Piety rules the day32 total reviews
Comment from Tomoso
Well done with your superb article concerning basic human rights, opposition to said rights from people and institutions, and the pious mentality of certain sections of society. I applaud your plucky efforts to highlight these issues, and I agree with most of everything you wrote.
However, I do believe churches have a role in society. I bring my elderly parents to church every Sunday. This affords them, and their fellow pensioners, great comfort. As I looked around the church this morning, it was half empty. The majority of churchgoers were in their seventies and eighties. I was one of the youngest, and I'm no spring chicken LOL. The church is losing the more enlightened youth, and they only have themselves to blame. Jesus Christ is a hard act to follow, and they need to try harder and include everybody.
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
Well done with your superb article concerning basic human rights, opposition to said rights from people and institutions, and the pious mentality of certain sections of society. I applaud your plucky efforts to highlight these issues, and I agree with most of everything you wrote.
However, I do believe churches have a role in society. I bring my elderly parents to church every Sunday. This affords them, and their fellow pensioners, great comfort. As I looked around the church this morning, it was half empty. The majority of churchgoers were in their seventies and eighties. I was one of the youngest, and I'm no spring chicken LOL. The church is losing the more enlightened youth, and they only have themselves to blame. Jesus Christ is a hard act to follow, and they need to try harder and include everybody.
Comment Written 21-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
So glad you liked this piece.
I so agree with you that the church does provide great comfort for those who find it to be a sanctuary for them. My son is one of those who draws much strength from attending mass on a regular basis.
My comments about organized religion were intended to reflect my personal feelings of frustration with it, not to impose it on anyone else.
It is sad that the church is losing the younger generation, but perhaps it will be an incentive for this organized body to look to Christ more and less to the imperfect musings of Man.
I just see so much less caring and inhumanity in today's world and I am convinced that less judgment and more openness to reach out to others is worth focusing on.
There are many good and faithful people in this world, in fact I would like to think they are the majority and not the minority.
Thank you for your always greatly appreciated review of my work and your valued comments.
Comment from mauial
The trouble with your reasoning and the reasoning of the pious groups you write about is that both of you do not know what is really written in the Bible. They teach things like hellfire and other pagan beliefs that are totally incompatible with God's principle quality, Love. Are they wrong about God condemning, homosexuality? No. Read 1 Corinthians 9:6 and it is plain that it is not acceptable. But does that give them license to condemn? No. It is God that will do that. Whereas they condemn the individuals, God condemns the act and in doing so He wants the person to change. Is it just the gay issue that indicates we are in the last days? No. 2Timothy 3:1-5 lists a number of things. The thing that is wrong with the world and your thinking in this write is it calls for changing God's standards. His standards are for our own welfare. How would we fare if He suddenly decided gravity was not necessary? He set that natural law in motion as He also Has made the moral laws. As to why there is no peace, the answer is found at Isaiah 48:18 "O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea."
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
The trouble with your reasoning and the reasoning of the pious groups you write about is that both of you do not know what is really written in the Bible. They teach things like hellfire and other pagan beliefs that are totally incompatible with God's principle quality, Love. Are they wrong about God condemning, homosexuality? No. Read 1 Corinthians 9:6 and it is plain that it is not acceptable. But does that give them license to condemn? No. It is God that will do that. Whereas they condemn the individuals, God condemns the act and in doing so He wants the person to change. Is it just the gay issue that indicates we are in the last days? No. 2Timothy 3:1-5 lists a number of things. The thing that is wrong with the world and your thinking in this write is it calls for changing God's standards. His standards are for our own welfare. How would we fare if He suddenly decided gravity was not necessary? He set that natural law in motion as He also Has made the moral laws. As to why there is no peace, the answer is found at Isaiah 48:18 "O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea."
Comment Written 21-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
I respect your true devotion to the Bible and the scriptures you quote. And I agree that God condemns the act not the person, which is what I am addressing when speaking of the piety of those who sit in judgment of others personally.
I would count you among the truly faithful. Your purity of thought being aligned with God's love. However, there are those who profess to walk in the light, but at the condemnation of others.
If we would look to Christ and not rely so much on Man and the various religions he has fashioned, the world would be in a much better place than it is now.
Thank you for your review and comments.
