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The audition

A chapter in the book DUEL with the DEVIL

DUEL with the DEVIL - Chapter 21

by Jim Wile

The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.

A brilliant young chemist creates a new opioid with unknown benefits and pitfalls.
Recap of Chapter 20: Julia gives Brian the good news that she can hold the bow successfully, but she won’t be able to practice as much for her coming audition at Juilliard. Fran goes on a two-week vacation, leaving Brian, who is now 18, by himself at home. Julia leaves for the audition the following day, and Brian drives her to the airport. She seems very nervous, and she wishes Brian could go with her.
He drives home and begins to worry about her. Unable to sleep that night, he decides he will drive up and meet her to provide the support he feels she needs. He drives through the night and arrives in Brooklyn, where she is staying with a family friend. He goes to the house and shows up at the door with a bouquet of flowers. She is ecstatic that he has come to be with her. They have lunch together at a White Castle and make plans for dinner later that night after he catches up on his sleep.
Chapter 21
After walking her back to Mrs. Landry’s house, I took her suggestion and returned to my motel room, where I slept for five hours. I called her when I awoke, and we agreed that I would pick her up in front of her house at 6:00 sharp to save me from having to try to find a parking place.

She was there when I pulled up at 6:00. She was wearing her snug-fitting black yoga pants, a loose-fitting white sweater, and her red beret. Just as cute as could be. She looked at ease and had a big smile for me.

I was wearing jeans and a sweater too, since it was a little cool on this late-May day.

“You look rested now,” she said.

“Yeah, I needed that. I slept soundly too. You look pretty rested yourself. Not at all uptight about your audition tomorrow.”

“Doing some meditation and yoga this afternoon and only practicing for an hour because it’s sounding really good helped, but the biggest factor is that you’re here now. You can’t imagine what that’s done to elevate my mood.”

“It was worth the drive just to hear you say that. Where do you want to eat? Nothing too fancy, I hope; I didn’t really dress for it.”

“Yeah, me neither. How about we go to Olive Garden? There’s one not too far from here.”

“That sounds good.”

There was a 20-minute wait to get a table, so we sat on benches near the entry and talked about the audition the next day.

“They will have me play a few of the pieces I prepared, not necessarily the entire piece, but enough to get a feel for my playing. They will also give me music to sight-read, but I’m used to that, and that’s really one of my strengths. They give you a couple minutes to study the music, and then you just play it. The audition will be at 2:30 PM on campus.”

“I’d be happy to drive you.”

“You would? Oh, that would be so great! Helen works, so I was going to have to rely on public transportation to get there, and I was a little worried about that. Your being here is making this so much less stressful for me.”

“That was the idea.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

We enjoyed dinner at Olive Garden and took a short walk around afterwards.

When we got back in the car, I said, “Do you need to practice tonight, or do you maybe want to come back with me to the motel, and we could watch a TV movie or something. They’ve got a lot of cable channels. I’m sure we can find something good to watch.”

“Yeah, I don’t plan on practicing again today, especially since you’re here now. Let’s do it.”

We headed back to the Motel 6, but as soon as we got inside and closed the door, we grabbed each other and started kissing. It became rather frenzied, with tongues rapidly swirling inside each other’s mouths. Our hands began moving all over our bodies in places they had never been before as our passion rose. Clothes started coming off, and we collapsed on the bed together.

After a moment, I stopped and sat up on the edge of the bed. “Is this going where I think it’s going because I don’t have a condom?”

“We won’t need to worry about that.”

“Well, if that means you want to, then I think we do.”

“No, we don’t. I’ve been on the pill for over a year now. I have an ovarian cyst that the doctor is treating by putting me on the pill. So, get back here.”

“Are you sure you want to?”

“Please get back here. There’s nothing I want more right now.”

Who was I to argue with that? and we resumed where we had left off. The remainder of our clothes were off in an instant, and we were both incredibly ready to begin a new phase of our lives together. “I’ve never done this before,” I mumbled breathlessly between kisses.

