The Shadow of 9/11
anniversary--again57 total reviews
Comment from GWHARGIS
My oldest son is about to return to Afghanistan. He keeps telling me not to worry, that this time he will be in a safer base. There is no safe base over there. He knows it and I know it, but neither of us have the guts to say it. It is what it is. I call myself a Christian as well, but my throat tightens every time I see someone who looks Middle Eastern. I do see them as the enemy. I will give every individual a chance, but don't cross me. My neighbor and his wife were working at the Pentagon when the terrible day happened. To hear them tell it, would chill you to the bone. They were in the same building yet they didn't know if the other was alive for six hours. I can't imagine it. Twelve years ago, I found out I was pregnant with my last child. Yesterday, my oldest daughter got her official driver's license. I have made it my intention to focus on the here and now and less on the past. I did bow my heads for all those left behind. Great essay.
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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My oldest son is about to return to Afghanistan. He keeps telling me not to worry, that this time he will be in a safer base. There is no safe base over there. He knows it and I know it, but neither of us have the guts to say it. It is what it is. I call myself a Christian as well, but my throat tightens every time I see someone who looks Middle Eastern. I do see them as the enemy. I will give every individual a chance, but don't cross me. My neighbor and his wife were working at the Pentagon when the terrible day happened. To hear them tell it, would chill you to the bone. They were in the same building yet they didn't know if the other was alive for six hours. I can't imagine it. Twelve years ago, I found out I was pregnant with my last child. Yesterday, my oldest daughter got her official driver's license. I have made it my intention to focus on the here and now and less on the past. I did bow my heads for all those left behind. Great essay.
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
Yours is a very personal relationship to the event and the aftermath, more like the scorching scar of jet fuel than a shadow.
You should begin to write something that will take some time to complete, but I'd call it the 475th Man. Subtitle: A soldier's Mother. her story. Yes, I understand it's not Iraq, but in my mind, it's the same thing.
Gretchen, I can't imagine, I really can't.
Comment from gypsycaravan
That is one of the most powerful and well-written political commentaries I have EVER read. There are so many lines to keep forefront in my brain.
"Osama was only the visible fin above the water."
"I can no longer live in political ignorance. I can't ignore the breeding hatred that is now recruiting our own children to a radical faith that supports violence. Without question, I am involved in this war. "
I can't thank you enough for writing this piece. I wish it could be published in every newspaper around the world.
Technical writing and subject matter superb. Congratulations.
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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That is one of the most powerful and well-written political commentaries I have EVER read. There are so many lines to keep forefront in my brain.
"Osama was only the visible fin above the water."
"I can no longer live in political ignorance. I can't ignore the breeding hatred that is now recruiting our own children to a radical faith that supports violence. Without question, I am involved in this war. "
I can't thank you enough for writing this piece. I wish it could be published in every newspaper around the world.
Technical writing and subject matter superb. Congratulations.
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
You are welcome to take it and do anything you want with it, as most of my essays are just a breath above a Blog, my way of focusing my feelings about the world around me.
Thanks for the stars.
Comment from adewpearl
the events of that morning, changed - drop the comma
a most thoughtful essay as opposed to a rant, which so many people are wont to write about such inflamed situations
You speak with conviction, but your essay also has a considered tone, a gravitas, which I appreciate. Brooke
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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the events of that morning, changed - drop the comma
a most thoughtful essay as opposed to a rant, which so many people are wont to write about such inflamed situations
You speak with conviction, but your essay also has a considered tone, a gravitas, which I appreciate. Brooke
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
Thanks so much. will look after that orphan comma.
Comment from scd41
You have rightly pointed out that we now live in a digital world and wars being fought thousands of miles away have impacted our lives irrespective of where we live. Even your essay pleading sanity spreading its message of peace is because of the digital advantage. Wars are taking place because of intolerance and religious chauvinism. You have raised the conscience of the readers. Well written!
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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You have rightly pointed out that we now live in a digital world and wars being fought thousands of miles away have impacted our lives irrespective of where we live. Even your essay pleading sanity spreading its message of peace is because of the digital advantage. Wars are taking place because of intolerance and religious chauvinism. You have raised the conscience of the readers. Well written!
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
Thank you. My ponderings in a darkened room.
