General Poetry posted November 10, 2013 Chapters:  ...32 34 -35- 36... 

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An Octogram Poem

A chapter in the book Minnesota Poems

This Spot

by Treischel

This Spot
(An Octogram Poem)

In stone fountain cool water drips
Making a splash.
Inspiring relationships,
As droplets crash.
With water and flowers full view,
And hues of Autumn there too,
The wonderful colors eclipse,
Making a splash.

Perfect place for idyllic trips
Found in a flash.
Lovely spot to kiss lover's lips
With pure panash.
This garden in downtown Duluth,
Is wonderful warren, in truth.
Into this well, wish of love flips
Making a splash.

A beautiful spot on a stone bench by a fountain in the Rose Garden at Leif Erickson Park, in Duluth, Minnesota. The dripping water, roses, and autumn leaves make it a special spot for lovers.

This poem is an Octogram.
The Octogram is a style of poetry invented by Fanstorian Sally Yocom (S.Yocom). It consists of two stanzas of eight lines each, with a very specific syllable count and rhyme scheme.
Syllable count is 84848884, repeat on second stanza.
Rhyme scheme:ABabccbB ababddbB, where B repeats same text.
No more than 16 lines.
The tempo is tetrameter on the 8 count line, and dimeter on the 4 count line, but not iambic.

This photograph was taken by the author himself.
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