"Me Book"

Inspirations from the Grave

By Ricky1024

<><>!!!@@@###$$%%%*** "Inspirations from the Grave"{A}
By Ricky 1024.
Written on August 8, 2016 at 5:18 PM. EST.
"Painful thoughts filter forth as my coffin's lid emersify my shame....
"Icy and bony fingers reach out and choke me as I try to escape...
"Those painful thoughts fill my sorrowed head with spirits of ....
'The Walking Dead!"
"My Heart tries but my Mind doesn't realize...
"Perhaps, there is more then the Mind can see?"
"Lord God, what is happening to me?"
"Dad, dad, dad...
"Are you there?"
"Have you forgotten me?"
"Do you no longer care?"
"Confused, I look around my coffin but I see now...
"Just four walls and again....
"I hear this sound!"
"Meek at first...
"Dad, it's me?'
"Can't you hear...
"Can't you see?"
"I am right next to you!"
"And, He was right!"
"And He was still wearing the same, bloodied, shirt the day of the accident in 2003!"
"That shirt in Gray....
"The day He went away...
"Why Dad, why did this happen to *Me?'
"I now have problems remembering....
"Remembering even who I be?"
Replies Jason.
"I now realize exactly what is happening to me...
"After all these years...
"After all these thoughts and fears...
"All those countless tears...
"He is finally reaching out to me?"
"Jay, Jay, Jay I hear you know but I can't see you?"
"Are You okay?"
"I miss and still love You...
"Each and every, waking, day..
"Yes dad, I miss you too but I'm confused and don't know what to do?"
"I can go to this place that is far away but I'm lonely...
"Can't you see...
"See what as happening her to me?"
"I think and compose myself and realize...
"This is the reason why I never died...
"God knows that but I decided to go ahead...
"And get help and after all these years...of tears...
"And depression's fears...
"This strange peace is coming over me?"
"Yes, I reached out and called His name and finally...
"Came back to...
"Now, each and every day there is no reply?'
"That was way back in 2006 the Day I almost died and went away...
"And, even though it has been over eight years...
"I still have Faith and what more can I say?"
"I so much need again...
'To Talk to my Jay...
"But Destiny and Fate are set as continuous as the Ocean's waves...
"But, you know what?
"Each and every night before I go to bed...
"Before I lay down...
"This old and hurting head...
"I ask God to take me away...
"All those memories trapped in my head...
"All trapped and locked under my bed...
"Forever to be saved as...
"Memories from the Grave...

*************************************************************************************** "Interpretive Thoughts and Memories from the Grave"{B}
By Ricky 1024 Written on August 8, 2016 at 6:09 PM. EST.
{Written from the Heart}
"A Dedication"

"I reflect back to my life....
'When times were good...
"Family and a wife...
"But, now that She and He...
"Are gone....
'I replay the same old same old...
"What Went Wrong Song?"
By Ricky 1024
Written on August 8, 2016 at 6:33PM. EST.
{A Dedication}
Chorus Number One-
"Just an old fashioned "What Went Wrong Song" playing on my radio...
"The sound is sweet and doesn't seem to last long....
"And when I think of You...
'Those sad, sad, memories past come through...

Melody {repeats in various rhyme}
"All those Christmas days....
'Seem to have gone away?'
"All those Birthdays that were so important to me...
'Are now just long, lost, melodies...
Chorus Number Two-
"Just an old fashioned "What Went Wrong Song" playing on my radio...
"Turn the dial to 101.3 and soon you will realize...
"And soon you will see...
"That He don't talk anymore...
"He don't talk anymore...
"It's so damned fuzzy!"
"What can I do?'
"He don't talk any more...
"He don't talk anymore...
"Nothing matters to me...
Melody {repeats in various rhyme}
"All those Holidays past...
"Thoughts of you that I can no longer grasp....
"God, just what should I do?'
'All now long, lost, memories set to 101.3...
Chorus Number Three-
"Just an old fashioned Love Song...
"The Thoughts of that are no longer hard to hear or see!"
'Nothing here went wrong...
"He now talks in my Song!"
'He now talks in my Song!"
"Thank you God and now...
"When I listen I hear...
"When I listen I hear...
'All is crystal clear!" my

"Willowed Thoughts and Interpretations" {C}
By Ricky 1024
Written on August 8, 2016 at 6:09 PM. EST.
"As I ponder the Beyond...
"I pray for my Jay....
"He was lost and just eighteen...
"If you know what I mean?'
"Is He happy now and fulfilled?"
"Is He able to achieve and is He capable to believe?"
"And is He able to do...
'In Heaven as it was on Earth?'
'Yes, but as it is in Heaven?"
'My Son...
'My Son...
'Your Son Jason is here with ME!"
"And that was where He was supposed to be!"
"That voice was overpowering!"
"The sound was unnerving!"
"And, As I look around I see a visage...
"At first a brilliant, White, Light....
"And then as it dissapates...
"It Is Christ...
Jesus the Christ!"

To me?'

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ,
Fan Story, Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, and this amazing artist
'wolf6249107' and his picture "angel with medicine pouch"

The Prologue and Chapter One.

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

"The Prologue"

"The Book of "Me' consists of poems, short stories, and events both past and present.
"You may journey back to my conception and later find yourself in an operating room watching as they are trying to save my life."
"Many beautiful thoughts and poems with the bulk being past written over thirteen years ago."
"185 total pieces of my life."

Chapter Number One:
"Reflections of Love"
{A Study in Love?}
By Ricky1024
Written on June 24th, 2017.
Cast of Characters:
{In order}
'My Body' {Ricky1024]
'Mr. Brain'
'Kid Lungs and Brocciola' {Twins}
'My Soul' {Jason}
'Miss Mind' {Brain's Little Sister}
'Nurse Nerves'
'Sir Conscious'
'Mike the Memory'

"My Brain is now open for business!"
"Anybody from 'the peanut Gallery is present, if not then...
"Forever hold your FUC**** peace!"
{He lights a Thompson fine Cuban...
"Cough, cough, cough!"
"Kid, did you see that?'
"What Brocciola?"
"He fired up another one of those...
'Wacky Tobaccie's and is trying to kill us off!"
"Nonsense cuz, just a little smoke!"
"Cough, Cough...
"Can someone extinguish that please?"
"Ring, ring, ring!":
"Hello is Mr. Brain or Ricky1024 home?"
"Who's calling?"
"It's me, Jason the Soul."
'Jason the Soul?'
"I didn't even know My body had one?"
"I'm your Son and that's 'Mike Memory's fault!"
"Brain Damaged!"
"Well, how are You son?"
Asks Mr. Brain.
"I heard about you!"
"I think from Sis Mind?"
"Things are still kind of foggy after the accident Brain."
"You were severly damaged."
Replies Jason the Soul.
"Mind or Memory told me something about an *Accident in '03?"
"Yea, some jerk kid crashed his Mustang and I was...
Stated Ricky 1024.
"Guess he was in a hurry to get gas?'
Questions Brain.
"No, He didn't run out or low on gas...
"He was just an ASS!"
Replies Jason.
"It's okay My Soul."
"Gotta go Brain...
"Your driving Me insane!"
States Jason.
"And, you take care, Jason My Soul."
End of Part Number One.
Part Two after my nap!
"Reflections of Love"
{A Study in Love}
Part Number Two

"Yes, who's this now?"
Wonders Brain.
"In walks Brain's sister 'Miss Mind!'
{One of a kind}
"All dressed in Pink chiffon with a Yellow bonnet on her head!"
"I thought you were dead brother brain?"
"Nope Sis."
"Do you have a moment of time?"
"Yes, Sis just don't get me pissed!"
"You never respond to my subliminal messages?'
"Pain in the ass...
Thinks Mr. Brain.
"Well Sis, I must insist that I've been a little depressed as of late."
"You know?"
"Well, are you smoking that 'WACKY WEED' again/"
"I sometimes feel woozy or are you drinking beers again?'
"Nope, just an occasional tote on my 'Thompson.'
"Just talked to Jay...
"What did He have to say Brother?"
"I didn't know where He's from?"
"Your Soul."
Replies Miss Mind.
"He's just a figment in your mind now Brain."
"In my mind?"
"Yes Brother of mine!"
"Since I control you...
"I send Him occasionally to tease you!"
'You always forget, Brain Damaged...
"Head of CABBAGE!"
{She starts to giggle}
"Thinks Mr. Brain.'
"Another 'Jokester' to drive me insane!"
"Bye Brother on MIND!"
"Knock, Knock, Knock!!!"
"Now who's here?'
"Trying to get some FUC**** sleep!"
"Can't you leave Me and Body Ricky alone?"
"This is 'Nurse Nerves' from your 'Central Nervous System."
"Conscious sent me because he said that you were depressed?"
"I think you are heading for...
'A Nervous Breakdown?'
"Oh great, haven't had one of those since '03!"


"Mr. Brain checks her out...
"Red haired, long legs, cut smile, and...
"God finally sent me an Angel?"
"I am a trained Massuse!"
"There ain't no excuse for you to suffer so...
"Losing your Son and wife, then trying to take 'Body Rick's life...
"That wasn't me!'
"I was out of My Mind in **2006!"
"It was 'Sis!'
"Now relax Mr. Brain, I will take away all your Pain...
"I will massage it all away...
"One hour later...
'Mr. Brain' is having a smoke...
"Damn that was the best FUC* or message I ever had!"
"I told you I would take away all your pain!"
Replies Nurse Nerves.
"That's not all that left Rick's body!"
"Thanks 'Nurse nerves' and do call again...
"Here's a tip!"
{He leaves his phone number}
"Knock, knock...
"Whos there?"
'Body and Soul!'
'Body and Soul?'
"Have you forgotten Me already?"
"Rough night I guess...
"This broad just left and...
"And Rocked Your World?"
"I know , I sent her!"
Replies, 'Jason the Soul.'
"Well, whatz up Bro?"
"Have you forgotten how to Love?"
"Since Mom left us?"
"You seem frustrated and nasty all the time...
'Mr. Brain' starts to cry...
"Are you still depressed and stressed, dad?"
"Do you want Me to rise?"
"Your pain has keep me here...
"I hurt too...
"Don't you want Me to leave it all behind?"
Asks Jay.
"You mean take away all my 'miseries and pains' and leave it all behind?"
Thinks Brain.
"Well 'Body and Soul' I tried that in '06 with a serated, kitchen knife...
"Pierced my chest not once...
"But twice...
"Then, what the heck, went for the Juggler in 'My NECK!'
"And, not once or twice but FUC**** THRICE!"
"That didn't work, just made Me more mad and I felt like a jerk!"
"It was my Sister Mind's fault!"
"Teasing Me!"
"Taunting Me!"
"Torturing Me to death!"
"I just wanted to die that day and be with you and Mom Jay...
"If you feel like your 'Miss Mind' is trying to take you away...
"Do like I did in 2006...
"Call 9-11 and live another day...
"Why didn't you rise that day?
To be Continued....
Approximate Word Count: 978

Author Notes *Accident:
'Jason was killed, pronounced, and became an 'Organ donor' March of 2003."
"To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations'
"Simply call my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life.'
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"At 1-800-DONORS-1.
"And thanks...
"From the bottom of Jason's and Chaz's heart."
"My suicide attempt."

"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ,
Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review, this talented artist...
'GaliaG' and their picture "Reflections of love"

Chapter 1
Certifiably Insane?

By Ricky1024

I'm damned if I do and
damned if I don't!
I'm a rubberband that's
adjustable, a little wacky
and sometimes conbustable!
But am I absolutely trustable?

I am 57 years older and a
little rustable, troubled
never, ever a shy guy but I
still shed a tear and cry.

"I'll now remove my right eye
and let you "take a sneak peek,"
"OK, now what are you now seeing?"
"It's called a black void or a vortex
of atmosphere now isn't that just a
little queer?"

"Now leave my brain that's not there
and move out of the hemisphere's
into my stratosphere!"

You have now left Planet Me launched
directly or was it indirectly of the sea!
The sun of tranquility and into my reality
that's there in my brain?
But I have now driven you, my dears,

Author Notes This is one of hundreds written about myself
for my "ME" book.
This was written April,25th, 2012.
At home in bed watching the cartoon
Probably with my 3 and a half year old
grandson Mr. Alexander.
Special thanks to God for my silly humor,
to FanStory for this writing platform, to Fan Art Review and to amazing writer and incredible artist "Dr.Ricky 1024."

Chapter 2
Silently Running Scared.

By Ricky1024

Scarlet visages, demonic, tailored, talk
spills and fills a bitter mountain of
psychotic pills.
My latent past basks in my deprssional
foliage of my knowledge.

Yes, my hoo-doo voo-doo scars, my sick,
blackened, soul.
This is my sorry life of toil, terror,
and strife.

How will the timeless tale complete this
nightmare of I don't care?
My tattered, bled-red, shattered bed,outta-
my-head, existence of demonic terrors clasp
over my heart shrinking it, shriveling it,
breaking and bursting it as solemn thoughts
of matter are shattered, splintering never,
ever constant.
For this is the Winter of my mis-content.

Author Notes The death of a loved one is tumultuous.
It spins your mind and wraps it in a tightly woven vaporous, never ending nightmare.
No man should have to lay his 18 year old to rest.
Special thanks to Fan Story, Fan Art Review
and its artist Mr. Jones.

Chapter 3

By Ricky1024

You get one chance and only one chance
in this dance called life.
One family, one wife, in this thing
called life...

It was 2003 the date was March 31st
and I would soon be subjected to death
as my bubble burst!!!
POP! It didn't stop.
POP!,POP! it finally did stop as that
machine, that death machine would erase
and send me into the outer depths of
"The Outer Limitation of the Twilight

My house was not or was no longer a home.
Tissues galore and tissues some more!!!
It's this constant barrage of pain as the
"Rains of Spain" spattered and bled my
soul dead!!!
And dead is as dead does for mind to mind
and soul to soul my hell is another sad
story that will never part but the beat
goes on in my heavy handled HEART.

Author Notes This piece was based on the car accident death of my 18 year old son Jason in 2003.
He is a "Gift of Life" donor and for all of my pain a partial amount was alleviated by the thought of all of the wonderful people that He gave a second chance on life.
God must have needed an Angel.
I miss you every day and son I will achieve the promise.
Love DAD.
Special thanks to Fan Story, Fan Art Review
and its artist Reuven Azach.

Chapter 3
Only One Click Away?

By Ricky1024

"Only One Click Away?"
Written on August 3rd, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024
"As I am "Wandering Through the Meadows of My Mind."
"I take...
"One Step at a Time...
"I Re-Ponder My Forever Yonder for that is My Quest...
{At best}
"Is to rest...
"Rest not on "My Laurels" but in my grave site...
"Through out...
"The Passage of Time" for I knowingly...
"Lost my Way and Mine?"
"One Step At A Time...
"Lord, is that the way it's to Be?"
"Be it what may...
"Be it what Me?"
"It's now all over for me...
"Dust to the Dust...
"Ashes to Ashes...
"Is that all that's left...
"Lord of Me?"
"But, why?"
"Why Dear Lord why?"
"Why did I have to *Die?"
"And why Dad...
"You never seem to stop that cry?"
"I wonder why?"
"I still remember those flowers that Bloom...
"But at this point for Me...
"There is no room...
{Thank God}
"There is no longer any Pain, Grief, or Doom...
"All of my...
"Flowered Vases in"My House of Ever."
"Lie dormant and overflowing with Tears...
"Form all of those wasted Years...
"No more will they be filled...
"With Beautiful Flowers of...
"Dreamed Yesterdays...
"Just a reminder Dad...
"That things don't always work out Okay?"
"Are you okay?"
"I don't want you to be upset and sad...
"So, I write these words...
"These words through you...
"For I can no longer...
"Touch the Much."
"Smell the Roses or Tickle the Feelings of Yesterday...
"But Dad, always remember...
"If you want or need me...
"Only One Click Away."
Approximate Word Count 275.

Author Notes *Die?
"My Son Jason was an incredible, young, man."
"He never rested on "His laurels and even Above...
"Sends down His "amazing Love.'
'And to learn more about "Organ-Tissue Donations.'
'Simply call my Dear, fiend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. With...
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
"At 1-800-DONORS-1."
"And I wish to thanks you from the bottom of my and "Jason's Donated Heart."

Ail thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this talented artist "avmurry' and their picture "Stellar Impact"

Chapter 4
Temptation's of the Saint.

By Ricky1024

When I was born my physic,
Miss Bethea said to me
quote "You will be famous
and very rich, Mr. Rich."
Then why does it seem so
very hard top get out of
this ditch!
Perhaps now I will switch
from building a chain of
supermarkets for someone else
who doesn't appreciate me as
I now sail the seven seas.
The oceans are in motion and
the waves are washing my dep-
ressions away, completely away
this I now can say!

This I now can say with much
gusto, faith, and hope.
No more living the life of a
No more suicidal thoughts that
include the "Blackened, Crushing,
Hanging, Rope!"

Now I will live by *"The Book of
Wisdom" and follow in the steps
of a man who passed away over
2,012 years ago.

I will take it slow and evaluate.
I will love and kiss the ground
for this new thing that I have now

As a Latter Day Saint Priest of the
Church of Jesus Christ with the
*Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood,
I am committed now to the good.
I see and love all...
I've noticed the pains, fears,
depressions of this sad and tortured

I will assist and guide...
I will inpart what flows through my
being, everything that I am feeling and
make the change as I re-arrange.
Just watch me go!
This Itake seriously.
For I will achieve with my very last breath
before my eventual death.

Author Notes Written July,4th, 2102.
At 7:45 AM.Eastern Standard time.
Re-Baptized June 12th, 2005 by
Elder Paul Melhi and confirmed by
Brother Aaron Peterson October 19th,
to office or Elder Priest.
"The Book of Wisdom"-No smoking
{Tobacco is to be used as a poultice
for an animals wounds, No consumption of alcohol
{to be used as an anti-septic on the outside of
the body, no drugs,{only use medications
prescribed by a Doctor of Medicine, and
no caffeine.
Special thanks to Fan Story,
Fan Art Review and it's artist
Miss Linda.

Chapter 5
Divine Intervention from HELL!

By Ricky1024

"The Inferno Hell"

The thick elevator cable snapped
and I did what I was able, PLUNGE!!!
yes I did die that day and I landed
in a hell of a not to sweet SMELL!

In hell #One or "Inferno Hell," I had
done it this time, Valentine.
There was no light, there was no music,
no birds did sing, there was nothingness
no church bell down here did, or for a
matter of fact, RING!!!

This was not the "Hilton" with two
thousand plus rooms, just a place filled
with GLOOM!!!
Yes, my friends i had done it this time
this was the end.
the end of the line, or as I thought for
even in this dank, dark, hole I found
something much, much, much, more worse!

There was this little known door, a trap
door located in the dust at the very bottom.
At the very bottom this door or, as I had
learned, was a secret to become burned forever
into my mind, my heart, and m soul.
For in this room of acrid smell Me, myself,
and I had found the ticket straight... to...

"The Black Rope Crushing Hell."

This "HELL" was a heart-breaker.
A straight to the Mental-depression hospital
Yes the "Grim Reaper of Death" almost took
away my virtual very last BREATH!!!

My son with a 7 year olds given name of Jason
made a single mis-step.
A single poor judgement thought, idea, error
which was to become a families TERROR!!!
Life as destiny for some reason turns out to
be not PRETTY!!!

At 18 he was to become a brain dead vegetable.
No more four year 9 old smile.
no more 17 year old partner at work.
All because of this 17 year old JERK!!!
A car out of control locked in third gear.
It's kinda queer according to Ford for a Mustang,
souped up for racing, would hit that curb and
like a un-guided missle attain height, power,
and impact crushing a tin-can.
A tin-that was a metal vehicle glass-crash
racconed soon, por left over, my only begotten
son that I named 18 previous years ago from a movie
character hero "Jason and the Argonaunts."
Rest in piece my love for through my mind, through
my love, this world will know and never forget my

Author Notes Life as is destiny is unapproachable, precious,
and so dear that it is and will always be temporary.

Special thanks to Tom's FanStorysite,
fan Art Review,
And its artist by the name of

Chapter 6
Lethargy, Anxiety, and FEAR!!!

By Ricky1024

Time has stood still for
me now.
Fear has set in to my
Heart as it's beats are retreating...
It's beats are now retreating...
It's beats are discreetly disabling.
Retention is enabling the ANXIETY,
LETHARGY, and FEARS throughout my
existence and years.
For I-M nothing without you My Lord.
For I-M nothing without your grace
My Lord.
And I-M literally dust My Lord as
my soul "seeps and creaks" into a
crack of despair throughout my
Lethargy, Anxiety, and Fear!!!

Author Notes This piece was written March 28th, 2012 at
Saint Barnabas Correction facility
for mentally insane.
Special thanks to Fan Story,
Fan Art Review and its artist,
my friend, amfunny.

Chapter 7

By Ricky1024

I've been maligned and had
Billions upon billions stolen
from me.
I've had my ID. and hippa
rights used against me.

A tit for a tat it's causing
me poor memories and that.
Depression settles back in.
Into the belly of me as the
"Beast" continues to ravage me.
Ravage my mind, my body, soul,
and Heart.
Let us impart...

Depression in me got too severe,
manic 1,2,3!!!
So save me oh God, resurrect me
oh God, deliver me from this
pain, and wash them down the drain.
Oh God.

Author Notes This short was written March 28th,
2012 at Saint Barnabas Mental
Facility, Toms River,New Jersey.
Special thanks goes out to Fan
Story for its wonderful writing medium.

Chapter 8
Racing Thoughts.

By Ricky1024

My mind is incredible.
My brain is inedible.
Inedible me, you just
can't now have what you
nw can see!

Seeing is believing,
is truth.
The truth can be a terrible
golden coin the condition
of proof.

Shiny is as shiny does
but does this Golden coin
shine for me anymore?

As my mind turns the bend
I do see the end.
The ABC's and D's, E's,
Fs, and Gs' are linking with
the X, Y, and Z's.
Choo, choo!

Author Notes Written March 28,2012 at Saint Barnabas
Mental Health facility, Toms River, NJ.
Special thanks to Fan Story, Fan Art Review, and its artist Deloralock.

Chapter 9
Irritability,Irritations, Isolation

By Ricky1024

There are reasons for my feelings,
There are feelings for my reasoning's,
There are excuses for my abuses,
You see I abuse me!

You see I hate my awful life sometimes.
I hate to live with this picture of me,
of Him, of Her.
A picture that burns every nerve.
Every nerve fires off deep inside.
Every spark keeps me fueled and alive.

Alive is not exactly what's going on here.
It's closer to *Zombielization if you so
happen to have a need to know.
My brain works so fast so my body and
limbs then work, of course, so slow.
Don't you know.

Yes, my body,mind, heart, and soul work
in unison when my God allows me to.
When He doesn't, well then I turn back
into that thing.
A thing who's environments are all needles
and pins where no birds now will sing.

A thing who's surrounding's are dark, dank,
naked, and spared.
Spared of the light of the sun, the light
of the day, the sounds of this earth that
we all crave.
You see there is no guarantee that all is
secure and pure and most indubitably, nothing
will be evermore.

Author Notes This piece was written last May 28th, 2012 at
saint barnabas, Toms River, New jersey, a Mental facility.
The time was 6:48 AM EST.
In the day room of the SBU. Unit {a Transferring facility}.
Special thanks to the patients, Fan Story, Fan Art Review and its artist Bertodi.

Chapter 10
The Fleas Knees.

By Ricky1024

Do you know how to unlock
the mysteries of life, I do.
Do you know how to lasso a
star from afar, I do.

Do you know how to set sail
on a trip to the seven seas,
count a million and one
circus fleas, cure a deadly
disease, well I do and have
done it!

Could you wish upon a
Northern star, dream a dream
from afar, collect ten moon-
beams in an earthen jar,
well I have.

I have successfully cured
a disease like a monkey that
has climbed up and down pine,
Forrest, trees.
I have put out a
deadly forest fire single
handed and watched a man in
the moon that had landed and
more, much much, more.

For they only made one of me.
And as you can now see, it's
completely without exemption.
Totally *spoctologically logical
as my feelings are in touch and
I love you all so very much!

Author Notes Written with typing problems
June 5th, 2102 11:45PM. to 11:52PM. EST. Time.
Computer is now fine.
Finished in two minutes,
June 27th, 2012.
*spoctologically-Logic by Dr. Spock
from the TV. show "Star Trek."
Special thanks to Fan Story, Fan Art Review
and its artist Netdweller.

Chapter 11
The Belly of the Beast.

By Ricky1024

Here I go into the "Belly of the Beastie!"
*Two bellies I've dropped down from one to
Another. It's deeper, it's steeper, hearken
they darken beast to say the least!

It's cool, damp, dank, and of course dark
as dark can be.
Can be so quiet, no birdies sing, no violets
bloom, nothing but gloom, gloom, gloom!
Unfortunate gloom in my 8 by 10 room.

Acrid smell down here, it smells so terrible
The smell of pure fear!
No "Beck" or "Budwiser" beer here.
No "Miller," no "Genesie Cream Ale" this place
is pale.
Pale to the upper-outside for crying out loud!
So, if you appear here because your to proud
to appear here then you don't want to be here,

Author Notes Mental hospitals are filled with fractured
souls whose family members want nothing but
a complete severance.
We are "Pariahs" of this shitty world.

Chapter 12
Am I Still Sane, Or Did I Lose My C

By Ricky1024

"Am I Still Sane or Did I Lose My Choo-Choo Train?"

Sometimes life is just not fair and you must go
with the flow.
This I now know.

In an Mental Institution you have less priveleges
then a State Prison!
Never did that but many an acquaintance have and
will continue on that course.
"A horse is a horse of course of course and you can
take the boy out of the prison but you can't take
the prison out of the boy."

The path is well traveled sorta like the well worn
rails of a train which is the perfect word, rhymes
with another word by the name of "INSANE!"
The plural is "insanity" and with the way this world
or Earth is spinning even modern-day drugs and medicines
are losing the battle and simply "not winning."

We are running down the tracks on good old engine #9
at 10 million-billion MPH!
I know that this old train of frieght is doing just
great thank God.
My engine wheels are still geared with sound thinking,
logical, thoughts.
{now pay close attention to this part}.

Are the "vast, normal, working, educated, professionals
still making up the bulk of this percentage of humanity?"
Is this notion becoming a "crystal clarity" or are
you the ones still living in the dark of New York's
Central Park?

I think that "the mentally ill" or the depressed millions
upon millions have more then overwhelmed you "normal-
facilitating, human brains.
After all I am one of these wretchedly, incapacitated,
human, homosapiens on SSD. sucking your ever shrinking
paycheck clean!
So for now i'll just add another shovel full.


Author Notes This assertation was written June 15th, 2012in Saint Barnabas a Mental hospial.
i met and ate with many depressedpeople, many womn with anxiety that said they were going to kill themselves, people that were pstcotic and schzidsophrenic, and others.
I helped many and prevented two crisis's.
it was not my first but hopefully the last.

Special thanks to God, ST. Barnabas, Fan Story, Fan Art Review and its artist "Timster."

