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Viewing comments for Chapter 9 "Unrelinquished and Relished"
A collection of sonnets

26 total reviews 
Comment from jlsavell
This work has reached the exceptional level

And with these ancient fires ablaze
infused with love and lust
the sparkle in his eye doth shine
and capture her, he must

The battles this knight confronts today
and even in the years gone by
there's no fight which compares love to
the rage within his heart, love's battle cry

And if a sword shall pierce his heart today
should his life force spill upon the ground
the love and lust he feels for her
will charge the heaven's in great resound

His chariot of honor will live forever
For even death, love cannot sever

 Comment Written 18-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
    That is a rather accurate depiction of how I roll. LOL
    You should post that, it's really excellent and better than ninety-nine percent of what is posted usually. So, this means you liked my sonnet? :))
    I'm pleased you enjoyed. I felt guilty, so I wrote you a real sonnet. mikey
reply by jlsavell on 20-Apr-2016
    Now I feel guilty! I need to stop responding with my sick poetry and tell you how much I like your sonnet. Ibdo. I am not an expert on sonnets because I cannot get meter down. I don't hear it. I just don't hear it. I loved your sonnnet. I promise to behave and give you a real review. You are an exceptional talent. Loved it.
reply by jlsavell on 20-Apr-2016
    Now I feel guilty! I need to stop responding with my sick poetry and tell you how much I like your sonnet. Ibdo. I am not an expert on sonnets because I cannot get meter down. I don't hear it. I just don't hear it. I loved your sonnnet. I promise to behave and give you a real review. You are an exceptional talent. Loved it.
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
    I rather love your poetic responses. That indicates you must really like it to be inspired to respond thusly, yes?
    What is lbdo? The meter took me a year and a half. Some of your piece is in iambic.

    and if a sword shall pierce his heart today
    (and)should his life force spill upon the ground

    see how I had to add a word to the second line? It needed it to make the meter fit. Just say the two lines, once with the added word and once without and you'll see the difference. LOL
    You mostly write in iambic meter, even your free verse.

    Okay. Thank you. I still have another assignment you gave me in Word that I have to do. I'm just buried. But, I still have it there. :)) mikey
reply by jlsavell on 20-Apr-2016
    Love you friend. Ray, aka Domino, gave up on teaching meter to me. I just told him to give up and love this old bag anyway! Lol.
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
    I'm a good teacher. Most of the people who are really in to it can't teach it. It's simple not complicated. There's only two parts to it. Soft notes and hard notes. TEACHing not teachING. If you start using the stupid language they love it all becomes a big blur. Trochees and spondees and headless iambs OH MY! LOL
reply by jlsavell on 20-Apr-2016
    well I do not hear the hard notes not the soft, it is confusing and it could be that I am from Texas, eh? Born and hell raised! The devil's child!! lol...Ya know that Texas drawl, do ya? I reckon I got qwuite a bit o learnin' to do... well slap the dawg and spit in the fire// that kind of lingo..
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
    I shan't give up the quest, slappin' and spittin' notwithstanding. :))
    Sam Houston knew iambic.
reply by jlsavell on 20-Apr-2016
    well Sam and I never knew each other!!
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
    He knew OF you....
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You make writing sonnets look easy. I like the knight and damsel in distress theme.

This poem reminds me of the renaissance fair in novato'black forest. It was so much fun! Have you ever been to one? I think you would love. It

Good job, my Irish friend! *gypsy hugs*

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2016
    YES! I dig the renaissance faire. Most cool. We still have it here in So. Cal though I haven't been in years. Maybe I'll go this year. Sonnets aren't all that hard. The sonnetteers try and make 'em seem like all that. LOL
    Glad you liked this. Pretty fancy talk, eh? Irish Hugs, watch the armour. mikey
Comment from Rubylou
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I could really sense the determination of the young knight to satisfy his 'hunger.' Your sonnet is well crafted and engrossing to read.
I like the caption also, "Love against the dying of the light." The meaning is clearly reflected in your work especially the second stanza. Really passionate.
Another great one,

 Comment Written 14-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2016
    Hi, Rubylou
    What an encouraging review. Wow. I really appreciate it. I'm a little behind. I think you have a piece or two to review. I'll try and stop by. Thanks a million, mikey
Comment from 1954speed
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very enjoyable with excellent message. Thanks for sharing. Struggled with the flow through the middle but overall, an excellent piece. Thanks for sharing. Later, JD

 Comment Written 14-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2016
    Ah. The iambic stuff. It's there, just a pain to get into. Thanks a bunch. I'll try and be by to review. Just way behind. mikey
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Has to be a virtual 6 my clever sonneteer friend. I never say mine are sonnets, not when there are so many experts like you on here. I loved this one, it is so ... soooooo Mikey! :) xxxx

Sorry I didn't do a limerick, I tried and tried and tried and then tried again, they were rubbish!! Honestly!!

