General Fiction posted May 23, 2021 | Chapters: |
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As if a hurricane wasn't enough to deal with!
A chapter in the book Betrayal
Betrayal Chapter 33
by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Book of the Month Contest Winner

End of part 32
Closing the bathroom door, he carried on inspecting the rooms until he’d checked them all. He glanced at his watch; it was time to get back with the others. How long it took the eye to pass over, he hadn’t the foggiest idea. An hour? Two?
Joining the others, Grant was alarmed to find Tania comforting Latifah, and Peter standing, ashen faced, looking lost and for the first time in his life, unsure of what to do.
‘What’s happened?’ Grant stared at Latifah, standing up, one hand on her tummy and the other pressing into her back.
‘She’s having contractions,’ Tania explained. ‘It is most likely a false alarm due to the stress she’s under. I’ve heard it’s quite common in such situations.’
She spoke lightly, but Grant could see she was trying hard to keep everyone calm, including herself.
Part 33
Grant’s jaw dropped. This was one situation he’d never had to deal with before. He stole a look at Peter hoping to see him more in control. He wasn’t—if anything, he was losing it completely.
Taking a deep breath, he waded in. ‘Peter, how about you take over from Tania so I can show her where everything is?’
Tania cottoned on immediately. ‘What a good idea. Yes, Peter, come and sit with Latifah. She needs your hand more than mine, and it will help to have you by her side.’ She looked at Latifah and grinned. ‘You can squeeze his hand as hard as you like.’
‘Oh, yeah ... right … okey-dokey—’ Peter stopped as he heard himself, and cringed, shaking his head. ‘What the hell is wrong with me? I’m acting like a frightened kid. Of course I’ll take over. Come on, love. Why don’t you lie down on your side, and I’ll give your back a massage?' He gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head, then helped her onto the sofa-bed to get into position. ‘That’s the ticket. Everything is going to be fine.’
Grant and Tania watched for a moment and then Grant turned and caught Tania’s eye. ‘If it’s alright with you, perhaps I can persuade you to make us all a nice cup of tea. I’d make it, but as Peter knows, I’m useless in the kitchen—I even manage to burn water—trust me, it’s true!’ he said when Tania gave him a look that spoke volumes. ‘Isn’t that right, Peter? I’m sure Latifah would love one, I know I would.’
If my memory serves me right, tea is not only refreshing it also helps steady the nerves. ‘Shout if you need us,’ Grant told them as he led Tania away.
There wasn’t much to show. When he had the underground room added to the plans, he’d prepared for the worst case scenario, that being the house collapsing upon them. He ensured they’d survive if they needed to be dug out. At a very early age, he’d always thought ahead of what might possibly happen rather than get caught out in any situation, and it had saved his bacon many times whilst in the forces.
‘This is the kitchen, such as it is,’ he said, grinning. He went on to show her the stocked cupboards of tinned food, and the freezer full of ready-made meals that Latifah had cooked.
‘She changes them over every few months so they will still be good in an emergency. So far, we’ve never had to stay down here longer than a few hours. Hopefully, that will also apply today.’
‘You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?’ Tania moved around the small kitchen checking out all the important items Grant had added before picking up the kettle and filling it with water from the bottles that were kept in the fridge. ‘I’m worried about Latifah,’ she said when she’d put it on one of the portable gas rings. ‘I don’t think those were false alarms. How long do you think this hurricane will last?’
‘I haven’t the foggiest idea. I’ve never been in one as bad as this. Thankfully, the house is standing up to it well. If it comes to it, what are you like at delivering babies?’
Tania nearly choked. ‘Me? I don’t think I’ve ever held a newborn baby, let alone delivered one! What are you like?’
‘I thought it would be natural for a woman.’ He realised he’d said the wrong thing when he saw her eyes spark with indignation. 'Sorry, that was a stupid, and very sexist, thing to say. But like you, I’ve never held a baby, either. Don’t worry, we’ll muddle through.’
‘Muddle through? Honestly! Anyone would think Latifah was baking a cake! Come on, let’s finish making this tea and get back. I want to time how long it is between contractions. I’ve watched quite a few hospital dramas on the television and it appears the closer they come, the closer the baby is to being born—’
‘Hell! What was that?’
Tania stopped what she was doing. The agonising cry of pain curdled her mind. ‘You sort the tea out, I’ll go to Latifah!’ she ordered, before spinning on her heel and dashing off.
Latifah’s head was cradled on Peter’s lap as he mopped her brow. Both heads turned, their eyes filled with obvious relief, as Tania came back in. Tania knew then she had to take control, even though she hadn’t a clue what to do. She tried to penetrate her memory box to search for a television scene that would help her through this.
