Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted July 31, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
an amnesty application (please read notes at bottom)

ape altercation 🦍

by SimianSavant

an angry acupuncturist
assailed an apish artist
argumentatively attesting
anarchy at an assembly

after angry accusations
amalgamations and aspersions,
authorities arrested
an alliterating ape

an attending ape attorney
auscultated all apt arguments
advanced at ardent arsonists
asserting artist arete

after audience appeals
and adjudicator angst,
all acknowledged ambiguity
about allowing 'a'

A disqualified entry from the Life without the letter A contest.


apish: ape appearing
(resembling or likened to an ape)

acupuncturist: an absurd avocation
(someone who pokes needles in innocent people for a living)

attest: allege, assert
(usually in a formal, legal context)

anarchy: advocating against authority
(in this case, alleging said ape had cheated/breached the rules in a contest)

amalgamate: alloy alike articles
(combine or unite together different things/arguments to form together one structure)

aspersion: an attack
(on the reputation on the integrity of someone/something)

ardent: avid
(enthusiastic, excited)

auscultate: adroitly audit
(carefully listen to)

arete: accomplished, admired
(virtue, excellence of any kind -- the alliterative definition above is slightly misleading)

adjudicator: an authority
(a judge)

In plain English: someone accuses an ape of spreading chaos in the contest; he gets booked by the cops; at trial, he is accused of being out to destroy society for fun while pretending to be virtuous, until the validity of the rules that he has allegedly broken come into question.

Image by author, using Microsoft Copilot

a previous alliterative post:

previous banana post:
>> hey girl
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