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2016
    HA! I never said mine were either. I called them sonnet-like and things like that. LOL
    I'm not a member of the sonnet police, believe me. You put sonnet down and I'll defend you!!! Limericks again SATURDAY! No excuses. Rubbish is fine. I usually like what you call rubbish. Be NICER to my friend Sandra. You're giving her a complex. LOL mikey
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 16-Apr-2016
    Ok, I will try again, just for you! xxx
Comment from justafan
This work has reached the exceptional level

Love, love loved it!!
So wish I could write a Sonnet. Not in my area of
You really have so many levels of talent, I am continually amazed.


 Comment Written 13-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2016
    Hi there, Missy
    It wasn't in my area of expertise either. It took a year and a half to get the damn meter down. It's just practice, anyone can do it. They try and make it mysterious and scare people off.
    Anyway, I'm delighted you enjoyed and for all the glitter and gold. I can cook too. LOL mikey
Comment from seaglass
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem casts a feeling of old world. The passion of youth is well conveyed. Rhyming and meter true to form All and All it is very sonnety. I know women supposedly swoons for a men in uniforms, but I think I would have viewed an iron armor as very uncuddly.

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2016
    The armour is uncuddly indeed. It is shed with ease however. LOL
    The only comeback I could think of. I've never been a man in uniform except for tee shirt and jeans. That's the official attire of the California hippie. I need sleep, I don't even know what I'm blathering about. Oh yes, thank you for this wonderful review. :)) Loving my limerick book. Must have a hard copy. mikey
reply by seaglass on 14-Apr-2016
    LOL...I was never drawn to uniforms because they represented control and authority which I wasn't too fond of...I'd take a hippy any day for a uniform as long as they're clean. lol
Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

You my dear are becoming one of the site's maestro sonneteers and this is a fine example of your versatility with the form.

Immediately you draw us in to the force of the poem with the artwork and word choices. It certainly reminds me of Dylan Thomas's, Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. Which works very well also as the good knight.

Of course old age should rage against the dying of light. It's terribly cold when the fire dies down.

Your final couplet brings it all home with amazing poetic flair.

Very well done, you!


 Comment Written 13-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2016
    I'm so very humbled by your words, dearest woman, especially coming from you one who I admire so greatly. I shall try to live up to these amazing and inspiring words with every line I write.
    They are certainly challenging to say the least.
    How beautifully you have stated what I am trying to say, "It's terribly cold when the fire dies down." That is something to fight against to the last heartbeat.
    I can't thank you enough. Hugs, mikey
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Okay, a real sonnet then." = Who's pickin' on ya, mate; who? Lett-me-attem! (LOL) Michael, I hooted with laughter at "you all can knit and piss into a cup" - HAHAHAHA! (I know who I'm calling on the next time I need some backup.)

This is a WONDERFUL SONNET, imo. Kudos, my friend. :0)) (And NO DOUBT!) You'd have a six-pack for this one if I had any!


 Comment Written 12-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2016
    I'm always available for backup. I'm pretty rowdy. :))
    Well, I'm delighted with a virtual and all this praise. Yes, that will do just beautifully. Thanks so very much. I'm smiling big time. mikey
reply by Dawn Munro on 13-Apr-2016
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HI Michael, your great...and you are soooooo right you...the old hold on a lifetime...todays young...hail...I love this poem...just pulls you in...yes!!! I surrender...take me...just kidding...needed a your poem and the picture...luff Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 12-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2016
    Ha, made you waver for a second. I've still got it. HAHAHA! Yep, you either rage against it or lay down and let it bury you. I'm for raging! You get to make out a little while you're at it. LOL
    Thanks so much Queen of Sweetness, mikey xxoo
reply by l.raven on 13-Apr-2016
    LOL...your too funny you...thank you...and you are so welcome...smiling...xxoo luff