I've got a Puffy!
While the title may sound a bit pornographic, its really not21 total reviews
Comment from Jim Wile
This was such a riot, Tom. I could so identify with many of the problems you cited, especially the night time visits to the bathroom and the nose closing down at night.
I loved your description of your wife's inability to help get that mattress upstairs: "I knew I may as well ask a three year old to haul it upstairs" and your wonderful analogy of the final release of the mattress from its last binding: "like a fat lady removing a girdle." I also loved your self-deprecating humor throughout.
This was a comic masterpiece, my friend--worthy of a standup routine.
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2025
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This was such a riot, Tom. I could so identify with many of the problems you cited, especially the night time visits to the bathroom and the nose closing down at night.
I loved your description of your wife's inability to help get that mattress upstairs: "I knew I may as well ask a three year old to haul it upstairs" and your wonderful analogy of the final release of the mattress from its last binding: "like a fat lady removing a girdle." I also loved your self-deprecating humor throughout.
This was a comic masterpiece, my friend--worthy of a standup routine.
Comment Written 14-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2025
Hello Jim,
thanks so much for the generous review, and of course the extra star, I'm honored. It had been awhile since I'd written, and I wasn't sure if I had anything to write about. I'm glad this resonated with you. It seems that so many of the things that other people accomplish with ease, can become major hurdles for me. Maybe I just bitch more than the average person.
Have a blessed day my friend.
It's not just you. I've learned over time that almost nothing is ever easy. There's always something that mucks it up and turns a seemingly simple job into something much more difficult.
Whether it's a screw that's so tightly in place that it's impossible to remove without stripping the head, or something that, if you had the exact right tool for it, it would be simple, but with what you've got it becomes a nightmare, or the caulk you were planning to use has become hardened in the tube, and now you've got to run to the store for another tube that will eventually harden in its tube because you don't use it often enough, or any of a myriad of other things.
Handymen are handy because they have a million tools in their trucks, and they've seen all the things that can and do go wrong and know exactly how to deal with them because they've done it many times before.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Oh I love this story, Tom! This is exactly how life would be in my household with the horror of getting that horrendous thing up the stairs and out of its packaging. It's surely the reason that most of us would tolerate the old rather than risk replacing it and going to all that trouble for something that might end up being worse! Your humour, as ever, is wonderful: the fact that you might as well have asked a three year old rather than your wife had me in stitches; also the whole escapade getting the beast up the stairs and then trying to get it out of the wrapping before it expanded like a fat lady taking her girdle off! What therapy you are, Tom! I so wish I had more to give you but this is definitely a virtual six. And thank you for making my day, you're a treasure:)) Debbie
reply by the author on 13-Jan-2025
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Oh I love this story, Tom! This is exactly how life would be in my household with the horror of getting that horrendous thing up the stairs and out of its packaging. It's surely the reason that most of us would tolerate the old rather than risk replacing it and going to all that trouble for something that might end up being worse! Your humour, as ever, is wonderful: the fact that you might as well have asked a three year old rather than your wife had me in stitches; also the whole escapade getting the beast up the stairs and then trying to get it out of the wrapping before it expanded like a fat lady taking her girdle off! What therapy you are, Tom! I so wish I had more to give you but this is definitely a virtual six. And thank you for making my day, you're a treasure:)) Debbie
Comment Written 13-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 13-Jan-2025
Oh my,
thanks so much Debbie for the exceptional review gal. It seems that the most mundane things that most people can handle without incident become major issues in my life. There is never a dull moment for sure.
Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment from patcelaw
Having a year ago, purchased a mattress at a very exorbitant price. I have still yet to be able to sleep comfortably all night on the mattress. I cannot afford to go out and get another mattress so I'll do a deal with it as I do I also have a recliner chair that I can sit in and I can sleep more comfortably in the recliner anyway. I enjoyed your story and I understand completely your frustration. Patricia
reply by the author on 13-Jan-2025
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Having a year ago, purchased a mattress at a very exorbitant price. I have still yet to be able to sleep comfortably all night on the mattress. I cannot afford to go out and get another mattress so I'll do a deal with it as I do I also have a recliner chair that I can sit in and I can sleep more comfortably in the recliner anyway. I enjoyed your story and I understand completely your frustration. Patricia
Comment Written 13-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 13-Jan-2025
Hello Patricia,
I think one of the things that keeps people from replacing a mattress is the fear that they won't be happy with it. It's truly frustrating. So far I'm fairly happy with my purchase. It's not perfect by any means, but as I get older, I find that I have to make compromises on just about everything. Thanks so much for the fine review gal.
