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Viewing comments for Chapter 45 "Our Wishes for Tom"
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41 total reviews 
Comment from Terry Broxson
This work has reached the exceptional level

Happy Birthday, Tom! Debi, I didn't know Tom had seven kids or that he doesn't like the cold. I knew he was a commercial fisherman. Tom also writes good stories that are interesting to read. You have another well-done birthday tribute poem. Good job. Terry.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Hi Terry, I love a good story teller, and you and Tom are two of the best. I should have added a Tom T Hall tune too. LOL. Thanks for awesome six stars too.

    I thank you for your very kind comments for Tom's birthday poem. You are truly a good friend and Tom will appreciate the awesome well wishes too. Thanks again, my friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

Isn't Tom the nicest guy? I learned so much about him in your birthday poem, my friend. He's had quite the colorful life and Alaska is no place for sissies. The people there (in my estimation) are tough. My youngest son loves it there and travels there often. The pics and videos he sends are breathtaking.

Tom, you're the quintessential brother of FanStory! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My very best birthday wishes for you today! I hope you catch the big salmon! It just so happens to be my favorite fish. Just saying....
Sending love and blessings across the miles to you both today as always.
Sister Sally XOs

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Hi Sally, he really is one of the nicest guys. Actually I believe that most fishermen are some of the nicest guys. I thank you for your very kind comments for Tom's birthday poem. You are truly a good friend and Tom will appreciate the awesome well wishes too. Thanks again, my friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Nicole Schmidt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a very sweet tribute and I enjoyed reading it from the beginning till the end. It tells a story of A Love That remains even through constant change.

I loved the graphic that went along with this as well it made it pop out. All the best going forward.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Hi Nicole, I appreciate your sweet review and I thank you for your very kind comments for Tom's birthday poem. You are truly a good friend and Tom will appreciate the awesome well wishes too. Thanks again, my friend.
    Love, Debi
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good old Tom, he was going to take me out fishing next time I was in his neck of the woods. He's a lovely bloke, he and his family got out of the clutches of what sounded like a cult. You're such a good soul Debi, well done, still caring for others, well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Awe, Roy, you should have taken him up on his offer. He really is a good guy, just like you. I would have loved to seen pictures of the two of you guys fishing together.
    I thank you for your very kind comments for Tom's birthday poem. You are truly a good friend and Tom will appreciate the awesome well wishes too. Thanks again, my friend. Love, Debi
reply by royowen on 05-Jun-2024
    The trouble is Australia a long way from Alaska Deb
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Darn! I just answered one of his reviews before I knew this, but I'm sure he'll read all of his birthday wishes here.

No TV or movies equals lots of children, lol! I didn't know their twins were born in different months; how unusual, but something to talk about (since they had no TV or movies).

Tom, we love you here at FS! I so enjoy the stories you've shared about your life, enjoyed the book you sent me about the Alaskan fishing industry, and I always enjoy our conversations through reviews.

I hope this birthday is a happy one and that you enjoy as much as any you've ever had.

xo to Debi for giving us this, and xoxo to the birthday boy.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Hey Sweet Sis, nobody but you said one word about that part about the five daughters and then twin boys. Good one sis! Are you still here in MN?

    I thank you for your very kind comments for Tom's birthday poem. You are truly a good friend and Tom will appreciate the awesome well wishes too. Thanks again, my friend. Love, Debi
reply by Pam Lonsdale on 05-Jun-2024
    I am still here in MN - up this morning at 2:00 a.m. with nerve pain in my leg and a charley horse in my right calf. I've had a good run since I've been here, but I have to expect these occasional setbacks according to my pain management guy.

    Anyway, right now I'm planning to meet my son after he gets off work at the Pryes Brewing Co. on the river. A beer, some pizza - hopefully outside if it doesn't rain again.

    Thanks for taking care of Tom with that lovely poem.

    How are you doing? Are you mending?

Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dang, we must be related. About three months ago I was working on a love/hate story from this Randy Vanwarmer song (another unfinished story of mine). Now the songs going to be stuck in my head once again.

Tom and I do not cross paths reading each other to often. I guess I should "fan" him in order to do so.

Yikes, 7 kids? Did I read that correctly?

A fine birthday commemorating post honoring another writer in your superlative style!

Always a pleasure to read.
Luv ya, sis.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Hi John, awe, glad the music worked just how it was supposed to. LOL.
    Yes, you read seven kids but that was because there was no tv. Haha.
    I thank you for your very kind comments for Tom's birthday poem. You are truly a good friend and Tom will appreciate the awesome well wishes too. Thanks again, my friend. Love, Debi
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful wish and tribute, I am glad TB has got his family to keep him warm both in heart and body, my imagination is turning, about the fishing there, now the bar-b-que I can understand, a good idea to keep warm as well, best wishes to TB. very well written and presented****kahpot

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Hi Kahpot, I thank you for your very kind comments for Tom's birthday poem. You are truly a good friend and Tom will appreciate the awesome well wishes too. Thanks again, my friend. Love, Debi
Comment from allison lammert
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was so heart felt. I love the story told in this poem. I have family in Alaska and they love their Fishing also. I appreciate how you depict the positives along with the negatives of home. Wishing him the biggest salmon catch!

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Allison, you are so sweet and I love that you have family is Alaska too.
    We live in MN and everyone in our family fishes. Well not me anymore but most everyone.
    I thank you for your very kind comments for Tom's birthday poem. You are truly a good friend and Tom will appreciate the awesome well wishes too. Thanks again, my friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I must message him with some birthday greetings - he is indeed a lovely and gracious man. I thoroughly enjoyed his book (Wilderness Blues). I cannot imagine the cold where he lives. Thank you for sharing this fine birthday poem for him. He is sure to love it.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Wendy, you are so kind and I know Tom will appreciate all of your wonderful comments. I have not read his book yet, but he is sending me a copy so I am excited to read it. You would be surprised but Tom tells me that it is actually colder here in MN than it is where he lives. However they may have colder windchills. Here it can get to minus seventy degrees F easily and all the way down to minus thirty F. normal temps. But ours and his summers are nice.
    Anyway, he will love reading yours and all of the other wonderful comments.
    Thanks again, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for this lovely birthday tribute to Tom Botts! Did you read his book Wilderness Blues? I have it and read it and his other one about the expert fishermen he knew in Hoonah. Thanks for remembering our Tom.
By the way, will you be doing a poem for Patricia patcelaw?

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 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2024
    Hi Helen, I have contacted her tonight in fact and asked if she wanted me to do one. I never do anything without permission as I have heard from some who quizzed me on that once. So nope, won't get wrapped up with that.

    So if I hear back from her in the next couple days, I would love to do one for her. She has always been very sweet to me.
    So thanks for your very kind comments for Tom's poem. I haven't read his book but will have to get it one of these days.
    Thanks again, sweetie. Miss ya! We need to catch up! Love, Debi
reply by lyenochka on 03-Jun-2024
    Missed you, too! I was wondering how you are. Any more doctor visits?
    Thanks for checking with Patricia. She's been have a rough time - I think.