Chapter 13

By Ricky1024

Mood stabilizer,antidepresant, AHH!
Sleep inducer.
Melts in your stomach, not in your
Systematic inducer acts as a reducer
to your Id!
Now don't flip your lid!
It goes well with macoroni and cheese
may make you sneeze, ACHOO!

Too few know what to do, they take more
then one, they take more then two!
On a dry stomach you may never spew and
thats if you take more then 22!
So now you now know what to do as it takes
effect in your head,

Author Notes This author, due to township and family matters,
was ousted from my home and forced to spend 52
days of his life in two hospitals for them
mentally insane.
This writing and much more are being produced
as part of a book 30 years in the making.
Special thans to Fan Story and Fan Art review
along with its artist karen harris.

Chapter 14
If I Turn 102.

By Ricky1024

If I turn 102,
there's so much
That I want to do!
I'll sail the other
six seas and start
my own Circus with
trained fleas!
When I turn 102.

If I turn 102,
I'll finally produce
my song, the one that
I had wrote and sung
to Sweet, Sweet, Sue
yea that's just what
I'll do oh, when I turn

If I turn 102,
there will be memories
made but only a few.
Memories of me making
out with Miss Sweet Sue..
When I was 22.
Ah if only I had known
what to do!
Damn it!
Got her pregnant now
what to do?

If I turn 102,
Well now that I'm 32,
I'll start a family with
a kid or two {five}!
Call them Nikki, Kyle,
Corey, Jason, and Dana.
Enough, mam alive!
Wowie, Zowie!
What did I do!

If I turn 102,
I'll watch those kids
do what they need to
do, gently and method-
ically teach them a thing
or two when I turn 52.

If I turn 102,
and I'm retired and don't
know what to do, I'll just
carve a wood statue of a
duck or two, yea that's
just what I'll do when I
turn 62.

If I turn 102,
I'll say goodbye to Sweet,
Sweet, Sue, place flowers
like a beautiful, red, rose or
two, yea that's just what I'll
do when I turn 72.

If I turn 102,
I'll find me another Sweet,
Sweet, Sue walk a beach or
two, yea daddy-o that's what
we'll do when I turn 82.

If I turn 102,
I'll bury my second Sweet,
Sweet, Sue and if my skin
sags, and I'm wretched,
wrinkled, dusty and sprinkled,
hair on my head is long-gone
with that sweet, sweet, song,
I'll just go on as I'm called
and dance with Satan at Hell's
Yea Man!
That's just what I'll do!!!
Now that I made 102!
Cool, daddy oh!

Author Notes This was written April 30th, 2012
at home.
Re-written and edited now.
Movie on TV with Hollie Berry
{Cat Women I think, HA!}
Special thanks to FanStory,
FanArt Review and it's artist
Miss MinoYasue.

Chapter 15
Relentless Spirit, We Must Go

By Ricky1024

Thouest Spirit doth guide me.
Doth love deep inside me.
True Heart abounds and decides
in me that Faith and Hope is near.
No fear will climb inside of me.
No hopelessness will reside in me.
No ill thoughts will propel and
sneak up and hide in me for my
Spirit will go forth as we all must
do, can't you see?
As this Earth slows down and all of
the Heavens abound, only the truth
doth seek the answer as Christ walks
Glory Hallelujah!

Author Notes This piece was written August 19th, 2012
a King of Kings Christian Church.
Special thanks to FanStory, FanArt Review and
it's Artist VisionaryPerspective

Chapter 16
Grappling With My Demons.

By Ricky1024

Thousands upon thousands of woe
float and fill my fluidless reservoir.
They taunt and they haunt my cruise-
less ship, "The Titanic."
Yes I am lost, at all cost, at the murky,
bottom, of a lowly sea.
Memories of the past never last...
Visions of insane pictureless-pain announce
my tomb of demons.
My Tomb of neverendlessly-ending gloom.
Slowly my corpse disintegrates and the minis-
cule fragments of my flesh are feverishly
nibbled, digested and defecated.
My red blood paints a picture unperfect of sauce-
less menus, bland burgers, and soured fish.
My Legacy is this...
I must, I must now turn to dust.
No *fish'in pittle".
No tune on a flute or fiddle...
I most certainly got my reasons
for "Grappling With My Demons."

Author Notes *fish'in pittle-The ca-ca of a fish.
Written September 3rd, 2012 at 9:50 PM.
Special thanks goes out to FanStory,
FanArt Review, it's Artist helvi2 and Davey Jone's Locker.
while watching WWE. Wrestling.

Chapter 17
Written With All of My HEART!

By Ricky1024

Boundless thoughts from time captured
as I am now enraptured with the "LOVE"
from so very, very, far, above...
I see only boundless energies of my hope,
love, and faithfulness's come to fruit-
atation's of sheer and utter elation's.
My total existence remains a constant
episode as dreams bounce and caresses off
of my fulfillment.
I "Squeeze" theses things daily from my
helping heart and fear no Evil.
I am over "My Past Mortal Existence" as per-
sistance flounders with exasperations for my
past now is everlasting...
It feels as if my tomb from my past rules and
I shan't, can't, and shan't relapse as those
*Horrors are forever embedded in my dreaded head.
Yes I died and joined the dead.
Although, I've been resurrected and re-subjected
to a **"Humans Life of Strife."
I pull only the beauty as I can never see the nege-
tive objection after my seemingly ***re-resurrection.
I tune it inward burn it and churn it to ashen remorse's.
I now feel my tremendous appetite for reality.
Crystalline clarity baths and I soak it up in my tub of
Yes, I am a realist looking at this world.
This place of your birth now...
I am only here as an observer, a server and extension of God.
His mouth-piece to say the least as He fills...
His ***"GOLDEN ROD."

Author Notes This was writtenAugust 8th, 2012 in the B.O.H.L
{Bathroom of higher learning} at the "Revel Hotel Casino at 8:03 AM. and finished at 8:13 AM on paper as always.
Special thanks to FanStory, FanArt Review
and its Artist #1 amfunny.
8 See the poem "He died and I cried

Chapter 18
The Insania of My Mania

By Ricky1024

Manic Attack!
I want my brain back.
Has it took a flight
on a plane or chugged
along on a choo-choo
Mania 1,2,3!
What will become of me?
My neurons are running away
never again will they come
and play!
Depression 4,5,6!
This "brain game" is making
me sick!
Can't eat or sleep as it
creeps and cybers, seeping
into my mortal fiber.
Regression 7,8,9!
Am I coming back as I hack
and attack this "Poem" at my

Author Notes This piece was written September 12, 2012.
Started in the car and finished and edited at my desk.
Special thanks goes out to FanStory, FanArt Review
and it's Artist webster.

Chapter 19
Whispered Winds of The Wisp.

By Ricky1024

As silently as "a babe's breath"
it begins...

Stillness of the night envelope,
opens up and develops.
He's waiting, playing the game
as usual...
Drifting shore to shore, pine to
pine, tree to oak of stout above the
ocean darkened blue.
"The Great Hourglass of Time" sifts
and lifts the "Wisp's Spirits."
Eons have passed and still He lasts
as ever, intelligent and clever, oh
so clever.
Lighter then a feather...
Embraced by the solar flares as heat
penetrates the air.
At less then a micro mili-second,
He assails mixing with the crisp,
night, air.
He twists and persists as filamented
wings of cellophane seat in a direction
of pain.
As He lands on a "tad on the sad", He
baths and fades.
This is "The Wisp of the Wind" connected,
to Earth's pains.
Resurrected and subjected,
Fly fine and fly fair oh my wisp!

Author Notes Written and started September 12th, 2012
and completed September 13th, 2012.
Special thanks goes out to FanStory, FanArt Review,
and it's Artist wingsoflove.

Chapter 20
Lost Within...

By Ricky1024

Am I now lost within these words that
I place forth on papered line every
second of my time?
Am I now being taken to *the outer
extreme of inner loneliness" or a place
of in between?
Or is this my non-reality, my innermost
thoughts of insanity, a temporary reality?
All that I seem to do is place alphabetical
letters on a paper for you.
You have my HEART but my SOUL is captured by
the sullen nightly rapture.
No Poe poem could ever demonstrate but a Steven
King horror story could elaborate.
Elaborate and shed a sliver of light exactly
what happened that terrible, swift, night.
The sand's of man trickle and tickle, but God
Dear Lord take my HAND!!!
I am never again, never to be me.
I can not win.
For I am Lost Within.

Author Notes *-the outer extreme of inner loniliness
My boys untimely demise.
He Died and I Cried by Ricky1024
Artwork by Wolfdancer13 at
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August 26, 2012 Views: 12
It's been nine long years
and my *sateen tears blast
Those memories from my past.
The birth, the laugh, that
smile won't last.
So is that it for me, no more
touch that meant so much...
Can't you see?
Feelings are turning my heart
into waterless jelly as splin-
ering darts dipped in cure'
target my breaking soul.
Passing clouds now finally release
A deluge of my tears, two long years
praying to die but every time I try,
I just cry.
Angels never stop the blowing of trum-
pets of glowing brass for my eternal
pains desert the precious memories of
my past.
I look up and down like this saddened
last-class clown.
All of those 8 by 10's, His school His
face that band...
There will never, ever, anytime soon be
another musical flute or drum of beat con-
rolled by that childs two left feet.
My tortured being is seeing ...
Hypnotized by drums...
This I now am feeling for my embittered
blood-red brittled soul of dread...
My arid heart all dried up that crazy night
He Died and I Cried.
Author Notes
Jason Richard Smrkovsky,
Novenber 5th, 2003-March 31,2003
HighScool junior..
Only trying to teach..
a boy out of his ming, out of touch,
out of reach...
Driver unconscious...
One quarter mile, only three blocks
from home.
No cell phone for help.
speed increasing, no time to think...
the keys, mt Lord and God preety please!
No more ...
On March 31st i said goodby 15 times in
17 hours.
$17,000.00 could not stem the swell.
on April 1st at an undetermined wee hour
Miss Lara S. Moretti, LSW. for family
support services,
Held my son's hand and she cut
a single lock of his blonde
curly hair and prayed as organ
after organ was removed...
For more information contact Lara and mention Jason.
The gift of Life Donor Program.
{the regions organ/tissue transplant network.
or simply call Lara at
1-800-366-6771, ext.1106.

Special thanks to God for giving me 'My Gift for Life.'
And to FanStory, FanArt Review, and it's artist...
Wolfdancer 13.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Chapter 21
What it's Like to Die...

By Ricky1024

A bullet to the brain?
A hanging?
A car crash?
*An overdose?
**A knife to the HEART TWICE???
***A slashing violently to the neck?
Searching for the Heart, the
jugular or what ever choice
of choice to silence your voice
is ghastly, sad, and never simple.
*Brazenness of the Heart, a brill-
iant epiphany, a hopeless cause,
or just being backed into a dank,
dark, creepy pit is common.
But never is there a remedy because
life is not to be taken foolishly.
As one of God's Creatures we should
be as full as elation.
As we breathe we will still have a
chance to conceive to love, to want,
to want to be loved by family, friends,
and God.
Life is a present that we unwrap at
birth, at encompassment, during holidays
Christmas, anytime, any occasion!
Old age is awaiting and many generations
are elating...
Waiting for that day, someway, somehow when
you will be reunited under God in Jesus's
Name and kiss your feet being ever so thankful
before you get your gun Annie, your bow Robin,
or your next bottle of anti-depressants.

Author Notes *Brassenest of the Heart-To be prideful.
**Did that!
***Did that too!{ouch!}
****Did that also, all at once...
150+metal stitches.
and I lived to talk about it!

Special thanks goes out to God, FanStory,
FanArt Review and it's Artist TwistedZepher.

Chapter 22
Insurmountable Odds.

By Ricky1024

As the knife blade veraciously
sinks in my thoughts of past slides
down rapidly, forcing itself down
and into my virtual throat.
As I pierce twice, above my heart,
I then slice my neck...
What the heck...
Not very nice as I grasp the cavern
that I had dug.
The pills follow it down.
Am I just some worthless clown?
But you see there was nothing there for me.
No wife, no son one-third of the family all
done gone!
All dead in just eight, short, months.
her dresser drawls overflowed with upside
down bills all lined up in a row.
Over her clothes...
Ten long years of woe and fears as my only,
left-over heart skips a beat and gets torn
Into tiny fragmented pieces of tear-diced,
tissues as the dried remorse runs rampant
during it's course.
Rivers of sweated tears fill the cavern of
no returns...
As my soul burns...
I feel it in my stomach as the knife slips
sinking deep...
Ever so deeply...
Navel to chest destroying what I used to love
so very best.
This was my tears as my guts spill, my life some
bitter pill...

My heart valve is nicked but my soul is intact
even after a heart attack!
Over money issues

Author Notes This short scrip was written in a "Journey To Wellness "{duel-diagnosed meeting today at 7:00 PM.
I was asking on a rating from 3-6 stars and no one could rate this, they were speechless.
No one talked, or clapped and two people shared like experiences.
One said that he took the cowards way out{pills}.
I would seriously warn others to not attempt suicide
it is cowardly, selfesh, and thoughtless.
Suicide is the #2 killer, behind automobile accidents in this world today...
Special thanks goes out to God for my resurrection, FanStory, FanArt Review and it's Artist Gregory John.

Chapter 23
Stir Crazy.

By Ricky1024

A little bit of nuts
goes a long, long, way,
for the acorn does not
fall very far from that
old, oak, tree in the
Wintern Night.

Collect me up, break
me open and discover
the root or core of me.

Two hemi-spheres, lobes
that act and look a little

Tie me up and gag me good
and I'll pop out my left
eye as I should.
As I could and that speaker
kicks in with booze of
whiskey, and gin.
Intoxicating, refreshing,
iced-coke, gin fizz...
Effervescent, sparkling and
violently flushing the sandy
soil with the knowledge of God.

*The Iron Rod will replenish
you in a glow and then and only
then shall you know wheather or
not I am certifiably insane, nuts,
or just "Stir Crazy!"

Author Notes *The Iron Rod- The word of God.
This interesting piece, controversial poem
was written today October 12th, 2012 at 3:43
AM. Eastern standard time in the BOHL.
finished at 3:48 AM.
special thanks goes out to FanStory,
FanArt Review, and the Artist Skyangel02.

Chapter 24
My Guiding Light!'

By Ricky1024

"By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky."
{Poet-Laureate, artist, and writer
of all venues.


"Guide me and come inside of me!
Ride in me as Our molecules collide in me!
for I am now with You and You are now with
"With me now and forever our Destiny and
"When I'm with You, I feel re-newed!
New and wonderful Energy awaits in me!
have mercy for me!
For I now am Your Vessel!
Take all of me and prescribe in me Your
Prescription and your Rendition to...
Heal, feed, hydrate, and save the homeless,
down and out addicted, starving and thirsty!"
"For You are my Beacon as I an now in You as
You are Speaking!
You are my Shining Light guiding me each and every
Protecting me, projecting in me and directing me
"You are the One who makes me "ALWAYS and FOREVER
and EVER" feel alright!!!!
I hold on to your Image, Your Strength, and Your
'Faith of Love!"
For You are Above...
The One that I will Forever and ever LOVE!!!
"You make me!
Take me...
In me I am YOU!!!
And You are my "Creator, Navigator!"
"The Holy Messiah" and my Might!"
For You are...
Jesus the All and Mighty Christ!!!

Author Notes This was written on June 27th, 2013 as I was
riding to the Ocean County Library in Manahawkin,
Written at 1:47 PM. and Finished at 1;49 PM.
Eastern Standard Time.

"Special thanks goes out to Jesus Christ for
my gift and inspiration, Fanstory, FanArt Review,
and the artist "lynnkah' and the pic "Have You Forgotten?"

Chapter 25
An Altercation

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky

"Sometimes there's just no good
reason "for a good reason."
Being uninvolved in an altercation
where you have your body severely
injured, head cracked opened, and
brain injured is met very pretty
indeed!{Writing ability damaged,
no real food or water for three days."
"To by compounded upon, trashed and
trashed upon...
To be transported onto a majored high-
way without a chance because of care-
lessness and stupidity is listlessness!!!
"After arriving in the Atlantic Medical
Center Trauma. A vertical mess in distress
I amok...
"A slacarated, left-series, or ribs and other
scrapes of black not blue along with a nasty
Alive? {bearably], wondering my next move.
"We would like to set you up with a "Hauler-
Just a protraction, you say."
"That night and every night falling, my heart
Rate dropped to a wonderful 43-45 beats per minute!
Thank about an internal monitor under the skin, the
doctor stated.
Well, to make a long story come to a conclusion, no
monitors, eating and drinking sleeping alert....
I will have a beer, celebrate this July ah, and get
me another BIKE!!!!

Author Notes This piece took me forever{the brain-inurn.} Although minor it was life-threatening.
Life is good folks and never date that for granted...
Special thanks to Jesus Christ, Fan story and Tom,
FanArt Review, and the Artist and my friend "donkeyoaktey."

Chapter 26
The Bus Rider.

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
Slam-Poet of Laureate.

"Richard has led a most mysterious of
life, lost his only son and eight,
months later, his only wife.
He had his car stolen for no good
reason, been in three accidents and
to jail twice in three, different, seasons!
Is he naughty or nice/
"So now he just navigates, motorcades, and
Reciprocates he uses the public bus to where-
ever it may go, reading the local, newspaper,
always taking it SLOW!
"He sees that there was another killing, the
five in less then a month!
He has to be a serial-killer, it seems to Rich.
Lets call him Mr. Regrettable" lost and becoming
"A real "Super-Creepo" a man with a non-conscious
He dreams and schemes in black and white
it seems!"
"He wears a small hat and seems amazingly pleasant?
for a mass-murderer!
It all seems so percipient pleasant nor blessed working
for Satan?"
We will soon so!
[continues tomorrow!}

Author Notes This piece was written today, July 19th, 2013
at 2:04 PM. at the Ocean County Stafford Branch
Special thanks goes out to Tom and Fanstory,
FanArt review, and the artist "Phillis Stewart
and her pic "Devil K."

Chapter 27
The Evil, Sick, and Depressed!

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
"Slam-Poet of Laureate."
"Life for me you see is just one,
big, cup of tea!
sweet at the bottom, bitter at the
top, just when will this horse-shit
ever stop?"
"Oh God grant me relieve, send me an
Angel and show me no grief!
Oh God, show me the way, to fight the
God fight and bring back my sunny day!
And oh, my God, take my hand and make
me a stronger and more complete man!"
"For, once upon a time there was me and
then there was she!
Male to female, life in a constant chant
of rhymathical stance!
Sorta like a violent dance!
No second chance!"
"Winds of digressions blow as black, and
angry, clouds lose control!!!
They incite this of fight!
No more will there ever be, for me,
anymore loving, tender, delight!"
"Yes, it's a game of chance always foe me,
no second chance!
Insanity vs... My reality!
A sense of senselessness!
Good vs... Evil, perhaps.
Thrown directly in my swollen path!"
"You say you and for an eternity?
Can you now begin to see?
Arleen and me...
Josephine and me...
Nancy and me...
And mom and me?
Beauty and the beast?
To say the least?"
"There have been other creatures of
beauty involved, no bitter excuse as
I am just the end of the line, always
the caboose!
First must nurse my victim of grief,
re-blessed and expressed, to say the
My "mojo" is lost just as "Austin Powers!"
Never again sweet, always bitter sour!"
"First, I am blabber-ghosted turned in a Black
Widows web!
Stuck and melting like model plastic!
Perhaps have finally blown my last and only
Forever left to rot n my burial casket?"
"They just prey, cheat, and steal!
Never are they to love, lets just get serious
and keep this all REAL!!!
They prey on my lastness and pastness of pain!
Winding me up and driving me INSANE!"
"Regrets, I've had my due, I've died with a past
suicide {December 1st, 2006] and tried to remain
humble and sane after watching all of my belongs
just trickle down the urban drain!
They are witches, tramps, thieves, and gypsies,
I think."
"Pain and virtue remain the same. same old same
old as examine my gain.
It's off to court-house not to marry but to
relinquish thst terrible load!
No more shall I remain the crazy nut-man toad!
That's getting way to old, Nancy my dear, a true
beauty of cutesy who owes me so dear!"
"Kiss on the cheek is all that you get!
Now buy me more beer and sweet wine, before you
And yes, my dear because "Coo-coo birds here!
{my pet name when I call} as she gingerly places
her phone in the vase for she tells her cousin
Theresa that he's just a waste!'
"But the dance remains the same as we go round
and round as ask them all to marry me and settle
Money is not an issue as she cries "crocodile tears"
and complains that her life is so bad!
Money, sex, hate, all navigate!"
"Windows of lost mind unwind as I am again sent
down that tunnel, so divine!
Like a rubber band unwound and then over again
tightened like some idiot clown!"
"This is my life...
This is what I have found!
Depressions consist as I lay my battered body down!
Heart-ache elevate as miss my dead wife and son,
never will my work day be done!
The "Grim Reaper" is my gate keeper sucking at my
feet never any release from my "HELLISH SEAT!"
"Only, I will always remain battered, bruised, and
Where you will remain, my lovely witches and gypsies?
Where will you remain terrified?
For you are now completed, seated, spent, rented and
Always, EVIL< SICK, and DEMENTED!!!

Author Notes This piece, a long time coming and very true, was
written July 21st, 2013 at my estate home in Ocean
Acres, Manahawkin. NJ.
Penned at 10:34PM. and finished at 10:42 PM.
Eastern Standard Time.
Special thanks goes out first, to God, and Fan Story,
Fan Art Review, and finally the Artist "Cloe85" and her pic "Dark Lady."

Chapter 28
When I Die.

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.

"They say that eventually there will come
a day when we will no longer have to pray.
Sing and dance all day as we slowly drift
away to...
... "It is place of after-life, a part
of God's Creation and a happiness of
ultimate elation!
No more wanton humiliation for you or me
cause this is the "Celestial!"
A Kingdom of dreams and plans...
For each and very mother, father, child,
sister, brother and human beings...
"Suddenly your soul will depart your sick,
diseased, and broken body...
Loss of life and broken Heart repleansed!
"They say that there will eventually come
a day when wee enter that other place.
Warmth and loveliness, beautiful people
inhabit and lost and cast away missing
soldiers great you!
Mom and dad...
Grandpa and older brother.
Uncle Fred...
Happy times ahead!
A new and much better Humanity as you realize
that the azure blue and sunny skies hypnotize...
Immerse in this place that God created and Birthed!
Earthly pleasures crystalline encapsulated past
"So Lord God, as I now look back and recant my sins,
cast to the sullen wind...
And re-begin...
My tender loving, Friend...
Is this the beginning after my end?
Your tender, loving, Spirit greets and finally I
have realizes that...
I died...

Author Notes Written August 7th, 2013 in my secret and favorite
writing place!
Started at 5:20 PM. and finished to my music of
choice at 5:25Pm. Eastern Standard Time.
Special thanks goes out to God, Fan Story,
Fan Art review, and the Artist and my friend Mr. "donkeyaoaty" and his pic" "Beautiful morning."

Chapter 29
Reflections of Extreme Pain!.

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.


"Here I go again, reflecting and protecting.
Never any time or me drifting away in my lost
Here I am abounded again in my place of "Heavenly
Visions of Purple Heart-aches persists as my
brain remains the same!"
"Resist the depressions, a life filled with
Like bullet to the brain and a needle of heroin
to my vein my name is "MR. Pain" an enigma ever
set to play Satan's game!
A still amazingly sense of values and pleasures
like suicidal tendencies coupled with a splash
and a dash of urban mentality!
I remain constant!
But am I some sick, "Hailley's Comet" that
visits in multiple, yearly regrets?
Or, perhaps I'm just the clown who screw my
"Ashes to ashes as they wonder around shedding
my cashes{Alcoholic, drug-addicted, thieves,
and the mentally ill past renters] I can't forget
will haunting regrets that enslave me with electric
bill of $3,300.00 and a water bill or $600.00!
Then they leave come back when I am enslaved, steal
my damn appliances, stove, gas=dryer, two air con-
ditioners a lap-top, a brand new $ 85.00 watch and
break grannies crystal in the family since 1890!
Lastly as they run and hide in shame, they say that
they are sick and will never again play that dirty
and evil game!
Perhaps they were there hidden and very sick with-
in old and hidden mattresses latched and left there
to be transferred away to a ding-dong sucker in love
with his gutter!"
"Time, for me now as filters and echoes remain,
consistent, past memories of eight by tens plastered
on walls when my life was lets pretend.
I walk around and talk to them but two long are gone
and my others, for some reason, have grown and moved
Ever constant regrets are met with "I love you and I
Or, "I'm there for you, just look at all the thing's
I do, for you!{loving past renters.}
Bull-fuc**** shitola!
The violin must have gotten corny and the strings
are broken and scrawny!"


"Yes, time now nurtures my tortured host.
Toast to toast, needless death to death for that's
what the "Dark Lord" does the best!
Perhaps I'm long dead and a ghost with no hope or
Am I grounded somehow or confounded somehow?
Do I exist in mind, in body, or spirit, or am I
floating instead in the "Land of the Dead?"
"My family was demolished and my wife and only son
are long gone like a sorrowed and bitter song.
But you see for me there's a definite sense of
dispensed reality.
like a Pez clown, that you can open up, have a laugh,
and pass around!"
"I've found my sick and milked up place now, not only
each and every time but only when all I want is this
sorrow and woe to not rhyme and end!
1 my mind is lifting away as my watch miraculously
stops and drifts aimlessly away!
No sunny day as Angel tears penetrated my deck,
green mold coating, gotta splash bleach on my *deck!"
"I now life my life to exist, persist, and grow, you
I know, as I progress, I someday someway could again
to regress.
You see backwards for mentally ill patients like me
is good as I steal from the rich and give to the good!
Call me "Ricky-1024 Robin Hood" for my life is a curse,
my melody is reversed as I continue to over and over
again reherish!
But its anybody guess, I guess as I test the pureness
of the currents on this terribly difficult quest....
My shame and humiliation are not a problem in my sector
of this realm. ...

Author Notes *deck-
From April 1st to about July, almost 90 days it rained
and it rained to the point hat my back deck was covered
in green mold.
The work of God after telling the Angels in Heaven
that their son died in the beginning of April the
evening of the first, as my son's organs were
removed and placed into four other strangers.
This fulfilling and fun write was written
July 23rd, 2013 at my sweet and lovely daughter
{the youngest} Dana's house in Mystic Islands NJ.
Started at 8:43 AM. and finished at 8:53 AM.
{Re-written today} Eastern Standard Time.
I would like to acknowledge Christ, Fan Story and
Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review, and the
artist "Angelheart" and her incredible pic, "Stay in Hell!"

Chapter 30
Discovering Self Worth!

By Ricky1024

"The Disinclination of My Immediate Imagination!"
By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.