Have a blessed evening.
Comment from pome lover
that is so funny! So, have you and Puffy come to an understanding after all the trouble getting "her" sleep-ready??
Just read you author's note. Heck, Tom, I've tried out many a mattress in the store, but the sales person usually goes off and gives you time to check out two or three. 'Course, I haven't done that in a long time.
Your descriptions are hysterical, but I do hope after all the trouble of getting it, that you like it and get a good night's sleep. And on day 102, there are no surprises :)
your closing line is too funny!
(Don't drink water before you go to bed)
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2025
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that is so funny! So, have you and Puffy come to an understanding after all the trouble getting "her" sleep-ready??
Just read you author's note. Heck, Tom, I've tried out many a mattress in the store, but the sales person usually goes off and gives you time to check out two or three. 'Course, I haven't done that in a long time.
Your descriptions are hysterical, but I do hope after all the trouble of getting it, that you like it and get a good night's sleep. And on day 102, there are no surprises :)
your closing line is too funny!
(Don't drink water before you go to bed)
Comment Written 13-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2025
Hello Katharine,
thanks so much for the exceptional review and the extra star gal, I truly appreciate it. I think buying a mattress is exceptionally stressful. There is so much pressure to get the right one, especially with the price. No one wants to feel like they've squandered their hard earned money. The Puffy is pretty good so far. I don't know what I could get instead if I were to send it back for some reason. I never sleep well, under the best of conditions. It's always something waking me up. I wouldn't need to drink water if my mouth didn't dry up at night. I've made the mistake of going to bed with gum in my mouth before and finding it on my pillow or in my hair, so I'm better off taking a drink and getting up to pee multiple times I guess.
Have a blessed evening gal.
Tom, I have the same problem. I have biotene dry mouth moisturizing spray by my bed. It really helps. Maybe try it and see what you think.
Thanks I'll look into it gal!
It works for me. Hope it will for you.
I went to Wal mart and bought some. I'll let you know how it works for me. Thanks gal!
hope it works for you!!
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Hello Tom.
Because of chronic back trouble I invested in a special bed and mattress several years ago. The mattress still works. The bed works great and it's easy for me to get into a zero-gravity position which is more important than the mattress to me. However, it is getting tired of holding me up so I may have to go mattress shopping in the near future. I will not buy one through the mail. You convinced me of that. I will go to the closest discount mattress seller and pick one out the right size and let it go with that. You did a great job telling the story. Your narrative and your descriptive words are really funny. What makes them even funnier is they actually happened. All that stuff you did to get a mattress on the bed made me laugh.
Great job.
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2025
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Hello Tom.
Because of chronic back trouble I invested in a special bed and mattress several years ago. The mattress still works. The bed works great and it's easy for me to get into a zero-gravity position which is more important than the mattress to me. However, it is getting tired of holding me up so I may have to go mattress shopping in the near future. I will not buy one through the mail. You convinced me of that. I will go to the closest discount mattress seller and pick one out the right size and let it go with that. You did a great job telling the story. Your narrative and your descriptive words are really funny. What makes them even funnier is they actually happened. All that stuff you did to get a mattress on the bed made me laugh.
Great job.
Comment Written 12-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2025
Hello Robert,
thanks so much for the tremendous review and the extra star, I'm so grateful. Somehow, I've got the ability to make the most mundane chore something resembling an Laurel and Hardy movie. While it's funny to read about later, at the time it can be really frustrating. It's become increasingly apparent to me that the strength I once enjoyed has passed me by and I'm left with the dregs. I know it happens, but its still not much comfort.
Have a blessed evening.
You bet, Tom.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
You have put your usual humorous slant on buying a mattress and it's a fun article. We ended up with an unfolded purple mattress and thought we'd never get it in the house, and we only have 3 steps. How you got that monster up a full set of steps is hard to believe. Here's hoping it becomes very comfortable as time goes by. Just thought of another method of torture that will keep your nose open at night and help you breathe better. It's called a c-pap.
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2025
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You have put your usual humorous slant on buying a mattress and it's a fun article. We ended up with an unfolded purple mattress and thought we'd never get it in the house, and we only have 3 steps. How you got that monster up a full set of steps is hard to believe. Here's hoping it becomes very comfortable as time goes by. Just thought of another method of torture that will keep your nose open at night and help you breathe better. It's called a c-pap.
