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Carolyn's Corner

Viewing comments for Chapter 26 "Biker Babe and Her Man"
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21 total reviews 
Comment from MizKat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Carolyn,

This is a cute story about taking a ride with your husband. I liked the whole short story, but my favorite part is the line written in capital letters.


 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    Thanks Kat, more grannies should be biker babes.. That was spontaneous and a hilarious memory. I am so glad you liked it. Carolyn
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

do you want to go for a ride? - add question mark
complimentary lipstick - complementary
I, on the other hand, - add second comma
You express your feelings effectively - you have an engaging narrative style
get to told - too old
Hey, grannies can be anything they set out to be, as this biker babe story shows :-) Brooke

 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    Thanks Brooke for the edits and the enjoyment you received. :-) Carolyn
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Fun story. Keep enjoying the things your love. Good narrative voice that carries a hint of humor and joy throughout the story and makes for an engaging read. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    I am so glad this brought a smile. Thanks for the review and rating. Carolyn
Comment from GE Parson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


A special Breed are these
All dressed in leather,
Some are loners,
Some with others gather.

In all nationalities and colors,
In all sizes and shapes,
You see them in every city
All across the United States.

Some wear a helmet,
Others just a head band,
Still others you'll see bare headed
Letting their hair blow in the wind.

Some straddle big Hondas,
Others wrap their legs around Kawasaki's,
A few you'll see riding a tricycle,
But many (and perhaps the most) straddle Harleys.

It matters not
What the weather is like,
You will see these special breeds,
All year long riding their bikes

These special breeds
often Ride for a cause,
Raising money for cancer,
Helping out old Santa Clause.

Now a small percentage of bikers,
You have to trod around them careful
They run in groups, and are
Sometimes rather fearful.

A trucker man had just received
his food order, and had not touched a thing,
In walked some bikers
Thought they'd have fun with him,

They grabbed his coffee, took his plate,
Through it all he didn't raise a hand,
As they laughed and ate his food,
They said he's not much of a man,

The waitress over heard them
She looked out the door and got the giggles,
Nor was he much of a truck driver either, said she
Because he just ran over six motor sickles!

With that story I close this poem;
I'm a'gonna straddle my bike
and peddle on home.
By G. E. Parson

 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    Too funny LOL .. We aren't mean bikers, more like Sunday drivers. Actually we did ride to worship one time on the bike. We had been out of a Sunday afternoon and stopped by a small
    cofC just in time for service. Thanks Jerry for sharing such a fun poem. Carolyn
Comment from Sagnik Das
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And OMG!! I don't have a 'six' to bestow you on this - can you believe it?! HELL! ....
What a Romantic treatise, this, Carolyn! (made even warmer by the ardor of your narrative) - the prospect in itself sounds 'enticing' enough to strike a note, somewhere deep within - & remain entrenched ..... virtually forever.

Here one finds a heartfelt treatise of contentment & true love, ( just the kind I have searched for , all throughout this rather short-lived life, but to no avail ... LOL... ), written impeccably - deep from the very core, I can say, of an altruistic heart, which I know you possess. I am overwhelmed to perceive the vibrant ease of narrative, getting remarkably shifted from Omniscient narrator (the author), to a more occasional 1st person narrative (protagonist) - [in this case you both - with a dialogue or two into the bargain!], which you achieve so stupendously in the intermediate half, that were I a literary editor, I could never have been able to perform a single thing in the world with contentment, before accepting your piece! this is SPLENDID! Mere words are all we have, but they shall never suffice on my behalf to commend you wholeheartedly.

The most promising aspect I love thereof, is the joyous undertone of warmth & empathy, combined with your vivid descriptive eloquence (often poetic enough to enchant the reader 'unwarrantedly") [LOL], which persists all throughout, managing thereby, to transform the reader to some alternate realm of happiness & retrospection (as though the reader were him/herself a part of your joyous expedition, enjoying the serenity of each blissful moment through the ardor of your words ....

And as regards that complimentary reception at 'The Vintage', I won't dare indite a word here! (LOL), for, if I do, I might as well have to sound like one of those peevish teenagers - the way they use their 'modulations', you know, to applaud a situation as such (ooooooooh!), & associative expressions likewise! ...

Nevertheless, I won't detain you anymore with all my incoherent ravings, but would simply conclude by resonating this vociferously :

OUTSTANDING WORK, Carolyn! ("a thing of beauty is a joy forever"!) - John Keats ...

 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    You astound me. I so enjoy your reviews. Not only do I find them helpful, but, if I am ever a little off on my attitude, you take care of that right away. I smile from beginning to end. The ride out to the Vintage is one of the most serene and beautiful roads we are blessed to travel. We don't get the bike out often, but when we do it is always memorable. BTW, the bike matches the helmets, or vice versa. And yes, I really did have to practice, a lot, to get on that thing without falling on my tush. Larry and I have laughed until we almost cried at our own antics. Therein lies the joy of love. :-) My best to you my friend, Love, Carolyn
Comment from david bell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Myself, I've never care about bikes. Maybe it's because I never even learn to ride a bicycle. Either way, please be careful and wear a helmet.

 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    Yes sir, we do, I couldn't do it by myself if my life depended on it. I just 'go along for the ride'. And yes, Larry is very cautious and mindful of our surroundings. We always wear helmets, it's the law in our state. Thanks David for reading and reviewing this one, Carolyn
Comment from Maureen's Pen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Carolyn,
This is a great story - I loved reading it. A big kid at heart keeps us young. Well penned, light and fun.
Thanks for sharing it.

 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    You are welcome Maureen, Larry and I have a lot of fun together. We are blessed. (A wee-bit dangerous at times, :-)) but blessed. Love you, Carolyn
Comment from Millibrad
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice story. The applause and cheers when you arrived at the restaurant had to be heartwarming. What a wonderful outing.
I like the way you describe the countryside, beginning with "We took the back roads and marveled . . ."
However, I do think it would have been better to say "We took the back roads and I marveled . . ." since you are the narrator and marvel implies an inner sense of wonderment. This is just a tiny thing, but nevertheless, something to consider.

 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    'Twill do, I like that. I write like I talk so probably would have said it that way or we marveled, as we point and nod and laugh annnnnnnnnd as we ride. I can tell you enjoyed the story and that you read it with a good eye, thanks, Carolyn
Comment from SHIRLEY LEE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story is simple and likable. I was waiting for a punch line at the end, something I could say, "Never expected that." Oh well! I still enjoyed it. Shirl

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 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    Hi Shirley, (a favorite name, I have a sister Shirley) I am glad you enjoyed the true story. I think I will move my author note as the 'punch line'. Make memories you want to keep. :-)Carolyn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"... our Motorcycle WHY CAPITALIZED?
Never use 'started' Use 'began' Bikes start, people don't.

A lighthearted response to the joys of motor bike riding as seem through the eyes of a 'Granny'.


 Comment Written 19-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    Just seemed the thing to do. :-) I will correct it right now. I'm glad you found this to be fun. Thanks for the edit, I appreciate you, Carolyn
reply by STEPHEN A CARTER on 19-Sep-2013
    Dear C: Last time I was on a bike was 45 years midnight, in the rain, seated behind a maniac in a 750 Norton..never again!!

    XX Steve C
reply by the author on 19-Sep-2013
    Now that was a bike-mare, I mean night mare, not a good experience. If it starts raining we stop riding. Too funny! :-)Carolyn