Comment from Kausar_Javeria
Hello there~!
I guess peace is something we all are hoping for. Ameen (Amen) to your prayer. 9/11 didn't happen in my country as well, neither was I old enough at the time to know anything about it. But with all the media these days, you cannot be unaware of such global issues.
It's good that you were able to have a few debates and such talks with real Muslims who believe in peace. I'm glad you could separate the so called 'terrorists' from your neighbours.
Those people who call themselves 'Jihadis' on the basis of Jihad are so wrong. Maybe it's lack of proper knowledge, for Jihad is actually what is supposed to be a divine and spiritual battle with the dark side of our own soul. Basically it's a battle with oneself... How people misinterpret it and treat all the people of this religion is quite painful.
Some people also believe that Muslims 'hate' the non-muslims and want to convert them.. but that is most wrong. The Holy Qur'an states:
'Let there be no compulsion in religion (2:256)'
'(say unto deniers of Islam)... Unto you, your religion and unto me, mine (109:1-6)'
and these are only a few of the many verses..
This is a well-written piece of prose and I feel saddened when I think about the families who lost their loved ones. I hope and pray to God that wars and such disasters should cease to exist and that all the people who have been misled are enlightened. and I also hope that like you, all the people are able to understand what the real religion of Islam is and who the true Muslims are.
Oh my! This has become quite the long review. Just felt like sharing a little information with you. :)
Thanks for sharing this work of yours.
JazakAllah Khair~!
(God Bless~!)
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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Hello there~!
I guess peace is something we all are hoping for. Ameen (Amen) to your prayer. 9/11 didn't happen in my country as well, neither was I old enough at the time to know anything about it. But with all the media these days, you cannot be unaware of such global issues.
It's good that you were able to have a few debates and such talks with real Muslims who believe in peace. I'm glad you could separate the so called 'terrorists' from your neighbours.
Those people who call themselves 'Jihadis' on the basis of Jihad are so wrong. Maybe it's lack of proper knowledge, for Jihad is actually what is supposed to be a divine and spiritual battle with the dark side of our own soul. Basically it's a battle with oneself... How people misinterpret it and treat all the people of this religion is quite painful.
Some people also believe that Muslims 'hate' the non-muslims and want to convert them.. but that is most wrong. The Holy Qur'an states:
'Let there be no compulsion in religion (2:256)'
'(say unto deniers of Islam)... Unto you, your religion and unto me, mine (109:1-6)'
and these are only a few of the many verses..
This is a well-written piece of prose and I feel saddened when I think about the families who lost their loved ones. I hope and pray to God that wars and such disasters should cease to exist and that all the people who have been misled are enlightened. and I also hope that like you, all the people are able to understand what the real religion of Islam is and who the true Muslims are.
Oh my! This has become quite the long review. Just felt like sharing a little information with you. :)
Thanks for sharing this work of yours.
JazakAllah Khair~!
(God Bless~!)
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
I am humbled and honoured that you took the time and made the effort to respond to my essay with your own though provoking answers to what I wrote.
I surmise that you are a Muslim. I would encourage you to write, using the premise of your review as the topic, and make your thoughts known for the greater understanding of readers on this site.
While I live in Canada, which is viewed as a multi-cultural country, most of the readers here are Americans. Sadly they are not exposed to different races and religions and many of their fears are truly based on ignorance. I took the time to ask many questions, but I had the resources. Muslim women bring their children to the YMCA for swimming lessons, and while their spirit has adapted to NA, their cultural beliefs are strong. Their daughters go into the pool covered from shoulder to ankle with an outfit other children might wear in the playground, no one pays the least bit of attention. At least the girls are learning to swim, and we can respect their need for modesty. It is but one example how Canadians get it, but I'm not so sure about America.
Your voice has value, and as I said, perhaps a handful of men (or women) can make a difference.
Comment from Sanku
So do I-hope for world peace .but for that humans should stop being greedy. most of the wars are fought for greed.people try to dominate others and naturally this cause tension .hatred is formed and nurtured.Imagine a scenario where we shut down all armaments factories .in the course of two decades there will be world peace.Centuries back traders came to India for the spices .Then they began to fight over who will dominate whom ,who can get the maximum trade. But we are lucky that we have no oil.For this huge industry(armaments) to prosper wars are NEEDED That is why wars never end.They are not meant to end.Skin, religion etc are just reasons to fool poor trusting public.