“Me neither. I guess we’ll figure it out together.”

We released each other, and I knelt between her parted thighs, and she helped guide me into her. The feeling was incredible, and we rocked together for about 10 seconds, and it was suddenly over for me as I thrust away inside. I lay there on top of her for a few moments before I grew soft and pulled out. I looked into her face. “I’m sorry. I thought it would last longer than that.”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ve got all night to try again later. It was wonderful while it lasted, though.”

“It was, wasn’t it? If only that feeling could last a lot longer.”

“It will. Let’s just lie here for a while.”

I got off her and positioned myself to her side. We started kissing again, and my hand moved to between her legs. She parted them, and I began rubbing her, perhaps a bit clumsily. She gently took my hand, guided it where it needed to go, and helped me until I had the right idea. It was so wet and slippery down there as my fingers found their rhythm. She began writhing and murmuring with pleasure as the intensity increased. Then she was moaning and crying, “Oh, my God, oh my God, don’t stop,” as my motions became more vigorous. I plied her with kisses at the same time, and she writhed and moaned until a few seconds later she exploded, and her body spasmed uncontrollably as she cried out, “Oh, God!”

She lay still, panting for a few seconds, until her hand reached down between my legs. I was hard again, and she pulled me on top of her and said, “Please put it inside me.”

And I did, and I took it slower this time. Very gently at first, I moved in and out, but gradually I picked up the pace. It felt so good, but I wasn’t on the verge of coming so soon like the first time. She began moaning again and telling me to go a little faster, and I picked up the pace even more. Our mouths came together, and our tongues began flying. Our arms were wrapped around each other, and our bodies molded perfectly together. She wrapped her legs around my back, and I thrust into her as deeply as I could. This lasted for several minutes until I couldn’t hold it any longer, and I exploded again inside her. My heart was pounding a mile a minute as I lay on top of her. I continued to thrust a little, but it soon became pointless, and I slipped out and lay beside her, panting. “Oh my God, that was so good!” I said.

“It was for me too. I love feeling you inside me. Do you think you could rub me a little bit more?”

I turned to her and reached between her legs, found the right spot, and within a minute, she was spasming again. When it was over, we both lay side-by-side, panting.

“Phew! Who knew?” she said.

“Yeah, who knew?”

I took her hand, and we lay there, our sides pressed together, holding hands, as we gradually caught our breaths and our hearts slowed. Then she curled into me. She put her leg over mine and her head on my chest as my arm went around her. I slowly moved the fingers of my other hand up and down her back and sides, and she shivered occasionally. We were at perfect peace with one another.

We lay there like that for the longest time and actually fell asleep together for a while. When I awoke, it was 10:00 PM and no light came in around the curtains at the window. Julia stirred and looked at the clock.

“It’s getting late. I’d better call Helen and tell her I’m staying here tonight. That’s okay, isn’t it?”

“Of course it is. Will that be okay with her?”

“I’m 18 and an adult now. I can do what I want, and I want to stay here with you,” she said with a sweet smile.

“Better call her then.”

She did, and she explained to Helen that she would return to get her things in the morning. Helen told her she would be gone to work by then but that she would leave the key under the mat for her to unlock the house. Julia thanked her for her hospitality, which would no longer be required since she would be staying with me for another day. She explained that she would drive home with me rather than take the flight home, and that Helen wouldn’t have to drive her to the airport either.

After that, we got ready for bed. She didn’t have a toothbrush with her, but she wasn’t against using mine to brush her teeth.

When we were all done in the bathroom, we lay down together naked in the bed. As you might expect, we began kissing again, which led to more, and we had one more bout of sex before we lay together, exhausted, and talked for a while.

“I’m sure glad you’ve been taking the pill.”

“Well, the cyst went away after a while, but Mother said I should keep taking it. I should try to avoid making the same stupid mistake she made when she got pregnant with me. ‘Stupid mistake.’ Can you imagine how that made me feel when she said that? She is a gifted violinist, and I think she secretly blames having me for holding back her career, so that now she’s just a big fish in the small pond called the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra.”

