Fear Not
A Timely Word30 total reviews
Comment from dragonpoet
No matter what one feels about former President Trump and new President Biden or the "stolen" election, the pandemic is the real problem. Every one is really guessing on what are the best methods to stem the spread and the deaths caused by it.
You are right in saying faith is the key to happiness and peace in these and all times.
Sorry for all your losses and about losing your eyesight.
Keep writing and stay healthy
Congrats on placing third in the contest.
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2021
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No matter what one feels about former President Trump and new President Biden or the "stolen" election, the pandemic is the real problem. Every one is really guessing on what are the best methods to stem the spread and the deaths caused by it.
You are right in saying faith is the key to happiness and peace in these and all times.
Sorry for all your losses and about losing your eyesight.
Keep writing and stay healthy
Congrats on placing third in the contest.
Comment Written 14-Feb-2021
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2021
Thank you for the excellent review and kind comments, dear Joan. It is greatly appreciated. I had COVID last spring but I'm fine now. I don't go out very much as my retinas are very sensitive to sunlight. I lead a quiet life of writing with my most of my family nearby.
I hope you are well, too. :))
Sending you my best today as always
Sally XOs....
You're welcome, Sally. My husband children have COVID around Thanksgiving. Though for some reason I didn't. How lucky is that.
Hope you had a nice Valentilnes Day.
Comment from Loren .
Loved reading this, Sally and I so agree. Fear is not from God. It is an admission that something other than God is greater ... how foolish. I always take comfort in the admission stated over and over in the Bible that He will never leave or forsake us. He might answer our prayers as we wish, but He will give us the strength to endure what ever comes our way. God bless ... Loren
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2021
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Loved reading this, Sally and I so agree. Fear is not from God. It is an admission that something other than God is greater ... how foolish. I always take comfort in the admission stated over and over in the Bible that He will never leave or forsake us. He might answer our prayers as we wish, but He will give us the strength to endure what ever comes our way. God bless ... Loren
Comment Written 07-Feb-2021
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2021
Thank you very much for the wonderful review of my story. I haven?t written very much this year or in this category and wrote this in just a few minutes. I was actually quite shocked it so well. My husband just ran it the other night and he was floored. He absolutely loved it. Sometimes the best ones are the stories I just pour my heart into and leave it at that. Sending my best today is always with many thanks for your kindness to me, Sally XOs...
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
As I was reading your story, I thought about the relationship that we must have with Jesus Christ. We must believe in Him. If we have Him in our life, worrying is not necessary. We can place our burdens or worries with Him.
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
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As I was reading your story, I thought about the relationship that we must have with Jesus Christ. We must believe in Him. If we have Him in our life, worrying is not necessary. We can place our burdens or worries with Him.
Comment Written 22-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
Thank you very much, Rosemary. Sal XOs...
Comment from Bill Schott
This article, Fear Not, reminds the readers that we who aspire to a higher realm are IN the is world, but not OF this world. We cannot fear what what men do. If God is with us, who can be against.
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
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This article, Fear Not, reminds the readers that we who aspire to a higher realm are IN the is world, but not OF this world. We cannot fear what what men do. If God is with us, who can be against.
Comment Written 22-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
Thank you for the awesome review, dear Bill. :))
Comment from papa55mike
It all starts with the media; they pound us with everything wrong and evil. Spreading that fear throughout. I've ranted enough. What a wonderfully written essay. I think we should have a contest for essays. Best of luck with your writing!
Have a great day, and God bless.
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2021
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It all starts with the media; they pound us with everything wrong and evil. Spreading that fear throughout. I've ranted enough. What a wonderfully written essay. I think we should have a contest for essays. Best of luck with your writing!
Have a great day, and God bless.
Comment Written 21-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2021
Thank you for the wonderful review of my post, dear Mike. It's nice to have my brothers and sisters in Christ come alongside me in this. I appreciate you and the stars. Most of all, I cherish the wonderful faith we share, which will strengthen us in the days ahead.
Blessings always,
Sal XOs....
Comment from Anne Johnston
Thank you for this encouraging article. When I started out reading the listing of all your fears, I wondered just where you were going, but was thrilled when I saw you turning to Scripture and how the love of Jesus takes away all fear. So many times, we read the words "fear not" in the Bible. We do not live in fear when we know the one who said "Fear not."
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2021
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Thank you for this encouraging article. When I started out reading the listing of all your fears, I wondered just where you were going, but was thrilled when I saw you turning to Scripture and how the love of Jesus takes away all fear. So many times, we read the words "fear not" in the Bible. We do not live in fear when we know the one who said "Fear not."
Comment Written 20-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2021
Thank you for the wonderful review and encouragement, dear.
Sal XOs....
You are very welcome, Sally
Comment from Jenny Kartchner
This was a beautifully written piece with many truths in it. I agree with your point that only turning to Christ can we have peace.
