Essay Non-Fiction posted October 29, 2017

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Gaining Insight

by Cogitator

It is the end of the sixth day of creation and God has gathered all his angels and addresses the throng:

"Dear angels, we have worked wonders in these last six days. We have created the Universe with all its galaxies, stars, and solar systems and set them all in motion. Here on earth, we have created a paradise of wondrous beauty; mountains, oceans, rivers, forests and deserts along with plant and animal life galore. For these creations to be appreciated, I have created Man and appointed him steward of my work. Tomorrow will be a day of rest and, from now on, every seventh day will be a day of rest. (Cheers from the throng)

"There is one last thing I must do before we retire. Man has everything possible for him to enjoy life on the planet but needs motivation to explore and appreciate the beauty of my creation. I have decided to hide the secret of life from him and give him a yearning to find it. I need some suggestions for where I can hide it."

A voice from the rear of the gathering:

"Put it on top of the highest mountain, God."

"Not bad, but I have made Man intelligent and resourceful and he would probably find it before he has come to appreciate much of what I have wrought."

A voice closer in:

"Hide it at the bottom of the deepest ocean!"

"That's much better, but Man will be developing tools and ways of protecting his body when he explores and again find it too soon."

A cherub at God's knee:

"Why not put it where he'll never look?"

"Where would that be, little one?"

"Put it inside him."

Looking within oneself for the meaning of life is not a common exercise. Insight necessitates internal communication. We are constantly communicating with ourselves. Many people actually verbalize conversations with themselves aloud as they stroll in the park, cooking, while driving, or whatever. Who are the participants in those conversations and how are they related?

Sigmund Freud suggests that the Ego, Id and Superego comprise the psyche of human beings. These elements can be construed as the Trinity of Consciousness. Their relationship and interaction create the universe we envision and can be used to expand our insight.

EGO is the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity. It evaluates perceptions to make decisions about the body's next action.

ID is the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest. It is the natural "Operating System" that resides in all organic life, including Mother Earth.

SUPEREGO is the part of a person's mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting social standards learned from parents and teachers.

That trinity creates the PSYCHE - the human soul, mind, or spirit.

"The conscious mind may be compared to a fountain playing in the sun and falling back into the great subterranean pool of subconscious from which it rises." -- Sigmund Freud

The three elements of our psyche mentioned above can be related to our brain. Freud's Ego can be defined as the Corpus Callosum; the Id resides in the right hemisphere and the Superego, the left. These are generalities to use in our analysis.

Babies are like clean slates that have all the necessary knowledge built in to sense their physical environment. Their sensors are tuned to monitor their "Comfort Zone" from their Id (animal instinct.) The response to an out-of-balance condition in their body is to cry for help. Their first "outside" relationship is usually with the responder that wants the child to stop crying. Babies contain much more knowledge than what allows them to interpret their senses, however. Using our insight to delve into this knowledge for understanding life should be the primary purpose of education. We should teach our babies how to learn, not what to learn.

From childhood, we begin hiding our inner self away. We learn to adapt and survive in the "outside" world. Our families and peers teach us socially acceptable behavior. Our educational system teaches us the technical and social skills we need to sustain a material life. As adults, we are thrust into a society geared towards materialism and maintaining the status quo. Rarely, especially in the early formative years, are we taught inner development; with an emphasis on intuition, the subconscious mind, independent thinking, self-esteem, self-confidence, psychic or inner spiritual growth. The road to enlightenment is an arduous one, but is available to all as insight. That road is not one of learning something new, but rather one of discovering what was always there.

Some have had a 'peak' experience, an ecstatic moment or a moment of greater understanding, when consciousness expanded. When this occurs, the integration between left brain (logical thinking) and right brain (intuitive feelings and emotions) is manifested in increased energy-flow between the two sides. This is thinking and feeling in a holistic and balanced way. It is a foretaste of an evolutionary jump for humanity - and in essence, what the so-called New Age is all about - a new level of maturity in mental development, an awakening.

By learning how to arouse the whole brain, selectively and at will, the mode of consciousness may be freely altered, appropriate to the task or situation - whether a crisis, making music, relaxing, mental arithmetic, brainstorming, or contemplating nature. In this new wide-awake consciousness, the world seems to be full of possibilities -- it possesses a strong sense of rediscovered meaning. This is nothing mystical. It is essentially ordinary consciousness, operating for once at its proper efficiency. Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor writes of such an experience in "Stroke of Insight" and has a seventeen-minute video on describing it. Her insight rid her of thirty-seven years of emotional baggage dumped on her by society. We all have the same opportunity.

"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in all directions and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be." - Maharishi Patanjali

"We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us, which no one can spare us, for our wisdom is the point of view from which we come at last to regard the world." -- Marcel Proust

Wisdom is analogous to understanding. Babies are born wise before well-meaning adults transform them into domesticated animals, just like themselves. Only through insight can we return to our innocent wisdom and free ourselves from societal programming. It begins with taking total responsibility for what we behold.

"I no longer view the world in terms of unfortunate accidents or misfortunes. I know in my being that I influence it all, and now finding myself considering why I created a situation, rather than saying, "why me." Dr. Wayne Dyer

Most people are familiar with the AM/FM radio. The letters mean Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation. When we turn the radio on, it is normally for the purpose of receiving input that pleases us for that moment, whether music or talk radio. As Tesla would attest, we are constantly existing in an energy field, receiving waves as a radio would. We "tune in" to the waves that satisfy our psyche. Our human brain works exactly the same way.

Broadly speaking, our brain's left hemisphere interprets the energy waves in terms of frequency while the right gauges the amplitude. Frequency of waves enables us to conceptualize time and number while their amplitude provides the idea of size and strength to imagine space. Space is beheld from our Point of View and the only time that exists is NOW. We always have existed, exist and will exist in the Here and Now. Between the hemispheres is the Corpus Callosum that allows communication from one side to the other. We think about what we feel and our feelings create thoughts. When we position our mind in the center of the Corpus Callosum, we reside in the tuner of our existence. We are able to reject false beliefs and values and tune in to truth from that vantage point. It is where insight begins.

From the Here/Now, we can behave like a radar antenna. We can project our thought energy into our perceived universe and receive the echo for evaluation. If our perception of that echo is not what we expected, it is because the thoughts we projected were incomplete or incorrect, our interpretation of it is incomplete or incorrect, or both. Everything we do and everything we say is subject to this basic natural law. It is how we achieve any goal we choose.

These elements relate to Freud's analysis. The Id is our innate knowledge and resides in the right hemisphere and provides emotion; the Superego lives in the left hemisphere, holds the societal knowledge of our human existence and the Ego attempts to make decisions when it feels an imbalance between the two to create thought. Unless the ego is centered in its insightful capability, it will suffer the consequences of faulty action.

"The essential lesson I've learned in life is to just be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you're not here as a human being only. You're a spiritual being having a human experience." Dr. Wayne Dyer

With insight, we can find an understanding of all the so-called mysteries of life, bringing us inner peace and contentment and giving us a higher appreciation of science and religion.

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