Take a Moment to Read...This is Me
Essay on life, essay on you30 total reviews
Comment from visionary1234
Whew! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to your piece, Greg! Like Rama, I'm sending a 'virtual six' your way for the incredible honesty, humility and vulnerability of this piece - yes, your heart on paper!
i realize I'm reading a 'diary' entry. If it were just that, I would not, of course, have any suggestions at all. I can very easily imagine you speaking these words -no changes necessary. Even as a spoken monologue on stage - it all works.
However, if we're looking as a piece that is to be READ, i.e. a 'literary' piece, then I have a few suggestions to tighten up the writing a little, because words on a page are different from words simply flowing into my ears.
Corrections are all minor 'nits' as rd loves to call them.
My first general comment would be that as a LITERARY piece, your tendency is to OVER write, for emphasis - which i totally understand. But it slows down the reading a little because of some unnecessary repetition, same word repetition, a little awkward phrasing etc etc ... so here goes ... from the Aussie in Hawaii ...
The sad part,(delete comma) is that I would have gladly accepted it with open arms.
Without it, one is left to blame only themselves - or have nothing to blame at all. (OK - Suggestion ... the use of "One" and "themselves" is awkward & grammatically incorrect ('one' is singular, 'themselves' plural). Also "One" makes the statement a little impersonal. This is a highly personal piece. May I suggest using "We" perhaps? "With out it, we are left to blame only ourselves - or with nothing/nobody to blame at all" ...
Sadness is a ravenous monster, faceless but very loud. If I could only see its face,
(Think about making it shorter and punchier, for emphasis? Sadness is a ravenous monster. Faceless. Loud. If I could only see that face... etc"
Like a storm cloud hovering under the sun, this beast that feeds behind my heart, steals every ounce of joy my life has to offer.
(You have a lot of indirect sentence structure in this piece, which slows down the reading in places. Sometimes it would be good to be more direct, more actgive. "This beast feeding behind my heart steals every ounce of joy my life has to offer - like a storm cloud hovering under the sun." OR, keeping that structure but adding directness and immediacy: "Like a storm cloud hovering under the sun, this beast feeds behind my heart, stealing every ounce of joy my life has to offer."
The fact is, yes, life is a gift, but to many it is a burden; a gift never asked for. Many people say, "Just smile. Act as if your happy.
(Ok - 'the fact is' is a bit 'fluffy' in literary / prose writing - fine in verbal/spoken ... but you might want to trim it up a bit to be more direct. "Yes, life is a gift. But to many, it is a burden - a gift never asked for."
We each had very dysfunctional homes so we relied on each other.
"We each" - a little awkward + repetitive as you've used 'each' twice in the one sentence ... what about "All of us had dysfunctional homes, so we relied on each other (or we had to rely on one another) - and why 'very dysfunctional' - could lose 'very' no problem?? dysfunction is dysfunction?? OR if you want an adverb, make it a powerful one - woefully dysfunctional, tragically dysfunctional, ridiculously dysfunctional, unbelievably dysfunctional ... 'very' doesn't give you much bang for your buck.
There were roughly ten of us. Now 8
(Hmm ... 'roughly' isn't too 'rough' if there are now 8. It's precise. So: "There were ten of us. Now 8." As a 'literary' piece, this statement has more dramatic impact.
Then imagine feeling tears fall down your cheeks because you cannot emotionally feel it. (Ok - the use of 'emotionally feel' is a little awkward as they both mean pretty much the same?? Consider: "Then, imagine tears falling down your cheeks because you can't feel a thing." or "all emotion is paralyzed" etc ... find a more powerful way of saying 'can't emotionally feel it'???
Each suffers from depression today and they each call me when they fall. I know exactly what to say and what to tell them to do.
(Ok - another 'each' 'they' awkwardness ... how about: "All of them still suffer from depression, even today. They call me when they fall. I know exactly what to say etc etc""
Four years ago my arm was caught in a table saw
(suggestion: here you're using impassive voice - this is anything but an impassive piece - suggestion: "Four years ago, I caught my arm in a table saw."
It was nearly severed entirely. (I nearly lost my whole arm)
and I honestly didn't care if I died. (Why use 'honestly'? "I didn't care of I died" is a very direct, honest statement - I don't think you need to TELL us you're being honest ... fine in conversation though ... but slows down the reading ...??)
