Luna's Form Poetry
Viewing comments for Chapter 15 "The Juggler"a place to gather my poetic forms
27 total reviews
Comment from rspoet
Hello Luna,
A fun Rispetto poem with excellent meter and rhymes to the form
The clown did his job well, bringing a much needed smile
Sometimes life seems like a juggling act
Perfect picture to match your Rispetto
Nicely done
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2017
Hello Luna,
A fun Rispetto poem with excellent meter and rhymes to the form
The clown did his job well, bringing a much needed smile
Sometimes life seems like a juggling act
Perfect picture to match your Rispetto
Nicely done
Comment Written 18-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2017
Thanks! I'm happy that you enjoyed this poem. I appreciate your review.
love and light,
Comment from Susanjohn
well, at least he is not one of those creepy clowns stalking your dreams!!!! he's kinda cute!!! juggling away..... :-))) Enjoyed reading!!
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2017
well, at least he is not one of those creepy clowns stalking your dreams!!!! he's kinda cute!!! juggling away..... :-))) Enjoyed reading!!
Comment Written 17-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2017
Thanks! I'm happy that you enjoyed this poem. I appreciate your review.
love and light,
Comment from Mastery
Clever and well done, Jeni. I am getting used to your poetry. I stay tuned because it is varied and all very well done. You must lie awake at night and dream these things up for topics each night, eh? bless you, my friend. Bravo! Bob
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
Clever and well done, Jeni. I am getting used to your poetry. I stay tuned because it is varied and all very well done. You must lie awake at night and dream these things up for topics each night, eh? bless you, my friend. Bravo! Bob
Comment Written 16-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
Hi, Bob, I'm flattered by your kind words. I don't know where my ideas come from, my muse, Luna has to take most of the credit. Our good friends call us "Moonchild." Truthfully, I often don't know what I'm going to write until I pick a form or decide to just write free verse. I begin writing and, if I'm lucky, the words come. Some of my work goes through heavy revision, but some of it is posted just as it was written, with a word or two changed, only. I'm happy that you have acquired an interest in my poetry, my friend. What a high compliment.
Light 'n Love,
Comment from crybry67
I like this form, you did an excellent job on this. I collected clowns when I was younger. Great meter and rhyme combine for a smooth read. Blessings.. Christy
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
I like this form, you did an excellent job on this. I collected clowns when I was younger. Great meter and rhyme combine for a smooth read. Blessings.. Christy
Comment Written 16-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
Hi Christy, I'm glad that you didn't tell me you were afraid of clowns, so many people have told me that and I can understand it. But I'm becoming happy to read and review each other's work, I'm really learning something from you.
Love and Light,
Thank you, same here. In fact, I'm learning and growing every day I think, from you and many others. It has been a blessing... Christy
Comment from Pantygynt
Reality has a way of of smacking one in the facer when one least expects it. Some say that dreams reflect reality. The fun part of the dream is reflected in the first stanza of this rispetto with the alternating rhyme. Things start to go awry when the rhymescheme changes to couplets in the second and the juggler loses control and drops everything on the floor.
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
Reality has a way of of smacking one in the facer when one least expects it. Some say that dreams reflect reality. The fun part of the dream is reflected in the first stanza of this rispetto with the alternating rhyme. Things start to go awry when the rhymescheme changes to couplets in the second and the juggler loses control and drops everything on the floor.
Comment Written 16-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
Again, you got me. You caught the rhymes scheme change in the second stanza when as you say, the juggler loses control and drops everything on the floor. I always enjoy reading your king and educational review.
Thanks for the continuing support of my portfolio.'
Love 'n Light,
Comment from c_lucas
Sneezing while juggling is not conducive to a safe landing. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a very good read.
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
Sneezing while juggling is not conducive to a safe landing. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a very good read.
Comment Written 16-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
No charlie, not conducive to a safe landing at all! I'm happy that you found this a good read and enjoy waiting for your reviews.
Thank you !
Love 'n Light,
Comment from William Ross
nicely done on the rispetto waking up after the clown dropped his balls lol. good job, thanks for the share and have a great day.
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
nicely done on the rispetto waking up after the clown dropped his balls lol. good job, thanks for the share and have a great day.
Comment Written 16-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2017
Thanks for your kind review, Bill. You have a great day also (or tomorrow, for it is 10:00 p.m. as I type this reply.
Love 'n Light,
Comment from DR DIP
So it was a recurring dream Luna? A happy place in your life? Only to wake from your happy go lucky dream to face reality. In your dream you are a juggling smiling clown In reality that life is awoken and you are sad once more
So it was a recurring dream Luna? A happy place in your life? Only to wake from your happy go lucky dream to face reality. In your dream you are a juggling smiling clown In reality that life is awoken and you are sad once more
Comment Written 16-Jan-2017
Comment from Thomas Bowling
I read today that Ringling Brothers is closing their doors for good. All the clowns are laying down for the final time. A sign of the times, but sad. The circus can't complete with video games.
reply by the author on 15-Jan-2017
I read today that Ringling Brothers is closing their doors for good. All the clowns are laying down for the final time. A sign of the times, but sad. The circus can't complete with video games.
Comment Written 15-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 15-Jan-2017
I know, I just heard that yesterday about Ringling Bros. That so very sad news hit me hard. I've been to the circus many a time in my life. I'll miss it.
Comment from Irish Rain
This is darling, almost a children's rhyme. Love the clown juggling the balls until he began to sneeze, then...all just a dream. Charming, Sunday blessings to you!!!
reply by the author on 15-Jan-2017
This is darling, almost a children's rhyme. Love the clown juggling the balls until he began to sneeze, then...all just a dream. Charming, Sunday blessings to you!!!
Comment Written 15-Jan-2017
reply by the author on 15-Jan-2017
Thanks, Irish Rain. Sunday blessings right back! I'm glad that you enjoyed and thank you for your review.