Reviews from

Unarmed Black Teen

Reason vs Emotion

32 total reviews 
Comment from onebrit
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This story has been bothering me since it happened, what really went down will surely come to light at the trial. What really bothers me is that the go to reaction was looting and does that follow? Stealing TVs because a kid was shot.....violence begets violence. You certainly made me think.

 Comment Written 21-Aug-2014

Comment from Nosha17
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I commend you on your commentary. My son says (and I agree with you and him)exactly the same things you have written. He actually believes that the Marxist element of our society is intent on creating these divisions in society by inciting the hatred between Blacks and Whites. Media are mostly Marxist infiltrated which would explain why the Media creates such headlines. I think the situation now has become worse than it was 40 years ago in the US. You have courage to speak out, pity not enough people do that. Well written, good descriptive language, well backed up arguments. Faye

 Comment Written 21-Aug-2014

Comment from Judy Couch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is excellent. It's well written and stated sthe facts of the case clearly. There are two typos: 1. "killed in a park the following her return" I don't think you want the word "the" after park. 2. "not extending the same legal right is the police officer." I think the "is" needs to be changed to "to". I really liked the story -- maybe because I agree with your thoughts on the subject.

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2014

Comment from RGstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well , my brother..I see your point in a lot of this, but this has been going on for decades. In the f30's 40's or even 50's..if a black was accused of raping a white would have the headlines you asked of...the other way around.
If black kill is not news...If white kill white is not news. If Hispanic kill Hispanic its not news.
But! if a group of black police officers, in a predominantly black neighborhood, gun down a white unharmed young boy in what could be seen as any revenge killing, though there may be other factors, you would get the headline you sought....the other way around.
My point...Injustice. People I think, react to injustices, especially when it is race related. A black community would find it near on impossible to come out against the cancer of own kind who drug, kill and terrorize own communities. An Hispanic community under the same siege by their own will neither come out...neither will a the white community, in areas well known for this kind of drug or execution lifestyle, come out in uproar against there own. Because! There is one common denominator..... FEAR.

We need all nationalities, together...on the same street, same protest, same goal.... before anything is achieved.

Anything that concerns race, whomever right or headlines.

If we can ask this of communities to put away their fear and come out fighting against the carnage of their own people, then why can we not ask the same of politicians to take stringent measures concerning the age old laws of the 2nd amendment...even though we see the atrocities throughout children, old people, young teenagers, police, army, judges , doctors , all walks of life murdered, misused, killed or being killed by the very thing that they swear to protect under that very amendment.

No my do we ask a meager community to singly rise up and dispel that fear, when the most powerful in the land will not dispel their fears of losing an election to deal with them GUNS.

Ask not what a single community can do for themselves without fear if the politician cannot do what they are chosen to do...without fear .

But I hear you, my friend


 Comment Written 20-Aug-2014

reply by the author on 20-Aug-2014
    I'm sorry, I have no issue with the 5th amendment. Are you sure you don't mean the 2nd? if so, guns have responsibility, people do.
reply by RGstar on 21-Aug-2014
    Sorry, Lancelot, I meant 2nd amendment. I have edited it
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
This work has reached the exceptional level

outrage and emotion, but little logic or reason << You nailed it here!

we want someone to blame, whether they are guilty or not. << ANd again. You understand the situation we're facing. VERY few do. Congratulations on using your brain. If only MORE would do it, America would be a better place.

BRAVO for a terrific article!

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2014

Comment from AAud
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for a very well thought out commentary. You make many valid points. It does make you wonder why the same story is played over and over. Is their a defect in the human brain that causes it to disengage from rational thought periodically? Does humanity suffer from short term memory problems? Or are we like the bull who thoughtlessly charges whenever he spies the red cape? You made it clear what our "red cape" is. Great job.

Your essay made me think ... we need to THINK!

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2014

Comment from boxergirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well stated commentary about the black/white issues regarding the killing of blacks. I thought all of your points were valid and your voice was unbiased. I especially wonder also where the outrage is for black on black violence.

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2014

Comment from comanalbert
This work has reached the exceptional level

Indeed, but also people with low brain activity and/or nothing to do will find the biggest amusement in walking to a protest. Beats barbecues. This is the only reason I can imagine...

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2014

Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Everything you said here is true. The media is at fault in most of these cases. They stir up the public to riot so they can get their 15 minutes of fame. Why don't the black people rise up against the hoodlums who cause all the deaths in their community? Because they know the hoodlums will kill them and they know the Police force won't kill them. They know it! Why do the protest? So they can loot!. It is just the bad people who cause trouble. Bad reporters need to be fired first off. Bravo, Nancy

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2014

Comment from gypsycaravan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for your well-written, insightful look at a festering problem in our country. Outside influences and media without ethics is becoming a huge hazard to the health of our US citizens. When will the media become responsible? So Sad. Thank you for posting.

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2014