Young Adult Fiction posted July 19, 2014 Chapters:  ...45 46 -47- 

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Rory comes to understand himself.

A chapter in the book Sins of My Father



15 year old Rory French is trying to figure out who he is and why life seems so unfair.
One month into chemo and radiation treatments, and Grandma Carolyn has started to lose her hair. I get Charla to give me a buzz cut. After I shower off, I cut through the woods and go see Grandma Carolyn.

She's sitting in my granddad's recliner, an afghan draped across her. She looks pale, her skin appears loose on her face. She has always been considered a pretty woman, with her blond hair and blue eyes.

As I watch her dozing off now, I see the effects of the 'cure'. Seeing her now, is like looking at a faded photograph. Very rarely does she have the energy to put on makeup and what little hair she has left, is mussed and dry looking.

"You can wake her up, Rory," Granddad says as he comes out of the kitchen with a cup of soup.

"She looks tired."

"She always looks tired now. Doctor says that's how chemo does its magic. Goes in and kills the good cells right along with the bad. Go on, wake her up. She needs to eat something."

Gently, I touch her shoulder. "Grandma, wake up. It's lunch time."

She wakes with a little start. "I'm sorry, Rory. I didn't know you were here. I must have..." She squints and touches my temple. "Rory Dean, junior. What did you do to your hair?"

"Cut it."

"But why? Why on earth would you cut that beautiful hair?"

"It's just hair."

"But it was so thick and pretty."

"It'll grow back," I say. "Just like yours will." I reach out and lightly run my hand over her thin strands.

I sit with Grandma Carolyn while Granddad runs to town for some groceries and a couple of other things. She eats most of her soup and then I help her walk out to the yard.

"How's school?" she asks.

"Good. I'm pretty sure I'm getting an A in Chemistry."

"That's good," she says. She shivers in the March wind and I step closer, putting my arm around her.

"You know, Dad isn't real good with words, but he's been worried about you."

She nods her head slightly. "I know."

"He loves you, whether he can say it or not. Just like with Charla. He loves her, but it's like he's afraid or something."

"I've always hoped something would come of those two. He has trust issues with women. I'm suppose I'm the reason behind that."

"He's not angry with you or Granddad anymore."

She looks up at me and then reaches to slide her palm across my cheek. "I know, Rory."

Everybody at school seems to think my new look is pretty cool, especially when I tell them I did it for Grandma Carolyn.

Even Cassie comes up to me in the hall while I'm at my locker swapping out notebooks.

"Your hair looks really good. You look a lot older now," she says. She leans against the locker next to mine. Her black t-shirt is tight and she flips her hair letting me get a whiff of her shampoo.

I could lose myself in the smell, but then I remember our ill-fated date and the aroma fades.

"I may look older, but I'm still fifteen and I still don't have a license."

"I'm sorry about what happened. I just really thought Boyd liked me."

"Here's the thing. You knew I liked you. You just made a choice."

She starts looking at me with big doe eyes. It would have worked a couple of months ago. I would have melted and followed her around like a puppy dog. Not anymore.

She playfully runs her hand across the top of my head. I should pull away, but I don't. Honestly, it feels good and I like her fawning over me for a change. But even so, it doesn't change the fact I'm not hung up on her now.

"I gotta go," I say.

"Rory, is there any way we can start over?" she asks.

"Uh, no. You had a chance to date me. You chose Boyd. You made the wrong choice."

I walk away, smiling as I imagine the stunned look on her face.

"Rory," she yells. "You're making a big mistake."

I don't bother to turn around.

"I don't think so," I call back over my shoulder. "As a matter of fact, this is one of the smartest things I've done in a long time."

I've been spending all my free time with Grandma Carolyn. She has her good days and her bad days. On the bad days, she cries and sleeps, intermittently.

The good days I have come to treasure. She tells me about her life when she was a young girl. She told me how she met Granddad, when he drove through her line at the bank. She's even told me about the 'hell years' when Granddad drank and hurt my daddy and Carole Ann ran away.

I've learned a lot about where I come from... who I come from. I've come to terms with my doomed relationship with Kathleen. Besides I have enough mothers, what with Grandma Carolyn, Charla, and Miss Denise. They all love me and I am truly blessed.

The French name has never been good in this county. But I aim to change that.

All in all, I uncovered my roots. And I'll be the first to admit they are dirty. Maybe that's okay. Roots aren't supposed to be pretty. That's why they stay underground. They do their part, and it's the bloom that shines.

I'd like to say I'm pretty proud of my roots. At least now that I know where I come from, I can say I have a better idea where I'm headed.

Oh, and if you're looking for a happy ending, get this. Cassie has been calling me and begging me to go out. I am definitely tempted but I plan on holding out a little longer.

Now, how's that for karma.


Book of the Month contest entry


Feedback. Please and thank you. This is the final installment in Rory's story. Thank you for coming along for the ride.
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