Comment Written 12-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2025
Hello Carol,
no doubt if the bed hadn't been rolled up into a hundred pound parcel and shoved in a box, I'd be sleeping in the living room on it right now. I know about C-pap devices. From what I understand, they work, but I know how I am. I would spend a lot of money on it, use it once or twice and toss it onto a shelf in the linen closet. I'm thinking about shoving a couple of funnels up my nostrils at night and turning on a fan. Who knows, perhaps Roto-rooter has a small tool I could use on my sinuses. If I live long enough, someone might come up with an answer to the problem. So far I haven't discovered it yet though. Thanks so much for the delightful review gal. Have a blessed evening.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Buying a mattress is very difficult. We are do for a new one and I've been putting it off for quite a while now, not wanting to go through it. I enjoyed reading.
I can't say that I'm getting a good nights sleep, (night's)
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
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Buying a mattress is very difficult. We are do for a new one and I've been putting it off for quite a while now, not wanting to go through it. I enjoyed reading.
I can't say that I'm getting a good nights sleep, (night's)
Comment Written 12-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
Hi Barbara,
thanks for the correction, I'll see about doing it. I know all about the hassle of shopping for a mattress. They are so expensive, you don't want to get stuck with one that isn't going to do the job.
Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment from royowen
I must agree with you about buying a mattress, our present one is a castoff from my daughter, and has indentations on the respective sides where my wife and I sleep, and despite that fact and I feel like I'm sometimes falling out of bed, we both get a good night's rest. Have you tried nasal spray for your nose blocks, I hate a blocked nose, it works fine for me, I hate breathing through my mouth, beautifully written Tom, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
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I must agree with you about buying a mattress, our present one is a castoff from my daughter, and has indentations on the respective sides where my wife and I sleep, and despite that fact and I feel like I'm sometimes falling out of bed, we both get a good night's rest. Have you tried nasal spray for your nose blocks, I hate a blocked nose, it works fine for me, I hate breathing through my mouth, beautifully written Tom, blessings Roy
Comment Written 12-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
Hi Roy,
thanks so much for the suggestion. I do use some stuff called Flo-nase, but it doesn't seem to do much. I hate a stuffy nose as well. I thought perhaps my nasal polyps had returned, but I checked with a doctor a few years ago, and she said no. I'm glad you can still sleep well. I haven't had a good night's sleep since the last time I had surgery. Thanks for the great review.
Thank Tom
Comment from GWHARGIS
We bought a three thousand dollar mattress a few years back. Something that expensive should give you a back massage and sing you to sleep. I hate it. It seems to be perfect for my husband and I'll just take that. Because when he can't sleep, he makes damn sure I can't. This was most enjoyable. Gretchen
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
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We bought a three thousand dollar mattress a few years back. Something that expensive should give you a back massage and sing you to sleep. I hate it. It seems to be perfect for my husband and I'll just take that. Because when he can't sleep, he makes damn sure I can't. This was most enjoyable. Gretchen
Comment Written 12-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
Hello Gretchen,
if anyone could discover the secret to buying the perfect mattress, they would be rich. I suppose it's like you say, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. Jan and I sleep in separate bedrooms, something I never thought would happen. However, she snores, and apparently so do I, and since I'm such a light sleeper, it's the only arrangement that works, such as it is. The cost of a mattress is totally out of hand, but the offer of free shipping and a 101 night trial made this mattress a reasonable choice. Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Oh my gosh. What a chore lol I can relate because we have purchased several mattresses like that and they are pretty amazing how they unfold and fluff up. But i didn't get two free pillows and I may have to write to the company and complain. lol Very enjoyable read, Tom.
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
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Oh my gosh. What a chore lol I can relate because we have purchased several mattresses like that and they are pretty amazing how they unfold and fluff up. But i didn't get two free pillows and I may have to write to the company and complain. lol Very enjoyable read, Tom.
Comment Written 12-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
Hello Marilyn,
I was tempted to set up my bed downstairs in the den so I wouldn't have to pack that damned thing upstairs. Good Lord it was heavy. Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with it, fortunately. I wouldn't want to attempt to box it up and send it back.
Have a blessed evening gal.
We actually bought one that we hated and called to tell them to pick it up and they told us to keep it and they sent us a different one. I believe we sold the one we hated and made money lol. I don't think they want to mess with taking it back either,
Well, I hope that you love the replacement gal. Why is it so hard to get a good mattress? It's one of life's mysteries. How did people get by sleeping on straw. It would be like sleeping on fire ants.