The Letter
Short Story prompt: Dearest, would this be of interest ...29 total reviews
Comment from c_lucas
Cleaning out attics and old garages use to be a profitable adventure for me. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words.
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Cleaning out attics and old garages use to be a profitable adventure for me. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Many thanks for your very kind review, c_lucas.
You're welcome.
Comment from Dean Kuch
So, Claire is really Rose, or was before her family changed her name to prevent a scandal. And, she was conceived, it would seem, in the lavish rose garden bordering the estate. The illegitimate love child of Sir George Darley Annette, Claire's mother, who died only a couple of short weeks after giving bith to her. Claire, or Rose, as the case may be, was brought up by her Aunt Edith and her Uncle, whose name wasn't mentioned, I don't believe.
While in the attic of the rundown Daley house they've rented, Edward, Claire's husband, discovers an old letter from Claire's mother to George. He later discovers a picture of a young girl who is the spitting image of Claire.
This has more plot twists in such a short amount of time than a daytime soap opera, LOL!
Still, it was very well written and an extremely engaging read.
Good luck to you in the contest. :}
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
So, Claire is really Rose, or was before her family changed her name to prevent a scandal. And, she was conceived, it would seem, in the lavish rose garden bordering the estate. The illegitimate love child of Sir George Darley Annette, Claire's mother, who died only a couple of short weeks after giving bith to her. Claire, or Rose, as the case may be, was brought up by her Aunt Edith and her Uncle, whose name wasn't mentioned, I don't believe.
While in the attic of the rundown Daley house they've rented, Edward, Claire's husband, discovers an old letter from Claire's mother to George. He later discovers a picture of a young girl who is the spitting image of Claire.
This has more plot twists in such a short amount of time than a daytime soap opera, LOL!
Still, it was very well written and an extremely engaging read.
Good luck to you in the contest. :}
Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Many thanks for your very kind review, Dean. I may see if I can further develop this into a short story or novella at some stage.
I think you should. :}
Comment from onebrit
Well I certainly hope you are going to turn this into something more than just this entry.....I am loving the story line so far, and the great dialogue. Poor Claire to find out her origins in such a way....but perhaps she doesn't mind so much....such a sweet piece
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Well I certainly hope you are going to turn this into something more than just this entry.....I am loving the story line so far, and the great dialogue. Poor Claire to find out her origins in such a way....but perhaps she doesn't mind so much....such a sweet piece
Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Many thanks for your very kind review, onebrit. I may well see if I can turn this into something more at some stage - maybe a short story or novella. I'm not sure that I have the stamina for a full-length novel!
Comment from Keith Argyle
I loved the mystery of this story and would make a great opening for a longer story, maybe even a novel with a little planning. I could see this in my mind, very visual and would even make a good TV series or even a film if scripted right and expanded. But I think a novel would be great idea first. If you want any help planning, let me know... email me on I will be happy to help you plan it. Keith.
A great idea that flowed well, I wish you luck with it. Keith. :)
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
I loved the mystery of this story and would make a great opening for a longer story, maybe even a novel with a little planning. I could see this in my mind, very visual and would even make a good TV series or even a film if scripted right and expanded. But I think a novel would be great idea first. If you want any help planning, let me know... email me on I will be happy to help you plan it. Keith.
A great idea that flowed well, I wish you luck with it. Keith. :)
Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Many thanks for your very kind review, Keith, and offer of help. I may well see if I can turn this into something more at some stage - maybe a short story or novella. I'm not sure that I have the time or the stamina for a full-length novel!
You are welcome, just let me know if I can help. It's got possibilities. :) Keith.
Comment from Charlene0513
Genealogy can be a tricky thing and becomes even more disturbing when the aftermath of the past comes back to taunt you.
Good consistency and flow to the story.
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Genealogy can be a tricky thing and becomes even more disturbing when the aftermath of the past comes back to taunt you.
Good consistency and flow to the story.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Many thanks for your very kind review, Charlene.
Comment from sibhus
Well, that's different. I wasn't expecting this with the opening line, but it was a short piece. Well written with a good pace and the dialogue seems very nature. I guess you should never go poking around in old attics, eh? Makes for an excellent entry for the contest and good luck.
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Well, that's different. I wasn't expecting this with the opening line, but it was a short piece. Well written with a good pace and the dialogue seems very nature. I guess you should never go poking around in old attics, eh? Makes for an excellent entry for the contest and good luck.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2014
Many thanks for your very kind review, sibhus
Comment from Eigle Rull
Oh my, I do not like these kinds of contests. The reader reads the submission, gets real interested in it and then it's over - before it really ends. Bummer man...
This had an excellent storyline. The dialog was extremely good and it was interesting. It kept my attention very well, also. I just wish it was just the start of a story, and not the entire story. I enjoyed reading this wonderful little story, my friend. It was excellent.
Always with respect,
reply by the author on 27-Sep-2014
Oh my, I do not like these kinds of contests. The reader reads the submission, gets real interested in it and then it's over - before it really ends. Bummer man...
This had an excellent storyline. The dialog was extremely good and it was interesting. It kept my attention very well, also. I just wish it was just the start of a story, and not the entire story. I enjoyed reading this wonderful little story, my friend. It was excellent.
Always with respect,
Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 27-Sep-2014
Thanks so much, ER, for this encouraging review and your gift of stars. I'm thinking of expanding this one into a short story or novella.
If you do, please let me know. I'd sure like to read it.
Always with respect,
Comment from Jackreese
I loved this, so much mystery. It was a compelling story from start to finish. The backstory had me wanting to more about Claire's paternity.
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reply by the author on 27-Sep-2014
I loved this, so much mystery. It was a compelling story from start to finish. The backstory had me wanting to more about Claire's paternity.
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Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 27-Sep-2014
Thanks so much, Jack, for this encouraging review and your gift of stars. I'm thinking of expanding this one into a short story or novella.
Comment from Wendyanne
This is an interesting little story in which you have incorporated the contest line as stated in the rules. You just need to make picture plural in the first paragraph. Good luck.
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reply by the author on 20-Sep-2014
This is an interesting little story in which you have incorporated the contest line as stated in the rules. You just need to make picture plural in the first paragraph. Good luck.
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Comment Written 20-Sep-2014
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2014
Thanks so much, Wendyanne! I must have read it through a dozen times! Just goes to show how important it is to have a fresh pair of eyes to proofread one's work!