Comment from visionary1234
Another fine write, Marisa! Thank you for looking at the BIG picture in this world!
when it ostracizes those that(who) dare to differ with it
isn't it to our benefit to engage in God's love and compassion for our fellow man(?)
If there are those that(who) feel they have been saved and redeemed by God's good grace,
take my first sixer for the week! well deserved! :)S
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
Another fine write, Marisa! Thank you for looking at the BIG picture in this world!
when it ostracizes those that(who) dare to differ with it
isn't it to our benefit to engage in God's love and compassion for our fellow man(?)
If there are those that(who) feel they have been saved and redeemed by God's good grace,
take my first sixer for the week! well deserved! :)S
Comment Written 21-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
I am so bad at the (that),(who) business. Thanks for the ever so valued help. I will make corrections accordingly.
So happy you like the piece and I am thrilled with the very generous rating.
So far I have not been too badly beat up by the God Squad, but it is still early in the game ... We shall see.
Comment from EMB
Ah, relationship taboos. I really enjoyed reading this piece, and I do agree with much of this. It seems that there's a cycle that never ends, where the zealots have to announce what kind of relationship needs to take some heat during a certain point in history. Now it's those who are gay. Before that it was interracial marriages. Before that, it was people of varying faiths, which I believe are still on the chopping block to some extent. (Funny. I don't remember incest ever coming under attack, but I guess Adam and Eve's children had to populate the earth somehow. LOL)
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
Ah, relationship taboos. I really enjoyed reading this piece, and I do agree with much of this. It seems that there's a cycle that never ends, where the zealots have to announce what kind of relationship needs to take some heat during a certain point in history. Now it's those who are gay. Before that it was interracial marriages. Before that, it was people of varying faiths, which I believe are still on the chopping block to some extent. (Funny. I don't remember incest ever coming under attack, but I guess Adam and Eve's children had to populate the earth somehow. LOL)
Comment Written 21-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
You are so right about the cycle of relationship condemnations by the zealots of this world. This is just the relationship "du jour". No doubt they will be busy finding other faults to shine their little pious lights on.
I love your review and agree with your perspective on it all.
Thank you for reading this piece. I know how very busy you are these days with your writing career, so I always appreciate when you drop by and review my work.
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
I'm glad I waited to be able to give this outstanding piece the six it deserves. You've said what I've been thinking for so long, and I'm sure others have been too. You state it so clearly, with examples to back up your points, that no one could possibly not get it. Bravo!
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
I'm glad I waited to be able to give this outstanding piece the six it deserves. You've said what I've been thinking for so long, and I'm sure others have been too. You state it so clearly, with examples to back up your points, that no one could possibly not get it. Bravo!
Comment Written 21-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
You are such a treasure and I so enjoy your reviews. Thank you so very much for this one and for the generous rating.
Comment from fanstory518
Very eloquently written. As a PK preachers kid)I to have no use for organized religion. Some of the worse treatment I have received in my life have been from bible-thumpers, folks who want to be like Jesus-which, by itself is mind-boggling.
The Leo Buscaglia quote says it all. I live my life every day by doing those things and they cost me nothing.
Thank you for being a wonderful writer.
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
Very eloquently written. As a PK preachers kid)I to have no use for organized religion. Some of the worse treatment I have received in my life have been from bible-thumpers, folks who want to be like Jesus-which, by itself is mind-boggling.
The Leo Buscaglia quote says it all. I live my life every day by doing those things and they cost me nothing.
Thank you for being a wonderful writer.
Comment Written 20-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
I feel that you are one of the gentle and kind spirits I refer to as the faithful. One who dispenses with all the crowing and self-righteous nonsense and just extends a hand to those in need.
Thank you so much for this supportive review and your astute comments.
Comment from GracieAnn
I find this expose interesting in it's approach and feel the passion in the well written words. I like this notes section as well-"I found the greatest worth in those who had little or no voice. These are people that, for the most part, are considered the fringe element." This reminded me of Jesus' life, no home, poor, attacked and by religious leaders, and never traveled more than 20 miles from where He was born and raised, called and accused of unjust and untrue things. Died the death of a murderer and thief. Go figure.
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
I find this expose interesting in it's approach and feel the passion in the well written words. I like this notes section as well-"I found the greatest worth in those who had little or no voice. These are people that, for the most part, are considered the fringe element." This reminded me of Jesus' life, no home, poor, attacked and by religious leaders, and never traveled more than 20 miles from where He was born and raised, called and accused of unjust and untrue things. Died the death of a murderer and thief. Go figure.