"To be born and un-nourished...
To be acknowledged and eventually perish..
To be blessed, blamed, and driven insane...
And to love and be loved is a Godly Blessing,
a nourishing and flourishing AGGRESSION!
"To be besieged, stricken, Heart pierce and
perched and ill-managed is a curse of un-unimaginable fear
To be in-flicked with your unnecessary birth
can be a curse or a gift of self-worth.
But is it a sin my friend, a tragedy to the
very and final end?
A violent miss-carriage of justice or a bay
in a carriage, I ask YOU!!!
What will you do if my crap life happened to YOU?.
Imagine, just enough of it to cause you pain and
just enough to drive you INSANE!!!
"To see and not to be...
To compound and not ever again to be found...
To develop a relief and experience unbelievable
And to finally realize the reason why!
"The reason why your wonderful and lovely life is
apparent and the reason why you cursed like a tyrant!
The reason why you immediately, within only eight
months you lose only son and first wife...
And the REASON WHY, three times, You.. Try... To...
And... Your... Life... Not once... Not twice... BUT
Like a dunce that is psychotic caught in a hypnotic
embrace all over the place!
"You see in order to answer each and every question
of miss-correction, you need to pray and pray all
night and all day!
Pray to God and ask for less pain or a break because
your going quickly down "HELLS DRAIN!
Search and seek out relief from a Priest, Minister,
counselor, or a relative.
Now isn't that realities?
Once you find out the reasons, again my friend you
can learn to enjoy the four seasons!
Winter snow crafted be "Angelic Snow People" and
this is the time to recapture your lost childhood
and childish feelings..
"To reach out and grab a snow flake and realize that
an Angel's tear was and always will be from a person
lost and forsaking, broken, deformed all alone, never
Feel the cold and shimmer, shiver, and shake!
Pay homage and give guidance to your Maker for without
Him your nothing but a indetermination!
"Summer is a time of Christening as the warmth of the
Sun and it's gentle ouch of the sea nourishes you and me!
Bask in the heat and feel that Godly Southern breeze as
it whistles though the palm trees!
Immerse your self in the salt of the sea, now that's living
again, my friend!
And wasn't that request and blessing now so perfect thank
God that our "Pretty please is working!
"Autumn is a time of immense and imminent discovery!
Fall leaves that tumble down!
The embers, the browns, the greens, and reds that you
can't seem to get their beauty out of your head!
Discover your inner feelings.
Discover your values and family.
And discover and search for another lover!
"Spring, the new beginning when Earth awakes from along
it's long Wintern break!
Blooms of delight as bees release nectar into the
Humming birds in motion and insects and other creatures
busy in Mother Natures nurturing.
Well isn't that what life really means?
"So now instead of pain, God has washed THAT down the drain!
No more Satanical pain...
You realize why there was your birth because you have
finally found your SELF WORTH!

Author Notes Written on July 31st, 2013 at "Community Memorial Hospital," Toms River, NJ.
Only two weeks after my accident on Route 72.
Is was hit by a car at over 60 miles an hour
on my ten speed and severly injured.
Started at 6;30 PM. and finished at 7:37 PM.
Eastern Standard Time.
This is Seven Minute "Slammed Poem!"
Special thanks goes out to God for allowing me
passage into an empty lane, Fan Story and Tom,
Fan Art Review, and the artist "Kerri Harrish" and her pic "New Beginnings."

Chapter 31
I Spit ON YOUR Faceless Face!

By Ricky1024

Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
Sam-Poet of Laureate.

"As I set about my daily procedures, I noticed
seizure coming on {My first].
Perhaps it will go away and not effect the writing
If it did it would be a pity for tis song {"Just a
Little Girl, I Know," is pretty!"
"It looks to me like it feels like a rubber band
stretching me and testing me!
God, will You be catching me?
I'm stricken like arsenic to the breaking point but
my *faithing point is dear...
"So He grabbed me by my shaking and quaking hand and
laid me down and unwrapped me from that tightly and
unsightly wound rubber band that banded me like cotton
'My frightened face resembled a clown, all white and
upside DOWN!
"White as a ghost straight from his grave! Said my most
significant of Host!"
"You see reviewers for me, it's ever and ever quite clever
as the Grim Reaper continues his eerie of grip!
If I slip I'm back to the "Crazy Shack" and thanks but no
"After my last episode when, six weeks ago, Bo-Peep, {me}
lost his sheep and then I was violently hit on my bike by
a car!
Perhaps possessed from afar?
But, any who my brain damage is kicking in and then and my
wriuioting {Error, brain] in rhyme is disintegrating again!!!"
"So, after I induce my being with three drugs of their choice,
and a hug from my friend, Jesus, I've got to see my Cardiologist
Because I feel an oncoming **Heart Attack!!!

Author Notes *faithing- Having Faith from God.
**HeartAttack!!!_ Sixweeks ago I was hit and
suffered massive injuries and spent four days
in Alanta Care Emergency Hospital, Atlantic City, NJ.
{Chest wall bruising, brain damage, and ribs bruised
and contused.
Should I say, after he falsifing the report,
A 2014 Baby Blue Chevrolet Corvette by Christmas?

This piece was written on August 13th, 2013 at
my estate home of my medical practice in Ocean
Acres. {Manahawakin, NJ.
Written and started at 11;47 AM. and competed at
11;56 AM. Eastern Standard Time.
Special thanks goes out first, as always to God,
Fan-Story and Tom, Fan-Art Review, and the artist,
"MoonWillow and her crazy pic "The Perfect Apple!" Thanks Moon!
Love YOU!

Chapter 32

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
Poetry Assembler at factory HELL!!!

"Subjugation's, Miss-Directions, and Intermediate Allegations!"
"Suffocation are my new relations as I sift my way through my
Strangulations are my thoughts and dreams as I scheme...
Thoughts of my "Sister Miss Misery" and my friendly "Brother Pain"
are right now shooting medications like heroine and cocaine through-
out my vessels and swollen veins!"
"Mother and Brother pain they also are my family of suspended members!
Met them all in the State Nut House for people like little, ole,
me-ah, Mia, can't you see-ah what's wrong as I write all day long!"
"Want a song?
How about brown cow Molly slaughtered and butchered in my cousins house
of **"Meatier!
All of my family members have painted faces on graven stones as they expel
to the tell-ed that the world needs to be informed, oh well on quick!
Get on your cells!"
Tell them all that I'm eventually going to H-E-W-U LL!"
"Shake me up, for I am a drifting away, got places to see, help!
Get a fu***** on me!
Post a post and shackle me with chains deep, or I'll break all of theses
chains for...I...Am...GOING...INSANE!!!
"Rake me in don't forsake me then as you button my button on my chin,
threw in a little premium petrol and exasperate! If that don't work
jerk, then bang me or hang me!
No just suffocate me and if I emerge to quick or take my eyes off of
you, then stick with toothpicks!"
"Getting to thick?
Them my sick friend, don't read to the very, end cause in Hell, Mr..
Satan is cooking up a new recipe called pain remains here and misery
was yesterday's lunch!"
"Perhaps I should emerge, purge and re-hatch it off at my neck!
What the heck!
Now grab a can of mace pretty please and fire it p as I sneeze!
Cause men like me like all of the pain and torture, you see?

Author Notes *meatier- Actually owned by a Smrkovsky family member in "Shulenberg, Texas which is the biggest in the state!

This interesting and totally refreshing story poem in complete rhyme was created in a "Wendy's off Route 72
down town Hell in Manahawkin, NJ. at about 5:26 PM.
Eastern Standard Time while stuffing my face!
Special thanks goes out to Fan Story, Tom the Adman,
Fan Art Review, the artist "MKFlood and his cool pic
"Oh Hell NO" and of course, Lord Satan!!!
HA, Ha, ha!!!

Chapter 33
***Sweet Surrender***

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Rich
Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Slam Poet of Grief.
"As I live and as I breathe...
Breath after death...
After breath...
Yes, Ive tasted Death!
On "Lonely Street."
"I make my way up thr sorrowed path of regrets
there is not second chance....
Just sorrow and regrets...
a voice stutters and a faintness clutters the
gutter of my soul...
"The path my voice produces, slowly as it
removes the remnants of past clutter...
I mutter as I taste the waste of bitterness"
Itentional death...
Heartbreak, accidental system override...
and n my sorrow I try...
Ii try o believe...
I try to retrieve...
I try to open my swollen eyes covered in lies,
whys, and surprise....
The tears f reality tel no lies...the salt..
"Wandering streams of before the dreams and
after the schemes
Remain sustain...
Devils and demons at every corner laugh and scheme...
Shaken, bitterer, bones quake and release a time of
"I forsake the shakes and tears as a presence of unknown
means takes my schemes of devilish delight and dissolves
the salts of my detain and drain...
Slowly, ever so slowly, my mind's neutrons return and
slowly the burn and it's pain...
Spurned and shaken heart return!"
"And slowly, ever so slowly, I remain forever and ever
to remember...
Just another day of my "Sweet Surrender."

Author Notes Written on September 24t,2013. at home with music.
playng in the dark.
Started at 8:47 Pm. and completed at 8:59 Pm.
Eastern Standard Time.
special thanks goes out to Jesus Christ,
Fan Story, Fan Art Review and the artist
"donkeyoatey. and his pic

Chapter 34
**** Doulble Dose of Me!****

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkosky.
Slam-Poet of Laureate.
Ranked International in all venues,
from Art to Writing abilities to Chess.
{Beat a 2,600+ Grand Chess Master in a 30
second lightning round [2001.}
Tested above genius in literature {Mensa 2000}
High-school drop-out..
Graduated Central Regional 14th.{1974}
Graduated Triple-Major 1978 Rutgers.}
"Born n the month of October..
The 24th, 1954..
Newport Rhode Island Naval Hospital...
6:00 PM.. Eastern Standard Time.
Planets alignment {unusually rare...}
Somethng wrong in that night air?
By Tara an internet psychic {2012.}
Episiotomy failed!
Blood loses three+ Quarts!
Weight 8 lbs. 6 ounces...
"Splattered with red-lipstick kisses and nicknamed
by the RN.'s "Rosebud"...
"And as I grew older and stocky, I realized that I
was no longer a child of innocence and shy, but an
soon to be raised by a father of Navy and a father
and mother of alcoholic circumstances...
"Beaten, damaged mentally for dumping bottles and
Bottles of wine..
Age about five...
"Thrown out the front window afer a massive snow-storm
in '62, to shovel the walks and drive way. no view..
Drifts over the roof..
Age, about eight...
No love, what there was was a little late...
"Handsome debonair, bt soon depression of manic proportions,
I soon would learn to share...
{starting age 20...
"Helped build a chain of supermarkets {1970-2003.}
Cheated out of over $100,000.00 in 2003.
{four nervous breakdowns {1983, 1993, 2003.}
Doing the job of four...
Injured three+ times.
"Owned, out right my house at ae 24 in married in 1984.
Created a family of three and raised her two, mom said to
"What in the Hell are you doing here?"
"You deserve a fresh start!"
But my path waste by God and to help, serve, was as I learned,
to become my life-tie job...
"What would you do when faced wit an abused and scared woman
two, little, girl?
Heroine induced, six foot six [1984.}
"Disney World...
Then to escape and later...
"I said that you are "The Baby- Maker" and she said no way
and that I had in episiotomy in the late 60's will ruin
your dreams. but God and me had our dream and magical schemes...
Disney {1983... Corrine Alexis, 1984... Jason Richard, and
1985 Dana Alyse}."
"But you see, there is this thing called fate and destiny.
and you never think taht you would lose a child, and then,
eight months later, your wife but four from "The Baby Maker"
remain with three grand children and another male on the way
on Christmas Day!!"
"Poem Number Two"
"The Simplicity of Me!"
"What you see is what you get! Never will it be aure bet!
But no regrets after six accidents?
Well, what the Hell, ring a f****** bell!
Been to hell and don't give a friggng shit!
Do what and when I want to...
"Give a good portion of my money away but the best things
in life are absolutely free and that's the way it wll always be!
So like it or live it alone!
No room in my world for nothing more or less then a used and abused
"And what's my advice to you from a Prophet, Poet, and Latter Day
Saint Priest of "The Church of Jesus Christ?"
Well, Hmm...
"Live every day like its your last, lads and lass's and every day that
you again awake friend, thank The Lord and never forsake!
Your breathing again!!!"

Author Notes Written on October 11th, 2013
Written October 11th, 2013..
Early morning[un-timed.}
'Spec8al thanks first goes out to God, then Fan Story,
and finally the Artist "Skyangel02" and her pic "Human

Chapter 35
***Selling Off of the GREED!!!***

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
Slam-Poet of Laureate.
Ranked World by two "Who's Who's."
"Yes indeed greed is everywhere from the car dealer
to your local state to a selfish woman on a first date!"
"To the Legislature to the Congressman to the Sheik of
Kuwait after all of those oil wells that we eliminate!
Damn you!
But yes continues to arise as that sheik and Middle Eastern
friends tell their tales of woes and blatant LIES!!!
Damn You All!"
"Her, Mr. And Miss 'First Time College Student" with their
"Free" credit card from "Yank of America" and "Well's End
Well's Fargo" with your now "luck card of greed," spend all
that you want and more if you can!
Don't worry cause pay backs are a bitch and we will soon
drive you all into a blismal ditch!"
"Hi! My name is "The Marlboro Man" and the last survivor
of Three..
Can't you see?
Choke, choke!
Yip you can't see cause We are long DEAD!
So think twice instead!!!!
Hello! I'm Bin Laden and here's my friend MR. Hitler!
We both died on April 15th but many, many, years in
between but we still want you to know that we still
care and bare your souls!
We and Satan and have a date of hate here with you!
And we will take away all of your Heart and Pain!
You an be damn sure that ain't the START!!!
Ha, Ha, HA, HA!!!

Author Notes Written December 12th, 2013 at 3:15 PM.
and completed at 3:19 PM. a "Slammed Poem"
of 4 minutes!
Special thanks goes out God, to all whom
surfer and suffered from these entities
and the many others, Fan Story, Tom, Fan Art
Review, and the Artist,{my friend} "donkeyoatey"
and his pic "Erosion of Water!"

Chapter 36
*****Bleeding Red!!!!*****

By Ricky1024

By DR. Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Poet of Laureate.
"I have been fascinated, punctured, sliced, pierced,
penetrated, butchered, bled from accidents and my
apparent, own, stupid, birth!!!
And I am not afraid to bleed the crimson or red and
I have been interested with blood-suckers since I
watched my green snake "snaky" and a couple of leaches,
mosquito's, and green heads nourish themselves son the
"Feast of my LEAST!"
"My point is that we have more then we will ever bleed
out to the under taker or some blood-thirsty zombie or
demon want it!!!
{Go shit!}
"See the TV. Show "True Blood!"
Vampire, cultists all have their stupid reasons along
the depressed who utilize a razor device and slice, slice,
SLICE!!! ...
"Nostredomus, Bela Lugosi {Count Dracula}, characters like
Vampirrela, and other created creatures are both capturing
in beauty and interesting even though more then a pint will
cause your to erupt violently {I understand from a movie}."
"I have donated enough Type "A" in my life...
I have bled enough of that sacred, crimson, red to fill a
tub from a potential, suicide victim or 100 Janet Leigh"
Psycho shower killings!!!
"But I don't like needles!!! I can live without them because
I work for "Pzife" In New Haven Connecticut and M.D.S. Pharma
Services in Neptune, NJ.
In New Haven hey are working fevierviciusly on the cure in
2016 or 2017 on M.S."
"In Neptune in 2005 they injected me with a compound to
create a new medication X-3 P.S 5689 67 times in seven days!
in New Haven the deal was a injection of creatine to be sugar
-induced in order to map my muscular structure in the next X
amount of weeks with 13 check ups and return visits {People
with MS. Lose muscular structure.}"
"As a Human Guinea pig it is beneficial to e in a small and
elect, "Healthy Club" whom have to be in a form of pristine
existence as when in the form of "nee" {birth!}"
"So when Satan pulled my blood-type and requested me at after
taking or something to do with the death of my only 18 year,
old, son, Jason Richard Smrkovsky, my mind was at a lose...
Tossed away like some fuc**** piece of wilted and jilted leaf-
"And after eight months, my wife Carolyn could no longer stand
it either and took her life be refusing her blood pressure
medicine from September to November 23rd, 2003 {Happy Thanks-
giving Satan!!!"


"I first started and planned my own suicide {See "Triple Suicide
Dance"} in my portfolio},and my sick realization, a corruptional
attempt by Lord Satan against a soon to become Latter Day Saint
priest of the "Church of Jesus Christ" that there was a need...
A need for be to bleed!!!"
"So for years and millions upon millions of grieving tears and
immense pains and pangs of wanting no more or no less then to
I tried with a butcher knife upon my side to my breast twice
but it frigging hurt!
{A jerk?}"
"So on December 1st, 2006 after a nasty break-up with Nancy who
I thought was my "cure" I went off the deep end in my pool of
toxicity {My BLOOD.}
Note-{This was only five days from Carolyn's birthday.}"
"So, I decided to try it with a lesser device of a 7-inch,
serrated, steak, knife {I like steak rare.}
First twice {just missed the Heart by fractions} them thrice to
the neck and again and bled like hell but missed the jugular by
fractions too! {Bad to the bone and I'ill never make a fine
surgeon I guess?"
"So my already fracturedheart from pain of past events was now
bleeding profusely from a artery and my neck was too!
So, after all of that unsuccessful nonsense I took a bottle of
Depocote and went to my room to either die or sleep it off
{The bleeding seized because I have great clotting factors or I
would have passed out."
"I stabbings cuttings, and pills..
Hey Jay I'm on my way!!
{I was happy finally to I realized that Nancy was always showing
up at the wrong time!
And she weighs about 180 and I didn't need a witch dead on top
of me!
{Can you see?}
So I called 9-11 {Cost a dime} for she has Heart problems!
{Too much for the EMT's.}
Pretty please!"
"So please do not this ever for even though I have very, little,
visible scaring from 150 metal stitches because my level of pain
induction is tremendous and your level of pain would probably have
caused you a HEART ATTAVCK!!"

Author Notes Written December 28th, 2013 from my hotel outside the Atlantic Club{Former Hilton} in Atlantic City, NJ.
Time started 1158 AM. and completed at 12:33PM. Eastern Standard Time.
Special Thanks goes out To Jesus Christ first for realizing my reasons and Fan Story and Tom for this tremendous writing atmosphere, to my son Jay for my inspiration
and strengths, and Nancy of course along with the
Artist "corrinas creations" and her pic "Yummy!"

Chapter 37
Things areNever Quite What They Seem

By Ricky1024

By DR. Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Poet, Prophet, and Latter Day
Saint Priest of "The Latter Day
Saint Church of Jesus Christ"
******************Me Book Story********************
"He was scared, so scared, depressed, lonely, and
so, so, stressed...
At the young age of only 17, He was just learning...
Burning up with a *need.
A need indeed to succeed.
And as all at that age...
A need for, unfortunately, for SPEED>>>
"Out of his mind?
But most definitely one...of...a...kind.
Blew my mind!!!
Ruptured my Soul!
Captured my "Out of Control" and turned this
wild man into a tootsie roll if you can ever
understand or know for that day was my "Freak
Took its **toll most definitely I want you to know!
Now follow closely and this amazing story will do
one of to things to you and for you and I need that
feed back, Jack of Jocelyn...
"Lets begin...
March 31st 2003 started quite normally with a never
again kiss to work from a woman who has a relationship
and is known quite naturally as a hard person to sail
the boat with..
but I do the "work thing," bring home "the chow," and
wonder how this nasty and crazy situation came upon me?
Did all that I could, all that I should, a good husband
and dad...
"At about 6:oo PM. and after my nightly penance {a meal},
I settled down to relax and rest with a good game of chess.
To express, to digest, and top heal my over-worked mind...
The mind of a Saint who always and sometimes ain't!'
Well take a can of spray paint and huff because in here
it's going to get a little rough!"


"At about 8:15 PM. I hear a noise like an explosion or
implosion as a guided missile is launched and almost topples
a fully loaded electrical pole!
A pole so large that it wasn't goanna give!
Soon, my only son Jason {18}, will go from a coma to an
"Organ-Tissue Donor."
His death took less time then it takes to take in one-
thousand breaths or cry about three hundred tears...
"Well, what is the normal conclusion to this seemingly
illusion, confusion, brain contusion
You may or may not have created...
Navigated that sail boat...
Or watched your son lose every... single... basketball...
Game that first year and as they allowed Him more time
to play...
And that very, next, year...!
You may or may not have caught that ball of watched one
You may or may not have had a dream of creating a band...
"Candy canes ice-cream, Santa Clause"...
All sullen dreams...
But for me things are never, ever quite what they ***seem...

Author Notes Editors Notes-
*He- Jason Richard Smrkovsky
{A "Gift of Life Donor"
**toll-I had to hospitalize myself after my
wife Carolyn committed suicide less then 8
months after Jason's death.
Carolyn Ann Richmond Smrkovsky 12-06-1952<>11-23-2003.
"To learn more about this amazing program "Organ
-Tissue Donations* contact "The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of call 1-800-DONORS-1
and tell my fried Lara S. Moretti LSW. there that
"Jay" sent you!"
Thanks, DAD.
"Written BUT ONLY STARTED on March 3rd, 2003.
Started at 8:15 PM. and again started at 11:05 PM. But finished sand completed at 3:16 PM the next day.
"Special thanks goes out to my Son Jay and Jesus Christ
for my guidance, dedication, and determination as I craft and grasp another page of Human Reality with this
Also Fan Story, Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review
and this Artist "BirdsEyeView" and this pic.........
"Father and Sons Joy Ride!"

Chapter 38

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Slam-poet Of Laureate.
*******************Me Book******************
"Although I have looked down the "belly of the
*beast", walked through the "Valley of Death"
and "danced with the Devil'...
I am blessed!"
"Although I have been involved in numerous
**altercations{motorcycle, car, and bicycle
accidents} and I should be dead, I fear no evil!
"And although I continue to sacrifice, give money,
and walk the "shit trail" I shall fear no evil for
death hath cast in me another light more powerful
then fright!"
"It can not confront me for I fear nothing and are
more or less then nothing...
"I have been miss-diagnosed but toasted and hosted
by the "Latter Day Saints of the Church of Jesus
I am no longer medically treated, psycdhiatrically
examined, therpized, freeze dried, or anything more
or the lesser transgressor!"
"Am I high?
Yes on life!
Am I intoxicated?
Never but my brain cells exist as a soapy mess and
mass of matter!
But whats the matter?
With me?"
"Am I confused, perused, joaked about, criticized?
Over tossed, over toasted...
But do you want to know what gives me the "Power
and the Glory?"
To continue on after the death of a child?
A wife and myself?"
Yes I repeat, only do I live...
To fight and yes, to give for I now will sacrifice
totally of myself always and forever...
For I am in a special club, a club of Destiny and
utter pleasure...
For the "Ever of Ever!"

Author Notes "This piece for my 'Me Book' was written on March
3rd, 2013 at 6:55AM.
Finished at 7:05 AM.
Eastern Standard time.
"Special thanks goes out first to Jesus Christ,
then Fan Story and the Administrator Tom, Fan
Art Review, and thia Artist "crivicic" and his
picture "Vortex!"

Chapter 39
**Hot-Buttered Imp!**

By Ricky1024

By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Slam Poet of Laureate.
<><><><><><><><><><><><>Hot Buttered IMP!<><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><>
***************Copy Write 2014 Fan Story*******************************

"Buttered Imp, hot commodity of "Too Not...
He's a little less than this and a "little more" of that, walks around his *'town of crap!"
Cops don't like him for they haven't a clue {neither does the Judge} who never shall budge because 'The Imp' 'don't give a shit!"
"Over eight, years, ago in a 'CVS' parking lot in the town of Ship bottom on Long Beach island New Jersey, 'The Imp' with a beard of dark, so man abusing a little boy in that parking lot!
He was laying 'The Hammer Down' and squeezing the value out of a two, year, old...
Oh no I thought but that's his kid not mine for Jason was killed a few months ago!
No time to unwind!"
"Tears were being dropped and not a single moment would this man stop.
And the language with that filthy 'F' word over and over...
That's what the Imp heard!"
So hot did the 'Dripping-Butter' get and this Imp felt the suffering's and lack of regrets!"
"Hot-Buttered Popcorn" oozing out of the body of 'The Imp,' thanks to the proper up bringing of his father and mother!
I'm a coming for you 'Kid Beater and my popcorn is a popping and it's too late for its not gonna be stopping!
I've got two hundred gallons of volcanic lava and fists are a coming to dismiss the squeezing disease of 'Satan's Kiss!"
"Interruption of the corruption!
Suddenly and this new man said he's a good man...
You must understand! And he's an officer off duty, unarmed and on vacation is this fine and beautiful island of now...
"I don't care! Yells the Imp.
And don't care if he's
The Chief of Police of The United States of America!"
My 'Imp' is looser than an Easter Goose and it's unchained and can't be contained!
Looser than A raging train...
More destructive than that Nuke that puked on 'Hiroshima!"
Now get out of my way cause I don't give a crap, cop or no cop, this has to stop!"
"So cop, you got a piece of this 'Latter Day Saint Priest' of 'The Church of Jesus Christ' and the 'Holy Ghost' does not coast on this train!
No badge nor gun...
No mace of club to pistol whip...
So cop can you handle it?"
"So, face to face, I looked into the 'Windows of his Soul' and he looked into mine and believe you me, it ain't now cop gonna be kind!
But the kid beater backed down and when he walked away this is exactly to the word this coward had to say."
"Who do You think that you are, Jesus Christ?
And to this very day and moment of this written word, I will protect the innocent and I don't 'Give a Holy Shit' about me.

Author Notes *town-
I live in Manahawkin, NJ. and according to an article in 'The Asbury park Press' three months ago, there were over 350 Heroin deaths due to overdoses{Most will be intentional] and 100 were here in my town.
Also the police covered up the accident March 31st 2003 in which my son Jason died to protect the 17 year old, depressed driver because his mother was the local high schools Sports Administrator in charge of the schedules of all sports in a school of over a thousand.
Special thanks does go out to Jesus Christ for my knowledge, writing gifts, and my fear of not any man nor beast. Then to Fan Story and tom the administrator of... and finally to Fan Art review and this amazing Artist "

Chapter 40
Expanding My Horizons.

By Ricky1024

By DR. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
Slam Poet of Laureate.
<><><><><><><><>Expanding My Horizons!<><><><><><><><><
**********************Copy Write 2014 Fan Story*******************************
"Demanding ever planning, commanding to this me...
For I am more than mere entity and less than mere human.
And, I am, I am, a force to reckoning with!"
"Break me it won't wake me...
Resurrect me and He will protect me...
Forsake me not for I will remember forever and never forget...
"Renew in me the best you see, for that tis thy wanton need!
Thrust in me, trust you'll see and love all of the me of me for...
I am, I am...
The best that God hath ever command,andAs owrite to thee you will
start to realize Whom I shall be"!
"Thy bleed me dry and hanged Me high.
Cussed and spit upon me, whipped and seared My flesh to laugh but see.
For I am I am more than mere man...
Trust in Me for God is Me my Destiny, cast away on a hill of grief,
but as My soul drifts away, that was all that I say."
"Feel in Me for I am your 'Entity!'
Forever lost, you see, for an Eternity.
Forever wishing...
Awaiting My Me...
Jesus Christ.
"To hath loved as such as He is more than a mere blessing or Gift here.
Christ did die for us all and is an example to not sin as they had in
His destruction.
We may be cast as sinners because of that sad day.
We may be Jewish, we may not but we can truly honor his 'Amazing Mere
Then Man' by attending the local Sunday sacrament practices with the
wine, or the water, the bread or the cracker.