"God indeed made my heart beat that night...but she was the reason it asked to beat again" (huh? this one came out of the blue ... who's speaking??? It's a beautiful statement, so we'd like to know who said it.
He had been with me all along. He cried with me while I cried as a child, hugged me while I was begging for touch. He had been there all along, helping me stand, helping me walk into the future He had set before me.
Consider: When I had cried, as a child, He had cried with me; hugged me when I was begging for touch. He had been there all along - helping me stand, helping me walk into the future He had set before me.
So yes, God is, in fact, real and He is, in fact, my Father
("in fact" - fine in conversation - not so powerful in literary prose, especially when repeated twice. Think about: "So yes, God is real. And yes, He is my Father."
I know that there is at least one person in your lives, each of your lives, that is in pain. Reach out to them. (ok - 'one' 'them' confusion ... how about ... "I'm sure you all probably know at least one person in pain." (or 'who is in pain')
I wrote this to try and explain how heart breaking mental illness can be. ('try and' is grammatically frowned upon - 'try to' considered more 'correct' - splitting hairs, but I know you like to know these silly details)
Look into their eyes, take hold of their hand, call them, write them, reach out, and tell them that they are NOT alone. (sing/plural confusion ... if you have plural 'eyes' then you probably want plural 'hands')
imbedded (shouldn't this be 'embedded'? not sure if it's an alternative spelling and I didn't want to risk running to google and losing my golden words here!!! :):):)
Lastly, I want to thank you all here at FanStory. You truly have no idea how much you have all meant to me. Honestly, I can say that this site, that each of you, have played a part in saving my life.
(oops - lastly - is frowned upon ... "Last" is better, or "In conclusion" ... and 'truly' is one of those pesky adverbs that doesn't mean much. More powerful and direct without it. "You have no idea how much you have all meant to me. This site - and each of you - have played a part in saving my life." Has more dramatic zing/ punch??
to perhaps reach that one person who needs to know that they are not alone. (don't split the infinitive - 'perhaps to reach that one person') ... and for simplicity "who needs to know they are not alone" - cleaner??
wink from the Aussie in Hawaii!
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
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Whew! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to your piece, Greg! Like Rama, I'm sending a 'virtual six' your way for the incredible honesty, humility and vulnerability of this piece - yes, your heart on paper!
i realize I'm reading a 'diary' entry. If it were just that, I would not, of course, have any suggestions at all. I can very easily imagine you speaking these words -no changes necessary. Even as a spoken monologue on stage - it all works.
However, if we're looking as a piece that is to be READ, i.e. a 'literary' piece, then I have a few suggestions to tighten up the writing a little, because words on a page are different from words simply flowing into my ears.
Corrections are all minor 'nits' as rd loves to call them.
My first general comment would be that as a LITERARY piece, your tendency is to OVER write, for emphasis - which i totally understand. But it slows down the reading a little because of some unnecessary repetition, same word repetition, a little awkward phrasing etc etc ... so here goes ... from the Aussie in Hawaii ...
The sad part,(delete comma) is that I would have gladly accepted it with open arms.
Without it, one is left to blame only themselves - or have nothing to blame at all. (OK - Suggestion ... the use of "One" and "themselves" is awkward & grammatically incorrect ('one' is singular, 'themselves' plural). Also "One" makes the statement a little impersonal. This is a highly personal piece. May I suggest using "We" perhaps? "With out it, we are left to blame only ourselves - or with nothing/nobody to blame at all" ...
Sadness is a ravenous monster, faceless but very loud. If I could only see its face,
(Think about making it shorter and punchier, for emphasis? Sadness is a ravenous monster. Faceless. Loud. If I could only see that face... etc"
Like a storm cloud hovering under the sun, this beast that feeds behind my heart, steals every ounce of joy my life has to offer.
(You have a lot of indirect sentence structure in this piece, which slows down the reading in places. Sometimes it would be good to be more direct, more actgive. "This beast feeding behind my heart steals every ounce of joy my life has to offer - like a storm cloud hovering under the sun." OR, keeping that structure but adding directness and immediacy: "Like a storm cloud hovering under the sun, this beast feeds behind my heart, stealing every ounce of joy my life has to offer."
The fact is, yes, life is a gift, but to many it is a burden; a gift never asked for. Many people say, "Just smile. Act as if your happy.
(Ok - 'the fact is' is a bit 'fluffy' in literary / prose writing - fine in verbal/spoken ... but you might want to trim it up a bit to be more direct. "Yes, life is a gift. But to many, it is a burden - a gift never asked for."