Comment Written 20-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
I absolutely love this review. Your description of Jesus and his life is so true. If we looked to Him and not so much to those of the church, I think we would have a very different world today.
Thank you so much for these thoughtful words.
Comment from Jim Lorson Sr
This story echoes my beliefs. I went to catholic school through the 8th grade. Then, with my father's blessing, I quit being catholic. Broke my mom and her family heart. I could not condone their teachings. I do not believe in organized religions. I have a very strong faith in the lord. Nothing nor anyone can change that.
Briefly, I lived in las vegas for 27 yrs. I had many gay friends of both genders. They all would tell you, I was the best straight friend that could ever have. They are very good people and were always there if I needed help. I retired last June and moved back to Ohio. We still keep in touch and I miss each and everyone of them.
I am so glad that I stopped by to read this great piece. Very well informative and you brought to light many hypocrisies and atrocities of religion today. I apologize for rambling,,,,,Jim
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
This story echoes my beliefs. I went to catholic school through the 8th grade. Then, with my father's blessing, I quit being catholic. Broke my mom and her family heart. I could not condone their teachings. I do not believe in organized religions. I have a very strong faith in the lord. Nothing nor anyone can change that.
Briefly, I lived in las vegas for 27 yrs. I had many gay friends of both genders. They all would tell you, I was the best straight friend that could ever have. They are very good people and were always there if I needed help. I retired last June and moved back to Ohio. We still keep in touch and I miss each and everyone of them.
I am so glad that I stopped by to read this great piece. Very well informative and you brought to light many hypocrisies and atrocities of religion today. I apologize for rambling,,,,,Jim
Comment Written 20-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
You certainly did not ramble and I so enjoyed you sharing your experiences with me. I too have had the most lovely gay friends, all my life it seems, and they were each and every one a treasure to me. My son, who is a convert to Catholicism, struggles with the gay issue, as he remembers all too well the wonderful gay people we had in our lives when he was growing up.
Too often religious people tend to see everything in black and white when life most definitely has many shades of gray.
As one person on hear said to me, if we follow God's instructions and look to Christ and his teachings and not that of the church or its parishioners, there would be far less judging going on and a lot more benevolence in the world.
Thank you, again, for your most appreciated review.
Comment from Gungalo
One never knows when the smallest act of kindness will change a life.
This is so true and such a wonderful thing to do. Reach out and touch someone and perhaps make a change in their lives.
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
One never knows when the smallest act of kindness will change a life.
This is so true and such a wonderful thing to do. Reach out and touch someone and perhaps make a change in their lives.
Comment Written 20-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
If I may use a religious term here ... Amen to that!
It is about the little kindnesses we do for others that can make an impact in ways we never expected.
Thank you for making that the point of the entire piece, because it most certainly was.
Smile girl.
Comment from Spitfire
Yea! I'm with you. Organized religion, however, does have its place in creating a support system. But if the "interpretation" of the Bible is too literal, much damage can be done. My hubby, a devoted Catholic, really believes it's a mortal sin not to go to church. However, he has never forced me into believing the same way. Hyposcisy for sure. My daughter saw it at sixteen and although she believes in God, church is not for her. You bring up a lot of good points here. Sorry I don't have a six to reward you for speaking out.
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
Yea! I'm with you. Organized religion, however, does have its place in creating a support system. But if the "interpretation" of the Bible is too literal, much damage can be done. My hubby, a devoted Catholic, really believes it's a mortal sin not to go to church. However, he has never forced me into believing the same way. Hyposcisy for sure. My daughter saw it at sixteen and although she believes in God, church is not for her. You bring up a lot of good points here. Sorry I don't have a six to reward you for speaking out.
Comment Written 20-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
You are so right when you say that organized religion does have its place in creating a support system. It is very sustaining for some. My son is a recent convert to Catholicism and he finds great comfort in going to mass on a regular basis. It feeds his soul and gives him a sense of peace and grounding.
My statement was purely person about organized religions. They are just not my cup of tea. I grew up going to church on a regular basis and I participated in youth groups and women's circles as a young wife and mother, so I do know the church offers comfort to those who seek it. I also witnessed much hypocrisy, as well.
Thanks so much for your most welcome comments on this piece. I greatly appreciate your review.