Reviews from

Til Death and Beyond

A Days Poem

19 total reviews 
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written days poem. When we meet the right person. We want it to carry on and never ends, even after death we like to believe we will meet again one day.

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, a nice little bit of fiction, I hope? lol.

Super job with the metre and strong emotions of "love" that might have taken a we bit of a curve on the straight and narrow.

A superb Days poem, Mav and I wish you terrific luck in the booths. :)


 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

Comment from Earl Corp
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This one is dark enough you need a flashlight. It does hit three of the four criteria I rate poetry on. It rhymes, it makes sense, and it drew an emotional response from me. Good job.

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wowzer, Mikey,

Wasn't expecting that ending. Yuck! But I do get it. I'm getting to the age now I question my mortality a lot and try not to consider what I'd do without my hubby. He's my rock and so much more.

But I think it's 'entwined'. Thanks!

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am not keen of this form but I have to say that in your hands here it has been turned into a fascinating piece of poetry. Commencing as a conventional enough poem of love between two people it has a subtle turn into the essential ingredients of a murder ballad by the end.

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

Comment from apky
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think this is just a wonderful story of true love
written in the poetic form. I'm no great poet and
may never help you with all the grand nuances, but
I still loved the story. Always a romantic at heart,
even the sad ending is all about true love.

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 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

Comment from country ranch writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

beautiful work up for your poem it says it all. sad one has taken ones life to be with their loved one. Good luck in the contest.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

Comment from Alexander Vasa
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Michael, been a while since we passed in the halls. I wish there was a seven-star rating, this would have it in a heartbeat. The best poem I have read in a quite a while, I adore it and read it numerous times. It's like a beautiful deep blue velvet dress you want to wear. It makes the grave sound tempting, just a few shades darker and you're in the black. So smooth and luscious. But it is a tragedy, in truth.

I'll let the stars to the talking, keep writing, and hopefully, we collide again soon. Lv, Ana.

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018

Comment from Galactia
This work has reached the exceptional level


Wow what a wonderful thought out day poem. Perfect iambic Pentameter in your couplet and perfect rhyme scheme of was a and exactly 4 syllables in each 3rd line of each Stanza. This will do well, A winner, for sure.

Great job

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2018