General Poetry posted December 20, 2020 Chapters:  ...22 23 -24- 25... 

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Christmas Poem contest entry
A chapter in the book Holiday and Holyday Poetry

Christmas Story in Carols

by dovemarie

One silent night; holy night,
Angel choirs lit up the sky so bright
And there came upon a midnight clear
Eight tiny reindeer

Lo! A new-born King has come
Announced by soft beats of a little boy's drum
Shepherds exclaim, "Angels we have heard on high!"
Illuminating a cloud-darkened sky

"We three kings of Orient are,"
following yonder colossal star."

Churches open the door
Alike to both rich and poor
A Child is laid away in a manger
Subject to Herod's wrath, and in danger

Chiming carol of the bells
Ring out to the meek and the bold,
The story Isaiah 'twas foretold

Christmas Poetry contest entry

I love singing Christmas Carols, and I decided to put them into a poem. Thanks to Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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