General Poetry posted February 16, 2024 Chapters:  ...55 56 -57- 58... 

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But Don't Ask Him How Old

A chapter in the book Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Ric MyWorld

by Debi Pick Marquette

He is a teenager at heart

And just the right amount of shy

His popularity's in part

While thinking young, he's a cool guy

He lives with so much thankfulness 

His words or actions never scathe

I love the way that he will bless

Another, proclaiming his faith

You will not get on his bad side 

If you try to further engage

But guesses all will be denied 

He never will tell you his age

He has a wish for every friend

And it is one that's pretty tall

That health and happiness won't end

This wish is kindness he shows all

So something we must tell you, Ric

For you, we all feel the same way 

We'll light the birthday candle wick

While wishing you, Happy Birthday

And one more thing before we're through 

So really, Ric, how old are you   :  )



This poem is for Ric MyWorld, who has been a member here since 2013.

I thank Ric for allowing me to post his a day early, because I had others on Saturday, 2-17, which is his real birthday.

I'd also like to thank Ric for being such a good sport with my having a little fun with the age thing.
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