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Viewing comments for Chapter 75 "Famous Helens"
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48 total reviews 
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Debi. You've just done it again, penning such a lovely birthday poem for our Helen on this. She is everything and more of you say in this wonderful poem. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Hi there dear Ulla, you are so kind and I thank you so much for the awesome comments for Helen, as well for her poem. I hope she is reading all of these dear messages for her. Thanks again, my friend. Debi
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, Debi, this is a splendid birthday tribute for our Helen! She's the most famous to me! I so enjoyed this and the beautiful hymns and songs which will fill her week with praise.i know I will be hanging out here all week!

Happy Birthday, MY Helen! You're the best of the best! I love you!

Sending you both my very best today as always, and love and blessings across the miles!
Sal XOs!!

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2023
    Hey Sally, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kind words for our lovely Helen, and for her poem. She will enjoy reading all the birthday wishes too.
    Thanks again, my dear friend. Also for the ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
reply by Sally Law on 13-Nov-2023
    Most welcome, my friend! A joy to read!
    Sal XOs
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's funny you list of famous Helen's sent me down a rabbit hole. This was a nice tribute poem to our Helen. She is a delight to read and her reviews are always uplifting. Gretchen

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Hi Gretchen, hahahaha! you are so much fun as well as kind and I thank you so much for the awesome comments for Helen, as well for her poem. I hope she is reading all of these dear messages for her. Thanks again, my friend. Debi
Comment from Terry Broxson
This work has reached the exceptional level

As an old guy living alone in a vacuum, I didn't know it was Helen's birthday. So happy Birthday, Helen. Debi, I do think the poem needs a couple of meows. Just saying.

Her interviews are excellent, and the way in which she does them in script form is fun and creative.

And you are right, she is a good person. Sixes all the way around! Terry.

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2023
    OMGosh you are so right. I just went and got a fun cat video and added it.
    I think I will go back and add Patch to the poem too. Thanks, Terry!
    Also for the awesome review and ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
Comment from John Ciarmello
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Happy Birthday, Helen!

You're right when you say "We know her heart and not her face"

A wonderful person with a genuine soul. Perfect, Debi. Best, JohnC

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    John, actually I have seen pictures and she is a beautiful woman. And you are so kind and I thank you so much for the awesome comments for Helen, as well for her poem. I hope she is reading all of these dear messages for her. Thanks again, my friend. Debi
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level

Debi, you've done an amazing job with dear Helen's birthday poem. What day was it? She is such a blessing, and cares so much for all of us. She's even part of a prayer team that prays for schools and teachers, like me and my school.

She does have a place among the great Helens. I love her song list, and thanks for blessing us all with those as well.

Have a great week, Dear One!

We all love you so much,

And Helen, we love you, too. Happy Birthday, sweet friend!

Hugs for both,

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Rhonda, actually Helen had loved a couple of yours and Verna's, and since I was down with covid, I copied the embed code, so I did not have to get my computer out to do this. I can't do them on my iPad because Apple doesn't support them.
    But you are so kind and I thank you so much for the awesome comments for Helen, as well for her poem. Also, thank you for the gracious gift of six stars.

    I hope she is reading all of these sweet messages for her. Thanks again, my friend. Debi
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 14-Nov-2023
    Much love,
Comment from Daylily
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am so glad you posted this wonderful tribute gift written for our own Helen, aka Lyenochka. I do not think you could ever find a more warm-hearted and gifted person. I have known Helen for several years and cannot say enough good things about her. She is a solid rock in the swirling streams of life.

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Hi my lovely Lily, you are so kind and I thank you so much for the awesome comments for Helen, as well for her poem. Thanks so much for the gracious gift of six stars too. I hope she is reading all of these dear messages for her. Thanks again, my friend. Debi
reply by Daylily on 14-Nov-2023
    I hope she is reading them too! :-)
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I wonder how many of us can say that Helen was one of the very first here at FS to reach out, welcome us, encourage us, and even write about us.

She is a treasure, and I'm so glad you wrote this piece for her. And I enjoyed the picture of all the Helens - I have to say I knew just about every one.

A lovely tribute - thank you, Debi.


 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Hey sista Pam, I hear you started a book for Sandra? I will check that out and maybe write one too.

    You are so kind and I thank you so much for the awesome comments for Helen, as well for her poem. I hope she is reading all of these dear messages for her. Thanks again, my friend. Debi
reply by Pam Lonsdale on 14-Nov-2023
    Not me, honey.
reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Just have been Pam Respa then.
Comment from Paul Manton
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thanks Debi for the honor to one of my most favorite people on Fan Story.
Between Helen, Karenina and you, no one has helped me more (I should include JSD) and I am very appreciative. You all are my friends for life.

A simple four beat abab poem, perfectly written to tell our dear friend's story. I knew she came from Hawaii, but had no idea that she majored in Russian! I studied Russian at school, and though I can still read it, I was a total disaster and got a dreadful exam result! However, when I sang a series of concerts in St. Petersburg, I could read the signs for 'Restaurant' with no trouble.

So, thank you for this lovely tribute. Happy Birthday, Helen!


 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Lol, Paul I adore you! I love how you always dissect and tell me exactly what I did. I think one of these days I will read your translation enough and I will know it myself. So LOL, please never stop!!! I guess I didn't pay much attention to that part in college. But for now, I think I learned and have been doing them for so long that it comes natural. It isn't always easy to get every line without stumbling a little when you have to make sense and noneof your notes about them rhymes. (And no, I am not going to do a non-rhyming one) lol... So I do what I can to not let the hiccups and stumbling happen too often.

    But in the meantime I want to say that you are so kind and I thank you so much for the awesome comments for Helen, as well for her poem. Thanks also for the generous six stars. I hope she is reading all of these dear messages for her. Thanks again, my friend. I do feel the same way about you. Love, Debi
reply by Paul Manton on 14-Nov-2023
    Thank you for the lovely long reply!

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Long before you got here, I was named the sites chatterbox! Lol.
    So do you sing my poems?
    Because I have to try really hard to just read them because I sing them all the time.
reply by Paul Manton on 14-Nov-2023
    Oh, that's great to know. I think my compositional gift is the greater because I have to meld music and poetry. People on this site who don't get the music of poetry are missing so much!
    Love fro Paul
Comment from jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a wonderful poem filled with individual detail for our friend, Helen. I guess she stumped your incredible rhyming prowess with lyenochka? (Just kidding you, I'll bet you can thyme it)

Anyways, Helen is a sweetheart with always a kind word, helpful reviewer, sends prayers and love when and where it's needed.

She is a gifted writer and one of the best on the site, with a creative sense of humor.

I'm proud to call her a friend and family member.

I hope you're feeling better. Enjoy your Sunday,

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2023
    Aha, John, the answer to that is, not on your life. But can you imagine this in Helen's poem? Happy birthday to lyenochka, and Hawaii says alohka, our party sure will stoke ya, then John and you can polka. (need I say more?) lol.

    Anyway, just want to tell you that you are so kind and I thank you so much for the awesome comments for Helen, as well for her poem. Thanks also for your generous helping of stars, John. I hope she is reading all of these dear messages for her. Thanks again, my friend. Debi