Biographical Poetry posted April 4, 2013 Chapters:  ...23 24 -25- 26... 

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Cantankerous Kids

A chapter in the book Family

Running Away

by Treischel

Running Away

Mom punished us for being bad,
And made us take a nap every day.
Then one day we decided to rebel,
And told her we were running away.

I was nine, Dick was six,
Little brother Joe was three.
Sick of naps and momma's rules
Decided we wanted to be free.

We had been to a park with sandstone cliffs
That was five miles away, or so.
It had a number of Indian digs
That's where we decided to go.

So off we went, our food was packed.
Tom, Dick, and Joe, three foolish knaves
With 3 PB&J sandwiches and apples sacked,
We headed off to live in those caves.

I in the lead, with Dick pulling Joe
With a wagon, headed off down the road.
Three fearless boys trudging along
With a bat, a sack, and pet toad.

Traveled through town, crossed several streets
Before our momma started to worry.
Thought we were going round the block,
Now she started to search with a flurry.

Remembering what I said, about running away,
She sent Dad off to search in the car.
The two panicked parents finally found their kids,
Amazed that they'd gotten so far.

Found trudging along on a busy road,
They had actually gotten several miles.
Dad was quite angry about our adventure,
But Mom was all love, hugs and smiles.


This is a true story about my brothers and I. The author was more concerned with getting the story down, than with tempo and syllable count.

There is a Park near our house named Battle Creek, that had a number of caves that the Native Americans used to live in along side a lovely creek. These caves were dug into the sandstone cliffs. Some had a couple of rooms in them. Our family would picnic there often. It was a great place to explore and climb around on the cliffs.

Kid's logic said we would need some food, so we packed three peanut butter and jelly (PB&J) sandwiches and three apples to live on. Threw it into a sack.

We brought along a baseball bat for protection.

Joe was too slow to walk along with us, so we pulled him along in a wagon.

We passed a swamp along the way and found a toad that we tossed in the wagon with Joe.

We had actually crossed several busy streets in town and made it across a major highway that had a stop light where we crossed it. Almost made it all the way to the park.

I thought we were going to get a beating when they found us, but mom was just so happy to find us, we only got lectured,with hugs and kisses.

The caves were determined to be dangerous, and are now sealed up, after a few people had died in them due to cave-ins and asphyxiations.

The picture is not my brother, but reminds me of him at that age. It's actually from Microsoft ClipArt.
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