We each had very dysfunctional homes so we relied on each other.
"We each" - a little awkward + repetitive as you've used 'each' twice in the one sentence ... what about "All of us had dysfunctional homes, so we relied on each other (or we had to rely on one another) - and why 'very dysfunctional' - could lose 'very' no problem?? dysfunction is dysfunction?? OR if you want an adverb, make it a powerful one - woefully dysfunctional, tragically dysfunctional, ridiculously dysfunctional, unbelievably dysfunctional ... 'very' doesn't give you much bang for your buck.
There were roughly ten of us. Now 8
(Hmm ... 'roughly' isn't too 'rough' if there are now 8. It's precise. So: "There were ten of us. Now 8." As a 'literary' piece, this statement has more dramatic impact.
Then imagine feeling tears fall down your cheeks because you cannot emotionally feel it. (Ok - the use of 'emotionally feel' is a little awkward as they both mean pretty much the same?? Consider: "Then, imagine tears falling down your cheeks because you can't feel a thing." or "all emotion is paralyzed" etc ... find a more powerful way of saying 'can't emotionally feel it'???
Each suffers from depression today and they each call me when they fall. I know exactly what to say and what to tell them to do.
(Ok - another 'each' 'they' awkwardness ... how about: "All of them still suffer from depression, even today. They call me when they fall. I know exactly what to say etc etc""
Four years ago my arm was caught in a table saw
(suggestion: here you're using impassive voice - this is anything but an impassive piece - suggestion: "Four years ago, I caught my arm in a table saw."
It was nearly severed entirely. (I nearly lost my whole arm)
and I honestly didn't care if I died. (Why use 'honestly'? "I didn't care of I died" is a very direct, honest statement - I don't think you need to TELL us you're being honest ... fine in conversation though ... but slows down the reading ...??)
"God indeed made my heart beat that night...but she was the reason it asked to beat again" (huh? this one came out of the blue ... who's speaking??? It's a beautiful statement, so we'd like to know who said it.
He had been with me all along. He cried with me while I cried as a child, hugged me while I was begging for touch. He had been there all along, helping me stand, helping me walk into the future He had set before me.
Consider: When I had cried, as a child, He had cried with me; hugged me when I was begging for touch. He had been there all along - helping me stand, helping me walk into the future He had set before me.
So yes, God is, in fact, real and He is, in fact, my Father
("in fact" - fine in conversation - not so powerful in literary prose, especially when repeated twice. Think about: "So yes, God is real. And yes, He is my Father."
I know that there is at least one person in your lives, each of your lives, that is in pain. Reach out to them. (ok - 'one' 'them' confusion ... how about ... "I'm sure you all probably know at least one person in pain." (or 'who is in pain')
I wrote this to try and explain how heart breaking mental illness can be. ('try and' is grammatically frowned upon - 'try to' considered more 'correct' - splitting hairs, but I know you like to know these silly details)
Look into their eyes, take hold of their hand, call them, write them, reach out, and tell them that they are NOT alone. (sing/plural confusion ... if you have plural 'eyes' then you probably want plural 'hands')
imbedded (shouldn't this be 'embedded'? not sure if it's an alternative spelling and I didn't want to risk running to google and losing my golden words here!!! :):):)
Lastly, I want to thank you all here at FanStory. You truly have no idea how much you have all meant to me. Honestly, I can say that this site, that each of you, have played a part in saving my life.
(oops - lastly - is frowned upon ... "Last" is better, or "In conclusion" ... and 'truly' is one of those pesky adverbs that doesn't mean much. More powerful and direct without it. "You have no idea how much you have all meant to me. This site - and each of you - have played a part in saving my life." Has more dramatic zing/ punch??
to perhaps reach that one person who needs to know that they are not alone. (don't split the infinitive - 'perhaps to reach that one person') ... and for simplicity "who needs to know they are not alone" - cleaner??
wink from the Aussie in Hawaii!
Comment Written 03-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Wow. I'm impressed. And grateful. To be honest, some of those corrections were hard to understand, split the infinitive, so I went ahead and changed them, took your word for it. The corrections make it sound better. I changed them all. Am I allowed to write "ravenous monster. Loud. Faceless". Even though they aren't complete sentences? It makes it sound Much better. I have a lot to learn about prose. The technical side. I can write pretty well, tell stories, but I need to have you edit everything going forward ha. But really I appreciate it and will always change what you say. I would obviously give you a vote but it says I don't have any. Ugh. You deserve one hundred of my votes.
