General Fiction posted September 25, 2024 Chapters:  ...44 45 -46- 

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Aliss makes more discoveries.

A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover

Exploring more


Murder Mystery a twisted family and a touching love story. It has it all!
Mark had to get away for a few days. He had a medical convention with The IACME (International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners) in St Louis Missouri. He would be gone 10 days. Ten days would give her plenty of time to figure out exactly what was going on in the basement. She could hardly hold her excitement while she drove him to the airport.

"I know it's a longer trip than normal, but if you stick to the schedule, everything should be just fine." Said Mark while he flipped through is schedule on his iPhone.

"Mark, I'm a grown woman. I don't need any schedule to fill my days. If you remember, I had my own place when we met. I can handle 10 days on my own." Aliss was mildly irritated but kept her voice light. It wasn't common for her to contradict what Mark would say to her.

"Hmm, getting bold, are we?" He arched an eyebrow at her. Secretly he liked this strength in her and was hoping she would assert herself even more.

Aliss, misunderstanding him responds, "I don't mean to disagree, it's just that by now you should see that I am a capable woman." She turned to him and flashed her pretty blue eyes at him, his kryptonite.

"If you don't stop this, I may make you turn this car around, take you home and give you the spanking you deserve." He gave her a playful look while he said it.

Aliss felt her body respond in the most delicious way. She liked this side of him, and it was rare that she got to see it. She blushed as she turned her eyes back to the road, "Maybe it's you that gets the spanking." She dared.

To this Mark let out a loud laugh and dropped his phone. Soon enough Aliss was laughing along with him and the two enjoyed the feeling for a few minutes more.

At the airport Mark hugged his wife and kissed her like he used to when they were dating. Aliss melted and felt all the butterflies in her stomach again. She loved this side of him..

"Wow husband, any more of that and Mac with have a sibling." She blushed at him.

"We shall see when I return, wife." He said to her. He loved her in a comfortable way, but when she took out her sassy side he practically buzzed with love and affection.

One final hug and Mark was on his way. Aliss was going to miss him and the anticipation of his return hummed along her spine.

She got back beside the car and her smile disappeared as just then she felt an unpleasant shiver run up her back, then along her arms the little hairs raised up. This feeling was almost like a warning. She took a quick glance around her before climbing back into the car.

Soon enough and Aliss was on the highway headed back home. She had a couple of more hours before she would have to pick Mac up from school and she wanted to get into the office's closet one more time. She wanted to see if there were any more little secrets she could find.

When she opened the front door of the house, Goldie came trotting up to her with her tail wagging.

"Ok, Ok Goldie, hello, hello" She stroked the dogs' soft fur and patted its side.

She went downstairs, unlocked the office door and this time didn't close it behind her, she was alone and so there was no threat of her husband walking in. She walked straight back to the desk. In the back of the bottom right drawer is the small box, she gets it open quickly. She thinks she is getting quite deft at handling the lock pick she had.

As soon as the closet is open, she grabs the stack of file folders, taking a few, puts the rest back, she returns to the desk to look inside them. There are legal files inside, purchase agreements and deeds to property, and contracts and what looked like a law suit or legal agreement. As she looks through them, she notices that they are all copies, none are originals. There are companies that she had never heard of and corporations that had purchased land. None of the names were any she knew or that she was aware her husband knew. What in the world was going on? She was so confused. Why is he holding all of these documents, where did he get them and why is he hiding all of this from her?

She carefully returned the files back inside the folders and put them back on the shelf. She was moving things around and sifting through stacks of files and small boxes, when she sees it. One shoe box on the bottom shelf labelled 'Corrine'.

She walks back to the desk with the blue Nike box. She dusts off the top with her hand without even thinking about disturbing the dust. She opens it and inside are photographs, notes, cards and a lock of bright red hair.

Aliss sits back with a sigh. Does she really want to know what this is? Is her husband having an affair? Is this one of the patients that have a file in the drawer? Is there something else going on that she doesn't know?

She is filled with different feelings, anger, curiosity, sadness, excitement and underneath it all, electrified. None of this was going to stop her from looking inside even more.

She pulled out a few photographs. In one is a stunning red head standing with her arms around a younger Mark. It seems this is a woman from his past. Ok, that's a relief. In the background are a few other people, some looking at the camera. One is a younger version of Manuel. On the back of the photo is written. 'Sometime around April'. Other photographs include one on a beach with the red-head that Aliss assumed was Corrine. Some with Mark and some with Manuel amongst other people Aliss didn't know.

She puts the photographs back and opens one of the cards. It's a birthday card to Mark. Inside the card in handwriting reads, 'To Mark, My love always, Corrine.'

'Why do I feel jealous?' Aliss thought to herself. 'It's silly, it was before he met me.'

Underneath all of the pictures and cards is a tri folded document. Aliss takes this out and opens it. On the top is the company name 'Bond Investigations'.

She reads more. It is a missing person search. The investigator lists all the efforts used to find Corrine O'Neil. It was quite detailed, listing hospitals, police departments, flights, busses, previous known address. Last known work place. Interviews with friends and co-workers. Apparently, she was an orphan as no one was able to find any living relatives. This report covered several months and the conclusion was that either the lady left back to Ireland or that she genuinely didn't want to be found.

Suddenly, Bang! Aliss pulled out of her musings, jumped out of her skin. The dog had pulled a box down off of the shelf. Aliss packed up the shoebox, all except for the private detectives' report. She thought maybe, if they were still in business that she would have a little visit to the office. She might be able to get them to tell her more about this Corrine O'Neil.

After closing up the closet and the downstairs office, Aliss slipped the report into her purse and headed out the door.

sometimes changes in a relationship make it all better
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