Poem Number Two-
*****************************"Extreme Exposures!*******************************
"""""""""""""""Copy Write 2014 Fan Story""""""""""""""""""""
><>?<><><><><><>Presentation of my Book #36 "Extreme Exposures"><><><><><><><><>

********************Copy Write 2014 Fan Story****************************
<><><><><><><>Prouloge For My Book# 36{2014} Extreme Exposures!<><><><><><><><><

{A dedication.]
"Let all, beautiful woman's flock together and remove thy 'Angel Feathers!'
Feel thy wilt as thy feathers drop to thy Heavenly floor and now reach deep inside and glide!"
'Touch 'Her Face'...
'Her Breast'...
And caress 'Her Heart of Sullen Shame!'
For She died for me and you!
Envelope Her...
Develop in Her...
For She was here for thee!"
"Ever, simple, Human Being has got 'The Glow' got to know,
hath to show...
Every simple, Human Being hath got to Believe...
Hath got to Conceive...
Hath got to Perceive...
"And 'Every Breathing...
Human Being-Conceiving...

You locked into a new book of mine Bonus!
[sorry no points extra!]

Author Notes 'special thanks first, must go to Jesus Christ,then Fan Story and Tom the Administrator.
next to Fan art review. Then lastly, to this Artist and piece ""Photojazzjeff and "Bronze Crucifix."*Their-
Brenda Joy Robinson was truly a fallen Angel lost and un-retrievable. I don't a Beautiful Poem in Her memory on a site in the Atlantic City press Called and a poem called ...
"Forget Me Not."
It can also be viewed deep inside my portfolio for all whom were interested.
Brenda Joy Robinson.
A Suicide Victim grieving for her lost son Christopher Robinson {An Apparent Heroin over dose and also suicide victim.}
"Brenda shot herself in the head after retrieving her gun from her bedroom three weeks before the Christmas of 2012. Her grand daughter Lilly,{only five} and her daughter Loren [28} witnessed this terrible event.
"Note- Suicide isnot the way to go. my wife also wassucessful in 2003 after also griving for my son Jason whom was born only five...days...before Christopher! and yes, they attended the same scool in the same grade. {Strangerthings have happened tome since. AnD I to am a 'Triple Suicide Victim' but I am also a surviver and have savedseveral others with the power of my shame.
"Open Thy Hearts, and intersperse Your Words.
Richard Edward Smrkovsky. {2014.]


Chapter 41
***Malifecence of My Malice!!!***

By Ricky1024

'By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky'
'Slam-poet of Laureate"
World Ranked, Rated, Followed,
Reviewed and thought after
by three Publishing Companies.
World ranked #1 {2012-2014}
by Swath more"s #2 and Covington"s #3 'Who's Who"s.'
><><><><><><><><><><><><>Copy write FanStory 2014<><><><><><><><><><><><><
"Malificence of My Malice!"
"You have to understand that you either love me or hate me, no inputween!
As I again open "The Book of Life' perhaps emoting will partially end the choking?
I walk in a world surrounding myself with only crazy friends.
I find comfort there for mostly they are harmless."
"It happened about fifteen years ago when I first visited "Satan's Silent World!"
Anytime I go there I have so much fun he tells me to never come back!
I go to class 666 and He teaches me about torture, rape, and murder and I laugh!
I teaches me how to torture and punish inflecting pain and I just laugh!
And finally, he saws to me....
"Why do you come?
Duh, I lost my wife and my son so I keep trying to kill myself!
I don't make the rules about suicide and how you will go to hell and not
Heaven above!
And I again, JUST LAUGH!"
"You see, you either "Love me or hate me, there is no in between!"
I remember the loses and then my wife leaving me in dept for over
And almost losing the house! And having to retire to pull out my prophet sharing. And how it was short $100,00.00!
And how I found a ten, year, period of bliss in my dead wife Carolyn, drawls!"
"Forget all of this and all of that from the many incarcerations, my visits to the nut houses, and you either love me or hate me there is no in betwwen!
For this is my "Golden Chalice" and this is My Malificencence of Malace!"

Author Notes Speci8al thanks goes out to God, Fan Story, Fan Art Re view , This amazing artist "MK.Flood and his pic"Prom Date from Hell!"

Chapter 42

By Ricky1024

"By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky"
Slam-poet of Laureate.
World Ranked in All Writing Venues
{2012, 2013, 2014}
By Swath mo re's {#Two} and Covenibgton's
{#Three} 'Who's Who.}
{Note-This is a 5,249 piece poem.}

Poem # One-

"Malifificence of Malice, Slipping up the Prison
Pole Within the Mortal Bun dries of my Golden Chalice!"
**********************Copywrite Fan story 2014***************************
"Cuddle up real close...
No candle wax dripping...
No working flashlight...
Nor cell-phone...
No TV of oomputor on....
No fire place a blaring...
Are you listening as I am Sharing?
'By the moon of the light'
I write these words m pains to you...
Take your bluen soul and broken of heart...
Your blended, amended, and a sanded ...
Your mind torn apart...
Don't listen to those charlatans take my advice it is as easy as


A.-Lost and all alone in *"Silent prison"?
B.-The Only thing to do is to die!
C.-Anyway will do, **suicide is the only way to go!
End that pain and sufferings!
Anyway will do...
I sliced and diced...
{150 metal stitches!]
Into my Heart,breast and ***neck...
It was so easy for me you see?
Pierced the heart and took those pills...
{They didn't work, felt like a stupid jerk!}
Try Excedrin and just the right amount...
Will burst your stomach lining...
That's what I am talking about!"
You here?
Or there?
Do you care?
Holy COW!
Cry out LOUD!
Don't be ashamed...
He is still proud!
Cry no more, and shed not a single tear...
Do the "Happy Dance!" and spread the good cheer!
All is good and all is pure as it should!
Will do you no good though...
Go with the FLOW!!"
Follow not the insane!
And just call out His name!
"Jesus the Christ!"
Make everything now...
Fight the good FIGHT for me?
And ease the sufferings..
No more...
All good as it should...
As it's SURE!!!
"Feelings of pain, sufferings, and depression are now GONE!
Lost your family?
I too lost two!
I will not reinterate...
The pain is over due!
"Come and take my hand!
No reason to stay here, anymore...
Up above is this heavenly place..
That I will SHOW!!!
They are all here waiting...
Just for you...
Sometimes you have to take chances..
And go to Hell!
All is well and then my friend it's up above!
To experience?"
"No more pains and depressions above!
Just the gains and love!
And this is my message in a package that you should now know...
All wrapped up like a Christmas Present you should now show...
It will have to do for You!"
For this is...
"The Justification, Slippery Up the Prison Pole in my Golden Chalice!"
Poem # Two-


"Just me again my reviewing friend!
Writing inside as lightning and thunder shsll be our *"Holy of Guide!"
Come for this ride!
Deep within...
Deeper inside!!!
Entertaining me and asking us for a ride!
Come inside it's so, so, wet outside!
Got pain like a shot of heroin into the vein?
Got the cure!
You can be sure!
Lost my son, my wife, and almost my life!
Thoughts now are pure!
Almost lost and flipped my lid!!!
Do your very, very, "CHERRY BERRY" BEST!!!
For this is our quest together to get better then ever with the RELIEF!!!
From my mind to yours from this the of this "Latter day Saint Priest!
{To say the least!}
And you will soon understand...
If you stand by this man!"


"Try and understand...
I'm gone a long time ago...
Lost my kid, my wife, almost my life...
But here you are..
So I'ill come back just to you!!!
Think now happy thoughts humbling thoughts...
Thoughts of great hope and love...
Share this tenderness a **gift...
Try to understand!
Damn it!
"No light...
No candle wax...
No fire...
No computer...
Nor cell-phone!!!


{Written in the dark}
{Half I couldn't even understand but remembered}
For you are not alone!

Author Notes Editors Notes-*"Silent Prison- The abyss, lonely place, your Hell or the depressive Pit of F****** SHIT!
**Suicide- I am an actual suicide X Three! And I write about it to stop it and to help with my reverse in A. B. C!
Poem two-"*Holy Guide- Your spiritual gude, your guardian angel, or God!
**gift- Life.

***Neck- I tried first for the heart twice and then three times slashing my neck with a 7 inch, serrated, steak knife, missing the jugular but why?
Special thankd goes out first and always to "all mighty God and son, then Fanstory and Tom, Fanart review and this amazing artist and her incredible picture
"cleo85 and "Fire and Ice!"

Chapter 42
The Stone,the Word, and the Occasion

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"The Stone, the Word, and the Occasion"
Written on September 2nd, 2017.
By Doctor Ricky 1024
{Based on True Events}
"The Chance for Redemption...
"Is Only...
"A Stone's Throw Away."
{Theology 26.77}
"The Written Word Spoken...
"Can Never Be With Drawn."
{Theology 26.78}
"The Occasion After it is Missed...
"And, The Time After it Hath Come...
"All of These Things...
"Can Never Be Given Back."
{Theology 26.79}
"Lets Explore...
"The Year was 2005 and it is "Summered Time."
"On Long Beach Island, New Jersey."
"A Multi-Billion Dollar Housed Resort."
"An Eighteen, Mile, Barrier, Island ."
"Located on "The Far Southern and Eastern Coast."
"Of The Jersey Shore."
"Eighteen Miles of Pristine Sugared-White and Sandy Beach."
"Split up among a Dozen, Small, Communities."
"And, I worked less then...
"A Stone's Throw Away" from The Atlantic Ocean for over Thirty-Six Years...
"This Multi-Trillion Housed and Business Industry is...
"The Favorite Choice of Europeans to Vacation."
"And, New-Yorker's, as well as Philladelphians."
"And, this is where My Story Begins...

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first, as always,to Heavenly Father and His Son."
"Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom The Administrator, Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, "cleo85" and her incredible picture "Dream Land"

Chapter 43
'll Be Somebody or Someone Someday?

By Ricky1024

"By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky"
A "Who's Who World Ranked and Rated
Writer in All Writing Venues from
songs, plays, moviesand more.

"The Substance of My Life!"

<><><><><><><><><><><><>Copywrite FanStory2014<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

"They say "Man is not a man until he hath tasted from 'The Cup of life!'
Unfortunately for me, my 'Cup of Life' has been empty for these past, fifteen, years.
It is true, so, very, very, true that there was a time ago that God kept my 'Cup of Life' filled, each and every day!
I didn't even ask Him, didn't even pray, didn't even understand the Man when He said in a dream...
Your going to be very rich and very famous someday."
"So, I went on my way and started a career working in a supermarket on Long Beach island.
{About 1968}.
And at age 15 it was hard but it was great! Then in 1974 they expanded as business was incredible! I helped builsd and add two more bigger markets in 1978 and 1980! That was when "My Cup of Life" was starting to empty! ...
'I first noticed it around ten, years, later when {for a period of four years} there was no activity in my prophet sharing! Plan! Oh Man, I work for Italians and that cheat the public, so why not me? "Can you see?]
And yes, later I would be bought, sold, and left out to dry, high and dry in the sun like a plum that "little, Jack, Horner" plucked as I got F*****!
But i was a "Very, lucky, Guy" like Jasck but "Jack-Ass should be my new name!"
"As the next tree and a half decades would come and would go, i became a work horse of couse like in a feild hauling thrir shit , each and every DAY!!!
not a horse with a carrage but aJACK-ASS with a CARGO!!!
Millions of pounds of stock to unload on rollers and to be pascked out all, night, long! like a bitter not sweet song that plays "long-play"...
'Yes, I knew and times got bad then sad as i lost my only help, my only Son... Jay...
slowly the "work horse or Jack-ass broke down...
My first Mental-break down came in 1983{october] then again in 1993 and again in 32003 with the loss of Jay and then His mother carolyn eight, months, later...
no matter how much i are no matter hoe hard I tried to dress, to sleep... it was all slowly [like a nighmare} creeping away! There were many, more, incidents like foolishness caused by medical problems from accidents and suicide attempts {Once with 150 metal stitches.}
I wondered when God would refill that "Cup of life' for it was now completely empty?
'Now, almost forty, years later and a billion tears....
I have come to not depend on erected cups, medicines, doctors, family members or concerned friends...
All of that never worked for me anyway...
no more 9 to 5 carrer job with the rest of the suckers! I'll just concentrate on being my very best the best I can be and who knows perhapd God ir right and I'll be someone or somebody someday!"

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first and always to 'heavenly Father' and his son 'Jesus the Christ' for my god-given abilities, to FanStory and tom the Administrator, to FanArt review and this incredible artist "MoodWillow' and her pic
'Meet Jack if you Dare!'

Chapter 44
Insite 4 Living? {Part # One}

By Ricky1024

"By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky."
{An uneducated but self-taught}
'Who's Who"
Number One
Rated in and on this planet Called 'Earth.'
<><><><><><><>Insite for Living?"<><><><><><><><><><><>
******************Copy write FanStory 2014**************
"How do you live?
Do you take a lot or give a little like Satan playing on his Fu*****fiddle??
Or do you give nothing at all?"
And what do you as a human being produce?
Or, per has you just keep to your self hiding away like a sorry ostrich,
your head stuck deeply in the African sand?
You here?"
"Are you then a necessary influence producing for 'The Good of Mankind?'
Each and every work day/ each and every moment that you are awake at play, playing your stupid, video, games? Each and every day?
And finally...
"Are you here to stay? Or are you planet hopping exhausting each planet's necessary needs to develop and survive before the eventual *collide?
Let my be your guide as I produce this three, part, mini book! Be sure to
stay and have another look! Are you hooked?
"THEN listen TO MY WIND!!!"

{Part Number #two}
"Listen to MY WIND!"
{By Ricky 1024}
"I knew the end was coming reviewer friend coming too,, soon!
No time for nothing...
But GLOOM and DOOM!!!
I know this is true because we are so, long overdue!!!
Pack your bags and necessary belongings for God doesn't want us here anymore! We belong elsewhere where we can destroy the oceans and seas...
The air and ozone layer...
And finally...
The Earth and tit's dirt!"
"Head down under with Satan who is always awaiting sinners!"
"The Earth's core for sure is polluted and no longer pure!
The Earth **['A Sleeping Giant' went on a diet and is slowly eradicating, eroding, and imploding!
Ready for the combustion?
The interruption?
The corruption?
This Heath's crust is cracking and the volcanoes are erupting...
Molten, lava tic forces are soon to follow God's necessary courses!"
"Are you aware?
Do you care?
All Hells breaking loose down THERE!!!"
"Mellowed Whispers" tell of thy so,, bad and sad corrupted corruptions!
Sparks blare!
Are you even aware?
But my brain is confused and loose as a wayward caboose!
No excuse!!!

{Poem Number Four}

"a Message in Your Bottle!"
"Have you been lost and felt like a Cesar salad tossed? No dressing bland...
Do you understand?
Are you lost on an island?
And have you gone there purposely to revolt or for relief?
Perhsapsd then I can help you for I am a "Latter day Saint Priest!
You may be capture and in rapture as a twisted piece of licorice on a vine..
'A Grape of Wrath?'
"Drunken humiliation's...
Lude and crude...
Living in the craps you lose World? But have you forgotten your name?
Perhaps but what about your fathers then?
His name{down under] is Satan and he is awaiting!!!
Awaiting in his darkness of abode!
But why?
Forgot to attend church, pray, take in the sacrament...
Each and every Sabbath Sunday?"
"Then, don't you know that you will never win?
Living in your sin?
Your Planet of Mars surrounded in the safety of all of those stars?
But you can bank ON YOUR LUCKY STAR that you are here, lost and surrounded
by sand awaiting Earth's eventual destruction...

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first and always to 'Heavenly Father and His son Jesus the Christ' then Fan story and my friend Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review, and finally this amazing artist "kmartist" and his pic "Eve of Destruction."

Chapter 45
As I Pray for Strength!

By Ricky1024

<><><><><><><><><><>By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky'<><><><><><><><><><><><><>
************************Slam-poet of Laureate*********************************
<><><><><><><><><><><><><>Master of Nothing!<><><><><><<><><><><><><><>
Totally Insane Writer!"

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>"As I Pray for Strength!<><><><><><><><><><><>
**************************Copy write Fanstory2014*******************************

"The Buttered Flames" are starving and waiting as Satan is salivating and beginning the celebrating!!!
Wretched fat evaporating...
Flesh and sinew are slowly eradicating...
Bones are burning...
My God can't You see I am BURNING!"
"As the knife plunges deep in search of that beating...
I think of you my Son...
The second time I plunge but as I think of You my son, I still live?
Perhaps the slashing there won't do so he slashes his neck time three not two!!!
But missed that cursed jugular vein!
Am I really out of my mind and insane?"
"Perhaps I should continue on with this foolish of game?
Got to be with my Son Jay!!!
So, a bottle of pills and that's my last resort!
No gun, no noose, to tighten taught!'
"As he slowly drifts away Heart slowing...
Crimson red flowing...
But what am I thinking of?
That nasty Nancy that dumped me has Heart problems and will probably die instead of me!!!
Can't live with that....
"So, instead he calls 9-11 and to this very day...
Writes away!'
Original NOW!!!
The flames are hungry and I'm fading but my blood flows so...
So, so, slow...
The 7 inch, serrated, steak, knife pushes deep but this is no dream...
No nightmare of sleep counting my sheep to end...
It is real and this is the sick and sorry deal!!!
Crimson red my guinea tee...
So, away I must go on a wing and a prayer!
Up or down into thin air!"
Away on my quest, I guess to find my Son...
He needs me and I know it...
No more time for self-pitiful gestures like pain, anger,depressions...
I need to now learn a new lesson!!!
But why God does of physical meaning that shatters and tatters all of my senses?"
"So, I crawl out of my crack as that little dribble sends relief, relief for it is grief of a man who lost all...
That I am!
Calling 9-11 and I got to get a stick of butter before I'm drawn and wasted away...
Perhaps life and living is better this way?
What God is happening to me?
Is there any chance...
To end my time of suffering?
At any length?.....
As I pray for strength...

Author Notes Written on October 2nd, 2014 by flash-light at 6:15 AM. Eastern Standard Time in about five minutes.
Written here in my home in Manahawkin, NJ.
Special thanks goes out to God first for saving me for this and other reasons.. Then Fan story and Tom the administrator and finally...
This amazing artist 'Angelheart' and her beautiful picture
"Pray for Strength"

Chapter 46
*****A Sense of Fulfillment.*****

By Ricky1024

<><><><><><><><>"By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky<><><><><><><>
****************A Slam-Poet of laureate***********************
<><><><>A 'Who's Who Writer of All, Writing Venues<><><><> ************ Ranked by Covington's{#3} and Swath-more's{#2}******************
<><><><><><><>"Who's Who Number One 2012, 2013, and 2014<><><><><><><><><><>
{Part Number One}
"As I drift....
I look back at the mass...
The mess that I shall gladly... leave...
"A waste I shed and I forgive all!
For in death...
I shall finally...
"I know travel top a better lace back to my origin...
A new chance!
And a date with SATAN!!!
"Below beyond the core and magma I shall go to a place I know well!
"It's damned hot in this 'Damned Hell1"
"Turn on the air-conditioner Satan!"
"Hi Grim Reaper!"
"How are you today?"
I ask.
"Well to tell you the truth in Hell it's not swell!"
He replies.
"There is a lack of black since Obama entered office on Earth!"
"And it's a sin the aren't murdering and raping like the used to!"
"But I'm here Grim?"
"Don't you miss me?"
"Yes, But Satan is gonna be pissed!"
"Why Grim?" I question.
"Well, To tell you the truth, You have been here too much!"
"From Hell number One{'Inferno'} to Hell Number Eight{'Hell
of Hell for a Day!'}"
"Oh, I see but I am here to see my Son Jason."
"I here he Fought and won last night against Satan?"
"Yes, He kicked Satan and Lord Azzura's Ass Too!" Grim Brags.
"Whatz in the kid?" Grim Reaper asks.
"Well Grim He has a lot of me and 'The Holy Ghost' and a touch of his Mother's Nastiness!"
'Oh, Ok...
"Where then do you want to go first?"
"To the Gates of HELL!"
"Ok, Now I need two, gold, coins to cover your eyes for the view is ghastly!' The Grim Reaper demands!
"I have but two pieces of silver."
"Will that do?"
"For you yes, others no!"
The Reaper yells as he rows away!'
{Part Number Two!}

'As we depart the 'River scythe' I see {I can't resist!}
"And I notice yes, many ghastly and terrible things!' Like rapping's of young and innocent women, beatings by whip of cast of nine tails!" And I see demons burning body parts of the dead and I see cannibalism too!"
"We are here at the 'Gates of HELL!!!
"Thanks Grim and I am sure to see you again soon!"
"Yes as 'The Grim Reaper' slowly sails away down 'The River Seth.'
I enter the path!"
"Finally I see the gusto's and an old man {a demon] who greets me and say this...
"Are you here to see Satan?'He asks.
"Yes and no!"
"What is it?" He asks smugly.
"Yes to see Satan and my Son but know not to see anymore of these ghastly things!" I reply.
"Then you will need a ticket."
"Will silver do?"
"No, You need either a ticket purchased with two, gold, pieces, or a recommend."
He replies.
"Oh, Will a recommend from 'Heavenly Father' do?" I ask.
"Yes, enter and be careful... "Very, careful and do not talk to anyone or wander off the path or you will be eaten after a severe beaten!"
"Thanks, I think?"
{"I travel the path for what seems an eternity and the heat and smell is atrocious!}
{"And finally after I was about to turn back I see this sign that says 'Box Office straight Ahead!'
"So, after about a quarter mile, I enter and see an old woman severely beaten and crippled!"
"And says this......
"Did you talk to anyone?"
"Good you will need another ticket now. "She asks.
"Will two, pieces of silver do?" I ask.
"No, no money but two lost and used souls...
"Only two lost and used and very, very, lonely souls...
"Ok, I have mine but it is worthless!"
"Will that do?"
"Yes and the other?" She questions.
"Will my dead Son Jason's do, too?" I ask.
"Yes and enter this place and speak not to a soul, a lost or lonely of Souls...
"Inside I see Satan!"
"Hey Satan howz it hanging?" "I smugly ask!
'That is not 'The lord of Darkness!' A demon yells!
"That is Hitler!'
"Oh, same values but is that Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy, 'The Texas Chain-Saw Massacre' killer {Leather face!}
'And President Obama!"
"No that is not obama but Bin!"
'Bi Laden the 9-11 disaster maniac!" He replies.
"And the Russian Mass-Genoicerr's are here too!"
"All in the front row to see!"
"See what?" I ask...
End of Part Two!
"The Conclusion Tomorrow!
<><><><>????????<><><><>????????"The SHOW!"<><><><>????????<><><><>????????<><>

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first and always to 'Heavenly Father' and his amazing Son 'Jesus the Christ' Fanstory and tom the administrator, Fan Art review and this Numer1 artist 'Angelheart' and her beautiful depiction of Heaven called 'Heavenly Light!'

Chapter 47
Criss-Cross My Hemisphere!

By Ricky1024

<><><<><><><><><><><> ************************* A Slam-poet of Laureate*******************************
<><><><><><><>A "Who's Who Ranked and rated Writer"<><><><><><>
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Of All, Writing, Venues.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"As I evaluate, I must re-evaluate me and my 'Vixen Past!'
Horrid heaping, helpings of my hospitality' hurt me....
Gracious me!"
"What doth have happened to me?'
'I no longer give-a-shit about thy future, or my life!"
"I lost the only *Son, then the only **wife!"
"No son, no wife...
"Regrets of written flaws bunched and crunched together forever!"
"{Crippled as they go.}"
'Away I go back to that sweet place of hurting and hating! Hating myself and those ***responsible!"
Got me a new date not with fate or destiny but she's a looker!"
"Heard she used to be a hooker!
Doesn't much matter to me...
"I'm better off with her then the matter!"
3 days later...
"Man, it's not so bad down here!'
Yes, It's hot and yes the stench of rotting and burning corpses are atrocious as I hold my nose and tip-toe and go with the flow!"
"Wow! "I never knew they had a walking trail here!'
"Hey buddy!'
"Why you here?"
"Hey, how about you?" He asks.
'What Could you have done?"
"Murder someone?'
"Choked my five year old to death!" The other stranger answers.
"That 'Little Daddy's Boy?'
"You deserving bastard!"
"You belong down here!" Another stranger replies.
"And you?"
"Oh, I'm just a poet, Priest, prophet, and suicide victim!" I reply.
"How you do it?" The stranger asks....
"Hey You!'
"What are you doing down here?" The stranger asks.
"Don't you recognize me?"
"I'm Adolph Hitler! He Replies.
"Hail Hitler! The stranger yells!
"I could kill you pig for not knowing me! "He yell angrily.
Show me the Nazi sign. Hitler demands.
"Now, the Nazi salute!" He yells.
"Hitler runs off angered!"
"And you Son?" The stranger asks.
"What could you have done?" He asks.
"Well a knife and a lot of pain!" I Reply.
"Good,, as you should!" He relies.
"Feel better now?" He asks.
"I ignore them and move on..
{"The next thing I know, Some warden lets me through an old, wooden, gate!}
"There are mangled and burning corpses hanging!"
[One from each tree!}
"From the revenues, it looks like they were tortured and then hung. I figure.
"As I rounded the corner, there he was!"
"The Lord of Darkness!"
"Hey Satan, How's it hanging?" I tease.
"Don't you see my handiwork fool!" He replies.
"Down here in Hell, you must show respect to me!" He screams!
"And who are you?"
"Well, I'm a nobody doing nothing and lost."
"Why am I here?" I ask Satan.
"Don't you know fool?"
"You killed somebody or yourself!" He Replies.
"Oh, Yea, forgot that." I answer."
'Hey Is President Obama Here Yet?" I ask.
"He will be soon for his stupidity. Replies Satan.
"Oh, by the way..
"That guy over there hanging from the second tree to the right.
"The funny mustached one? I ask.
"He's a fat pig like you!" I yell as I run!"
"Damn Another Hell Dream!"
The End.

