2021 Script Writer of the Year
Poet Rating
Rank: 27
Short Works Rating
Rank: 7
Novel Rating
Script Rating
Rank: 1
Review Stars
Rank: 28
Broken System
I know this may make some angry and I don't care. This year FS has disappointed me more than any other year. I knew fake five-star reviews were the norm, but never before has it gotten this ridiculous. Yeah, the vanity posts are bad, and anything senior wins are worse but... for crying out loud.
Full discloser: I have many Top five "plastic" FS trophies, so I don't much care about them, but... I did earn them.
Now, earning them is no longer required. One can simply write a single paragraph "Story" and get half a dozen "fake five star" reviews. Do that twice a day (not even promoting), and you soar to the top. Never mind you cannot spell or know what the elements of a story are.
Do I blame members for taking advantage of a broken system? No. I blame the dishonest, cowardly reviewers, who are afraid to give constructive criticism and honest ratings because (at their advanced age) they somehow think it is negativity and will hurt an "adult's" fragile feelings. Some are also afraid of getting a poor review in return.
The FS system is broken, and we broke it.
This mess will only get worse, and it's all our fault.
If all you give are fives, then what value is there in receiving a five from you?
RE: Broken System
I agree. Someone must have the courage to break the mould.
RE: Broken System
Message edited: 3 months ago
RE: Broken System
Message edited: 3 months ago
RE: Broken System
Excellent idea. I already say something like that, but then at almost 90 I don't review very much anymore. We should all do that! Many people won't like it, including Tom. When I joined the site in 2006, reviewers actually taught you, and I learned a lot. Now people don't, and maybe they don't want to, but this used to be a writing site.
RE: Broken System
Shame on you for suggesting the established FanStory rating system should be used.
No more good ole boy ratings?
No more you give me a 5 or 6 star review (no matter how atrocious the writing is) and I will give you one in return?
RE: Broken System
^^ I am already doing this. I think Lancellot is too.
I agree with Nor84. Also, when giving less than a five, always give tangible areas for improvement. NEVER dock an author because you disagree with their style or politics, or because you're too lazy to read the contest rules, or feel like they don't meet your standard of appropriateness. I generally offer the author the opportunity to have their rating increased if they make corrections. There are extremely rare instances, maybe every 300-500 reviews, where I will simply shred an author, but it is only when the author has ignored previous advice, their work is technically deficient, and it's necessary to get their attention. Being constructive is important.
RE: Broken System
What would you all think of this:
I'll write an article about a ratings revolt, explain everything talked about here. I'll put it in under lock and key and send everyone in this thread a link to suggest revisions etc.
When it's deemed good to go, I'll post it with a certificate and what I can in pumps. Others could help out with a pump or two to get it as high up as possible in the review list so many will see it.
I'll only do it if there's support for it. Revolutions aren't in my nature, Lol! But I am SO frustrated by the meaninglessness of the rating system.
RE: Broken System
Go for it. I will support the effort, and I am fairly confident other prolific reviewers who win the monthly awards will as well.
RE: Broken System
Message edited: 3 months ago
2021 Script Writer of the Year
Poet Rating
Rank: 27
Short Works Rating
Rank: 7
Novel Rating
Script Rating
Rank: 1
Review Stars
Rank: 28
RE: Broken System
All good ideas. I like adding the official review guidelines to the end of reviews. I wish the site would post them on the front page now and again, to promote how ratings and reviews should happen, but us doing it is fine too. Perhaps by next year it will gain traction if enough of support it.
Understand, there will be some pushback, some will mute us, ignore us, or seek revenge, but if we hold, we can make the site better.
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My wanna-be observational comedian fantasy.