Fantasy Fiction posted February 13, 2017

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Sir Giric Solicits Allies

Creating Allies

by Thesis

"Lord Lochlan, King of the Highland Dragons, I come in peace and to ask for your alliance against an enemy neither of us have encountered before," Sir Giric stated.

"Why should I trust you, human? You've killed hundreds of my kind, stolen our female's eggs, and destroyed our caves. Now you ask for an alliance? Again, I ask, why should I trust you?"

"Lochlan, you have every reason to not trust humans. But I ask you to examine my history with Dragons. Have I ever been involved in any action that would threaten or harm your kind? I know Dragons have the ability to see the goodness in a man's heart. So, please scan mine for your answers. If you do not like what you see, I alone would be no match for you, and you could easily extinguish my life."

"Your heart is pure, Giric, but, there are many of your kind that are not worthy of my consideration. Why should I put my kind in harm's way for them?"

"Aye, Lochlan, what you say is true and I cannot answer. All I can tell you is that none of us are safe. I urge you to consider this alliance so that both of our species can continue to live and prosper. We are facing an enemy like no other. They are called Necktars and have reemerged from banishment hundreds of years ago. They threaten all they encounter. They are on their way to Ashthorne Manor to eliminate the human race, and then they will destroy any living thing in their way."

"Giric, I will fly over your territory and assess this threat for myself. I am not agreeing to anything, but I respect your courage for coming alone into Dragon Territory to discuss this with me. Go back to your castle. If I agree with your assessment of the threat, I will visit you at Ashthorne Manor."

"So be it, Lord Lochlan. I await your visit."

The journey back to Ashthorne Manor took several days. While alone, I noticed I was being followed, not closely, but near enough that I was aware. On the second day, I decided to find out just who was following me, and why.

At dusk, I found shelter in a rock outcropping and built a fire for warmth, wrapped myself in a heavy woolen shawl and pretended to sleep. Focusing on the silence, I almost dozed off. That's when I heard it. A twig snapped gently from someone stepping on it near the tree line. Clutching my sword, I waited until I saw an object advancing toward me before I jumped to my feet, broadsword extended.

The object hesitated as I knocked it to the ground with my forearm. As the object hit the ground, it rolled left and I was able to identify it as a female.

"Identify yourself before I run you through."

A timid voice replied, "I am trying to find Sir Giric."

"And what business do you have with him?"

"My father, King MacFey, has been attacked on his way to aid Sir Giric at Ashthorne Manor. He asked that I find him and plead for him to send knights to aid our defense.

"I do not know of this King you speak about. Where is this place you wish to have Giric travel to?"

Before she could answer, a dragon silently landed behind the girl. It looked back and forth between Giric and the girl. Without warning, it leaned over the girl, opened its mouth and bit the girl in half. I had no time to react. I watched as black goo poured out from her torso. Swallowing her upper half, the dragon fixed his gaze on me.

'Sir Giric, I am Seamus, son of Lochlan. He asked that I make sure you leave our land without incident. I have been tracking this creature for several days. It is a shape shifter. When I first saw it, it was a massive warrior, roughly three meters high and wore stone armor. It then turned into a deer when it sensed danger and while it was tracking you yesterday. When I hovered above you tonight I saw it change again into the girl's form and listened as it spoke to you. I communicated this to my father telepathically already. He has instructed me to fly you and your horse back to Ashthorne Castle immediately."

"I owe you a debt that I hope to be able to repay, Seamus."

"My father tells me the invaders are many and can be seen for miles. I am to take you back, now. There is one more thing, Giric."

"What is it?"

"My father said you will have one hundred battle dragons on the morrow to aid your defense of Ashthorne Manor."

"That is good news, Seamus. I owe your father a debt of gratitude."

"My father senses you will become a King in the very near future. I wonder, Sir Giric, will you remember those who have helped you defeat these invaders once you become a ruler? "

"Seamus, I never forget a friend or an ally who stands beside me in battle. I will do the same in a heartbeat for them if they ever require it."

"It's easy to say that now Giric, but would you fight against other humans if they attacked Dragons?"

"Seamus, your father, and I are honorable. It doesn't matter what race or species we are. It matters that we respect life, family, and doing the right thing. If we commit to another that we will do something, our bond is made and we will fulfill our promise. To answer more directly, yes, without hesitation, I would fight other humans if they attack your clan."

"Then we shall fight your enemy together, Giric. Gather your things and I will take you to Ashthorne Manor this night. We must hurry; my father just informed me that several thousand Necktars are advancing on your outer ring, undetected. Several Fire Dragons will accompany us to keep the invaders at bay, until you can alert your knight's.

The Ashthorne Manor collection is one I've been working on for several years. I'm compiling stories that I will thread together and turn into a book at some point.

Sir Giric is a trusted Knight of Ashthorne Manor, one who will eventually become King of the Scottish Highlands. He is a war strategist, but a very compassionate knight who believes in doing what is right. He will bring together a formidable defense from many lands to ensure that the Necktars are not successful in annihilating the human race.

Photo Credit: Adobe Stock Photos
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