General Poetry posted May 4, 2023 Chapters:  ...10 11 -12- 13... 

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Taj Mahal ~ India Landmark ~ Completed in 1653

A chapter in the book Birthdays

Happy Birthday Santha (Sanku)

by Debi Pick Marquette

She walks into our life each day
With elegance and poise
A Meryl Streep type you might say
She doesn't make much noise 

Woman of God who loves to pray ~ What she truly enjoys

A quiet presence with a smile
And yet her voice is heard
Her writing goes the extra mile
Puts meaning to each word

An English Teacher’s review style ~ Great feedback is conferred

Her lovely pen name is Sanku
Includes husband Kumar
How awesome that she adds him too
They're like a duo star 

Loves books, music and Sudoku ~ She's her own Avatar

She just got back from Singapore
Two granddaughters she saw 
Their ages are just eight and four
She loves being a grandma

One son lives there, and one son more ~ Calicut, India

 To try to type her name, Santha
You better double check
Or you will be surprised, haha!
And you will not connect

You'll get the North Pole guy, Santa ~ Good ole' autocorrect 

For all the lovely things you do ~ A Merry~go~Rhyme just for you
Since your religion is Hindu~ We get a personal guru
A Happy Birthday Dear Sanku!  
We hope you know that we love you




Santha's birthday is on Friday, May 5th, so was going to post this at Midnight on May 5th our time. But when I checked India's time difference, the best of my knowledge, they are 12 hours ahead of us.
So it is actually already her birthday, even tho it's May 4th at 6:00 PM here.

Merry~go~Rhyme Rules:
1~Rhyming to make it go around
2~must be fun
3~normal 4 line stanzas
with a fun line or 2 (or more) between each stanza
(for the up and down carousel effect)
4~ does not have to follow a meter
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