Reviews from

Bigfoot and the Fairies


15 total reviews 
Comment from Lea Tonin1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a lovely gorgeous poem and I think the pictures pretty cool too!
It's fun to write about You're right about fanciful things Mysteries myths fairy tales oh that stuff really cool. I want to see science fiction my two favorite subjects This is also very well written by talented writer. Kudos to you hope you're having a five year old night and I look forward to your next submission thank you!

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2023
    Thank you for your marvelous review. I appreciate your taking time to read about Bigfoot and the fairies. Elaine
Comment from Mintybee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hmm, Bigfoot finds a mythological creature. That's a switch! This poem was whimsical and light-hearted. It was a fun read. I like how you describe the scene and events simply, but vividly, like "he is awed/ by the minute/ beings with wings."

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2023
    Thank you so much.Elaine
Comment from Father Flaps
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Elaine,
There's a lot we don't know about our planet. About 71% of the earth's surface is covered by water. What's down there... besides aliens? And Bigfoot? How do those guys stay hidden? I've heard they use caves that we've never discovered yet, and they can travel passageways for hundreds of miles. Now fairies... I've seen them flying around at night with the fireflies. We used to hunt for them when we were kids. We called them pixies back in the day. Leprechauns? My granddaughter is 9 years old, and fully believes in them. She also watches for the tooth fairy, and Santa and his reindeer. I'm a little more down to earth. I search for Extraterrestrial Life! You know ... ET and his friends!
I enjoyed your poem of fantasy. The artwork as well is stunning.
"the giant primate
shakes his head
one lands on his hand,
there is more to his
world than he knows" ... You said it!
Nicely penned!

 Comment Written 17-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2023
    My late husband believed in UFOs and watched all the Tv programs about them. Congrats on your fairy experience, we all need some fantasy in our lives. Thanks for reading and review. Elaine
Comment from PoemsOfDD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like this short story poem on tiny fairies and bigfoot adventures. Almost like a hallucination for the big ape. Tiny people and little fairies probably did exist eons ago but their habitat and mystical circles would have got destroyed along the way - as did our belief in them. Thank you for sharing this enjoyable read.

 Comment Written 17-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2023
    You have me laughing here, I suppose Bigfoot could be hallucinating. Thanks for reading and enjoying. Elaine
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I liked the fantasy and the imagination in this poem. Big foot meeting the fairies! They were hiding all these days among flowers.The last two lines are brilliant .It applies to every reader too.

 Comment Written 16-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2023
    Thank you for your encouraging words. Elaine
Comment from Caitriona
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very literal fantasy poem. I like the detail about the fairies and his realization of his surroundings. The elaboration on the environment on what he may be thinking is insightful. Maybe change "is he losing his mind" to he thinks for a second he has lost his mind... to keep us in the amazing moment of his thoughts. Great work and creative!

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 Comment Written 15-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2023
    Thank you so much. Elaine
Comment from JT traveller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely thought that a Yeti can have his very own fairies. It spurs the hope that we too have magical, fantastical entities looking out for us and hopefully making our wishes come true. A joy to read. Jacqueline

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2023
    Thank you. Elaine
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I suppose because the yeti or Bigfoot is a mythical creature, as is the Loch Ness monster and fairies, I think that this is a perfect poem to perceive that, beautifully written my friend, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2023
    Thank you. Elaine
reply by royowen on 15-Mar-2023
    Thank you Elaine
Comment from Aussie
This work has reached the exceptional level

Don't understand, I download all the time? Your computer is probably DOS! What program are you running? I use Chrome. Well, this is a very different subject from under the sea. I loved it, keep on writing like this, maybe you would do well writing for children?
Hugs, Kay xx

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2023
    Thanks for reading about Bigfoot. Thanks again for the generous amount of stars. Elaine
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bigfoot would attract anyone's attention. It's interesting he has not noticed the fairies before. Maybe the wildflowers hid them. Maybe they didn't want to be seen. I don't think you need who in the second line. A larger font size would help. judi

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2023
    I keep trying to increase the font size every time I write, usually with no effect and i do not know why it does not happen. I use advance editor. Thanks for reading and enjoying. Elaine
reply by judiverse on 15-Mar-2023
    You're very welcome. I don't know why you're having trouble with font size, if you're using Advanced Editor. Maybe you should ask Tom. judi