A harsh look at life.56 total reviews
Comment from Roxanna Andrews
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hate to see a child suffer, nothing worse. I live in FL and we have the highest numbers of chronic homeless,i.e. homeless for more than a year. It is tragic. I have a friend who works tirelessly with them. He and his team bring food, clothing, sleeping bags, tarps, tents and try to help in anyway they can. The homeless are a society all their own with rules and boundaries you don't break or cross. My friend is very respectful of these and does his best to respect all the rules. He is amazing and works so hard. My office where I work, Wycliffe, collected huge boxes of donations for him to give out. I also gave about 90 of my newest children's book. It was very gratifying to do so and he was so overcome by the generous gifts of my co-workers. I don't see this problem going away anytime soon, never, most likely, but it is good to know there are people like you and my friend doing what they can to help. We need to pray more for the homeless and give it more attention. In a world where everyone is in a rage over someone saying something negative about the gays, the worst thing a person can do, how about asking some of these celebrities, "How are you helping the homeless?" How about shining a light on something that really matters.
Your piece is well written and draws attention to a terrible problem in this country. I hope you are comforted knowing you did your best for you kids and will have many more days to continue to help. You have a blessed Christmas. Rox
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2013
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I'm so sorry to hear this. I hate to see a child suffer, nothing worse. I live in FL and we have the highest numbers of chronic homeless,i.e. homeless for more than a year. It is tragic. I have a friend who works tirelessly with them. He and his team bring food, clothing, sleeping bags, tarps, tents and try to help in anyway they can. The homeless are a society all their own with rules and boundaries you don't break or cross. My friend is very respectful of these and does his best to respect all the rules. He is amazing and works so hard. My office where I work, Wycliffe, collected huge boxes of donations for him to give out. I also gave about 90 of my newest children's book. It was very gratifying to do so and he was so overcome by the generous gifts of my co-workers. I don't see this problem going away anytime soon, never, most likely, but it is good to know there are people like you and my friend doing what they can to help. We need to pray more for the homeless and give it more attention. In a world where everyone is in a rage over someone saying something negative about the gays, the worst thing a person can do, how about asking some of these celebrities, "How are you helping the homeless?" How about shining a light on something that really matters.
Your piece is well written and draws attention to a terrible problem in this country. I hope you are comforted knowing you did your best for you kids and will have many more days to continue to help. You have a blessed Christmas. Rox
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding. I have often thought if the rich people gave 10% they would not miss it at all the it would be a lot of money to help.
Comment from Zue65
Oh my dear Barbara I do feel what you feel. There are many kids out there suffering not only the pangs of hunger but more so, the pain of neglect, rejection and abuse from irresponsible parents who are also neglected themselves or are addicted to substance and have forgotten their parental duties, contributing to the vicious cycle of giving birth to disoriented children and eventually a sick society that America is slowly turning into. I resonate with your commentary fiction, God bless.
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2013
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Oh my dear Barbara I do feel what you feel. There are many kids out there suffering not only the pangs of hunger but more so, the pain of neglect, rejection and abuse from irresponsible parents who are also neglected themselves or are addicted to substance and have forgotten their parental duties, contributing to the vicious cycle of giving birth to disoriented children and eventually a sick society that America is slowly turning into. I resonate with your commentary fiction, God bless.
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding.
Comment from sweetwoodjax
this is so sweet to read, barbara, you did an excellent job writing this essay about the children who are so dear to you and the tears that you cry as you think about their needs. that was wonderful of you to send food home with them. Merry Christmas.
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2013
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this is so sweet to read, barbara, you did an excellent job writing this essay about the children who are so dear to you and the tears that you cry as you think about their needs. that was wonderful of you to send food home with them. Merry Christmas.
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding.
Comment from Dawn Munro
This is most certainly a harsh look at life, and if you ask me, it's time somebody said it! Kudos to you, Barbara; now if only there is anybody out there listening.
Merry Christmas, my friend. Wonderful write, well-needed.
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2013
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This is most certainly a harsh look at life, and if you ask me, it's time somebody said it! Kudos to you, Barbara; now if only there is anybody out there listening.
Merry Christmas, my friend. Wonderful write, well-needed.
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding.
Comment from goompa
A very strong and sensitive story. We do, those of us who are fortunate enough not to be needy, take for granted all of the blessings we have. I feel for your children, but, at least, they have you to be their champion. Good job!
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
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A very strong and sensitive story. We do, those of us who are fortunate enough not to be needy, take for granted all of the blessings we have. I feel for your children, but, at least, they have you to be their champion. Good job!
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding the plight of these children.
Comment from CrystieCookie999
This is an interesting observation, and perhaps it needs to be developed even more in a story of some kind. I like the correlation between comparing homeless children to the lamb in the Nativity scene which was missing. It seems to me that the entire country has 'overbuilt' and has so many houses and apartments sitting vacant or which are hardly used that homelessness should seriously be almost non-existent. We used to have a ranch house and a cabin that was half-way done, but the ranch house was used at least as much as our regular house due to my grandfather's livelihood, until lawyers and bankers did an 18-year-long confiscation process on us, and they ended up with everything except for my parents and grandparents' mortgaged homes. Couldn't it be that there are 'hoarders' out there who are keeping more than their share of real estate and other assets to themselves and shutting out people who need to just get a foot back in the door? This time of year, though, your little essay here should make everyone stop and slow down and think about what they can do for others.
