Fantasy Poetry posted October 10, 2014 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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Story Poem in Trochaic Tetrameter 8/7/8/7/8/7
A chapter in the book Lady Lily

Lady Lily and the Wizard

by w.j.debi

Lady Lily and the Wizard
Part 1: Chaos

Lady Lily loved her legends,
Butterfly and Dragon King.
They were, both of them, enchanted
on a day in early Spring
by a grim and wicked wizard
called the Fearsome Joe D'pring.

People feared this wicked wizard
like they'd feared no one before.
Fearsome Joe, he sought for power,
sought to rule the Kingdom Lore.
So he soared into the palace,
whirling madly through the door.

Like a dark and wild tornado,
he appeared before the throne.
"I am here to claim this kingdom;
I will rule it as my own."
Then he threw a magic potion
turning guardsmen into stone.

Next, the King became a dragon
and the Queen a butterfly.
Shrieks of terror filled the throne room;
magic sparks began to fly.
Chaos spread throughout the palace.
Fearsome Joe was feeling spry.

While the wizard chased and conjured,
leaving King and Queen alone,
Lady Lily came to help them
using magic of her own--
casting spells of transportation,
taking them to realms unknown.

Joe went mad. "They can't be missing.
Search the kingdom high and low.
Search the meadows and the forests.
Hurry up now; don't be slow.
There's a bounty for their capture.
When you find them, I must know!"

Fearsome Joe appeared so frantic.
"Find them now!" he'd stomp and yell.
Did he fear our Lady Lily?
Might she break his fearsome spell?
There were surely those who thought so,
but for now no one would tell.

To be continued....


Thank you to Dean Kuch for the inspiring picture which he attached to a review of another poem I wrote, and also for his help in getting it uploaded to this one. Right now the picture is temporarily unavailable, but hope to have it back soon.

Thank you also to Angelheart for her lovely artwork, "Steer Me To Fantasyland," to compliment the story.

I meant this for the Trochaic Tetrameter contest that Just2Write created, but the story took on a life of its own and is way past the line limit.

Trochee meter is the opposite of iambic so the stress is on the first syllable. I also used the option of Catalexis lines which drops the final unstressed syllable at the end of the line. In this case that allows the 8-7-8-7-8-7 syllable count.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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