Author Notes *Son- my Son Jason Whomed died on March 31st, 2003{Organs donated April First April Fools Day.}
Wife**_ My Wife Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky that took her own life on November 23rd, 2003 only eight months after Jason's death.
[to learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations" call !-800-DONORS-!
And tell my friend Lara S Moretti the LSW. with 'The Gift of life Philadelphia, Pennsylvania' that 'Jay' sent ya.
"Special thanks goes out first to 'Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ, then Fan-story and Tom the administrator, Fan-art review and this amazing artist and friend 'MK Flood' and his pic 'Devil Sings the Blues'

Chapter 48
My Silent Prison!'{A Re-write}

By Ricky1024

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>"My Silent Prison!"<><><><><><><><><>
By Ricky1024
Written on March 2nd, 2015.
"I spent most of my days wishing I was Dead but instead I just cursed God for what had happened...
"To me."
"Let me reflect back to my shack and that dreaded day in March...
"I was playing chess on my computer and as you know, you need
to really concentrate {especially on chess net .com.}"
"And then I heard the first noise!'
"And then a second {much louder} followed awaking my WIFE!"
'Honey ids you hear that/
She asked.
'Yes, soar poor sucker must have hit a pole and pretty close I must
say so!" I replied.
"But that dreaded call...
"That call that would change...
"the rest of my Fuc****LIFE!"
"Wife it's Kyle!"
"Jason has been I a terrible accident!"
"The one we just heard!'
"So, we drove the two blocks and already there was an officer marking
the curb and ignoring the two teens inside!"
"A nurse was there {fort was her house} and she said this...
"Jason didn't feel s thing1'
"God wanted Him so bad that he wrapped his arms around Jay...
"What more can I say?"
"And yes, after all means both surely an d massive amounts of medications,
"Jason Richard Smrkovsky was pronounced no more alive and no more dead...
"Only a corpse hooked to machines!"
[If you know what I mean!}
"Most Americans suffer from various abnormalities mine is grief!"
"Never any relieve!"
And at best {on a good day} I come out of my shack to write and reduce that
tremendous suffering that never seizes to amaze me...
"To the end and now back to the 'Begin' forever I shall be suffering...
"In My Silent Prison!"
The End.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first and always to Heavenly Father and His late Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story, Fan Art Review, and finally this great artist 'Angelheart' and her picture "Prisoner of Love."

Chapter 49
My Happy Place!

By Ricky1024

<><><><><><><><><><><>"My Happy Place!"<><><><><><><><><><><><>
By Ricky 1024
"Climb inside your skin for it is time to just jump right in!"
"Such a shame and such a sin?"
"Then let's begin!"
"The human skin a tissue and the largest organ is a God-given Gift of Life."
"Life a good life not as some clown hanging around upside down!"
"It's all you got man so take advantage while you can!"
"Donate an organ or two for if life takes a *turn...
"And it can happen to you!"
"And while you are there, explore and compare for if you like what you can see...
"And if you don't do drugs,smoke,or watch too much M.T.V."
"Then you can live inside like **me!"

Author Notes *turn- twist, spiral.
"My son Jason Richard Smrkovsky never lived inside or for Himself.
"Instead He donated His organs April, 1st, 2003 after His passing from brain damage as a result of a car accident."
**me- "A person lost on an addiction."


"To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donation' call 1-800-DONORS-1 and tell Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the "Jay" said HEY!"
"Special thanks goes out first to Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story, Fan Art Review, and this amazing artist 'Angelheart' and her picture 'Happy Times Are On The Way.'

Chapter 50
Scaling the Heights of My Depression

By Ricky1024

"Scaling the Heights of My Depression"
By Ricky1024
"As the door hits me on the ass, I am again lost as some 'Unfamiliar' caught in some Satanic Grasp!"
"I have been sentenced to a life-time of misery...
"Surely God there's sometime wrong with me?"
"And as I walk...
"One step-at-a-time..
"I feel and see the sun shining, the moon's glare at night, as sparkling stars make me feel all right but...
"Repeatedly, the pain permeates my atmosphere...
"It is now becoming oh so crystal clear and I am walking...
"I searched my sorry Soul for a reason to live...
"lost it all...
"Had so much to *give...
"But as fate can be altered, destiny is what it will always and forever be...
"Be for me alone never a call on my cell of phone..
"And the mountain is high...
"Filled with intrepid ting sorrow and pains It never goes away and it will always last...
"Losing my grasp but...
"I am walking...
"One step at- a- time."
"I tackled the divine and sublime inside of me as I ascended for I am no longer walking...
"One step-at-a- time...
"But the message is clear for I died in 03 and am no longer here.**
*give-"to dote one self."
Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
November 5,1984~March 30th, 2003.
Organs donated April 1, 2003.
"To learn more about 'Organ Tissue Donations' call 1-800- Donors-1 with "The Gift of Life" Philadelphia, Pa."
"Although this remarkable young man was only here with us for 18 years His soul still exists today in three others."
'Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, and lastly this amazing artist '

Author Notes
*give-"to dote one self."
Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
November 5,1984~March 30th, 2003.
Organs donated April 1, 2003.
"To learn more about 'Organ Tissue Donations' call 1-800- Donors-1 with "The Gift of Life" Philadelphia, Pa."
Although this remarkable young man was only here with us for 18 years His soul still exists today in three others..
'Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, and lastly this amazing artist 'photobeat' and the picture "depression 2."

Chapter 51
Chained Heart

By Ricky1024

"Chained Heart"
By Ricky 1024
{Written on August 6th, 2012}
{A Song}
"When I was Seventeen"
{Inspiration By Frank Sinatra}
Chorus #1
"A long, long, time ago I was just me...
"Worked my shitty nine to five never was there a break...
"For me...
"I packed out all of those damned groceries!"
"1,2,3 when ...
"I was twenty one."

Melody {Repeats in Variation}
"Yes God had created me...
"And he did a very good job...
"I married at twenty eight and had four daughters and a Son...
"But the futures unclear...
"And my destiny is near...
"I want to make it perfectly clear...
Chorus #2
"And when I turned just thirty one...
"It was a very good year...
"The rose *plants grew like weeds and they fulfilled my sorrowed needs...
"I owned my house at twenty four and there was plenty of money in the bank...
"I had the Lord to thank...
'When I was thirty one...
Melody {Repeats in Variation}

"Yes God had created me...
"And he did a very good job...
"I married at twenty eight and had four daughters and a Son...
"But the futures unclear...
"And my destiny is near...
"I want to make it perfectly clear...

Chorus #3
"And when I turned forty one...
"It still was a very good year...
"A time to stop and smell the roses my dear...
"Yes life was perfectly clear....
"That time was amazing my dear...
'When I was forty one...
Melody {Repeats in Variation}
"Yes God had created me...
"And he did a very good job...
"I married at twenty eight and had four daughters and a Son...
"But the futures unclear...
"And my destiny is near...
"I want to make it perfectly clear...
Chorus #4
"Now that I am fifty one...
"That was not a very good year...
"All the roses did die and all I now do is but cry and I can't imagine why?"
"All that I had that meant a thing...
"Was gone and even the phone no longer does ring...
'When I was fifty one...

Melody [Repeats in Variation}
"Yes God had created me...
"And he did a very good job...
"I married at twenty eight and had four daughters and a Son...
"But the futures unclear...
"And my destiny is near...
"I want to make it perfectly clear...

Chorus #5
"And now that I am almost sixty one...
"My work here is almost done...
"They say that these are the best days of my life but long ago I lost my only Son and Wife...
"So I just try to reflect...
"And write these words to thee out of respect...
"When I was almost sixty one...

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to heavenly Father and his late Son too, Jesus Christ, Fan story and Tom the administrator, and this artist 'Moon Willow' and her picture "Enslaved."
*plants- Of various hues, thorn ed on stem.
'The rose plants represent my three children, Corrine, Jason, and Dana.
{Nikki and Kyle are step-daughters}
"Also, The Single, Red, Rose, plant was my wife Carolyn who passed away only eight months later after the death of Jason in 2003."
"To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations' simply call 1-800-DONORS-1 and tell Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. With...
'The Gift of Life' in Philadelphia, Pa. that 'Jay' said hey...

Chapter 52
Magnificently Yours!

By Ricky1024

?????!!!@@####$$$$$%%%%****"Magnificently Yours!"****%%%%$$$$#####@@@@@!!!!!????
By Ricky1024
{Written on April 14, 2013 at 5:07AM. and completed at 5:08 AM EST.}
"I am thy 'Pens-men,' the writer of all things great and small...
"I write to exist, I write to enlist...
"As I insist, I must persist!"
"Yes my pen is swift!"
"More swift then yours or a rapid-river's dream...
"A swift and ever stream...
"Of thoughts strewn...
"More swift then a whirlpool...
"These thoughts of mine ...
"So divine each and every time...
"The pen flows...
"Off again I go...
"It is vaporous, mysterious, as a mist...
"And as confusing as a dark and hollowed tunnel...
"Peeking out in some 'Poesh Way!'
"What more can this pen now say?"
"As I write the melody of life...
"Past and present...
"First lost the only *son...
"Then the only **wife...
"I write the notes that float away...
"Safe in song as the chorus plays....
"The audience applauds as the Angels kick in...
'"Harps of 'Golden String-Ring.'
"I am the preacher and teacher as I lead the procession...
"I am the 'Ultimate Conductor' and instructor...
"And with my magic wand...
"I bring to thee Heart and Soul...
"Life and Love to those now above...
"For this is 'My World of Shaken Woe' and My template is all ye need to ever know....
"As I turn the page I shall demonstrate to thee...
"For I am 'The Inducer-Reducer' and producer...
"I refuse to mold to no 'Man's whims' and I produce for not you but HIM!"
"And as I move ever forward and ever more...
"And as I now open to you reviewers here on Fan Story of Lore...
"All past and present doors...
"I quote Poe's Raven...
"Never More!"
"Magnificently Yours!'

Author Notes *son-Jason Richard Smrkovsky passed away from severe brain damage in April 1, 2003.
**wife- Carolyn Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky passed away shortly after our only Son Jason due to complications from a self-induced suicide November 23, 2003. Both.. R.I.P.
"To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donation' call my friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S. W. with 'The Gift Of Life' Philadelphia, Pa. at 1-800-DONORS-1.
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Late Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory,Fan Art Review, and this artist'cloe85 and her picture "Yard Sale."

Chapter 53
The Father's Sleeping CURSE!

By Ricky1024

"A Father's Sleeping CURSE!"
By Ricky1024
Written on June 14th,2016 at 2:40AM.
"Lost God, what's wrong with me?"
"Lord God, what's wrong with me?"
"Am I just still lieing, no way out...
"CURSED to never stop crying?"
"Trying so hard, feels like dieing!"
"For Lord, He was so young...
"So, Lord!"
"What's wrong with me?"
"What's wrong with me?"
"Lord what's wrong with me?"
"It never ever stops lying in wait?"
"Never stops trying to take!"
"For, this is a father's worst fear!"
"Mystical thoughts do appear!"
"And Lord God, how can I make it any more clear?"
"All mixed up in me?"
"How long does this suffering have to be?"
"Oh Lord above!!!!
"He was brain damaged!"
"His Heart...
"His Heart...
"It was as if His Heart was shredded?"
"Leaves of cabbage...
"Carrying so much DAMAGE!"
"Lke a river with no brook or a fish's Heart but can no longer beat...
"Caught on some 'SATANIC HOOK!'
"Loss of sight...
"No longer...
"No longer I can look...
"Blind man Without a came to sustain...
"Feeling as if I'm going insane!"
"Like a fire without a flame or a candle which has no match...
"This Life now for me...
"Barren and broken...
"As Worried soul that...
"Life hath taken it's toll...
"As closed door with no latch!"
"Lord God, a door that can no longer....
"Closing but secrets that itcan...
"No longer hide...
"These icy fingers rip and tear my Heart and lost memories collide...
" Like a Christmas...
"With no Clause...
"A Santa, lost and no longer knows...
"Lord, or that tree...
"Light bearing hurricane!"
"So, l remain...
"No longer me?"
"Lip- cracked and broken... "A Flickering Lantern?"
"The child expecting those gifts that will never come!"
"Who, starts having a tantrum!"
"Wintern winds blow...
"Lord God...
"I want you now...
"To know...
"This house of SUFFERING!"
"How can I make all this pain go away?"
"And how would and could you...
"Handle this each and every day?"
"The Great Clock of Time!"
"Continues to wind!"
"It ticks off...
"One second...
"At a time!"
:But,Lord Gpd...
"I must now move carefully ever forward in my quest!"
"But, I shall always remember...
"You Jay my only Son..
"At best...

Author Notes "Special Thanks goes out (first as always) to Heavenly father and His Son Jesus the Christ, followed by Fanstory and the site administrator Tom."

Chapter 54
Wondering Me?

By Ricky1024

!@#"Wondering Me?"#@!!
By Ricky 1024
Written on June 19th, 2016.

"Wondering is me and the...
"Things of ME?"
"God, am I a FLOWER or a BEE?"
"Wondering is me as I reach out and see?"
"Exactly what is happening...
"To me?"
"They left and said I was DEAD...
"Wondering ME...
"So, I took a moment and tried and tried and wondered why...
"I didn't die?"
"And God said...
"These Amazing Words to me...
"Wondering Me, your not just some FLOWER or some Bee!"
"I created thee!"
"And in "My Image"
"You now see?"
"Wondering Me?"
"I stopped that Bullet to Your Head that day!"
"It never entered your HEAD!"
"So, You could walk away!"
"And they would think....
"Wondering Me...
"I blew a breath into your...
"Shattered and What's the Matter Heart...
"And I leave you with this because...
"It was not your time to part!"
"I then drifted below...
"And, re- entered me...
"And I now know...
"Who I be!"
"And after all of that I finally realized...
"There was No Wondering Me!"

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fansrory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, and this amazing artist 'Ricky 1024 and the picture...
"Thinking of You."

Chapter 56
Suicidal Intentions

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

@#"Suicidal Intentions?"!#@
"Suicide Cake!"

By Ricky1024
Written on July12th, 2016..
"SuicrrrTime 3:43 AM. E.S.T.

"How do you make...
"A Suicide Cake?"
"Just Take one part of Me and a part of my Misery..
"Add a pinch of Pain and an Inch of Frustration and mix!.
"Not set the temperature at
"Now, don't dwell on it ...
:You liked my work?"
"Work of a "SUICIDAL Jerk?"
"AHH so sweet!"
"Now?go check yoyr?oven...
"I think i'm done!"
"SUICIDAL Intententions!"
Part Number Two
"Triple Suicide Dance 2006"
Later today.

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fanstor and
Tom The administrator, Fan Art Review'this artist
Julie Hall and her picture "Speak No Evil."

Chapter 56
Tragedy in Camden, NewJersey

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

Written on July 15th, 2016.
(Part Number One)
"This was a hard one to write for it effected me..
"In so, many, ways...
The date was two years after my Only Son...
"Jason Richard Smrkovsky's death....
"I had been mourning His death...
"As well as My Only Wife Carolyn's, who committed suicide....
"Only Eight, short, months later on November 23rd, 2003."
(Which was after Jason's death on March 30th, 2003)"
"The Grieving Process" over a lived one's death...
"Is different for each...
"For me, it was double."
"And, I finally came out of ...
"Somewhere around the end of June...
"Realize this...
"It is as if imprisoned in some....
"You are Re-directed..
"And Re-subjected to life..
"You are in love with the silliest things like strangers, nasty relatives, even Hell!"
"OH well let's get to...
"The Bread and Butter!"


"On June 24th, 2005...
"How do I know?"
"I have the front page article from...
"The Asbury Park Press" stating...
"There was a man on horseback and a cemetary...
And on that exact day of June 24th, 2005...
"So, at about 11:00 PM.
"I turned on the TV sti'll set to Channel Six...
"Three, young, boys missing?"
"NO, NO, NO!"

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fansrory and Tom the administrator of the Whiskey River, Fan Art Review, and this amazing artist Ricky1024."

Chapter 57
Seeking the Light

By Ricky1024

!@@"Seeking the Light"@@!
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Written on July 15th, 2016 at 10:24 PM.
(From Heaven)
"My boundaries are Limitless...
"My thoughts abound...
"My abandon needs...
"God, I'm Homeward bound...
"My body is drifting...
"No need for pain..
"My Heart is siezing...
"I no longer know...
"Lord above, I'm coming back...
"Restart My Heart...
"It is having a HEART *ATTACK!"
"Yes Lord, take Me away..
:Back to My Beginnibg..
"On this I now Pray..
"Lord, My work here is fone...
"Never shall I marry..
"Graduate school...
"Or have a son..
"Lord now,,,,
"Make everything Below..
"With My family
"I am finally atlast..
"Seeking the Light...
Ricky 1024.

Author Notes *ATTACK: Aftwr thd accidebt on March 30,tj,2003
"Jason Richard Smrkovsky had a HEART ATTACK on way,to,Atlanti City, New Jersey via a helicopter.
"They saved Jason so His Heart as well as other organs...
"Could save lives!
"TO,learn more about 'Organ - Tissue Donatiobs' a simply call,My friend Lara S.,Moretti the L.S.W. WITH...
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"
1- 800- DONORS -1."
"Special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story And Tom and Tom, the administrator,Fan Art Review and this amazing artist

Chapter 58
My Day in Stafford Court?

By Ricky1024

?"My Day in Stafford Court?"
By Ricky1024.
Written on July 8th, 2016.

"As I sit and ponder my Plight...
"Should I Play or should I Flight?"
"The Honorable Judge Damaian G. Murray is quite content on fining them quickly, to pay his Rent!"
"Is there an Adolpf, Adolpf Hitler?"
"Yes, Your Honor."
"Or you,repesented by a lawyer?"
"Yes Your Honor, Mr.Goldstein of the firm...
"Goldbar, Goldman, Goldbrick, Goldyhahn, and Goldstein."
"I see...
"All Jewish Lawyers?"
"Do you see anything wrong with this Mr.Hitler?"
"No your Honor, all the "Hate Crimes" were because of my Grandfather."
"I am a "Fourth-Level Hitler."
"Suddenly, Adolf pull his German Luger and fires three rounds at rhe Judge!"
"Two, Burly, Stafford, Police Officers, subdue the INGRED!"
"The Honorable Judge Damain G. Murray sustained a minor, flesh Wound...
"Being the "Trooper that he is" court resumes for the Afternoon Shift..
Good Afternon!"
"My name is Liberty Justice for all...
"To You!"
"Now watch the monitor for Judge Murray's Kind thoughts!"
"Three, hours, latwr...
"Pleas, rise the "Honorable
Judge Damien Murray!"
"Please be Seatrded."First, I would like to apologize for rhe 'Earlier Scumush by Adolf."
"He is currently in the 'Holdung Cgamber' whwre ge is being Beat...
"Berieved of his blood..
"The toilet ocer flowed!"
"Now where was I...
Yes, the nezt guest for...
"Lets Make A DEAL!!!!
"Ok, for anybody unfamiliar with this if...
"You get the Green Card,' Then that is the "Get Out Of Jail Card!"
Clap, clap, CLAP!"
"Three Grubby, looking Prisoners (Shackeled and cuffed) approach the Standð???
To be conunued Saturday.

Author Notes Special thanks GOES OUT, FIRST..
As always to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fanstory and Tom the administrator of this amazing site, Fan Art Review and this amazing artist 'Gregory john' and his picture "Retribution."

Chapter 59
Painting With Flesh!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

?"Painting With My Flesh!"?
By Ricky1024
Written on July 18th ,2016

Note- The events portrayed are actual and happened December 1st, 2006 in the afternoon.

"Once, and Only Once...
"Upon a Time when I lost my FUCKING MIND...
(December 2006)
"I reached into....
'My Bag of Tricks' and found a *Knife!"
"Shiny and right, sharp- ripped tail...
"Could I, Should I, Would I, Impale?"

"And determine if this is True and...
"If it is...
"Could You...
"Should You..
"Would You..
"It was a Christmas Month...
"The month of December...
(As far as I want to remember)
"A light rain was falling...
"When I had an apifimy?"
"Tired of it all..
"Needing to Emulate Christ...
"But, He wa not naughty like Me...
"And I needed to do as instructed by HE?"..
"You see kiddies...
"Evil comes in many faces and forms as it 'Bumps in the Night!"
"So, away I now go...
"In a "Blade of Crimson Flesh!"
"But first...
"Once and then Twice...
"Was I now getting presents from Santa or Satan?"
"I got my answer from 'An Evil Angel' and...
"She said to me...


"An 'Evil Cackling Sound' came again and said...
"Yes, go for the Juggler
and then it went away?"
'Putrid Gore' came out to play!"
"Now, what would you do if all this....
'EVIL AND FUCKING SHIT' was happening to you?"

"The Moral of this Story?"
"Well, I decided not to die in a 'FIT OF GLORY...
"FOR Glory is a Glory does but...
"To Glorify my Eternal Love?"
"Yes, I wanted to Die...
"BUT is Life better than Death?"
"When You lost and loved so much?"
"True Love from Above?"

Author Notes Special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story And Tom the Owner And administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing artist 'supetgold' and her picture "Srawberries for Mara"

Chapter 60
Flowers in My Attic?

By Ricky1024

!!@"Flowers in My Attic?"@!!
By Ricky1024
Written on July 20th, 2016.
"Wench, again I write with this 'Silver and Blue Cross Pen' and...
"I write about My Loves...
"I write about My Life...
"I write about My Circumstances...
"My Hopes, Dreams, and My Depressions and Pains...
(I hope could be tossed)
"And, finally...
"I write about My Loss...
"Loss of My Only Son Jay...
"Loss of My Only Wife...
"And lastly...
"Loss of My *Life...
"And, as I write...
"And, as I reflect...
"And, as I again...
"I think back to when...
"And, if I would do it all again?"
"The life I used to be...
"The life with *She and me...
"The Life God offered me...
"All now seeming lost and tossed away...
"Never again to see the 'Light of Day' and finally...
""All now just a Panic...
"Those Lost...
"Flowers in My Attic...

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the Owner And administrator, Fan Art Review, and this amazing artist '

Chapter 61
River of Pain!

By Ricky1024

!!@@"River of Pain!"@@!!
By Ricky1024 and Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Written on May 8th, 2015
"As I now walk through The Valley of Death...
"I shall feel Pure Pain and Everlasting Suffering...
"Unending Acid Rain pelts me...
"Reaches out and Melts me...
"For I shall feel no Evil...
"Thy staff And Rod shall comfort me...
"When I shall lay my tired and hurting head down...
"Each and every moment..
"I reach out for You...
"I call Your Name...
"But, no answer do I hear?"
"Why God must I now live alone?"
"I am cursing in verse as I write this...
"Over and over and over again...
"Never a moment to pretend..
"To amend...
"I reach out God but there is no friend?"
"I write alone...
"Eat alone, sleep alone, and travel...
"And, as I write these words...
"Tears cry out from above this hallowed ground!"
"And God as we write these words of unending sufferings...
"And God, as I And He falter and stumble in vain..
"Reaching out..
"Calling your name..

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fanstory and Tom Administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing artist '

Chapter 62
Suicidal Intentions 2006?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Suicidal Intentions 2006?"
By Ricky1024 and Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
"How do you make a "Suicide Cake?"
"Do you need it?"
"Do, you Dough out the Batter...
"Whence, something's the Matter?"
"Mark it with a Tee, for Baby and me?"
"Do you check the thermometer to see if it has a temperature or do you...
"Simply add a touch or poison and then begin..
"Nah, too simple and too descreate!"
"Do you interupt the...
"Jest of It?"
"Sit down at your...
"After all, you earned it and now. .
"No, that won't do?"
"I got it!"
"Do,what they all do and because you are now so...
"Just do what I did and take a bottle pills!"
"No, did that?"
"Then go skin a cat!"
"And use a...
"7 Inch, Serated, Kitchen, Knife!"
"Put it to the test...
"And aim for the Heart right in your Chest!"
"Yes, did that too and yes...
"I was quite sick..
"After losing Your Only Son and only Wife. .
"You would be too!"
"Oh, stupid you missed and only hit...
"No, silly not in the chest!?"
"The neck, like I did when I flipped my FUCKING LID!"
"Not once...
"Not twice...
"Yes, thrice!"
"Now your baking that cake and it sure Is looking...
"Bloody and great!" GREAT!"

"Like it here?"
"I have come before..
"The first Time when...
"I lost my Only Son Jay...
"The second time when I lost my Only Wife Carolyn and yes...
"She took this test and made a lovely cake!"
"And the third time was when I tried to take my Only Life?"
"Pay Attention!"
"Yes, I took the knife to the chest and the throat..
"I'm a worthless Goat!"
"Called 9- 11."
"Guess I was tired of having so..
"Now let's keep it real and he's patiently waiting!"
"So, to live or...
"To die?"
"That is the $100,000,000.00 Question?"
"Have We headed in the right direction?"
"Because, are now here in this downward direction!"
"Oh, why did You want so much too Die?"
"Got a sleeper in da eye?"
"Oh, me...
"Oh, my!"
"Get me a whole bunch of tissues ...
"I want to have a good cry!"
"Okay, now go over there and get a gun!"
"Yes, a Shot Gun is great or a rifle pistol...
"Smith and Wesson..
"That will surely teach you a FUCKING LESSON!"
"No, YOUR no Annie Oakley?"
"Okay, they'll just get in the way!"
"Got me a bunch of better choices anyway!"
"After all...
"Can't be here all day!"
"Nah, this ain't no 'Thomas Choo- Choo Game!"
"We lost all our marbles and went...
End of Part Number One.
"Got No Good Reason for All This Confusion!"
Later today...


Author Notes "Special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the CHRIST, Fan Story And Tom the Owner and administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing artist '

Chapter 63
Scal the Heights of My Depression'

By Ricky1024

"Scaling the Heights of My. Depression"
By Ricky1024
Written on August 15th,2015 at 5:39AM.EST.
"As the door, hits me on the ass, I am again, lost as some far away cast away...
"I'm again, subjected to some shitty part with an unfamiliar cast."
"I've been sentenced to a Lifetime of Misery...
"Surely God there's something wrong with me?:
"And, I am walking...
"One step at a time...
"I feel and see the Sun shining ...
"The Moon's flow at night...
"As sparkling Stars make me feel allright but...
"Respectfully, I am permanantly...
"In atmosphere....
"Now being and all seeing...
"Crystal clearly...
"And, I am walking...
"One step at a time...
"I am still waking to a reason to live?"
"I Lost it * All...
"And, had so much to give...
"But, a Fate can be Unforegiving...
"This world is only for...
"The Living...
"What will be will always and forever be...
"Doesn't seem any room left for me...
"Yes, for me?"
"Never ever a call on my cell phone..
"Forever alone...
"When I KNOCK at my daughter's doors...
"No answer at their door...

Author Notes Special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the CHRIST
, Fan Story And Tom the Owner And administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing artist '

Chapter 65
Living and Breathing Embers

By Ricky1024

"Living and Breathing Embers "
(That I shall always and forever remember)
By Ricky 1024
Written on July August 6th, 2016.
"Christmas of '84 came and went like many before but something was different....
"Something was new...
"And, something was more...
"Yes, this was the year when finally a Son would come would be due...
"Christmas family with our New Son Jay...
"And Oh, how vivid a thought as if He was here forever to....
"Yes it was amazing for it was the beginning of a more completed...
"With of all our four daughters and a change to be...
Yes, it was amazing for it was a begining of a more completed...
"When we got a few more Christmas's under our belt...
"These would become known as...
"The Early Years."


