Reviews from

Arthur Miller

Master Playwright of his Age

36 total reviews 
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've educated me again. I guess I knew so little about American playwrights. But I did see Dustin Hoffman play in Death of a Salesman and it was a powerful performance. I had forgotten the marriage to Marilyn Monroe. What a time that was in American history with the FBI monitoring people even like Helen Keller because of the fear of communism/socialism.

 Comment Written 31-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much, Helen for your kind review and thoughtful comments! I started off not liking him very much but he's really grown on me. Apart from the fact that he refused to visit his Downe's Syndrome son, incarcerated in a hospital. His son-in-law, Daniel Day Lewis, tried to persuade him but he wouldn't go. After a lifetime of supporting the underdog, he seriously let himself down on this. Debbie
Comment from Wendyanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an extremely fascinating, educational piece of well written poetry in which you inform the reader about the life and works of Arthur Miller. I have heard of him and his work but apart from that I knew very little about him. An enjoyable read!

 Comment Written 31-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 31-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much, Wendyanne, for your kind review! I'm delighted you enjoyed and learned something from it. That means a lot to me. Debbie
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Fantastic ending line, almost a morale really.

Okay, I am embarrassed to admit, this is the first time I had no clue of who your subject was. None. Never heard of him. Oh my!

Thanks to your poem and detailed notes, I now how a decent grasp of the man.

Thank you!

 Comment Written 31-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 31-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much, Doug, for your kind review and thoughts! I'm delighted you learned something about him because I think he was, essentially, a very principled and talented playwright. Debbie
Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fantastic tribute poem!!!A work worthy of Arthur Miller himself! We are all called to different things and write from our respective backgrounds and world views, but I often wish I could write like Arthur Miller did. At the beginning of the year, when I was sickest, I completed a theatrical play. The title: "The Book Of No More Man". Guess where it went? Nowhere but in my collection of other work that will probably go nowhere.
By the way, just a question: If Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable had lived and made a couple of other films, do you think MISFITS would still have attained its notoriety?

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2023
    Again, thank you, Jim! Yes, he turns out to be a very principled and passionate playwright, very tuned in to social changes and the individual's struggle to live the Dream. I've never seen The Misfits. Monroe is supposed to be very good in it. But death always helps critical acclaim I think, don't you? Debbie
reply by jim vecchio on 31-Oct-2023

    oh, yes, that's why many have written about artists dying and their paintings gaining in value. Your words re valuable, though, and I'm glad you're alive to write more!
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debbie,'
This is yet another well done poetic biography showing us his work s echoed his life. You have good photos as bookends to this poem.
Keep writing and stay healthy.
Hope you had a good Monday and enjoy the rest of the week.

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2023
    Dear Joan, thank you so much for this! The 'photo' at the end should be a video...unless I've done something horribly wrong. Take care Debbie
reply by dragonpoet on 31-Oct-2023
    Don't mention it, Debbie. No worries, it is a video.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There's not enough sixes on here, especially at month's end. Please accept my high five with compliments. Marvelous poem of the life of Playwright, Arthur Miller. I don't think you left out a thing, my talented friend. Thank you for the video too. You know I enjoy those.

Sending you my best today as always, and best wishes for your writing day.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2023
    Thank you again, Sally! He was quite a literary genius and I was impressed by his deep-rooted values and social awareness. Take care Debbie xos
Comment from Paul McFarland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very good biographical poem, Debbie. The video was very informative. I had only a brief exposure to Miller's life, but this video and your poem gave me a good look at this man.

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much, Paul! As ever, I appreciate your thoughts on this man who certainly grew on me during my reading. Take care Debbie PS How's life on that bench of yours?
reply by Paul McFarland on 30-Oct-2023
    Life is a little chilly on my bench these days. It will be November in a couple of days.
Comment from Paul Manton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you, Debbie - for the poem and the incredibly helpful notes.
Yes, Arthur Miller was and is one of the all time greats - I know I have seen most of the plays and the Misfits several times - and the film made of The Crucible is quite terrifying. I imagine though that the McCarthy 'witch-hunts' were much more so. I can't remember whether or not Miller was indicted - but many famous names were being put under immense pressure.

We are lucky to have playwrights who stick up for the little people against society and big business. How else would most of us have a voice? That Miller could do this in such an artistic way shows him to be a true genius.

And it is a shame that Marilyn and Miller were forced apart by the pressures of fame and state interference. I am completely convinced by now that Monroe was murdered by a doctor on the government payroll. The evidence is overwhelming. If Kennedy didn't order it, then the FBI did it to 'protect' him. A nasty business!

Thank you, Debbie, for educating us again into the significance of this literary genius.


 Comment Written 30-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much, Paul, for your kind review and, as ever, very fulsome thoughts which are greatly appreciated! Yes, he was convicted of contempt but won on appeal. A principled man, an intellectual and, as you say, a literary genius. Thanks so much for your time and informed comments, especially about Marilyn Monroe's death. I'd love to know more. Take care Debbie x
reply by Paul Manton on 30-Oct-2023
    There was a recent documentary on UK tv which seemed to give ample evidence of 'intervention' when Marilyn was found in a coma (?) Not dead - until the doctor insisted he had a way of saving her and made everyone else leave the room.
    Similar documentaries suggest Kennedy was killed by an accidental shot from an FBI car just behind the President's - a lot of hushing up by the FBI afterwards meant that no one had access to the full examination details - or the bullets fired.
    Worth looking for those.
    Best wishes from Paul
Comment from nomi338
This work has reached the exceptional level

How dare you have looks, smarts and appeal that swamps a powerful enemy. Add to that, the thought that you are bedding one of the most desirable females on the planet, A female who would not give your enemy the time of day. As all writers know or at least suspect, it is not that difficult to misrepresent what a writer has written, to make that writer seem like the worst type of individual on earth. Especially, if that powerful, and hateful enemy has the ear of the government.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2023
    Oh wow, Nomi! You've done it again! You've said it all in a nutshell so powerfully and eloquently. I started off, not particularly liking Miller but, by the end of my reading, I had such admiration for him. A genuine, thinking man who learned from his family's experience and always represented the struggle of the common man against the unbending weight of the State. Thank you so much, Nomi, as ever, for being such a wonderful support and encouragement. You're greatly appreciated. Debbie x
Comment from jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level

What can I say other then what you are presenting to us regarding playwrights each week is amazing. Your tales, rhyme scheme are all spot on.

I find these posts entertaining and very informative as other than when I was in high school (only a few years Bach, haha) I would not have read of these entertainers.

Keep up these fine posts.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much, John! I'm just about to pack it in for the night here but your words have really made my day (and it's my birthday). I'm absolutely delighted that these posts mean a lot to you. Because that means a heck of a lot to me:)) Take care Debbie
reply by jmdg1954 on 29-Oct-2023
    I hope you had a wonderful day and a slightly belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY....

    All the best wishes for you!