Lastly, I want to thank you for your advice. Haha, kidding, "lastly". I didn't know that. See? I gotta run things by you.
You're the best, thank you.
Just for you dear! Re split infinitive - an infinitive is simply the form of the verb: eg 'to run' 'to eat' 'to snooze' etc ... so SPLIT the infinitive means to say 'to - something - then the rest of the verb - 'to slowly run' instead of to run slowly; to quickly eat, too lazily snooze instead of to eat quickly, to snooze lazily - a minor point.
Re the one word sentences. Yep. You can do it. You know the rules. But they can be broken for something especially emphatic and I LIKE it. You could also do it with 'ellipsis' - the magic 3 dots. ravenous monster ... loud ... faceless. But neither technique should be OVER used or it becomes irritating to the reader. (I overuse BOTH when I write monologues). Glad to help!
Comment from michaelcahill
So familiar to me as I read all of this. I have been surrounded by it all my life. But, like a little raft on the ocean it never seems to get to me. My mother was schizophrenic so it gave me an upbringing where I learned calm and patience as the smart reaction. So, it isn't that I'm all that wonderful. Hahaha. It isn't that I'm not either!! People often get angry with me because I don't get angry or have strong reactions to things. Some even consider it a problem. But, really it is just conditioning. Talk about tangents. In any case, I always end up taking care of or befriending depressed people. I live and care for a houseful right now actually. But, to me it is just the people I live with and I get a free house for doing so. This is so beautifully written. It resonates with some of the people here that I showed it to. Not all of them have the smarts to get it. But, the smart ones can translate. So, this makes a difference about seven times right here in my house before I walk out the door with it. It raises my understanding ten fold. I don't know many that can express what you are expressing with such artistry let alone the sheer courage to do so. That makes this a helluva valuable piece of work. You must get that work published. I think you know that. If you need encouragement than I encourage you. Few write with the insight and unique perspective that you do. Forget contest results and some of the clueless that are here. They come along with the site. Listen to the writers and friends here that you yourself admire. What are they saying about your writing. That is the real measure. Wonderful work here. You must be a little sleepy after writing this. Okay, two days off. Then get to work!! mikey
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
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So familiar to me as I read all of this. I have been surrounded by it all my life. But, like a little raft on the ocean it never seems to get to me. My mother was schizophrenic so it gave me an upbringing where I learned calm and patience as the smart reaction. So, it isn't that I'm all that wonderful. Hahaha. It isn't that I'm not either!! People often get angry with me because I don't get angry or have strong reactions to things. Some even consider it a problem. But, really it is just conditioning. Talk about tangents. In any case, I always end up taking care of or befriending depressed people. I live and care for a houseful right now actually. But, to me it is just the people I live with and I get a free house for doing so. This is so beautifully written. It resonates with some of the people here that I showed it to. Not all of them have the smarts to get it. But, the smart ones can translate. So, this makes a difference about seven times right here in my house before I walk out the door with it. It raises my understanding ten fold. I don't know many that can express what you are expressing with such artistry let alone the sheer courage to do so. That makes this a helluva valuable piece of work. You must get that work published. I think you know that. If you need encouragement than I encourage you. Few write with the insight and unique perspective that you do. Forget contest results and some of the clueless that are here. They come along with the site. Listen to the writers and friends here that you yourself admire. What are they saying about your writing. That is the real measure. Wonderful work here. You must be a little sleepy after writing this. Okay, two days off. Then get to work!! mikey
Comment Written 02-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
Oh Mikey you are just the best. It was tough to post this as it was so personal but I ultimately figured it served a greater good. That being that maybe just one person could relate or maybe one person would reach out a hand to someone in pain. It's a very scary place. I'm sorry about your mother. That must've been difficult? I don't think your patience or lack of "strong emotions" is a bad thing at all!! Quite the contrary. It is something people should strive for. Besides, your poetry begs to differ. It is wrought with emotions and beautiful flow. YOU are a talent. By the way, I think you know that you are one of those that I was referencing in this piece. You give me a massive amount of confidence. That is something I very much lack. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm very good at writing at all. The contests seem to pick the same people and the prompts, well those are ridiculous sometimes. Truly thank you for the many many kind words you have always given me. It truly has affected me permanently. I'm serious. And bless you for taking care of them. Are you a caregiver there? Is it a home for ill people? YOU are a truly wonderful soul bad one of the people that make life a little better for those around you, including me. Thank you for your friendship man. Thank you for everything. I mean that. I'm honored whenever you read my work and I'm honored to have you as a friend.