"After they grew...
"It was off to school!"
"That was when I first realized...
"That was when I first knew..
'And, noticed about Jay...
"He always wanted it...
"His Way."
"When He got a little older, He got a little bolder...
"And yes, there would be battles....
"Many losses and no victory's for the next ten years...
"And, yes in these...
'Early Years' those things and more...
"Would appear...
"With, sometimes tears...
"Yes, that was the way....
"It would be...
"These would be known as ..
"The Middle Years of Amazement."
To be continued later this evening.
"A new day as I write these word my way..
"Words that now flow from me...
"Words etched deep into my memory..
"When Jay went off to school...
"To watch, listen, and learn...
"The Golden Rule...
"Yes, His Way...
"Would soon go away...
"A miss conception...
"And lastly...
"Was He headed in the right direction?"
"He soon became...
"More Pure, more Confident and more Secure....
"But, something was missing?"
"Birthdays and Holidays...
"Thanksgivings, Easters,
Halloweens, Labored as Memorial Days...
"All seemed so very special and devine...
"All seemed to quickly pass me by...
"And all became more encompassed and Shine...
"For us and for Jay...
"White, polished, pictures...
"Hanging on,God's Vine...
"These became known as...
"The Quiet Times...


"And, as they continued to grow as if little flowers in...
"The Garden of God" and...
"As they were ready to bare fruit, blossom, and seed..
"If you can, Believe...
"They were ready to leave..
"First if it was my oldest Nicole Megan and was she eagar...
"And was she waiting!"
"To learn and progress...
"An eagar search for Knowledge...
"So off to Georgian Court College...
"But the second Sister Kyle Erin would seem perhaps cursed..
"Ad I write these words Verse...
"And, on a course...
"To soon give Birth...
"My first of many...
"My first Grand Child...
"Yes, and only Kyle (at this point in time)
"Would soon,leave....
"The Family Vine."
"That was way,back in "97...
"So,what was I to,do?"
"And, what was I to say?"
"They sometimes do it...
"Their Way?"
"But, My first natural, daughter Corrine Alexis Smrkovsky...
"Had also a Thirst for Knowledge so...
"It was her time to leave... 'God's Vine' and off not to college but to Rutgers University in East Brunswick, New Jersey...
"And these became known as...
"The Search for Educational Years....
To be continued later today...

Author Notes Spiritual thoughts of and special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ,
Fanstory, and Tom the Owner and administrator,
Fan Art Review and this amazing artist 'helvi2' and her picture.....
Kaleidoscope Chandelier"

Chapter 66

By Ricky1024

By Ricky1024
Written on August 21st, 2016 at 5:33AM.EST.
(By Flash Light)
"God tests us all...
"Each and everyday and in a very, special Way!"
"And, God will test Only...
"The Special Ones."
"Those in an Extreme and Special Way...
"I am 'A Chosen One' of the few, tested and re-tested over and over Again."
"And, as His Messenger...
"He Sheds all to me...
"But why?
"Can you see?"
"Is there something wrong with me?"
"Why me you may ask?"
"Why are the problems of this Earth...
"Now my task?"
"You may ask and you may wonder...
"You may ponder?"
"And I can not answer to any....
"Living Human Being."
"Why do and did I have to
suffer from these Things?"
"I became a Poet, a Prophet, and a Latter Day Saint Priest with...
"The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ!"
"Dann it!:
"But, does this Sick EARTH...
"Give a Shit?"
"Yes, I Re- arranged, Changed, and Re- filtered my I.D. to learn, help, and provide needed Platforms not by chance or by second glance....
"But for a purpose."
"As Mormon Priest with..
"The Latter Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ."
"I soon realized that this was a well organized system...
"And run as an Individuel Body....
"Not by chance but for a reason...
"A Purpose and examples that I learn from...
"Each an every, waking, day....
"Some are Extreme like the killing of school children by the Mentally- I'll while others are of the lesser..
"But again, why me?"
"Why test and re-test with Death and the Extreme?"
The loss of my Only Son Jason in 2003 and then followed with the loss of my Only wife...
"And then my three suicide attempts December first of 2006?"
"Extreme Debt...
"Almost lost myself...
"No Water, Electric, House taxes over due....
"For The House of Suffering!"
"A going away...
"Gift from Carolyn of $8,600.00!"
"When would it this pain end?"
"Yes, He has tested and ....
"Re- tested me with His *Tasks...
"And, I have passed them all (at best).
"So, what is next?"
"As a spokesman for...
"The Gift of Life"
"I am working on the eradication of stupidity on the topic of...
"Organ-Tissue Donations...
"Health awareness for the Mentally-ill and Physically Challanged...
"Lack of clean water in third Ingeneous countries...
"World Starvation...
"Total Humilation!"
"Lack of Religion...
"Lack of A Commonwealth of Equality when it comes to Government Office."
"Over taxation, lack of medication!"
"Too much money in the wrong hands...
"And, to many Municipalities in My State of New Jersey!"
"How about this?"
"The Oil Industry sucking up the 'Earth's Core' and polluting our Waters, Lands, and Atmosphere, and Seas!"
"Is this some kinda...
'Exxon Veldezez Disease?'
"The Tobbaco Industry...
"RJR.Reynolds, Ligget Meyers, and Phillip Morris... "Poisoning us Addicted Smokers and causing breathing illness and eventual Death!"
"Ciggerete smoking may cause cancer?"
"The Banking Industry picking our pockets and bank accounts...
"Bank Rupt You America, Wells Fargo will...
"Put you in the well and
"Chase and Steal Your Money while you,commit Suicide and wind up in Hell!"
"Tee Dee Dee Canadian Bank doesn't have to abide by....
"U S.Banking Laws!"
"Want more again friend?"
"Drugs, alcoholism, prisoners released from their prisons before serving their time!"
"Is there any reason to the Rhyme?"
"Lack of Monopolization Laws to protect the small business owner!"
"Prostitution, Gambling, Murder Rates and rape...
"Are up all over the States!"
"And Hate...
"Sloth, Glutonny, Greed, Envy, Lust, Pride, Covetouenss, and why?"
"Why mommy dearest is my money?"
"Television, Cell phones, Wifi rates out of this State!"
"If You want it you gotta pay!"
"For this is...

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing Artist 'David Ruhl'and his incredible Picture...
"Nightmare-The Beast Within."

Chapter 67
The Flowering Edge

By Ricky1024

"The Flowering Edge"
By Ricky 1024
Written on October2, 2012.
"My 'Hedge' was built with love ...
"Well spent with moments of Tenderness, Love, Happiness....
"Unspectacular Love...
"Quaint, Honest, and Subjecting...
"Naive was I to think that Love would never Cry...
"The *Cockelshells all lined up in a Row...
"Like little flowers That I used...
"To know...
"Now they just represent my unforgiving chldhood Dreams...
"My Sorrows mixed with...
'The Stormyness ' as Glitter
Switched to Dust...
"I now...
"I now must...
"Return to the Dust...
"For I am...
"I am now nothing...
"I am...
"I am nothing without...
"Just a Fool dressed as a Beggar sitting all alone....
"No more was my House a Home...
"The 'Warm Hues' and the Pictures of You..
"All meant that My Life now was well Spent...
"But, memories now...
"Just dance in My Sallowed Head...
"Serpents year holes in the Fabric of my Lost Mind...
"Insanity is my new Rhythm to next Rhyme...
"For My thoughts now...
"Are bound and Bind...
"Insanity is my next Opportunity...
"For, I have already attempted...
"Suicide in 2006...
"Should have done it in 2003."
"That was not very nice and...
"God knows I held back...
"Hit the valve...
"Heart- Attack...
' The Walls of my Happy Home' had all but Collasped...
"And the Roof was sent down Below...
"Where He awaits...
"My Final Destiny...
"Everlasting fate...

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ,
Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing Artist 'aidear' and their pictue "evergreen"

Chapter 68

By Ricky1024

@##$ $"Me?(A)" $$##@
By Ricky 1024
Written on August 28, 2016
At 1:04AM. EST.
" I can cure the Lepers and when you can no longer see...
""Restore thou Sight...
"And bring back the thou needed...
"I see Rainbows....
"I'm a blink of an Eye...
"Floating above in the Night Skies...
"And, I feel the pain of Humanity...
"When everything isn't quite Right..
"With My Broken Heart...
"And, tortured Body...
"Cruified on Calvery...
"I can heal all that appears...
"Even The Entire World's Fears...
"And with My Tender Touch....
"I provide all that you need..
"So very, very, much...


"I see the Stars of My Dead...
"Before they appear...
"And, with just a Prayer...
"I Shalleth take away...
"All your Fears...
"And My Spirit...
"Oh My Spirit..
"Shalleth always be here...
"So much do I care...
"So, so, much do I love...
"And I will always be there...
"For I am...
"I am...
"Your Savior Above...
"And, I will always and forever Love...
"Can you now See?"
"Given His Heart to the Broken (B)"
By Ricky1024
Written on August 26th 2012
"I have been....
"Dissected and finally given to the *Three...
"Yes, I have felt the Pain as it's pressure pressed upon my Swollen...
"Agony is my Wife...
"And each and every waking...
"My Lord above is constantly....
"For- Sake- In- Me...
"Heal us Sinners Dear Lord as Our Blood Sheds...
"Dear Lord....
"No healing can transformed the Forlorned....
"I have much to lose and nothing now Lord...
"To gain as I reach out and call Your Name....
"For soon....
"I will be nothing but Powdered Dust....
"My Blood has now returned as Rust....
"And I now gladly Spill It...
"If Lord, You will it?:
"And I now Shall...
"And, I now pray...
"Dear Lord...
"What more can I say?"
"What more can I now Do?"
"But gift this now worthless Body to You...
"To heal and return the 'Soon to be Dead' who await....
"The Gift of Life" instead....
"For Death TIS near and Life is Dear...
"When We become nothing more or less than words Spoken...
"Hi Beth now...
"To this Broken...

Author Notes *Three:
"Still alive today...
"Thanks to my amazing Son....
"Gone now named Jay...
"To learn more about ....
"'Organ-Tissue Donations' ....
"SImply cl my dear friend Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W with...
"The Gift of Life "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
1- 800- DONORS- 1.
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ,, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing Artist 'curlygirly' and her picture "Sacred Heart."it

Chapter 68
Endangered Stranger?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Endangered Stranger?"
By Ricky 1024
Written on August 28th, 2016 at 3:18AM.E
Are we headed on a course of Destruction?"
"A Solar Flare Astoroid Corruptuon?"
"God Created the Earth in six days and...
"On the Seventh day God saw everything that He had made , and indeed it was very good."
"So, the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
"Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished."
"And, on the Seventh Day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the Seventh Day from all His work which He had done."
(Genesis 1:31 And 2:1and 2.)
"And while He was resting...
"We have been busy...
"Congoobilating it into...
"The Holy Bible and the
"Virtually nothing today to this generation."
"Because they are Confused and Amused with...
"Tele- Communication, Power, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony, Addictions, and more."
"Shut the Fucking Door!"
"When will It All end?"
"Rape and murders are at an all time high!"
"And speaking on the subject of "High' that is all these sick Mother Fuckers' do!"
"Just one Big Party?"
"All the way to the Bank!"
"Reviewers You decide?"
"Will you do Something or simply...
"Just run away and hide?"

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administration, Fan Art Review and this amazing Artist 'chrissie' and her picture "Endangered."

Chapter 69
River of Pain

By Ricky1024

"River of Pain"
By Ricky 1024
Written on May 8th, 2015.

"As I walk through the Vally of Death...
"I shall feel Pure Pain....
"Pure and Everlasting Insanity...
"And Unending Acidic Rain of my Reality....
"Rivers of Fear appear..
"Left to Right...
"When I lay my head down...
"Each and every Night...
"I reach out and call Your Name....
"An all I ever receive is just Unending Shame....
"What does it take Lord to leave this alone?"
"I am compelled (In verse) to write it all down...
"As I carry this load...
"Over and over and over...
"The same horrid thoughts and memories plague my Heart and Soul...
"Like a water faucet pouring out...
"An endless load...
"So, I walk alone...
"Along this 'River of Pain' and as I call out Your *name...
"As I write these words...
"Of Unending pain...
"No one seems to Care...
"Lord, with these words...
"I now share...

Author Notes *name:
"My Son Jason passed away from a horrid accident on a late, March
"To learn more about "Organ Tissue Donations" simply call my dear friend Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W.
"The Gift of Life" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
At 1- 800- DONORS- 1.

"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ,
Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing Artist....
'trailblazer101' and their picture....
"Death Comes from the Water"

Chapter 71
It's My Life

By Ricky1024

"It"s My Life!"
(A Song by)
Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
Written on September 4th, 2016 at 4:00 A M. E.S.T.
Chorus Number One:

"And it's now or never...
"I refuse to Live forever!"
"Because, there's nothing left, here, for me...
"It's My Life...
"Lost my only Son...
"Then my only Wife...
"Nothing here left 'cept to grab a knife cause...
Melody Number One:
(Repeats in Variation)

"Doo, do, do, do, do...
"Doo, do, do, do, do...
Chorus Number Two:

"This song by Bon Jovi was for the...
Melody Number Two:

"Doo, do, do, do, do...
"Doo, do, do, do, do...
Chorus Number Three:

"Give Life!"
(Bon Vida!)
"Doo, do, do, do, do....
"Doo, do, do, do, do....
"The chances of you winding up like me Jay are..
"Greater than beibg,hit by lightning while being,eaten by 'A Great White Shark' in the Atlantic Ocean!"
Melody Number Three
(Repeats in Variation)
"Yes, this song's for the BROKEN...
"Dum, dum, dum, dum...
"Dum, dum, dum, dum...
Chorus Number Four:

"I'm going to the Heaven above...
"Doo whop, do whop, do whop...
"And, when i'm up there i'll be at the top!"
"Doo whop, do whop, do whop...
"This HEART....
"Is for the BROKEN...

Author Notes "Special thanks to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing Artist me Ricky1024. And My amazing pictue....
"Just Jason and...
Richard Edward Smrkovsky.

Chapter 72

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

Written on July 21st, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024
{Doctor of Philosophy}
*******************************The Year Zero***********************************
"Hello and welcome Graciously to "My Peace or Piece!"
"I am "The Creator of All Knowledge."
"My thoughts will help you?"
"As I now Reveal...
"The Many Wonders of Life."

**************************The Year Fifty BC.*******************************
"Wonder Number One-
"Lets get "Spoctological" with Spock on this one!"
"Dr. Spock?"
"Yes, why are you disturbing my Rest?"
"Sorry to disturb you Doctor but we need your help on this...
"Age Old Problem?"
"Yes and whom do I have the pleasure?"
Asks Doctor Spock.
"The Creator of All Knowledge!"
"Well, logically thinking...
"If you are so smart, then why do you bother me Creator?"
'Well Doctor Spock, I'm a big fan of "Star Trek!"
"And Your my Hero!"
"Yes, more like "Dead Hero!"
"Okay, give it up!"
"Well, there are things that persist...
"Things that "Bother Us" that EXIST!"
"Things that are not right a "BooTastic Mystery!"
"So, Doctor Spock...
"Firstly, "Heavenly Father Above?"
"We know He exists in our Hearts but how do you get there?"
"You Mean "Heavenly" Creator?"
Asks Spock.
"We know in our Minds Heaven exists but do we need to become "Angels" first and sprout wings to fly to get there?"
"Fly above?"
"Good Question, Creator."
"You first must die...
"Then you need a "Free Heavenly Pass" then...
"Take the "747 Heavenly Jet!"
Asks Doctor Spock.
"Okay, I'll grant you that one "Smarty Pants."
"How about this?"
*********************The Year One Hundred Thousand BC.****************
Wonder Number Two-
"Which came first, Doctor Spock...
"The Chicken or the Egg?"
"Well, firstly let me ask you this first Creator...
"Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road" and...
"Why Do You Never Keep All The Chicken's Eggs in One Basket?"
"Well, the answer to the "Second Question" is It's better to Diversify and the first...
"The Answer to the first is He was hungry and The Farmer was feeding?"
"Forget it IDIOT!"
Complains Spock.
"And, my answer which is quite "Spoctological" is...
"First, We need "The Chicken to Come First" in order to lay "The Egg."
"And, We need "The Egg" to hatch to create "The Chicken."
"But neither is really correct."
"The correct response is "Two Chickens" one of each Sex...
You said a Potty Word!"
"Sorry, This talk though is quite "Enterprising!"
"Tee, Hee, HEE!"
"Just had to through that one in!"
Asks "The Creator?"
"I thought you watched the show Idiot!"
******************************The Year is ?***********************************
Wonder Number Three-
"Now, lets take "The Carbon Theory."
"How can a "Simple Lump of Coal" become a "Beautiful Diamond" the hardest and Most Natural thing on Earth?"
"And, does it happen over night?"
Wonders, "The Creator of All Knowledge."
"Quite Simple, Creator...
"And, I need to know cause "Mother Creator wants a pair!"
Asks "The Creator."
"And, that's "Two Questions Again."
"Firstly, it takes many Eons and pressure...
"The "Teutonic Plates" shift and the trapped Carbon is pressed and pressured...
"You think God can do it?"
"That's another and "Third Question."
"Now, speaking on God and Religion, here is my fourth...
**************The Year now is Zero AD. and Christ's Birth***************************
Wonder Number Four-
"Now, speaking on that subject...
"If "Jesus Christ" can walk on water and bring "Lazarus" back from the Dead...
"Then why, Doctor Spock, are there so many boats and Cemetery Plots?"
"How fucking stupid are you?"
Asks Doctor Spock.
"People are just Mortals and Jesus is a God!"
"That's how he does those things and nobody else can!"
***********************The Year is Present**********************
Wonder Number Five-
"Doctor Spock?"
"Now, if "The Best Things in Life" are free...
"Then why don't I and can't I afford a new Vette?"
"A mansion in the Sky?"
"A Heavenly 747 Jet?"
"A nice wardrobe, fine food, new shoes...
"Instead of smelly sandals?"
"Dirty Clothes...
"Shitty food...
"And a Piece Of crap I travel in?'
"And why do I have to pay "Through the Nose" for...
"Hot Women when I'm cheating on my "Creator Wife?"
"So many this time Creator?"
Complains Spock.
"And, do you have any more "Lazy Creator" who can't have "Nice Things" because he doesn't have a "FUCKING JOB!"
*************************The Year is Present, Again*****************************
Wonder Number Six-
"Creator of All Knowledge...
"We do Turtles carry their "Houses" on their backs and does that slow them down so...
"The Hare Wins the Race" every time?"
"And, if "Fishes" love water so much and never leave from below...
"Why can't I live below with "My Fishy Friends?"
"Now, Three for the Price of One Creator?"
"This just keeps getting better!"
Complains Spock again.
"Speaking logically or "Spoctologicaally."
"The Famous Movie, "Jaws" starring Rob Schneider blew up the Great, White, Shark named "Bruce!"
"So, it is not safe in the Sea?"
Asks Creator.
"Then why were there "Four Remakes?"
"Did or was the Shark one of a set of "Quadruplets?"
"Or were there "Stunt Sharks?"
"So many...
"Relatively Speaking...
"Can we get a little more serious "Idiot Creator of No Knowledge?'
***********************The Year is After Christ's Death*********************************
"Last Wonder Number Seven-
"If Adam, Moses, and Noah each lived to be hundreds of years old...
"Then why can't I and did they take some sort of "Magical Pill" that made them HIGH?"
"And if "Illegal Drugs" are so good for you then why are that not free and why do I keep getting arrested by "The Heavenly Police Department" for shooting up and smoking...
"My girl friend "Mary Jane?"
"Get me a gun Captain KIRK!"
"And, Doctor Spock, why can some kid named "Justin Bieber" make so much, damned, money singing when I can sing...
"And play three Instruments...
"And, he can't play a one?"
"Seems so "Irrelevant" you...
"And you know what Captain Kirk?"
"Ask, "Scottie" to beam me up so I don't ever have to go through this...
"Well Doctor...
"That's quite...
"I hope I didn't offend anybody with the "Potty Talk" that was for effect."
"And, I hope there are some "Trekkies" out there to enjoy this!"

Author Notes "Special thanks goes our first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this talented and amazing Artist, "cleo85" and her incredible picture "Who Painted My Wood?"

Chapter 76

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Transference of Immortality Into A Cup of Tea's Reality?"
Written on September 8th, 2017.
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
Theologist, Poet of Laureate, Writer, Novelist, Children's Author, Ranked...
"Gift of Life" Representative."
{Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.}
"Owner of R.C.L. Enterprises of Ocean County."
{Restoration, Cleaning, Power Washing, and Landscaping}
Noted "Humanitarian."
By Number Two...
"Swathmore's Who's Who."
{Member since 2017}
Latter Day Saint Aaronic Priest with...
"The Latter Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ" since 2004. *********************************Fan Story C. 2017*************************************
Part Number One-
"The Beginning"

"Written Word" Cast by Stone causes...
"Ungodly Pain and Grief."
"Written Word."
"Cast from Heaven Above...
"The Truer Meaning of Life and Love."
{Theology 27.04}
"The Year is 2003."
"Yes, Jason?"
"I'm going over to that girl's house that I just met."
"She invited me for a soda."
"Okay Jason but be careful...
Answers Carolyn.
"Yes, Jason?"
"I'm going to Angel's House to take her to school on my Bike."
"Okay Jay but please be careful."
"There are a lot of "Crazy Drivers" here in New Jersey."
"Especially kids!"
"Okay, Mom."
Note- "Jason just met "Angel" whom recently came from "North Jersey."
"Bad memories from Angel's first boyfriend who died tragically in a car accident."
"Yes, Jason, what now?"
Asks Carolyn.
"When is my sister Nikki's Birthday?"
"Asks Jay.
"Not until Monday the 31st."
"March 31st, 2003.'
"Yes, Jay?'
"What's Nikki doing for her Birthday, today?"
"Asks Jason.
"She ordered a "W.W.F. Wrestle Mania."
"Pay for View for her party."
"You know how she is about that crap!"
Replies Carolyn.
"Note-"Her birthday was on the 27th and being that Jason was only a Junior being held back in Kindergarten by "Miss Brown.'
"He wasn't on The Disney Senior Class Trip to Orlando, Florida."
"It was about 8:00 Pm. when I got home from work."
"It was "Off-Season" and my "O.T." Dropped drastically from running a Night Crew in the Summer Months in a Supermarket...
"In Ship bottom, New Jersey."
"Home Babe!"
I Stated.
"But my wife of "Twenty Years," Carolyn was asleep in her favorite Chair...
"Spending my money in "The One-Charmed Banditos!"
"So, I realized the house was empty being that Jason, and his three sisters...
"Nikki Megan Harbach, Kyle Erin Harbach."
"His younger Sister Dana Alyse Smrkovsky were at the party."
"While my fourth daughter...
"Corrine Alexis Smrkovsky was at Douglas College a part of...
"Rutgers University in East Brunswick, New Jersey."
"So, what does a Grocery manager of a major "Supermarket Chain."
"Do to relax after he comes home?"
"Cook dinner?"
"Nah, dinner can wait!"
"Do you write?"
"Nope, didn't do that back then."
"What to do?"
"Got it!"
"You play Chess!"
"So, again "Wifely" is sleeping in Her favorite chair...
"Doesn't even know...
"Hungry Daddy is home...
'The First Noise."
"As the Car...
{A Ford Mustang Convertible}
"Raced at "At co Raceway" in At co, New Jersey."
"Hits the Curb...
"Locked in Third Gear...
"A Representative from...
"Causeway Ford-Lincoln Mercury" said it could have been doing...
"Well, some Poor Fool is in for...
"A Rude Awakening!"
{I Figured}
"As the Car Met the Pole at possibly///
"A Hundred Miles an Hour!"
"Ring, Ring, RING!"
"That damned phone!"
"Ring, Ring, RING!"
"The Second Noise...
"After Hitting...
"The Curb and then...
"The Power and Phone Pole."
"I estimate it grew wings and fell below from a height of at least...
"Ring, Ring, Ring!"
"The "Now Awake Wifely" took that and said...
"It's Kyle!"
"She said to get over here!"
"It's Jason!"
"And, he's been in a Horrible Accident!"
"As horrib le as that thought could be...
"I remembered my "Three C'ees!"
"Stay Cool, Calm, and Collected."
"Upon further investigation...
"I first noticed a part of this car about twenty feet down the road."
{The Front Bumper}
"There was a white car, Kyle told us, that drove around it and kept going?"
{The Ownly Witness?}
"Kyle, Fred, and Sasha stayed in their car, completely in shock at the sight...
"The Sight."
"The first thing I noticed upon arriving at this...
"Was an Officer marking and measuring...
"Tire Marks" upon the curb?"
"Then We noticed a woman."
{Jodie Kish}
"Whom's front lawn had a new "Hood Ornament!"
"And as a Nurse...
"She was attending to my Son Jason..
"Until she saw us and went back inside her house...
"Upon further investigation.'
{Number Two}
"I noticed that the car was a mess and the Front Windshield had shattered upon Arrival!"
"Nightmare on Nautilus Street?"
"I figured as more people and "Emergency Vehicles arrived."
"And, They needed to work fast and even though the driver."
{Brian Cole}
"Was trapped in "A Lying Prone Position" with the wheel wedged into his chest...
{All 250 Pounds}
"Was sleeping peacefully as if dreaming of that "Senior Class Trip."
"To Disney?"
Continued later today with Part Number Four-
"The Hospital."

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review, this talented artist, "Dick Lee Shia" and his picture "Another Chance at Life...

Chapter 77
The Death of Me?

By Ricky1024

"The Death of Me?"
Written on November 1st, 2016.
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
***************C.2016 Fan Story***************
"You can take the...
"Death of Me."
"You can't take the...
"Depth of Me...
"The Best of Me...
"For my "Inner Soul" hath...
"Taken it's toll...
"Whoa, Whoa!"
"It ain't gonna be that easy!"
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!"
"Your gonna miss Me!"
"Shed Another Tear...
"Cry Another Cry...
"Spend Another Year...
"I'm gonna make you...
"Miss Me!"
"Make you Miss Me...
"Before you Dismiss Me!"
"Once in Your Life...
"Once in Your Life you...
"Will be able to realize why...
"And, Finally See...
"The Death in *Me!"

Author Notes *Me:
"{me} pron. [[OE}} objective case of I.2. ME or me Maine."
"This was written four days before My Son Jason's Birthday.
November 5th, 1984~March 31st, 2003.
"Organs Donated on April, 1st, 2003.
{April Fool's Day}
"But, Organ-Tissue Donations" is nothing to joke about."
"In the "Tri-State Area of Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Southern New Jersey...
"In the Year of Our Lord 2014."
"Over 4,500 people of all Ages, Race, and sex awaited "The Gift of Life" in the form of a "Human Kidney."
"All got to go home with about 99% in "BODY BAGS!"
"To learn more about "Organ-Tissue Donations."
"Simply call my, Dear, Friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life!"
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"And be sure to tell Lara the"Jay"
{My Son} said hey.'
"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story, and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this talented Artist...

