Reviews from

Sumatran Orangutan

A Dying Breed

12 total reviews 
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So true, so sad, I can't imagine future generations not knowing or seeing these wonderful animals, so many gone, and for what? well, we all know,
greed! very well written, I hope many read and take notice****kahpot

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2025

    Thank you for the great review. I am trying to educate people with my animal series. There are so many close to extinction and if something doesn't change they will be.

Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I did not know that they were the slowest of the great apes. I really liked "rusty hair" as it really does describe their color. Thank you for sharing about another endangered animal!

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2025

    Thank you for the wonderful review. It sad that these gentle giants get killed by poachers for their babies.

Comment from nancyjam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very informative poem about these threatened animals. Lots of information, including how they are threatened. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2025

    Thank you for the great review. When I started this series is was just about animals, but the more I researched the more I realized there were a lot of animals on the endangered list. So I spun it as an educational piece.

Comment from tempeste
This work has reached the exceptional level

Ciao ,

I should be sleeping .. ( biggrin)

I enjoyed your poem , it reads smoothly thanks to the rhyme.

That said,

You might mention at least in your notes the enormous part palm oil plantations play in the demise of this docile species.

I wrote several poem on the plight of the Orangutans meaning: Man of the forest.

We are the prime threat to these peaceful apes.

Government greed has turned 80 % of the Orangutan's habitat ( rainforest) in Borneo into palm oil plantations.

This vegetable oil is found in food, health and beauty products and its demand has tripled in America over the last decade.

In the meantime, starving orangutans are forced to steal from farmers fruit/ vegetable gardens and sadly many end up paying with their lives.

Baby orangutans are sold as pets and the adults become a source of meat and their skulls turned into souvenirs.

We humans are a disgrace , everything is about profit and it's always the animals that surfer.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2025

    Thank you for the wonderful review. Did you know the Borneo orangutan is less than 7500 because of said greed. This orangutan lives in the Sumatran islands.

    Yes man and his greed destroys everything.

reply by tempeste on 13-Mar-2025
    Yes, they are slightly different but the palm oil industry threatens both.

    and no, I did not know that there were only 7500 left in is a crime.

    I don't understand why we can't live harmoniously with our wildlife.
reply by the author on 13-Mar-2025
    Because man is greedy.
reply by tempeste on 13-Mar-2025
    Mankind sucks
reply by the author on 13-Mar-2025
    Indeed my friend.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I learned a more about the orangutan through your poetry here Cecilia and it is a shame that they are solitary and that they are becoming rare, love Dolly x x x x

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2025

    Thank you for the wonderful review. It is sad that poachers kill mom and take the babies. Leave them be.

Comment from Angel Debbie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great write on this wonderful almost gone creature. Boy I bet he could give you a great warm hug. And his little one. So adorable. Great learning lesson also on this animal. Keep up the great work.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2025

    Thank you for the wonderful review. It sad that so many of our wildlife are on the endangered/critically endangered list. You great, great grandkids will only read about then like the dinosaurs.

Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another of your endangered species informatively captured in verse and beautifully presented. Your notes are also a welcome addition. Well done, Cecilia! Take care Debbie

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2025

    Thank you very much for the wonderful review. Just trying to bring more awareness to yet another endangered animal. GLad you enjoyed it.

Comment from Rick Gardner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very sad story, They will probably not make it to the next century. Don't really understand what we have done to this planet we live on, Mother Earth is asking why have you done this to me, have you read my "Extinction" story yet, Tells of my revenge if possible.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2025

    Thank you for the wonderful review. We are destroying the habitats which cause all these animals to looking elsewhere for food and boom they end up on the wrong side of a barrel. Sad story

Comment from teafor2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Cecilia, I haven't seen this much about Orangutans since the Clint East-wood movie trilogy...Thanks for going the extra step to bring this little
known semi-solitary characteristic of the male species to FS...The plight of
these and other animals in tropical forests and swamp forests are critical.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2025

    Thank you for a wonderful review. When I started looking at animal I didn't necessarily start of to do the endangered ones. It just turned out that way. It's been an educational process I believe. I know I learned a few things along the. They are my go to poems when the brain won't let me crack any out of my head.

reply by teafor2 on 12-Mar-2025
    You are welcome. teafor2
Comment from Stacy M.S.
This work has reached the exceptional level

Aw, this touched me. And it's such an important topic to bring to light, and for that you get six stars, friend.

I also love your beautiful photo. But it is the message and the facts that you inform us with that I think packs a serious punch.

Breaks my heart for these little beings.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2025

    Thank you for the wonderful review. It is sad for those babies. Most of the time the poachers kill the mama's and take the babies. What a waste of a beautiful animal. I've done a whole series of endangered animals and it's the same thing. Habitat destruction and poachers.
