Biographical Non-Fiction posted June 16, 2024

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
playing online chess


by patricia dillon

He's foreseen my next move. He's moved his bishop out of danger.
I'll make the move anyway. I'll put his king in check.
What's taking him so long? There's only one move he can make.
Finally. He's moved his king.
I'll attack his knight.
Ah, he's moved his knight into a very vulnerable position, and potentially his queen is at risk too.
Anyway, I shall go ahead and take the knight.
Oops, my bishop is under threat. I beat a hasty retreat.
Oh, dear, I don't know where to move. I'm hemmed in on every side.
I'll bring my knight forward.
He's brought out his queen! I mustn't panic. I will deploy my rook.
He's moved his queen. What?!! I don't believe it! I can take her with my pawn!
Well, what do you know? He's resigned.

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