Chapter 78
Strict-Nine Cup of Poison Tea!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Strict-Nine Cup of Tea!"
Written on September 20th, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
<><><><><><><><>C. 2017 Fan Story<><><><><><><><>
"The Very Best, Comes From The Heart."
{Theology 27.33}
"From the Heart...
"From the Mind...
"And, from the Soul...
"When Life doesn't look back and takes its...
"Horrid of Toll?"
"To Suffer Once...
"To Suffer Twice...
"Is a Crime Against Humanity."
"It's Completing Reality...
"But to Suffer so and to Survive?"
"Then the Lord God...
"Has a Reason...
"A Good Reason to Keep You Alive!"
"Let Us Explore...
"Yes, You haveth Past His Test!"
"Death means Naught to Thee for You hath now become...
"More Like Me...
"It's a Test of a Lifetime."
"Pass it?"
"Then your now through...
"To The Other *Side!"
"And, Welcome Now To Me!"
"I will adjust you...
"Let You learn Again...
"To Trust You!"
"No More Drugs of Choice!"
"Now, Listen Carefully to my VOICE!"
"You were Controlled Like some Dumb...
"Suck Your Thumb...
"Dolly on a String!"
"Singing for Your Supper...
"Does that now Sting?"
"Ring, Ring, Ring!"
"This is your "Wake-up Call!"
"Come One and Come All!"
"To The "Ricky Show" and there are a few things you now need...
"To know!"
"What do you now see?"
"Darkness, Fear, Severe Depressions, and Grief?"
"Pain, Anger, Stupidity...
"What the Fuck...
"Did I Do to me?"
"And Do you...
"Johnny Druggie" take this Needle in Your Right Arm?"
"To Love and to Cherish...
"To Forever Do Harm?"
"I Do!"
'Well, now I pronounce You...
"Announce You...
"Addicted to me...
"Yes, been there done that but not on Drugs!"
"No, No, No!"
"My Problem is I trusted the Wrong Beings...
"I was married and actually took a wife!"
"Till Death Do Us Part?"
"She took Her Life way back in 2003."
"Only Eight Months After My Son **Jason's passing...
"But, Se Robbed Me...
"Left and took it all...
"With She!"
"The Money, almost the House...
"Her Life and Our ...
"Twenty Year Marriage...
"No More Baby Boy in a Carriage?"
"So, you say you need a "Leg Up?"
"Another Chance at this thing called...
"The Big Dance?"
"Tired of Hating and living with Satan?"
"You see...
"Once Upon a Time...
"There was You...
"And there was Me?"
"You walked the "Abnormal Path" to your Destiny!"
"I walked and stepped in "Putrid Shit!

"Where no man Dare Tread!"
"But Why?"
"Why Hath so many around me...
"Well, some like to live the normal...
"Nine to Five" while others...
{Whom Dare}
"Have no choice now to care...
"As a "Latter Day Saint Priest."
"With, "The Church of Jesus Christ."
"WE ALL Give to others in Time of Pain!"
"We have no choice but to care and share...
"More then you can ever imagine."
"And, with this "Gift" I give and now share with You!"
"To now do the Right Thing that You know...
"You Were Meant To!"
"More like...
"Endless Protection to Women and Children!"
"Comfort with...
"The Holy Ghost!"
"The Great Comforter" that forever shalleth be...
"Your Host!"
"Just come join me in "The Ricky Club!"
"And, You will be glad that you do!"
"You now care where nobody will go there!"
"You Dare...
"Where none Dares...
"And, I now offer...
"A Cup of Thee!"
"So, you got involved in many a way?"
"You agree and realize now that You hath been given...
"Special and Blessed Gifts?"
"Miracles are now within Thee!"
"You can save "The Cancer Stricken" with just some words...
"To a person lost with Breast Cancer and needs you to Learn!"
"She's scared and bought a gun...
"Her Cancer will get the job done!"
"And, as she looks into your Eyes...
"She sees "The Holy Ghost" and now must realize!"
"That suicide was a path that you had taken!"
'Life that you had Forsaken!"
"You see?"
"No longer will you stand against Humanity and suffer so...
"Like Me!"
"Or deal out to others those you loved...
"A Heaping Helping Plate of Your Pain and Hate!"
"You no longer need to Plunge that Injectable onto Your Right Arm!"
"No longer will you Rape, Murder, and Hate!"
"No longer are you married to Satan and Date!"
"Once you have dealt with what I hath Seen and Suffered through My Eyes...
"You then learn to realize...
"That there are some...
"Blessed Fools" that are not afraid to Die...
"That don't run away and hide in their Addiction of Choice!"
"So, the next time that you want to Beat...
"Or you meet...
"The Rapist!"
"The Murderer!"
"Want a piece of Thee?"
"Fight back with your own...
"Very, Personal, and Special Thee!"
"Strick-Nine Poison Cup of Tea!"
Approximate Word Count:934.

Author Notes *Other Side:
"A Special place after a severe testing Period where Heavenly Father utilizes You to do His work."
**Jason's Passing:
"My Son Jason or "Jay" Passed away Eight Months before His Mother's suicide on March 31st, 2003."
"On April Fool's Day" Jason's many organs were removed to save four lives...
""And, to learn more about...
"Organ-Tissue Donations."
"Simply call my, dear, friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life."
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"At 1-800-DONORS-1."
"And Thanks from the bottom of my and my Son Jason's, Donated, Heart...
"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this talented artist "Mr Jones" and his picture...
"Keep Away from Poisonous Snake"

Chapter 79
Clinging On the Edge of Insanity

By Ricky1024

"Clinging On the Edge of Insanity"
Written on October 1st, 2017
<><><>C.Fan Story 2017 <><><>

Author Notes "Special thanks hoes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the Administratior, Fan Art Review and this talented artist,

Chapter 80
Loving You?

By Ricky1024

"Loving You?"
By Ricky 1024
Written on October 4th, 2017.
<><><>C. FanStory 2017<><><>
"Loving You and All the Things...
"That You Do...
"Forever and Ever....
"Loving You."
"Loving You for All the Reasons...
""And,, For All That You've Done Jay...
" And, For All That You Still Do...
"Your Smile...
"Your Touch...
"Darling Child...
"I Miss You So Much...
"Yes I Do...
"Loving You...
"Loving You and All the...
"Times Spent...
"As, I Always Will...
"The Many Concerts...
"You Played...
"The Basketball Games,You First Lost..
"Then, Each One You Then Won!"
"With Each and Every Three Pointer...
"You Tossed!"
"Memories Long Gone...
"Seem Out of View...
"But That Won't Ever Stop...

Author Notes *YOU:
"This Dedicated Poem in a Song....
"Was for my Son...
"Jason Richard Smrkovsky whoms passed away over 14 years ago as a passenger in a car accident."
"Whom organs were gratefully donated to promote life...
"And, to learn more about...
"Organ-Tissue Donations"
"Simply call my, dear, friend...
"Lara S. Moeritti the L.S.W.
"The Gift of Life."
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at...
"And, thanks from the bottom of my but Jason's...
"Donated Heart."
"Special Thanks goes out first as always to heavenly father and his son he lost Jesus the Christ followed by fan story and Tom the administrator fanartreview and this talented and amazing artist, "jhenoy" and their beautiful picture...
"Lov u bro"

Chapter 81

By Ricky1024

"Inspiration, IntentionalIy, Inextricable, Extricably, Extratentionally, Yours?"
Written on April 11th, 2013.
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
@@@ C.FanStory 2014 @@@

"I Intend to Lament...
"Pay attention and I will Mesmerize you...
"I intend to Lament...
"And, to Love and Adore always...
"As I now Pray...
"I Intent to see, greet, teach, heal, and...
"Each and every new day I awake...
"I Intent to Give away...
"My Word as a Teacher, Preacher, and Holy Man."
"I promise to watch and assist our fellow men always...
"I Intend to feed the Homeless the Worthless and those less than...
"I Attend to Lament...
"And, I Attend...
"I Intend to save this...
"Earth and I intend to wear A Shin...
"And, Again begin...
"To help Thee...
"My Heart's filled with Gifts all from God Above...
"Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love...
"And, I Attend...
"To Utilize these Gifts as I teach and Reach those whom are of Need...
"I Attend....
"To Honor Thee for an Eternity because...
"I Created Thee...
"Your Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ!"

n and shaking this Earth that was a gift from Heavenly Father since all you Mankind's birth for as I intend to share I will always care."
Jesus Christ

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and then His Son Jesus the Christ, Fsn story, and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, and this talented artist, RaoulD'Harmental," and their picture...
"Never More!"

Chapter 82
Mastering the Macabre?

By Ricky1024

"Mastering the Macabre?"
Written on November 3rd, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
"Hold on a second?"
"While I tie my shoes!"
(I never can taste them but not lace them)
"Okay, that's better!"
"Alright, I need to sharpen my pencil now and that's been difficult some days...
"Also, stuck myself!"
"Okay, here we go?"
"My writing abilities are considered deep in the Intensive!"
"Really quite Extensive!"
"I don't understand why but I guess it is completely sparked?"
"Can't hear!"
"Oh dear!"
"Which canbe...
"Spoctologically, Spoct tologically, logically or Ill-logically, illogical?"
"Which is quite an uprising!"
"And, never surprising!"
"Like. Chocolate Cake on a date with,Satan!"
(Always awaiting)
"For me!"
(Hold, gotta pee)
"On Satan!"
"Used to be a "Bed Wetter!"


"Now, I have to take my...
"Seven Laws of Judification."
(Based on the "Seven Deadly Sins")
"Which is an artist's ability to create!"
"The first thing you need to have is a form of intelligence an or a Brain!"
(Which I don't have)
"So, I fail on the first one but on the second one..
"You do need a heart by the way cruel reviewers?"
"Okay, so that your writing ability will be brought forward and have some kind of deep meaning you first need to poke yourself with your pencil!"
"Not me Ricky!"
"But I do have a Heart...
(Even though it is kind of small and Tiny)
"But it is bigger than the Grinchs!"
"The Grinch that stole Christmas!"
"So, I'm going to try and steal your six stars with my ability?"
"And, any great writer needs to be a great writer!"
"Ignite and Excite Her!"
"Your mind not your girlfriend@"
"Now the next thing you need is a Soul...
Note:"If you can write from the Mind, through and into the Heart...
"And finally...
"Into your Soul."
"Most here do have one?"
"You got yourself a "Slam Poet!"
"You got yourself a Children's Author or Novelist!"
"A person who has the ability to bring the English word...
(Word for Word)
"And transfer it magically, into something that's Worthy!"
"Sorta like rhyming your words and creating songs!"
(Each and everytime!)
"Now if you can do this each and every time...
"And, your poetry is beautiful."
"It then turns into a song!"
"And, people tell you that your poem now reads like a song!"
"You then may or may not have a Gift?"
"And, of course with this Gift, we are now going to go to the last thing you need!"
"Yes indeed!"
"A place?"
"A place to place your Gift from your laptop, from your libraries computer, from your pen!"
"Or from your pencil!"
"Which, by the way, is very, sharp, place to Start!"
"Now put all your papers together so they get reviewed."
"And, keep looking at publishers...
"Excetera, excetera, excetera...
"We have FanStory and we have and we can do it electronically with Amazon!"
"Note: "Some companies will promote your work and help you do it!"
"Like Xciscebras, Authorhouse, Random House, or Dorrance Publishing."
(In Philadelphia)
"I personally want to start utilizing... "Strathmore's Who's Who."
(Which World Ranks me)
"And, they're the number Two Company recognizing people for their abilities to stick themselves with a sharp pencil!"
"They also do Publications!"
"So, that's something I'm going to look into because...
"I have almost 700 sitting around my house!"
"And, in this phone...
"That are itching to get out!"
"And be looked at publicly which is of course...
"Spocktologically, Spoctological, which could be quite enterprising!"
"If you're William Shatner and any likes to read!"
"Yes indeed!"

Author Notes Special Thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father followed by his son Jesus to Christ followed then by fanstory and Tom probably Again by Fan Art Review, and then finally this talented artist...
"Mr. Jones and his amazing picture...
"The Siberian Snowman."

Chapter 83
Sporadic Relief?

By Ricky1024

"Sporadic Relief?"
Written on November 10th, 2017.
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
<*>C.FanStory 2017<*>
To be edited within the next few hours Ricky 1024.
time now is passing very very slow as this Earth revolves backwards and it is now upside down just as my life there is no relief for this Latter Day Saint priest they stole my house they shut off my electric lost my son and lost my wife and his testing time again you see for Doctor Ricky and yes the sun no longer shines the moon no longer grows glows but I continue continue on my path of redemption I will not give up I will spit in the face of evil and laugh as Satan tries to take me down again and I will do it all as I write these words with my cross pen amen

Author Notes special Thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and then his son Jesus to Christ followed by fanstory and Tom the administrator fan art review this amazing and talented, Barb Baker and her picture rescued from the Heat

Chapter 84
Addictively yours

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Addictively Yours?"
Written on November 11th, 2017
By Dr. Ricky 1024.
<*>? C.FanStory <*>?
"And, as I now open up another chapter on my past life from this...
"Me Book," I will bring forth Three Examples of...
"Lost Souls."
Example Number One:
"Christopher and Brenda Joy Robinson."
"This incident is by far the most important."
"Why you may wonder?"
"Because this young man...
"Christopher Robinson...
"Not only was born five days after my son Jason on...
"November 10th, 1984 but that they are and actually were...
"One, chose the right path...
(My Son Jason)
"While, the other...
(Christopher Robinson)
"Chose the wrong path?"
"The Path of Heroin Addiction!"
"In today's world...
(Which currently is being controlled by Satan)
"And, if you've ever read my works on...
"The Seven Laws of Judifi cation."
(Based on)
"The Seven Deadly Sins."
"Which, by the by, is the Number One Law."
"And, addictions come in many, many, forms from the greater...
"Injectables with and like...
"Heroin Addiction" to Alcoholism."
(Most choices)
"To the Lesser of Gambling."
"Now reviewers, the first story is about this Horridly, Lost, Young, Man...
"By the name of Christopher Robinson."
"Now, I never met Christopher but I know him from his mother...
(Brenda Joy)
"Whom I dated."
"Brenda Joy Robinson...
"And, this is an actual true story...
"I Happened to meet through a dating site called...
"Plenty of Fish."
(A free and popular site)
(This incident, actually happened about four years ago)
"And, as I delve and develope this....
"We will travel deeper into Brenda's and Her Son Christopher's lives...
"Loss of life and loss of Souls...
"The first thing we must first realize is that we had a lot in common."
"Firstly, a death of our two Sons..
(One passed away from injuries in a car accident, while the other)
"From injuries through an addiction...
"As told to me by Brenda...
"Brenda told me this story, littered with contradictions."
"And, they were pointed out to me by her daughter Loren."
"Now Loren...
(Whom was dispensed from her marriage)
"Was living with her mother and her daughter Lily."
(Who was only five, years, old at the time)
"After only three dates, I knew that Brenda had some real issues!"
"Not only was she seriously involved with the disease of alcoholism but she had also had a mental illness."
"Her daughter Loren called her mother...
"Hitler" and kept her door locked at night for good reasons!"
"Brenda told me that she was going to move to Florida and sell her house for her past memories were greater than she could handle."
"And, with the death of Christopher...
(As her incredible story immerged)
"She said that she was in a rehab...
"In the state of Florida and could not watch Christopher or help him with his addictive problems...
"Their connection was incredibly powerful as they could each read each other's minds!"
"Now, when Brenda went to Florida that...
"Winter of December 2013."
"Christopher was left hopelessly alone and seriously addicted to heroin."
"And yes!"
"An addiction
through His girlfriend whom he broke up with!"
"And, this devastated as well as destroyed Christopher...
(Whom also nwas a Triathlete and a lifeguard in Ship Bottom, New Jersey on Long Beach Island."
"A very, good, looking, young, man who could have had any young woman he wanted?"
"And, this time...
"He had picked the wrong one!"
"As the story unfolded...
"And, after the breakup...
"He stole his mother's car, drove it into the woods...
(On December 12th, 2013)
"And, crashed it into a tree, purposely!"
"The Stafford Township Police Department."
(In Manahawkin, New Jersey)
"Took three weeks to locate the now black and...
"Fuc*** Frozen body!"
(A Shame)
"Now, Brenda Joy had wanted to view the body at the funeral home against the wishes of Bobby Riggs...
(The owner of)
"Bugsby and Riggs")
"Mr. Riggs, whom was a personal friend of mine, had helped me."
"When my only Son...
(Jason Richard)
"Had passed away."
"But also with my wife, Carolyn Ann."
"Bobby said that Brenda had broke away from him and his assistant...
(As well as her second husband)
"And, ran downstairs to view the body!"
"You may find this part hard to believe!"
"Now and told to me by Loren...
"And, according to Loren...
"This eventually drove Brenda off the deep end!"
"And, Loren had no choice but to institutionalize her mother whom she had called "Hitler!"
"Brenda had owned two, very, successful, businesses!"
"The first was...
"A Semi-Precious, Jewelry, Business."
(She created "Semi-Precious Jewelry)
"Jewelry for weddings in Christopher's name."
"Now, the second business was set up with her friend in England."
"Who was very, very, well off selling supplemental products."
"Brenda was supplied for free and had sole ownership throughout the United States."
"And, as...
"The Sole Supplier," the two businesses were pulling in an excess of $15,000 of profit a month!"
"Sadly though, three weeks before Christmas, she was institutionalized by her daughter Loren."
"I started to put the puzzel pieces together when she told me that she had cleaned the pool the Summer we had met?"
"When Brenda now "Joyless" Robinson was released snd came
"She retreived the gun from under her pillow...
"A gun that she was going to use to kill the person whom got Christopher addicted...
"But instead only three, weeks, before the "Christmas of 2013," "Brenda Joy Robinson" my new friend whom stopped answering her phone...
"The Brenda that was the winner of...
"The Miss Magic Beauty Contest" on Long Beach Island the Summer of 1972...
"The Brenda that never had cleaned that pool!"
"Took that gun out and blew her brains out right in front of her thirty, year old, daughter Loren and five, year old, granddaughter Lily."


"Story Number Two:
"Another dating...
"Another chance meeting...
"And, on the same site...
"Plenty of Deranged Fish!"
"This woman...
(Angela Rose Coco)
"Whom I had actually took out to eat...
(As with Brenda)
"But at...
"The Golden Corral" in Pleasantville, New Jersey."
"Didn't have any issues?"
"She had resolved her alcoholism problems but her son Joseph had some major ones!"
"He was living at home and doing quite well?"
"But, he relapsed and passed away."
(Joey Number Two)
"Shortly after that, in the beginning of the year 2014."
"Angela's sister Rebecca, posted on my Facebook that Angela had passed away?"
"Later, I found out that my friend had a Heart Attack!"
"And, as far as I can
"And, as far as I was concerned...
"It was ftom a broken Heart...
"The Third Incident and Sorried Story" takes a little closer because this young man...
(That I will call, Joey Number One)
"I had actually met playing pool in a bar."
"I brought him home to my house and He met my daughter Dana."
"And, within three months...
"They had both become Heroin dealers excelling in three, major, States!"
"Flipping massive amounts of heroin and illegal drug that they could get their hands on...
"And, using my 2003 Cadillac Deville!"
"I had no idea when it all came down in the world that my seventeen, year, old, daughter Dana Alyse...
"Would become involved!"
"Seven, masked, men and a woman broke my door down and handcuffed me!"
"They then ripped her room apart looking for the drugs!"
"Luckily, they found only a scale and baggies!"
"I hired a lawyer...
(Willis and Greznek of Toms River, New Jersey)
"But, shd would not listen to my lawyer or me!"
"She had three, third, degrees and I could have had her released but...
"She opted to do a year and a half at County Jail as well as a hslf year at...
"Etna May's State Woman's
Prison up North."
"The fact that she would not give up...
(For boyfriend Joey Number One)
"Would have done Twenty, years."
"Joseph J. Rod Rodriguez" did only eight years."
"He then came home...
"Completely clean...
"Had a job pumping gas...
"Worked within a half mile of his family's house...
"But, got involved again with heroin!"
"And, in so doing so...
"Only on the weekends...
"And, selling it only on the weekends...
"Overdosed accidentally...
"Passed out...
"From the overdose...
"Hit his head on the bedpost...
"And, died from the brain aneurysm as a result of that!"
"The point of the three instances is to show the control of "Satan's Heroin."
"Today, in America."
"And, not only is it affecting our children but it's also affecting the parents...
Approximate Word Count:1483.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out firstly to Heavenly Father...
(Who Lost His Son also)
"Jesus Christ followed by FanStory and Tom...
(The Administrator)
"Fan Art Review, and this talented artist as well as amazing artist And writer, "Ricky 1024" and my incredible Picture,
"Just Jay"

Chapter 85
Pizza Piað???ð???ð???ð???ð???ð???ð???ð???ð???ð???ð???

By Ricky1024

"Pizza Piað???ð???ð???ð???ð???
Written on November 12th, 2017
By Alexander Valle
<*>C.FanStory 2017<*>
"Delicious pizza from Dominos!"
"I think it's going to go crazy?"
"I think it's going to be extra cheesy but I hope I'm pleasy!"
"It will be fun until the night has come but... "Then scary, your armpits are really Hairy!"
The night has come...
"And, slowly risen!"
"The Pizza Pia will always be given to you and ypu will eat the extra cheese...
"From Domino's this night!"
"Now, during the party the Italian delicious bread pizza pia...
"Stuey, from Family Guy, Bart Simpson, MallCop, and the Outrageous Fly!"
(To eat the pie!)
"And, they all had fun at "Dominos" eating pizza pia!"
"Mia Mia!"

The End.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and then His Son Jesus Christ, followed by FanStory and Tom the Administrator,
Fan Art Review, and this amazing artist from Fan Art Review...
"Willockett,"and his picture...
"The Jokers Wild"

Chapter 86
Writing with Your Mind, Heart, and S

By Ricky1024

"Writing with Your Mind, Heart, and Soul"
Written on November 15th, 2017.
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
<*>? C. FanStory 2017 ?<*>

"So, you want to be a writer and you haven't a clue?"
"So, you want to be a writer and you feel your time is due?"
"So, you want to be a writer and you haven't a clue, your time is due, and your need is so incredible...
"That your willing and able to share your views...
"Now then listen to me...
Doctor Ricky to learn how to use your abilities!"
"The abilities of the Human Brain?"
"Well, forst does yours stl work like mine, Boo's Deans, Barbs, Margaret Snowdon's and Suess?:
"Then Yes!"
"There's no excuse!"
"Spoctologically, Spoctological, Spocto, Logically, Logical!"
"You want to be a writer and it's driving me so damn insane!"
"Then friend, listen to me!"
"And, I have a recipe and it's simple as A. B. C.!"
"To be able to,write, right...
"With your Mind...
"Into through your Heart...
"And, into your Soul...
"You need more than a pencil or pen!"
"Pray and say an Amend!"
"Good as you should for mine is a "Gift ftom Above."
"Given from a loss...
"Of my *Past Loves."
"Do you do?:
"Will you marrie?"
"Your "Me?"
"Okay, then lets...
"See what you got!"
"For it's easy...
"So, Damned, easy...
"With all three!"
"You see?"
"It comes from above...
"From that loss of my loves."
"What do you mean by loss of your loves Ricky?"
"Well, Hell...
"I personally never used to write, let alone care about it."
"But, the damned thing about being a Poet of Laureate...
(Let alone Artist)
"Is that you have a "Gift" thay needs to be shared."
""So, grab a pencil write, then read what you wrote and afterwards...
"Proof Read it."

"I personally had never even written a thing, let alone a book."
"Or even read more then a couple of books in my whole life."
"Poetry was for sissies but then I had an epiphany?"
"I had a loss of my Only Son Jay...
"So, I had to reinvent myself?"
"I could not return to my career Job of 36 years helping to build a chain of supermarkets in South Jersey."
"So, I got on my Sons...
"Yes, my Dead Son's Dell Computer...
"Didn't know a damn thing...
"And, started to try to learn about Him on his website..
"allxaction 18" and did I learn!"
"But not about He...
"No it was erased by my son-in-law cuz there were mentions of a "Suicide Club."
"And, my Son Jay was killed in a violent, car, accident...
"With a car driven by somebody...
"Somebody whom was Mrntall-Ill!"
"Somebody who forgot to take his pills?"
"Effexor for Serious Depressions!"
"Whom was a member of that Fucking Club!!!
"The point is,this...
"And, by the way...
"Jason is still here today over fourteen, years, later...
"With the donation of His Organs!"
"So, after All that Shit...
"You can do it!"
"Just sit down behind a computer screen."
"And, if you don't have one?"
"Then write on a cellular like me!"
"You stil don't even have a clue?"
"Okay, if you know what I mean?"
"All of a sudden...
"A message will pop up and if you pray...
"Each and every day...
"For two years to die like me...
"A message from God will appear!"
"Ans, let me make this perfectly clear!"
"When a chance to,win $5,000.00 Dollars is presented...
"At home over the Internet through...
"The International Society of Poetry."
"I'll give it a try!"
"What the Hell!"
""After what I have been through!"
"And, all I want to do right now to is die!:
"So for three hours and through...
"Three hours of Tears...
"I tried to get this to come through...
"And, again...
"Let me make everything quite clear...
"If I can do it...
"Then, do can You!"
"They invited me tp join and compete in Washington, DC.!"
"With my poem of poetry?"
"It was different, unique and beautiful...
"You see?"
"With a chance to be pn TV?"
"With these A. B. C.S?"
"So, maybe there was something at the very, very, beginning?"
"An epiphany?"
"A gift from above?"
"I don't know but I sure as Hell lost all my loves!:
" My Only Don Jay then my Only Wife Carolyn...
"Only eight months later...
"My wife committed suicide."
"The Rain was pouring...
"The Old Man was Snoring...
"But God was not Ignoring me!"
"So, now what the Hell do you do with all this?"
"You join and you go...
"To Washington DC where you going to compete on HBO of TV!"
"And, there will be thousands of real poets and writers all over the world!:
"The best of the best!:
"On their individual Quests!:
"But, they,ain't got thosr...
"A. B.C. S!"
"So, My Little Pony buddy...
"I grab the mic and stood up in a room...
"A room of sixty plus...
"Real poets with a $40,000.000 Writing Contract waiting...
"I could win a trophy, win that contrat, and be on TV?"
"Well,you decide?"
"Buddy Friend"
Written by Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
On April 14th 2003.
(Only two weeks after the donation of my Son Jason's Organs)
"To save four lives."

"I'm not here right now but I'm not far...
"I'm in a place close by...
"Not far...
"Like a Star...
"You'll feel this place...
"If you just take a moment...
"You'll see...
"And, then you'll know...
"Just where I'll be...
"Jason Richard Smrkovsky:
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organs Donated on April First, 2003.