Thank you. Yes, we are caregivers. We pretty much run everything now. It doesn't look anything like a facility and by now it is just family. I'm good with meds and forcing doctors to give proper care, so everyone is pretty stable. And crazy is all quite relative. I find toooo normal rather boring!! It gives me a huge boost as well knowing you appreciate my work. That is the real reviews around here, what the good writers think. I know when someone I know is good tells me likewise that it means something! I'm honored to have you for a friend as well. Take care, mikey
Comment from c_lucas
One is not a loser until one refuses to pick themselves up and try again. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a very good read.
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
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One is not a loser until one refuses to pick themselves up and try again. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a very good read.
Comment Written 02-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
I agree. Thank you so much for reading. I'm so glad you liked it.
You're welcome, Gregory. Charlie
Comment from Sonaleeka
Awesome work..Mind blowing Writing.I just loved it.
very inspiring story.I am glad got a chance to read it.
God bless!Have a nice day!
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
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Awesome work..Mind blowing Writing.I just loved it.
very inspiring story.I am glad got a chance to read it.
God bless!Have a nice day!
Comment Written 02-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
Thank you! I'm so glad you took something positive away from it. Thank you.
Comment from Treischel
Wow, Gregory, what astounding words spilled out upon the page in such a touching manner. Very heartfelt. The prose, the poetry both compelling deep emotion. I could feel it as i read. I made my catch my breath and well up with emotion. So great you ask to lay it forward. I've shared with you, I think, my bi-polar wife who also has chronic debilitating back pain. I going to go give her a hug, kiss, and tell her that I love her, right niw.
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
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Wow, Gregory, what astounding words spilled out upon the page in such a touching manner. Very heartfelt. The prose, the poetry both compelling deep emotion. I could feel it as i read. I made my catch my breath and well up with emotion. So great you ask to lay it forward. I've shared with you, I think, my bi-polar wife who also has chronic debilitating back pain. I going to go give her a hug, kiss, and tell her that I love her, right niw.
Comment Written 01-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
Wow. Wow. THAT makes posting this worth it my friend. You have shared that with me before yes. She needs you for sure and man is she lucky to have you. You're a good man. Btw I was referencing you as well in this piece. You've been a good friend and have taught me a great deal that's for sure. I Love your talent, your words so much. It made me teary eyed honestly when you said you were going to give her a hug and kiss and tell her you loved her. Truly. That makes me feel very good. It was uncomfortable to post something this personal but that really does make it worth it my friend. Thank you so very much. Really.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
This is a profound, emotional and beautiful piece of writing, Gregory. It left me feeling so many different emotions. I have been to a few of those places you have, and it isn't a nice place to be. Heartache, not knowing if you will ever smile, be happy again, can hit us for no end of reasons, and as you said, we all just need that hand to reach out and support us. A smile, a word of friendship can work miracles. This must have been hard for you to write, but you did, and I hope it reaches those who really need to read this, just to know they aren't alone. xsx Sandra
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
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This is a profound, emotional and beautiful piece of writing, Gregory. It left me feeling so many different emotions. I have been to a few of those places you have, and it isn't a nice place to be. Heartache, not knowing if you will ever smile, be happy again, can hit us for no end of reasons, and as you said, we all just need that hand to reach out and support us. A smile, a word of friendship can work miracles. This must have been hard for you to write, but you did, and I hope it reaches those who really need to read this, just to know they aren't alone. xsx Sandra
Comment Written 01-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
You're so right Sandra. It isn't a nice place to be. I am so grateful that you read this. It was emotional to post but I think, hope, it will serve a greater good. I'd love it if just one person took something good, positive from this piece. People really do need love, a hand to pull them up sometimes. Thank you Sandra. Truly. I love your work and I'm honored you read this.
Comment from Max Edon
I was very inspired by this. You dug so deep into your personal life to bring this essay to us. We hear so much about 'positive attitude' We need to recognize the darker side of us all too.
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
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I was very inspired by this. You dug so deep into your personal life to bring this essay to us. We hear so much about 'positive attitude' We need to recognize the darker side of us all too.
