You didn’t create me.
You weren’t there to help my mother when she could have used some support.
Your paths crossed when maybe you both needed somebody else in your life.
I know my mom was happy you came into her life, and mine as well.
I was too young to know I needed someone else in my life.
I was only six when you married my mother.
I remember looking down from my grandmother’s second-story window and seeing you holding the car door for my mom in her white wedding gown.
That was the first time I remember you, but obviously not the last.
When you both returned, I remember going to a new apartment not very far away.
One of the first things you did for me was to teach me how to ride a bicycle.
I wasn’t a star pupil, and I remember the several falls. Stopping the bike was another experience.
You kept me from falling, but that wasn’t the only time.
When we moved to our first house in the country, you were there for me again.
I was the new kid and the twin brothers saw me as an easy target and they were right.
When I told you what happened to my clothes, I expected something you wouldn’t give me.
I guess I wanted you to call their parents and complain about the fight.
You didn’t.
You didn’t support me.
You told me I was in trouble if I didn’t kick their butt the next day.
They were big kids, and other kids gave them some distance.
I was so pissed at you!
When we got off the bus, I took out my frustration on both of them.
When I left them, they were both lying in the snow crying.
They never attacked anyone else after that day, and I heard I had a bad temper from others.
It is amazing how people’s paths cross. I’m glad you crossed my mother’s.
There were many other memorable events in our lives together.
I wouldn’t change any of them for all the money in the world.
Wait, there is one I would change. You’re not here any longer.
Nobody can take the many great memories away.
I’ve been through bringing up my children. And now, I’m working hard on the grandkids.
Thanks, Dad, for all those wonderful memories, making my mother so happy, and making me the man I am.
I realize all too well that you did indeed create me!