“That’s sad… for you, I mean. Do you think maybe that’s why she puts so much pressure on you to excel—that hopefully you’ll be able to do what she can’t seem to?”

She hesitated before answering, “I never really thought about it that way. You could be right, and I don’t quite know what to make of that. Is she just thinking of herself, or does she really care about me? I don’t know for sure. I do know that I love playing the violin. I just don’t love all the pressure she puts on me.”

We talked for a while longer and finally went to sleep for the night, snuggled in each other’s arms.

We awoke around 9:00 AM and did it again before getting dressed and going to breakfast. We were both starving, as all the activity from the night before and this morning left us ravenous. After a big breakfast at a Denny’s, we headed to Helen’s house, where Julia retrieved her things. She left Helen a quick note, thanking her again for her hospitality, and we went back to the motel.

Julia decided to practice for an hour, simply running over the pieces she would perform. She sounded great, and she said she was fairly relaxed.

We left for the city much earlier than was necessary because we had no idea what navigation or parking would be like, so better safe than sorry. Everything took longer, so it was a good thing we left early. We arrived on campus and found our way to the music building with plenty of time to spare. No added stress on that front.

When 2:30 rolled around, I wished her luck. “How do you feel?”

“Not too nervous, really. Only a little.”

“Well, you’ll do great. I love you. Knock ‘em dead.”

“I love you too. Thanks for being here for me. I don’t know how I’d be feeling now if you hadn’t come.”

“No worries about my coming!” I said, and we laughed at my little double-entendre. I gave her a kiss and wished her luck again, then she went in for her audition.

When she came out, she was smiling.


“I did great. I feel really good about it.”

“Oh, Jules, I knew you would!”

“Let’s get the hell out of here and go home. I mean back to the motel. We’ve still got the rest of the day here. And the night!”

“You got it, babe.”

The rest of our time in New York was wonderful. We did what we wanted, when we wanted, and much of that time was spent between the sheets. We were insatiable together.

The following morning, we packed up and headed home in my car. We drove home at a leisurely pace, stopping several times for snacks or a meal. Julia wanted to stop at an outlet mall, where she bought some new clothes, which I helped her pick out. She also bought me a new shirt, and I got a new pair of sports shoes.

I dropped her off at home later that night, and we kissed goodbye.

“I can’t thank you enough for coming up to be with me, Brian. I love you so much. I feel really good about getting in now, and I’m not sure how it would have gone if you hadn’t come.”

“You probably would have gotten in anyway, but who cares? I was there when you needed me. I’ll always try to be there when you need me. I love you so much too. Goodnight, Sweetie.”


Three weeks later, Julia got her registration packet in the mail. She had made it into Juilliard.

Book of the Month contest entry



Brian Kendrick: The narrator of the story. At the beginning of the story, he is 12 years old and in 6th grade in Kernersville, North Carolina.

Francine (Fran) Kendrick: Brian's older sister. She is 18 at the beginning of the story and goes to junior college, where she studies law enforcement.

Chloe: Brian and Fran's cat.

Sandi MacReady: She is a pretty blond and Brian's crush in high school.

Derek Shafer: Brian's best friend and lawn mowing partner.

Josh Bennett: Sandi's boyfriend. He's the center on the high school basketball team.

Don Robbins: A high school acquaintance of Brian's. He is a rich kid who throws a summer rave party when his parents are away.

Rafael Ortiz (Raffi): Youth therapy group leader at the rehab facility.

Julia Entwistle: One of the six members of the youth therapy group at rehab. She is 16 when we first meet her, plays the violin, and is addicted to barbiturates.

Alphonse: One of the boys in the youth therapy group. He is a cutup.

Henry: Another boy in the youth therapy group. He is also a cutup.

Alex: One of the girls in the youth therapy group.

Robert Entwistle: Julia's father.

Dr. Marie Schmidt: Julia's mother.

Helen Landry: A friend of Julia's mother. Julia stays with her during her audition at Juilliard in NY.

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