Fantasy Poetry posted February 24, 2019

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An analogue poem for Potlatch Poetry

I Travel

by damommy

I have a little world, my very own,
where I can be whatever pleases me,
and go just anywhere I want to be -
a rustic cabin in a place unknown,
or sit with queenly splendor on a throne,
solve mysteries, go back in history,
all this I do at any time, you see,
for books create this very special sphere
and I can travel so year after year.




TOPIC--a favorite cozy place--real or fantasy

Analogue is a metered invented form that is limited to 3 rhymes. It�¢??s source is Rena Ferguson Parks a 20th century poet and educator.The Analogue is:
o a poem of 9 lines.
o metered, all lines are iambic pentameter.
o rhymed, rhyme scheme abbaabbcc.

Club entry for the "Challenge for the Week of 2-23-2019" event in "club potlatch".  Locate a writing club.
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