Follows with Another Amazing Journey Entitled, "Heaven!"
"Blue Horizon"
Written on April 11th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024 and Jay
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
'I can almost see it Dad!'
'I can feel so, so, close now!'
'Soon dad, I will arrive!'
'Arrive at my final resting place.'
'The Stars are so bright up here!'
'I'm feeling almost Celestial!'
'I wish you were here with me.:
''I miss you so much!'
'Doctor Williams the patient is fully unconscious now.'
'Thanks Doctor Lawrence.'
'And, It's a shame it has to end this way Doctor Williams.'
'Yes, he was only Eighteen, I understand.'
'I'll be getting text messages all night.'
'From The Gift of Life people out of Philadelphia Pennsylvania.'
'I understand the family is devastated.'
'Yes,especially the father.'
'He just continues crying.'
'It's a shame he can't stop.'
'It breaks my heart Doctor Lawrence.'
'While speaking on the subject of this young man's heart.'
'We have a man in Philadelphia waiting...
'Can you hear me?:
'Can you see me?'
'My path is now marked by Angels holding signs!'
"Jason we missed you!"
"Jason we Love you!"
"Welcome back Jay!
'Gabriel's now my guide dad.'
'And, he's holding my hand!'
'And, I can fly now!'
'The wings just sprouted immediately!'
'Yes, as soon as he touched my hand!'
Dr Williams the procedure for the removal of the liver went perfectly!'
'yes Dr Lawrence and it's iced and ready!:
'I understand there's a young African-American man waiting.'
'And, they have a team assembled at Jefferson hospital in Philadelphia.'
'He's only 28 years old and he was dying from cirrhosis.'
'But now?'
'Yes, the Dear Lord is making this happen!'
'And, what's now amazing?'
'Doctor Lawrence?'
'Yes, is he will get a second chance at a new Life!'
'Yes Doctor Williams.'
There's a bright light now dad and we are heading exactly and directly into the center!'
'And, it's so Beautiful dad but I'm so, so, sad.'
Will I ever see you again?'
'Doctor both kidneys are now iced and also ready.'
'Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. has made all the arrangements.'
'Yes, with "The Gift of Life!"
'One kidneys going out West to a man named Bill.'
'While the other one is staying local.'
I understand and believe it's a little girl of only 8 years old from South Jersey.'
'She's jaundice and on life support.'
'I pray the kidney will change that and arrive soon.'
Yes, Doctor Williams and that will be a beautiful thing!'
'So, this is Heaven Gabriel?'
Jason wonders.
'Well, just about anything that you want now?'
'Yes, you will have here Jay.'
States Gabriel.
'Do they have Xbox or PlayStation Gab?'
'The systems we have up here are the Newest.'
'And, they don't have them below yet.'
'Can't wait.'
States Gabriel.
Oh, by the way.'
'And, since you're a new arrival.'
'We set you up with the best Blue Horizon Cloud over the Celestial Fountain.'
'Jason tomorrow?'
'Yes, after you rest.'
'Yes, you will be attending your first Angel training class!'
'And, welcome back my dear brother!'
The End?
Approximate Word Count: 530
Author Notes
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'seshadri_screenivasan'
His Incredible Picture Entitled, "Unfolding Blue Horizons"