Reviews from

Making The Best Of It

No pot of gold but...

3 total reviews 
Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ciao mystery poet, you now have 6 votes.

For starters I love the artwork choice. Green is my favourite colour.

Secondly, It's not easy to write a poem on Saint Patrick's without making it sound kinda dull and repetitive because we all know about the pot of gold, the rainbow , the green costumes, the green beer, the corn beef and cabbage etc

That said, I think you did a great job in keeping the flow steady and the vibe merry and light to the end.

That was no easy feat .

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2025
    Thanks so much for your vote and for this nice review. :)
reply by tempeste on 19-Mar-2025
    You are welcome! 🍀
Comment from Michael John Gould
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Smiles all around have a great st patty's day never lose your dreams at some point they will come around but that's what makes hope... hope and why we call it fishing happy leprechaun searching rain is always in the forecast at some time God Bless

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2025
    You are right of course! Just a fun poem. I noticed you gave me 4 there something you think I might change to make it better? I learn from other writers. :)
reply by Michael John Gould on 15-Mar-2025
    I don’t consider my self any type of critic whatsoever I give stars and writings to everything I read how much I can relate feel or just easily o absorb according to my taste try not to pick out certain writings just what ever is next in line when I have a few moments to read I been writing my whole life this is one of the first times I ever let strangers read my work beside work related stuff
Comment from Noreen Bernardo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such a fun poem to read. It makes me want to fully embrace the day. I have plenty of green in my wardrobe and corned beef and cabbage sounds mouth watering just about now. I'm sure you had lots of enjoyment developing this poem. Thanks for sharing it!

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2025
    Thank you so much for this nice review. :)