I am sorry for this long rant .War is my pet hate and I am very cynical about humans.Your write was well worde and I could sense a person who is above religion or skin colour .That's why I wrote this.
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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So do I-hope for world peace .but for that humans should stop being greedy. most of the wars are fought for greed.people try to dominate others and naturally this cause tension .hatred is formed and nurtured.Imagine a scenario where we shut down all armaments factories .in the course of two decades there will be world peace.Centuries back traders came to India for the spices .Then they began to fight over who will dominate whom ,who can get the maximum trade. But we are lucky that we have no oil.For this huge industry(armaments) to prosper wars are NEEDED That is why wars never end.They are not meant to end.Skin, religion etc are just reasons to fool poor trusting public.
I am sorry for this long rant .War is my pet hate and I am very cynical about humans.Your write was well worde and I could sense a person who is above religion or skin colour .That's why I wrote this.
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
I'm glad you did. Most people avoid any discussions, but it is through open dialogue that information and enlightenment is found.
you are absolutely right, war is about money and economics. The prize here has been oil, but the war machine helps create jobs and often prosperity for industries that build weapons.
Comment from Acquired Taste
This is a nicely written piece of prose. I was not in New York at the time, but I was in DC when they took their shot at the Pentagon. It is hard to have a clear and unbiased view of any culture or religion that condones the tragedies of 9/11 - the ability to forgive chokes many of us. Well written. AT=/
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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This is a nicely written piece of prose. I was not in New York at the time, but I was in DC when they took their shot at the Pentagon. It is hard to have a clear and unbiased view of any culture or religion that condones the tragedies of 9/11 - the ability to forgive chokes many of us. Well written. AT=/
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
Without realizing it, you stated the exact thing that most believe as the basis for their fear, hatred and misunderstanding. Islam DOES NOT promote violence, only a radical segment has interpreted the teaching that way. But for us, the victims of radical mass murder, it surely seems that way.
Comment from CHIGYSISKI
Very nicely written prose. Like you 9/11 did not happen in my country but my life has never remained the same. I don't know the answers to the problem you discuss but God's grace is definitely needed.
I particularly liked your lines about becoming a profiler in public places and having difficulty trusting your peaceful neighbors.
I didn't lose anyone on 911. (9/11)
Well done!
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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Very nicely written prose. Like you 9/11 did not happen in my country but my life has never remained the same. I don't know the answers to the problem you discuss but God's grace is definitely needed.
I particularly liked your lines about becoming a profiler in public places and having difficulty trusting your peaceful neighbors.
I didn't lose anyone on 911. (9/11)
Well done!
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
Thank you. Nor did I, but citizens of many countries died in the towers that day. It affected the globe, not just America.
Comment from Emily George
I so full heartfully agree. What an insightful read. Sadly in Australia we have lifted our security level to high risk. A sign of the times.
I think we need to think peace and love. Lets all be
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
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I so full heartfully agree. What an insightful read. Sadly in Australia we have lifted our security level to high risk. A sign of the times.
I think we need to think peace and love. Lets all be
Comment Written 12-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2014
Australia has joined the alliance of countries that will be part of the new initiative in Iraq introduced this week by Obama. It will be interesting where it goes.
Comment from forestport12
I found myself swept up with it, watching children, some grown reading the names of loved ones in the tower. I like how you give a version or view from Canada as a neighbor and how it's wave of emotion swept over us all. I was near Canada in Potsdam the morning it happened.
reply by the author on 11-Sep-2014
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I found myself swept up with it, watching children, some grown reading the names of loved ones in the tower. I like how you give a version or view from Canada as a neighbor and how it's wave of emotion swept over us all. I was near Canada in Potsdam the morning it happened.
Comment Written 11-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 11-Sep-2014
It occurred in the US, but it happened to all of us.
At the time I had contract with the group that serviced the towers. ABM American Building maintenance. Many workers were heroes saving others without fanfare and many lost their lives. I also visited the field in PA where 93 went down and spoke to the farmer who was the only eye witness to the crash.