General Poetry posted March 14, 2024 Chapters:  ...50 51 -52- 54... 

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For Carol Hillebrenner

A chapter in the book Birthdays

Happy 78 years Young

by Debi Pick Marquette

When young, so frail, but curious

Carol adored her time with dad

On cars, engines, the two would fuss

Both loved whatever time they had

In college met a hometown guy

Then she would later marry him 

In Colorado's rocky high

They taught, and on adventure whim

They moved back home to Illinois 

Where they would teach and also farm

Their three adopted kids brought joy 

I guess three really is a charm

Of six grandkids, four they would raise

Plus they have four great grandchildren

And for her church she would write plays

"You are the Christ," she'd written ten

The short stories and plays she'd write 

Were mostly when kids were at school

And when we all felt Covid's bite

She joined FanStory's writing pool

Her first novel was Stars and Seeds

She wrote 51 years ago 

And we will have more awesome reads

At FanStory when here she'll show

Carol, you are Seventy Eight

And for your party we will stay

To sing and help you celebrate 

And wish with love, Happy Birthday



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