My favorite scripture is this: 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2021
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This was a beautifully written piece with many truths in it. I agree with your point that only turning to Christ can we have peace.
My favorite scripture is this: 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Comment Written 20-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2021
Thank you so much, Jenny. I appreciate the wonderful review and encouragement. God bless you and your beautiful family real good. Sending you my best today as always,
Sally XOs....
Comment from royowen
I understand your fear Sally, but totalitarianism is a reality at the moment in your country. It seems to me that if you vote as you do, a whole lot of people will stand against you. And having travelled extensively, America is the only country that fears communism, or indeed anything to do with social reform, like medical, I have first hand experience of the horrendous cost that can bankrupt one in America, whereas no progressive, democratic country is without socialised medicine. I do believe we should be looking up, these are the perfect conditions for the redemptive return of the Lord, you should be rejoicing, not fearing Sally, my country is still calmly going about business as usual, but how long that will last is anybody's guess. So rejoice, again I say, rejoice. Blessings Roy
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2021
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I understand your fear Sally, but totalitarianism is a reality at the moment in your country. It seems to me that if you vote as you do, a whole lot of people will stand against you. And having travelled extensively, America is the only country that fears communism, or indeed anything to do with social reform, like medical, I have first hand experience of the horrendous cost that can bankrupt one in America, whereas no progressive, democratic country is without socialised medicine. I do believe we should be looking up, these are the perfect conditions for the redemptive return of the Lord, you should be rejoicing, not fearing Sally, my country is still calmly going about business as usual, but how long that will last is anybody's guess. So rejoice, again I say, rejoice. Blessings Roy
Comment Written 20-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2021
Thank you for the excellent review and insightful comments, dear Roy. I always appreciate your insightful comments and love for the Lord's return.
Sending you my best today as always,
Sally XOs...
Most welcome
Comment from Dorothy Farrell
Hello Sally, what an interesting and well written piece of work. You start off with all the sadness that sickens you. What sticks in my mind is losing four brothers, I lost one last year and it broke my heart, I still think of him as my little brother, as well as the man he became. My Mam was 29 years old when my Dad was killed in WW2. Billy, my brother, was only a few months old, Helen a toddler and I had just started school. Times were hard. We got free dinners at school and I get annoyed by today's standards that claim it is demeaning for children having to admit they are underprivileged and getting free meals. I never felt that way - I thanked God we got the help and free meals that helped my Mam. I must stop this whinge - you have got me going with your inspiring write. Losing your sight and not quite knowing how things will develop must be awful. But you amaze me that you write so prolifically and with such skill. This, just another example of your skill as a writer. Lovely read, along with all the sadness, then your faith coming forth - a worthy six. Love Dorothy xxx
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2021
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Hello Sally, what an interesting and well written piece of work. You start off with all the sadness that sickens you. What sticks in my mind is losing four brothers, I lost one last year and it broke my heart, I still think of him as my little brother, as well as the man he became. My Mam was 29 years old when my Dad was killed in WW2. Billy, my brother, was only a few months old, Helen a toddler and I had just started school. Times were hard. We got free dinners at school and I get annoyed by today's standards that claim it is demeaning for children having to admit they are underprivileged and getting free meals. I never felt that way - I thanked God we got the help and free meals that helped my Mam. I must stop this whinge - you have got me going with your inspiring write. Losing your sight and not quite knowing how things will develop must be awful. But you amaze me that you write so prolifically and with such skill. This, just another example of your skill as a writer. Lovely read, along with all the sadness, then your faith coming forth - a worthy six. Love Dorothy xxx
Comment Written 20-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2021
Oh Dorothy, thank you so much! I'm blown away by this. I'm so very honored by this tender review and the generous stars. You made my week much improved. Thank you, dear one! Sending you my best and blessings always,
Sal XOs...xo.....
Comment from Mary Kay Bonfante
Oh, Sally, we are so very much on the same page, here. I share your fears -- obviously not about the blindness, but I have many personal fears of my own; and yes, I share your fears about our country. The thing that happened in our Capitol has somehow just played into the hands of satan. And I'm not afraid to say it -- or at least, I'm not afraid enough, not to say it! It's heartbreaking, for sure, and five people should absolutely NOT have died, but make no mistake, this thing is being exploited, and people will wring every last drop of blood out of it, to make the pendulum swing as far as possible in the other direction -- we must come before God and pray that our democracy will not crumble in its wake.
I am praying for your family, for the situation you mentioned and for your eyesight as well. God loves us, and not a sparrow falls to the ground, without His knowledge.
Revisions for you:
but died suddenly from an agressive metastatic cancer in 2002.
but died suddenly from an aggressive metastatic cancer in 2002. [and I'm so sorry]
but the culture of hate that been brewing in our government for a very long time.
but the culture of hate that's been brewing in our government for a very long time.