Comment Written 01-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
I completely agree. I'm blown away by the six. Truly thank you. It makes me happy I posted this. I'm so glad you took that away from this piece. Thank you friend.
You are welcome
Comment from IndianaIrish
I am so moved by your emotional words, Greg,that were written from the depths of your heart. We all need love, forgiveness, laughter, acceptance, and encouragement to get through the day. A positive attitude buddies up with laughter will help us get through the nights that find us alone.
I've loved your poetry, Greg, since reading them when you first joined FS, and I look forward to your book,when you get it in print. I'd be proud to own a copy. May I suggest you post the above poem as a poetry submission here?
You have so many friends here who deeply care about you. You have a long list of people to count on to support and share your emotions ... and you can include me in that list.
Karyn : )
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
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I am so moved by your emotional words, Greg,that were written from the depths of your heart. We all need love, forgiveness, laughter, acceptance, and encouragement to get through the day. A positive attitude buddies up with laughter will help us get through the nights that find us alone.
I've loved your poetry, Greg, since reading them when you first joined FS, and I look forward to your book,when you get it in print. I'd be proud to own a copy. May I suggest you post the above poem as a poetry submission here?
You have so many friends here who deeply care about you. You have a long list of people to count on to support and share your emotions ... and you can include me in that list.
Karyn : )
Comment Written 01-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
Karyn you truly are one of the people I referenced. I would've mentioned you by name, seriously. You've taught me a lot and you've been such a dear friend. I'm so glad you read this. It was personal but I think it serves a greater good. Truly truly thank you for just being you. You're great. Really, thank you Karyn. So much.
Comment from judester
This is truly heartfelt with such an important message. People just don't realize that a simple act of compassion can positively affect someone that is suffering. We all need human contact and love in our lives. Things move so fast these days and people get lost without this human connection. Just a touch and a genuine concern can change a person's world. I wish you peace,love and clarity, judester
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
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This is truly heartfelt with such an important message. People just don't realize that a simple act of compassion can positively affect someone that is suffering. We all need human contact and love in our lives. Things move so fast these days and people get lost without this human connection. Just a touch and a genuine concern can change a person's world. I wish you peace,love and clarity, judester
Comment Written 30-Jun-2014
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
You're so right Judestar. Thank you so much for appreciating this. Truly.
Comment from reconciled
Jesus brother truly your soul belongs to Him....and "it will make the beast stumble".....Amen. you explain this "monster"...perfectly......smiling is exhausting...even painful. I know exactly what you mean....when you say...you look around and know you should be...but....you're not. Hey Greg....I sure hope you find your way back...I'm counting on you. love Michael
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
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Jesus brother truly your soul belongs to Him....and "it will make the beast stumble".....Amen. you explain this "monster"...perfectly......smiling is exhausting...even painful. I know exactly what you mean....when you say...you look around and know you should be...but....you're not. Hey Greg....I sure hope you find your way back...I'm counting on you. love Michael
Comment Written 30-Jun-2014
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
Thank you so very much Michael. You are one of the ones I referenced there by the way. Thank you. I know you can relate too. It was uncomfortable to share but it's for the greater good if it even reaches one person. Thank you for the stellar review, it means a lot, especially since it was so close to me. I'm counting on you too brother.
It is ...experience expressed real that makes a man feel enough to move....every time I have read you....I walk away profoundly moved...some words you know have been lived. I don't know how I could have helped you....but ....reading you....and knowing I wasn't the only one....ahh shit...most don't know......if not for this site and "friends" found....I would have done something very unlike me long ago...God knows....ahh....-smile-....Jesus this has been a very emotional week....love you brother...please take care of yourself....Michael
Thank you man. Love you too, really. Your words ALWAYS move me. As I've said before, they need to be published. You have an Amazingly unique voice and way with words. One of your last pieces blew me away. I have to go find it. You took the readers on a roller coaster with your flow and interesting combination of words. TANGO was in it. It was like BAM. So powerful, the sound. Truly remarkable. We are all in a fight together and God is right there with us. He has a plan. It's hard to remember that sometimes but I know it's true. Thank you for being a good friend. You're one of the ones I cherish. And it's unique because you actually Know what I speak on. That makes you close to me man. Thank you.
" do you love Me Peter"...yes Lord....Do you love Me Peter...yes....yes I love you....Do you love me Peter...Lord, you know all things...You know I do....then feed my sheep"....risk is necessary requirement....perhaps even loss....yes, even loss......may the gain of Job find you brother....love-