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
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This is an interesting observation, and perhaps it needs to be developed even more in a story of some kind. I like the correlation between comparing homeless children to the lamb in the Nativity scene which was missing. It seems to me that the entire country has 'overbuilt' and has so many houses and apartments sitting vacant or which are hardly used that homelessness should seriously be almost non-existent. We used to have a ranch house and a cabin that was half-way done, but the ranch house was used at least as much as our regular house due to my grandfather's livelihood, until lawyers and bankers did an 18-year-long confiscation process on us, and they ended up with everything except for my parents and grandparents' mortgaged homes. Couldn't it be that there are 'hoarders' out there who are keeping more than their share of real estate and other assets to themselves and shutting out people who need to just get a foot back in the door? This time of year, though, your little essay here should make everyone stop and slow down and think about what they can do for others.
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding the plight of these children.
Comment from Sankey
God bless you my friend. What a wonderful testimony in here and the love you show your charges at school. I pray you and yours have a wonderful Christmas. I now have the Carols and SDongs page open on the church web site I run with my Carols I wrote if you have not seen or heard them yet. Some are here on FS of course.
Here is the link to the Web page on the church site with my stuff on it if you did not see the others.
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
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God bless you my friend. What a wonderful testimony in here and the love you show your charges at school. I pray you and yours have a wonderful Christmas. I now have the Carols and SDongs page open on the church web site I run with my Carols I wrote if you have not seen or heard them yet. Some are here on FS of course.
Here is the link to the Web page on the church site with my stuff on it if you did not see the others.
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding the plight of these children. Thank you.
Comment from Tatarka2
If only I knew the answer to your question. I do applaud you for the articulate way in which you posed it - and for having the courage to pose the question at all. I was a social worker for 42 years, so I know the kind of wonderment and despair you must be feeling as you consider the first graders I can tell you care for so deeply. Here's a suggestion - maybe we can both find a way to write about our experiences with our clients/students that doesn't violate their rights to tell their own stories, but also calls attention to the many "gaps" in the system that so often fails your children, my clients, and so many others. It's not about blame, it's about calling us all into awareness and a sense of personal responsibility. That's my resolution for 2014. What do you think?
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reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
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If only I knew the answer to your question. I do applaud you for the articulate way in which you posed it - and for having the courage to pose the question at all. I was a social worker for 42 years, so I know the kind of wonderment and despair you must be feeling as you consider the first graders I can tell you care for so deeply. Here's a suggestion - maybe we can both find a way to write about our experiences with our clients/students that doesn't violate their rights to tell their own stories, but also calls attention to the many "gaps" in the system that so often fails your children, my clients, and so many others. It's not about blame, it's about calling us all into awareness and a sense of personal responsibility. That's my resolution for 2014. What do you think?
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Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding the plight of these children. I had to CPS for one of my children within the first week of school. Nothing was done. I felt so helpless.
Comment from Writingfundimension
This really touched my heart, barbara. I thank you for walking the path set out by Jesus -- that of service to others. Suffer the little ones seems to be more and more true. I'm sending you a little something to offset your costs. What you're doing in your little corner of the world DOES make a difference.
Merry Christmas,
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
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This really touched my heart, barbara. I thank you for walking the path set out by Jesus -- that of service to others. Suffer the little ones seems to be more and more true. I'm sending you a little something to offset your costs. What you're doing in your little corner of the world DOES make a difference.
Merry Christmas,
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding the plight of these children.
I wish I could save them all, barbara. As I'm sure you feel, too. Blessings, Bev
Comment from TheWriteTeach
Barbara, I'm right there with you. I teach the high school students rather than the little ones, but the need is still in abundance. Just as you, many of us buy food and clothing for our students. We know that if we don't give food to many families, they will have Ramon noodles for their Christmas dinner. You are absolutely right, parents use their money for all the wrong/illegal things in life.
I'm going to add a sad thought to your words. By the time these students reach the high school level, they have become so used to us giving them everything and do so much for them, they come to expect it, as if it is their God given right to have the school and community just give them what they want. Last year I had a student actually walk right up to me, brazen as all get out, and ask me when I was going to give them their Christmas presents. Another student refused the much needed clothing and asked for money instead - he wanted a tattoo. Our hearts are in the right place, but I fear we are creating a generation of unappreciative children who expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. I will continue to do as you do - buy what is needed and give to the families, but I do get tired of the groans of disappointment when they see that all I've given is a warm winter coat or socks without holes rather than earrings to gauge their earlobe piercing.
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
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Barbara, I'm right there with you. I teach the high school students rather than the little ones, but the need is still in abundance. Just as you, many of us buy food and clothing for our students. We know that if we don't give food to many families, they will have Ramon noodles for their Christmas dinner. You are absolutely right, parents use their money for all the wrong/illegal things in life.
I'm going to add a sad thought to your words. By the time these students reach the high school level, they have become so used to us giving them everything and do so much for them, they come to expect it, as if it is their God given right to have the school and community just give them what they want. Last year I had a student actually walk right up to me, brazen as all get out, and ask me when I was going to give them their Christmas presents. Another student refused the much needed clothing and asked for money instead - he wanted a tattoo. Our hearts are in the right place, but I fear we are creating a generation of unappreciative children who expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. I will continue to do as you do - buy what is needed and give to the families, but I do get tired of the groans of disappointment when they see that all I've given is a warm winter coat or socks without holes rather than earrings to gauge their earlobe piercing.
Comment Written 22-Dec-2013
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2013
Thank you for understanding the plight of these children. I know what you are saying. Last year one of my little ones walked at 9:30, we start at 7:25 and complained that we didn't offer breakfast for the kids who come in late.