Sally, I had no idea about many of the tragedies you have lived through. Yes, I am aware of the historical ones; we are basically contemporaries, and have lived through most of the same tumultuous times -- but I have lost one brother, not four; I have never miscarried; and my mother, though she suffers, still lives, by the grace of God. My father lived in a house, not on the street; and he died from a blood clot in his heart, not from alcoholism. I'm sorry that you lost your baby granddaughter, too. You've been through so much!
Recently, my closest friend from high school, after learning who I voted for in the last election, became very angry with me. She sent me a birthday card, but wrote in it that she wasn't sure if she should have sent it to me -- that hurt me a lot. Even my own Mom (who said she will love me even after she dies) said that she thinks our outgoing President is the devil. Admittedly, he has made some grave errors, but really, the devil? Mom is very dear to me, truly beloved, but she has been watching too much CNN.
But indeed, our hope is in Christ alone, and on that hope, we stand. Thank you for this precious essay.
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2021
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Oh, Sally, we are so very much on the same page, here. I share your fears -- obviously not about the blindness, but I have many personal fears of my own; and yes, I share your fears about our country. The thing that happened in our Capitol has somehow just played into the hands of satan. And I'm not afraid to say it -- or at least, I'm not afraid enough, not to say it! It's heartbreaking, for sure, and five people should absolutely NOT have died, but make no mistake, this thing is being exploited, and people will wring every last drop of blood out of it, to make the pendulum swing as far as possible in the other direction -- we must come before God and pray that our democracy will not crumble in its wake.
I am praying for your family, for the situation you mentioned and for your eyesight as well. God loves us, and not a sparrow falls to the ground, without His knowledge.
Revisions for you:
but died suddenly from an agressive metastatic cancer in 2002.
but died suddenly from an aggressive metastatic cancer in 2002. [and I'm so sorry]
but the culture of hate that been brewing in our government for a very long time.
but the culture of hate that's been brewing in our government for a very long time.
Sally, I had no idea about many of the tragedies you have lived through. Yes, I am aware of the historical ones; we are basically contemporaries, and have lived through most of the same tumultuous times -- but I have lost one brother, not four; I have never miscarried; and my mother, though she suffers, still lives, by the grace of God. My father lived in a house, not on the street; and he died from a blood clot in his heart, not from alcoholism. I'm sorry that you lost your baby granddaughter, too. You've been through so much!
Recently, my closest friend from high school, after learning who I voted for in the last election, became very angry with me. She sent me a birthday card, but wrote in it that she wasn't sure if she should have sent it to me -- that hurt me a lot. Even my own Mom (who said she will love me even after she dies) said that she thinks our outgoing President is the devil. Admittedly, he has made some grave errors, but really, the devil? Mom is very dear to me, truly beloved, but she has been watching too much CNN.
But indeed, our hope is in Christ alone, and on that hope, we stand. Thank you for this precious essay.
Comment Written 20-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2021
Thank you for the tender review and personal comments, dear Mary Kay. I appreciate the catches, too. I have repaired them. My new system is installed, however, it still has some issues. I'm working it out and will always need sighted help. That's a good thing.
I'm so sorry you're being treated like that. Don't receive any of that false narrative. The power of brainwashing. Jackson's family is very divided, but he is greatly respected so they watch their tongues. My one remaining brother and only sister live in Georgia and are staunch Trump supporters. They are aghast at the vote, both nationally and locally. I can't imagine they'll ever leave the state, as they are Georgians through and through. Planted there. Your situation sounds similar. Praying for us all and searching the scriptures for comfort and peace. Feasting on God's word. Sending you my best today and blessings always,
Sal XOs....
Thank you, dear Sally, for your words of comfort, and the assurance and faith behind them. It's a blessing that Jackson is so respected by his family!
I'm happy to hear that you have good ways to deal with visual impairment. We live in a much better age for it, than ever before. But I really do pray that God will help you to keep as much of your vision as possible. It can't be easy to deal with it. I am with you every step of the way.-- even though, hundreds or thousands of miles away from you!
Yes, we must continue to feast on the word of God! My pastor encourages us to do so, more and more. His wife read the whole Bible at least six times last year. I'm doing better than before. I had a Bible app that had more non-Bible text in it, than actual Bible text, so this year I switched to an app that is exclusively the Bible and I am making much better progress.
May God bless you and your loved ones, and give you strength at all times! Love always, Mary Kay xoxo
Thank you very much for this wonderful reply and blessings to you and yours as well. I've been reading through the Psalms and praying and claiming everything that I can verse by verse. I've been memorizing as much as I can and putting it into my heart and spirit. I'm praying for a song in the days ahead. Blessings to you love always, Sally XOs....
Sally, that's one of the best things you can do: commit a lot of the Word to memory; hide it in your heart, as it says in Psalm 119! Your situation with fading eyesight actually reminds me to appreciate my own gift of eyesight even more -- to use it to be more diligent in reading the word of God, and not take it lightly. May you be increasingly blessed, my dear friend.
Love always, Mary Kay xoxo