I skip among the stars ‘most every night
when I can catch a moonbeam’s trailing light,
put on Imagination’s magic cap
and let sheer fancy take its freedom flight.
Across a spiral stairway in the sky,
a comet’s tail comes swooping on the fly.
Its path will pass beyond the Milky Way
through shooting asteroids as they storm by.
Play tunes on Saturn’s xylophonic rings,
arpeggios immortals long to sing.
Sweet melodies forever caught in space
are carried through the clouds on unseen strings.
I wave as old Man Moon smiles sleepily.
The planets laugh at my audacity
in sailing ‘round the heavens recklessly
while by my bed, the Sandman waits for me.
Author Notes
Hunter's Moon, Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Some moon names are tied to seasons, such as the Harvest and Hunter's Moons. The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. The Hunter's Moon is the full moon after the Harvest Moon.
Phyllis challenged me to write a quatrain with chain rhyme. A Quatrain with chain rhyme
#1) abab
#2) abba -- envelope rhyme
#3) aabb
#4) aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd -- chain rhyme