Biographical Poetry posted June 14, 2018

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No Vacation

by damommy

Sitting here alone,
to this seat I’ve grown,
just considering some thoughts.
But my mind went blank,
played its usual prank,
and my tummy’s tied in knots.
Still, I’ll do my best
with my time hard pressed –
having surgery Friday.
Get a shoulder new
‘cause the old won’t do,
and it must be thrown away.
Not vacation planned.
I will have one hand
and my typing will be slow.
Yet, the time will pass
though, alack, alas,
I will miss FanStory so.


I'm having shouldeer replacement surgery tomorrow, so if I don't respond immediately, please understand. I will get to it as soon as I can. I appreciate every review and critique.

According to, thoughts and knots rhyme.

The Alouette, created by Jan Turner, consists of two or more stanzas of 6 lines each, with the following set rules:

Meter: 5, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7

Rhyme Scheme: a, a, b, c, c, b

The form name is a French word meaning 'skylark' or larks that fly high, the association to the lark's song being appropriate for the musical quality of this form. The word 'alouette' can also mean a children's song (usually sung in a group), and although this poetry form is not necessarily for children's poetry (but can be applied that way), it is reminiscent of that style of short lines. Preference for the meter accent is on the third syllable of each line.

Club entry for the "POETRY POTLATCH / June 22, 2018" event in "Put Pen To Paper Potlatch Poetry Club".  Locate a writing club.
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