Bank America or my Mortgage Company...
"He would just break your arm and leg!"
"Yes, a lesson wr need to learn!:
"And, here is the next one!"
"So, now we go into the next...
"Which is the Fifth...
"Law of Judification."
""Called the... "Telecommunication Industry!"
"Which consists of companies such as...
"In-Direct TV, I do the Dishes Network, and Comcast!"
"These TV systems and others offer various services such as Wi-Fi, and Call phone."
"With these services, we can go on the internet and tele- communicate practically free."
"And, with companies like AT and T, and Verizon, whom are supplying us with the communication of our cell phones and landlines...
"Are tapping...
"The Airways" what are up there and meant to be discovered by us from God for free?"
"But instead they are making a fortune!"
"Check your bill ladies and if you like the best of the best...
"Your current bill for those serves is astronomical!"
(Depending on how many cell phones and Land Lines your using)
"Anywhere from $125.00 to $500.00 a month!"
"Now we're going to go into the sixth...
"The Sixth Law of Judification.:
"Which is now not only petty but serious!"
"Which would be the current lack of Monopolization Laws!:
"Some Classic Examples...
"Home Your Depot, Lowe's, King Koles, Book Companies, and...
"Most Major Supermarkets!"
"The Big Boy?"
"Sam Walton with his Walmart Industry!"
"And, he's sucking dry...
"Hometown business and crippling the small companies with...
"His Massive Two Thousand Plus Stores!"
(Who could ask for anything more?"
"Shop Walmart!"
"And, thry gotz EVERYTHING!:
"From hardware, Pharmacies...
"Right up to Supermarkets!"
"And, yes...
"Walmart has it all and now we are going into the very, very, last and I saved the most important...
"One for last!"
"The Seventh and final Law of Judification" is the lack of Religion@"
"And, in "Today's Dorried World."
"Dad or mom the...
"Bread Winners will drove astronpmical distances like...
"New Jersey to New York for their serious office jobs...
"Or serious Administration jobs."
"And, they would rather duffer with the commute and make a lot of money...
"Driving back and forth!"
(Which takes a lot of hours out of the day!)
"And on "Sabbath Sunday or for them...
"It's a day of rest!"
"To be or not yo be home on the weekends?"
"That is the question?"
"Now for them, it is Sunday!"
" A day of rest but they don't look at it today...
"To honor?"
"Instead to save your Sundays watchong the various Sports on TV!:
"From Hockey, Baseball, Tennis, Basketball, to...
(Of course)
"The Sunday N.F.L. Football Game!"
"And, everybody loves that!"
"So, there you have it!"
"The Seven Laws of Judification and The Seven, Deadly, Sons" all wrapped up in one...
"N.F.L. Seadon package!"
"And, this is why the Earth....
"Our Place of Birth)
"Is revolving backwards!"
"Which will continue this way until Mankind grows up."
"Which in my terms is...
"Psychologically, Spoctological, Ill- Logically Locical!"
"Which of course is quite Enterprising?"
Approximate Word Count..
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father followed by His Son Jesus Christ FanStory and Tom the Administrator' Fan,Art Review' this amazing and talented artist...
"Cleo 85," and her picture,, "Medusa."
one point
and 2 member cents. "Cleo 85," and her picture,, "Medusa."
Artwork by cleo85 at

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Ricky1024 has granted, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.