‘I think we should start timing your contractions,’ she said, surprising herself at how calm she sounded. She checked her watch and made a note of the time. ‘It might be a good idea if we turn this into a bed now so we can make you more comfortable. Can you stand up for a while?’
Latifah nodded and smiled weakly, then Peter gently lifted his wife’s head off his lap and stood to help her up. ‘Ready, love?’
Latifah nodded again and held her arms out and Peter got into position. Tania moved forward to help as well, putting her arm under Latifah’s and around her back so she could take some of the weight. ‘Lean on us,’ she told her. ‘That’s it. Okay, Peter, let’s get your wife up so we can make this bed for her.’ She could see the effort was starting to tell on her. Beads of sweat glistened on Latifah’s forehead.
Just then, Grant came in with a tray of tea. He quickly took in the situation, and put the tray down. ‘Hold on, I’ll sort the sofa out.’ In less than a minute it became a bed. Pillows and sheets were underneath in the storage drawer, and soon it was ready for Latifah to lay on.
‘Let’s get you down, sweetheart.’ He took over from Tania, and she went off to get some cool water to wipe Latifah’s face.
Peter had no sooner puffed up the pillow for her to lay her head on, when she cried out, grabbing his hand as another pain shot through her.
Tania glanced at her watch. Five minutes. This wasn’t good. She quickly filled a bowl with water and grabbed a cloth before going back.
As if she believed Tania was able to deliver her baby, Latifah caught her hand just as she was about to wipe her forehead, and looked, pleadingly, into her eyes. ‘My baby … she will be good, yes? It is too early for her to be born, but she is a strong baby…’
Tania threw a glance at Grant. He and Peter were watching her, waiting for the answer. Dear God! Please help me do this right. Please, don’t let this baby die before she has had a chance to live.
‘I am going to do my very best to help this very impatient little baby girl come into the world. And if you haven’t already decided, perhaps you’d like to spend a few minutes thinking up a name. Patience or Storm, sound like good ones to me!’ Tania gave a chuckle, trying hard to lighten the nervous tension in the room, and was rewarded with a giggle from Latifah.
It would have been fine had the hurricane not decided to choose that moment to crash through the wall on the other side of the eye. The noise was horrendous.
Latifah screamed in agony as another contraction speared her body. ‘I think she’s coming!’
Tania Russell - Female 25-years-old, 5’2 long natural blonde with glints like warm honey when caught in the sun, expressive sapphire eyes that would flare or sparkle depending on her mood. Smooth, fair complexion. Qualified architect. Orphaned at 3-years-old. Brought up by the family of:
Monica Fox - Female 30-years-old, 5’6 raven-black curly hair, deep-brown eyes. Very protective and loyal towards Tania. Qualified accountant. Foster-sister of Tania.
Grant Blake - Male 32-years-old, 6’4 thick beach-blond hair, olive-green eyes. Owner and chairman of Thistlegate Enterprises. Brought up by his grandfather after his widowed mother walked away to marry a wealthy man. His own father died in action in Africa.
Colin Harding - Grant’s half brother. 28-years-old, 6’2 white-blond hair. Pale-blue eyes. Artificial tan. He has an IED, (intermittent explosive disorder.) He kidnapped Tania and caused her major injuries.
Lorna Main - Female 52-years-old. Been with the company for thirty years. Company director and shareholder of Thistlegates
Margaret Lane - Grant’s receptionist.
Marilyn Harding - Colin’s mother. 56-years-old. Out of the bottle brunette. Steel-grey eyes. Also, Grant’s mother but they both refuse to acknowledge the other.
Jeff (Jefferson) Horner - Male ex SAS now works for Grant. Protecting Monica and perhaps a romantic development?
Reg Fielding - Male ex SAS works for Grant. Experienced at getting into the most impossible places.
Carl Young - Male ex SAS works for Grant. Strong, won’t shy away from anything.
Shadow - ex SAS so named due to his ability to move about unseen.
Peter Shore - Male, Grant’s friend and handyman. Lives on Grant’s Bahama island. Married to:
Latifah Shore - Female, pregnant. Housekeeper. Also a friend of Grant’s
Isabella Sanchez - Female; cook at Grant’s Bahama home.
Max Cannon-alias-Rapier - Cold blooded killer who hires his services to anyone who can afford him.
![]() Book of the Month Contest Winner |
![]() Recognized |
If you see any nits, please tell me. You know what my brain is like at the moment. :( xxxx

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