"And, to learn more about...
"Organ-Tissue Donations."
"Smply call my, dear, friend, Lara S. Moretti the L .S. W.
"The Gift of Life."
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at..
"And, I wish to thank you from the bottom of mine...
"And, my only Son Jason's...
"Donated Heart."
Approximate Word Count 1010.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son...
(Whom He lost too)
"Jesus the Christ...
"Followed by Fan Story and of course...
"Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, and this amazing and talented writer and artist, "Lillia" and her incredible Picture...
"Old Manual Typewriter"

Chapter 87
Darkness Besets Me!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Darkness Besets Me!"
Written October 20th, 2015
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
<*> @C.FanStory 2017@<*>

"Clouds of Darkness" silence Me with the Impurity and the Felicity of Man's *Technology?"
(Theology 24.03)
"Do You know My name?"
"Here's a clue...
"The time and day is April 1st 2003."
( Midnight April Fool's Day) "And, as I now await my date with fate....
"My mind is clear and my objective is near."
"Yes, I have fought the good fight..
"Righted the wrongs...
"Wrote the **songs...
"And, danced and dispensed...
"The Devil "
"Do You know My name?"
"I have learned and lived...
"And, with this Gift...
"No ordinary Gift...
"Nor upcoming...
"Christmas Present...
"But, I no longer live in the presence?"
"Do You know My name?"
"Time amuses Me now and Death excuses me now but...
"There is no excuse for this as I live and I've been tested...
"With the Pain of the... "Devil's Kiss?"
"And, as I received this single kiss...
"Instead, I breathed and I breathe out...
"As the Bell Tolls...
"Now, most everybody knows but do you know my name?"
"Another clue...
"II have assumed many roles from Son, Uncle to Boyfrind and Brother...
"Loved by my four Sister's, My Father and My Mother?"
"But do you know My Name?"
"Still don't?"
"I have left too many skeletons...
"Things I needed to Achieve...
"In my closet and I was only eighteen....
(If you know what I mean?)
"And, another thing...
"Though as I try to move fast...
"Everything here...
"Moves slow?"
"My anniversary is near and with that I'm set to be...
"Ricky know My Name?"
"I am not immortal but I have cheated death many times?"
"I should or could as I wonder why?"
"Why and how of the many Worlds that exist?"
"Do You Know...
"My Name?"
"So, now as I await...
"My Fate...
"This date...
(This part I hate)
"A date with Fate and Destiny...
"I fear no Evil...
"And, the Lord above...
"Doth comfort Me...
"Oh, and how I feel His presence and I realize that...
"You try and obey...
"You do the best you can...
"Each and every day that God ditch say...
"Do You know My Name?"
"You see life for you is not the same for Me?"
"It's more...
"It's more like an Interruption...
So, I object to this Corruption!"
"Do You Now Know..
"My Name?"
"Then please don't Pity Me, nor Shed a Single Tear...
"Or feel any Pain or Shame...
"As I now reach out and give to you...
"My Name...
"And, if you don't realize it by now...
"And, if you haven't figured it out from the clues...
"From the Abused...
"My name...
"My Name...
"And, the Quest for Me...
"Is My Name...
"And, it's...

Approximate Word Count 486

Author Notes *technology:
"The Car Built by Ford...
"A Ford Mustang Convertable...
"That became...
" My Death Bed."

"Before I passed away...
"I started a band called...
"Four Ways to Save."
"And, that's exactly what I did!"
"My name is Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
"And, I'm not here right now...
"For I passed away over 14 years ago....
"On March 31st, 2003."
"My injuries were life threatening and after I was in horrid, car, accident...
"Driven in a Ford Mustang Convertible that was professionally raced at Atco Raceway in Atco, New Jersey.
"The driver...
(Brian Cole)
"Was Mentally-Ill and suicidal."
"He was an ex-friend of mine from Grade School."
"And, we hit the pole at close to one, hundred, miles an hour."
"I was unconscious...
"And, in that coma...
"After impact...
"And, K was Severely Brain Damaged."
"The driver was extracted with...
"The Jaws of Life" and even though I didn't...
"He survives and is alive to this day?"
"While My organs are...
(At this very moment)
"Still pumping Life into three out of four...
"Now over fourteen years later...
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003.
(April 1st 2003)
"Organs donated on April Fool's Day."
"And, to learn more about...
"Organ-Tissue Donations"
"And, to become an organ donor like my son Jason Richard...
(With no choice of His of course)
"Simply contact my, dear, friend...
"Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W With...
"The Gift of Life."
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"At, 1-800-DONORS-1."
"And, I thank you from the bottom of mine and Jason's donated Heart...

Chapter 88

By Ricky1024

Written on November 25th, 2017.
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
[*]C.FanStory 2017[*]
"A Great Man once said...
"A Great Man is not measured by his feelings but by His Actions."
(Theology 34.67)
"Yes dear, you're getting it right!"
"And, I like the way You added the waters and made the Seas!"
"Then and then...
"You added the land and as it split...
"And, made the Continents."
"Then, they split apart of course and then caused the waves!"
"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet, Heavenly Mother!"
"Just watch what I do tomorrow?"
"I'm going to make things that walk...
"And, I'm gonna make them live and breathe!"
"So, it was created!"
"Then, many, many, years hath now past...
"And, Man has yet to grasp?"
"Grasp that in this world...
"He Murders and He Rapes!"
"And, He Steals and He Pillages!"
"After You created Earth, Heavenly Father...
"You made a mistake!"
States Heavenly Mother.
"Oh, no my dear...
"They're still in the Learning Process and there are so, so, many of them?"
"Yes, Heavenly Mother I know."
"It's not right!"
"Damn it and FUC* IT!"
"Shame on Your... "Potty Mouth," Father!"
"And, when they get done destroying each other...
"Causing a better balance Heavenly Father?"
"Yes, that way...
"The way they keep on reproducing...
"Reproducing like rabbits...
"Heavenly Father, it's such a shame."
"Yes, I know that."
Heavenly Morher.
"But, when was the last time I got laid?"
"Heavenly Father."
"So, they continue to watch it and argue from above...
"And, now they're even...
"Watching you and now...
"They're watching Me...
"And they're watching me...
"Watching T.V!"
"And, they're watching as I take a rubber band around my finger and flick it into space!"
"Watching me right now as I am writing this piece!"
"Of Holy Grace!"
"They watch when I take a pickle out of the Vlasic jar and put two toothpicks in it...
"And, watch as I make it dance on the plate for my cat's to enjoy it!"
"And, they are watching me when I call my kittens and cats in with the Magic Bell!"
"And, they are watching as they come charging in like...
"Like the world outside is all of a sudden going to Hell!"
"Yes and swell, it is on fire and it is slowly burning...
"And, it is slowly turning...
"Ever so slowly since 9-11!"
"Heavenly Father?"
Yes Heavenly Mother? "What is it now?"
"What have we done?"
"They have so, so, so, very much fun?"
"Yes, Heavenly Mother."
"There is so much more work that has to be done!"
"And you know what?"
What Heavenly Father?
"They saw what happened to My Earth in the year 2017."
"And, I sent more and more hurricanes?"
"And, they didn't get the message!"
"Damn It All!"
"I sent them to the Bahamas...
"I sent them to Puerto Rico Twice!"
"I then sent them to Cuba and into the States!"
"The States of Florida, and Texas!"
"They just continue the drinking and the drugging?"
"What happened to the Kissing and the Hugging Heavenly Father?"
She Asks.
"And, what are We to do?"
"As I turn off the TV...
"And, get ready for bed...
"And yes dear, you're getting it right and it is coming in clear!"
"I like the way you added the Waters of Sea, and the Earth of Lands, and...
"And, and, and...
"Here we the FUC* we go again!"
"The Macys Parade!"
"But, they keep Warring and Pillaging, Heavenly Father?"
"Look how they fight over space at the parade!"
"And, I will turn my head around and around...
"And around and around...
"And then I will let it spin back to where it was?"
"And, you know what reviewers?"
"Once it falls off..
"I'll just pick it up and put it back on again!"
"Then, I'll go into my bedroom making quite sure to put my pair of blue slippers...
"Very, very, far under the bed!"
"That way...
"Way, way, out of the way!"
"And, you might wonder why would he do such a silly thing?"
"This crazy, writer Ricky1024?"
"Does He also put his brains on the bedroom floor?"
"Look Heavenly Father, he's waving and saying to reindeers...
"Santa's coming!"
"Do Rudolf and...
"Heavenly Mother, he has a plan!"
"But the slippers?"
She Replies.
"Well, when it comes to my slippers...
"It's because in the morning...
"When I awake...
"They're so far back under the bed...
(With the brains from my head).
"That I have to get down on my two knees!"
"And, when I do that...
"It's time to give thanks for all the things He has done for you and me!"
"And, to ask Him to forgive us for all the things that we've done wrong!"
Approximate Word Count 819.

Author Notes "Special thanks go es out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, followed by FanStory and Tom...
"The Administrator, Fan Art Review, this talented...
"And, amazing artist, "Sange," and his or her incredible picture...
"Cindy's Christmas Castle."
"And, Walt Disney."

Chapter 89
Cumulative Effect of Neosporin on a

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"The Cumulative Effect of Neosporin on an Open Wound"
Written on November 29th, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024.

"The main operation went well, was only fifty minutes, and I was...
"Fortunately only hospitalized for five days in May."
Note: This, by the way, was for a hernia that had metabolized...
"Almost like a hard rock on the surface of my 'Human Stomach!'
"Afterwards, there was...
"This violent vomiting, that lasted for almost a full day week...
"Sapped what liitle energy that I had left in me...
"Luckily, my youngest daughter Dana Alyse, came to my rescue!"
"After not receiving a respose on my cell phone, she came to check on me?"
"And, after one look, put me right in the hospital."


"The May operation was considered a sucess?"
"If was hospitalized for five days and released."
"A couple weeks went by and now we moved into the beginning of June...
"I went to visit my older daughter Corrine Alexis in Hamilton Township."
(Near Trenton, New Jersey).
"And, after being there for part of the day, she noticed that my color didn't look good?"
"I told her that I wasn't eating right and I still didn't feel right?"
"So, my two daughters Corinne and Dana suggested I go back in and have another MRI."
(Just to see what's going on?)
"That was a good thing because the MRI ordered by Doctor Luan showed that it was perforated, infected, and moved into my intestine!"
"And, if it infected my colon, I would need a 'Colostomy Bag' for the rest of my life?"
"In Pre-op, after hearing that, I told them to then just turn up the Anesthesia to Death!"
"Fortunately, that won't happen even after a five and a half hour operation."
"As, I regained conscious, I felt a Fucking Tube down my throat?"
"So, that sucked and after two days...
"I decided I didn't want it in there anymore and pulled it out."
"The nurse...
(Nurse Ratchet).
"Asked me who did that?"
"And, I told her I did!"
"She couldn't believe it and notified the doctor on her report."
"The next morning when Doctor Luan came to change my bandage....
"And, check on me...
Note: He would Rip it off!"
"So, that morning, they put it back in again!"
"What the Fuck that Sucked again!"
"And, yes that was no fun cuz I was conscious this time!"
"As the days turned into weeks...
"And, my flowers, and plants at home began to wilt..
"And, for two weeks, I was on nothing but a liquid diet of sucking Ice Cube's?"
"And, I was losing a tremendous amount of weight!"
(The Perforated and Infected Hernia Diet!)
"Try it!"
"Supposedly, I was supposed to be on a liquid diet and in the meantime...
"I had another minor operation?"
"To put a 'PICC Line' in which they run a line in your arm up past your Heart!"
"This way they can monitor you, remove three IV'S, and feed you?"
"And, they feed me with that device in me for about five days."
"They fed me this full bag of white liquid...
"The same stuff they give people on a stomach tube!"
"After being on the liquid diet, my energy renewed and the nurses...
(Along with Doctor Luan).
"Noticed that as I walked the entire...
'Rat Track.'
"Doctor Luan noticed me walking with my walker so...
"My Daughter Dana asked me...
"Dad, can you walk without the walker?"
"And I said...
"Yes, I think so?"
"As Doctor Luan noriced that, he said...
"If you can do that and do that, that fast...
"Your ready to go home?"
"Home on my range?"
"Where the deer and the antelope play?"
Note: "The picture shows the wound that had started to seal...
"After it was an open wound...
"With three, retaining, stitches, previously."
"Doctor Luan eventually took them out and then it started to close up."
"And, at that point...
"The Cumulative Effect on an Open Wound...
"Today, it's much, more, closed and much, more normal, looking."
Approximate Word Count 710.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist and writer, "Dr. Ricky 1024" and his incredible picture...
"Neo-Sore Hole."

Chapter 90
Can You Hear What I Hear?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Can You Hear What I Hear?"
(Sung to that Song)
"Do You See What I See
Written on December 11th, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
<*>C.FanStory 2017<*>
Night Number One:
"Said the Three, Wise, Men to the little boy...
"Do you see what I see?"
"Do you see what I see?"
"A Star a Star, shining in the night...
"Bringing goodness and delight...
"Bringing goodness and delight...
"And now, thousands of years later...
"Said the Three, Wise, Men to the little boy...
"Do you see what I see?"
"Do you see what I see?"
"A Star, A Star shining in the night...
"Bringing goodness and delight...
"Bringing goodness and delight...
"Now, thousands of years later...
"Do you see what I see?"
"Yes, do you see what I see?"
"A syringe, a syringe...
"Lying on the side of the road?"
"Someone disposed of it after injecting themselves and dumping the load...
"After injecting themselves and dumping the load...
The Second Night:
"A Child, a Child pumping poison into his veins?"
"Pumping poison into his veins...
"See said the Little Star to the "Three, Wise, Men."
"Can you feel what he feels?"
"Almost dropped this pen, from my Hands!"
"Can you feel what he feels*?"
"The ensuing pain creeping up that poor kid's veins...
"Can you feel what he feel?"
"Can you feel what he feels?"
"Creeping pain...
"In His veins....


"Said the "Three, Wise, Men to the Little lamb?"
"Can you hear and see what I see?"
"Can you hear and see what I see?"
"And supermarkets are now fully stocked all over the land!"
"Can you see what I see?"
"Can you feel what I feel?"
"Yes, there are lamb chops and lamb roasts to be devoured!"
"Yes, there are lamb chops and lamb roasts to be devoured...

Night Number Three:
Lord' can You see the Glow?"
"Lord, can You see the Glow?"
"Now put on 'Your Reviewing Gloves!"
"And, this now is the 21st FUCKING Century!"
"Did you know what destroys the ozone layer including the skies?"
"Soon, no more Stars will shine?"
"Star, Star taken from the night?"
"Is this considered goodness and everything's alright?"
"Is this considered goodness and everything's alright?" "Let's go deeper?"
"Said the little boy to the wise man...
"Can you feel what I feel?"
"Can you feel...
"What I feel?"
"I just want a drink this Christmas Night?"
"I just want a morsel of food...
"Is that alright?"
"Not at all!"
"And, as Exxon and all the other...
"Can you smell and see what they're doing?"
"Can you smell and see what they're doing?"
Pollution blotting out the Son and Stars as fast as they can!:
"Can you see what their polluting?"
"Can you see what their polluting?"
"And, the little boy?"
"He is still thirsty and hungry!"
"And, someday will eventuall pass aeay as well as die of dysentery!"
"Cuz there's no fresh water?"
"But, plenty of oil?"
"And, as he died..
"His last words...
"I am hungry...
"I am hungry and thirsty?"
"Can you see what they're doing to he?"
"The Oil Industies to the Banking Industry...
"Yank of America, TD Touchdown Stole Your Money HoneyBank."
"Wells Fargo and Forget to Pay Your Bill?"
"Yank the Car and House from You!"
"AND, it continues to this very day?"
"Because we let!them!"
"They give us credit cards with all their love?"
"Can you see what they're stealing?"
"Can you see what thrir stealing?"
"Pay them back with their greedy hands picking our poor pockets!"
"29.99 % Interest?"
"Do you like them picking...
"With their fitthy hands our pockets?"
"Wake up World before it's too late!"
Approximate Word Count 662.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist...
'cleo85,' and her incredible picture...
"Big Bang"

Chapter 91
My Last Day's on Earth

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

My Last Day's on Earth"
{The Barry Eleveridge Story}
Written on December 17th, 2017
By Barry Eleveridge
{A Dedication}
<.> C. Fan Story 2017<.>
"As far as I remember...
"And, As I drift...
"In and Out of consciousness...
"I recall My Life's most Tender of moments...
"The Birth of a Child...
"The First Time We Met...
"Our Marriage and First House....
"All the things denied...
"A Twelve, year, old...
"And, as I drift in and out again...
"Of consciousness...
"I recall my Most...
"Horrid of moments...
"My Birth...
"My first Major, Injury...
"And this...
"My First, Major, Accident...


"The Fall of 1966 came in like a lamb...
"But, would go out like...
"It all started with my 'Twelve Birthday.'
"Yes, I was a tough kid and helped my Best Friend Ricky...
"Once, lent him My bike after some Sixth Grade Bitch Clocked him with a large Stone!"
"But, you see...
"Sometimes even a tough Kid like Me...
"Cuts an Ace of Spades...
"Take it from here Ricky?"
"Okay, Barry...
"Yes, all Barry said was true and much, much, more...
"The Autumn or Fall of !966 was truly...
"A time to forget and...
"I can still remember this...
"Over Five, Decades, later....
"It all started with Barry's dad Vince."
"You see, Vince figured it was time to take his kid...
"Into 'The Sewell Woods,' hunting?"
"Hunting with Shot Guns!"
"Yes Dad?"
"Always remember to be careful with that Damned thing!"
"It's loaded for a Reason!"
"Yes, Dad...
"I was riding my bike along the side of the road by the edge of the woods when...
"There was a loud Noise?"
"And, within minutes....
"An Ambulance's 'Screaming Siren' sounded off!"
"Innocently enough, I figured that someone in a house needed assistance?"
"But it would be...
"Much, Much, more...
"Than that?"
"Tears started streaming down Vince's, sordid, face...
"You see that shot Gun...
"That Oak Tree...
"Shot Gun Blast to the Ado men!"
Approximate Word Count:360.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist...
'Willie' and his incredible picture, "Pedophile Eyeglasses"

Chapter 92
Suffocation 2017!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Suffocation 2017!" (A)
Written on December 27th, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
<*>C.FanStory 2017 <*>
"The Game of Death Times three, is about to begin!"
"It won't be long now, it's the darkness?"
"As it persues me."
"Ever so deeply, I now drift...
"Below into the darkness...
"Into the 'Dark Waters of lost and unkind minds.'
"I shall soon feel no more suffering...
"I shall soon feel no more pain...
"I shall soon feel no more misery...
"As my life now is abstained."
"Yes, slowly now I drift"
"Ever, ever so slowly my Soul hath now lift...
"Deeper, evet so deeper
into the night of fright!"
"I now feel my body lifting...
"I look down and see what remains?"
"Remains behind."
"All my pain and misery...
"All those years those wasted years...
"Wasted years of no more you...
"And now, no more me"
"I see the light and I feel the warmth of the Embrace."
"No more bitter taste."
"No more many, many, lost Holidays of waste"
"For Lord, i'm closer now"
"I'm finally going home"
"No more shall I remain suffering...
"No more shall I remain alone...
"For it has been a good Life."
"Yes, a good life for me but all good things must now come to an end."
"First lost the Son...
"Then the Wife...
"Now my Life...
"Yes, this is my quest...
"This is my salvation... "Suffocation."
"Strangulation!" (B)
Written on December 27th, 2017.
"As, I await...
"My impending doom." "There's no more room left it left in the Inn."
"For Lord God...
"I hath sinned"
"I take the noose and tighten it firmly around my lower neck."
"Kick the chair out from underneath."
"What the Heck."
"And now here I remain?"
"Remain alone... "Remain suffering."
"In my new home."
"Yes Dear Lord, I have done this right"
"And, now I am about to hath taken and ended this Sorrow of Life."
"I no longer hear...
"I no longer see no Evil.
"I no longer feel...
"The Pains and Misery."
"Oh Woe is Me!"
"There's just a Darkness surrounding me!"
"A Shroud of Deadly Destiny!"
"No longer shall I remain in pain!"
"For this is my Fate and Destiny..
"This is my notification."
"For this is my allication."
"And, this is my Quest."
"This is my notification."
"For I am about to do this...
"Starvation!" (C)
Written on December 27th, 2017
"Take Me Lord for I fear not."
"And, I am in Your Comforting of Hands!"
"I shall suffer no more by the evil that dispels me."
"I shall suffer no more by these hard of memories."
"And, I shall suffer no more no more as the pain...
"No longer envelopes me...
"For this now is my principal purpose."
"To go and be back home above with my family."
"For they await me as I await them too."
"And, unfortunately... "There was nothing more or less than I could do?"
"For it has been Six, Long, Weeks as I lay in this bed."
"And, only a few drops of water have I taken into the mouth of my head."
"I have not eaten a morsel or crumb and I've lost over 60 pounds"
"And, I fear not for I know surely of what I will have soon found."
"Yes Lord, my body is behind me now."
"And I shall feel no evil."
"Surely thou shall guide and comfort me."
"And, I see it and I feel it no more"
"As I slowly lift and drift like a...
'A Whisper In The Wind.'
"I'm leaving behind that Horrid of Sin."
"And yes!"
"For this is my newest Quest!"
"And, this is my newest Allocation...
Written on December 30th, 2017
"I can't take this much more!"
"I can no longer live with the thought of this pain!"
"For, it's continuous as it reaches out and calls my name?"
"Why Dear Lord, does it have to be me?"
"I no longer want to answer to my name."
"I've been a good father and a good dad...
"And, I thought I've done my job?"
"But I slipped up when it comes to greasing... "The Wheels of Life."
"And, now I feel more or less as a 'Low-Level Beast.'
(To say the least)
"Lower than a Slovenly Slob!"
"First, lost the Son, then now the wife?"
"Dear Lord above, won't you try and help...
"As I now take my life?"
"For, the suffering can no longer remain!"
"The pain can no longer be sustained!"
"For, it reaches out and calls my name....
"Is this Lord God my future?"
"Is this all that I have in relation?"
Approximate Word Count: 806.

Author Notes *Starvation!"
"This is a Trileplet +One of poetry."
"To accommodate my Original poem...
'Triple Suicide Dance!"
"Written over eleven years ago."
Note: "I tried and made an attempt on December 1st, 2006." "To take my life."
"Fortunately, I was unsuccessful."
"That was after only
three years of grieving...
"After the loss of my only son Jason and my only wife Carolyn whom successfully committed suicide only eight months after the death of our son who's organ's we donated."
"And, to learn more about...
"Organ-Tissue Donations."
"Simply call my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life." "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"At 1-800-DONORS-1."
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist...
'cleo85,' and her incredible picture and beautiful picture...
"Before the Storm."

Chapter 93
The Ghost of Ricky's Past

By Ricky1024

"The Ghost of Ricky Past
Written on December 31st, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024
<*> C.FanStory2017<*>
"At last poor Yorick I knew him well?"
"It seems, to me, that Ricky hath been put under a spell?"
"Yes, he seemed to hath gone astray?"
"Yes, under some spell perhaps from some Evil Witch?"
"Somehow, someway, she got a hold of Rich and took him to her Lair or Ditch?"
"But, that's not quite right?"
"Now Fanstorians?"
"What do we do?"
"It see seems to be just an image of Ricky?"
"What hath happened with this poor, poor, poet of a man?"
"This we all need to try and understand?"
"He's ow nothing but a distant and long ago memory!"
"As if reconstructed from hard times in a long-lost diary?"
"There he shall be!"
"He's in a coffin, can't you see?"
"The way he used to be?"
"I suppose or guess he's in there and nobody knows?"
"Let's all say a little prayer for he."
"Before Ricky becomes just a distant mamory?"
One year later...
"Over there!"
"His coffin!"
"And, is now open but where is the body?"
"It seems to have gone someplace away?"
"Perhaps to that Hot place to stay?"
"I know this all happens so fast and he now...
"(More or less)
"Is a ghost from the past but?"
"He's following the light!"
"And, the glow!"
"Perhaps, where the Heroes go?"
"Up above where nobody can ever hate but only love?"
"Alas, poor Yorick for we all knew him well."
"Now, he's at a new place and hath a new host?"
"For, he's nothing more than just a ghost!"
Approximate Word Count 295.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist and writer, 'Dr Ricky 1024, his amazing picture...
"Dr. Ricky 1024"

Chapter 94
Resouluting the Resoulution? (A)

By Ricky1024

"Resoluting the Resoulution?" (A)
Written on January 1st, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
<*>C.FanStory 2018<*>
"Let's get all our addictions, bad habits, nasty miss-fortunes together in one big pile and burn them!"
"Yes, burn them all as our New Year's Resolution!"
"As our New Years Resoulution, we all have different things that we need to work on from cigarette smoking to weight loss which are the two most common."
"Another good one would be alcoholism or any other form of addiction!"
"Of course, let us not forget, gambling!"
"Or cussing, cursing, spitting, J Walking, beating children and women"
"And, in severe and rare cases, of course...
"There are eleven, nasty female serial killers thay go down in History as the worse."
"All, whom hath killed a total of over a thousand children, older people, and men!"
(For all different as well as, various reasons)
"Back to Resoulutions...
"The two most common are cigarette smoking and weight loss."
"But, my most favorite is being allergic to Nasty, Ugly, an Unintelligent Women!"
"I've only met a few in my lifetime so it is pretty rare!"
"But, you know when, for you will notice...
(The first thing)
"Which is an acrid smell or odor but there's also another sign!"
"An illuminated sign coming out above their head that says...
"Stay far, far, away from me!"
"For, I'm nasty, ugly, and and I have many, many, problems!"
"Try to come up with you own New Year's Resolution...
"That you could use to help others here like...
"Please don't give me poor reviews because I Miss-spelled a word!"
"Reflections and Objections in a Poet's Mind?"
"Momments now tick that tock of Clock like... "Reflections in a Poet's Mind."
"I see a 'Burst of Birth,' and I see a 'Breath of Death!"
"I see Life 'Whim's Last and Fatal Breath!".
"And, I see Miracles, Blessings, Love Eternally there for you and there for me."
"But, as I grasp"
"Grasp at the latch and fumble on my knees... "Then I Ponder...
"Is that Lord God that's left for me?"
"Lord God, just this disease?"
"No more *Son...
"No more **Wife?"
"No more can I take my Life?"
"Why dear Lord when I asked...
"Did you not just take...
"My Sword of Life away and lop off my Lousy head...
"On thay Horrid and Fateful ***Day?"
"The Minutes now Tick Thatg Tock ever faster!"
"I hear and see them turn into...
"Years of Alabaster!"
"My memories are all dissipating in that... 'Dreaded Pool of Regrets.'
"For, life for me, is no sure a bet"
'Shape Shifting Demons,' laugh and yell in Hell below!"
"And, as the Angels of God try....
"All they can to dispel...
"Is cry?"
"Loed, it's a Momentous of task as I reach for again for the lasp but my coffins lid is closed?"
"Dear Lord, I want to know?"
"I want to die?"
"More and more, my attempts just leave me in...
'A Pool of Cry?'
"No Good Reason to my Why?"
"So, as I Ponder why?"
"I can't Yonder die?"
"I realize now at this but in my Sorrid of Life."
"That YOU...
"Lord God hath saved me for a reason and are so, very good and kind."
"And, that these are now just all..
"Just all...
"Reflections in My Mind?"
Approximate Word Count : 574.

Author Notes *Son: "My only Son Jason Richard Smrkovsky passed away on March 31st, 2003."
"After suffering in a coma from Brain Damage."
**Wife: Carolyn purposely died only eight months after Jay."
***Day: On the following day...
(April 1st, 2003)
"Why donated Jason's organs...
"To learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations.'
"Simply contact my dear friend Lara S.
Moretti the L.S.W.
'The Gift of Life.' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
'At 1-800-DONORS-1.'
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist...
'Galia G,' and their picture...
"Cigarette Some Body?"

Chapter 95
Ripening Melons in My See of!Life?

By Ricky1024

"Ripening Melons in My See of Life?"
Written on January 4th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
<*>C.FanStory 2018 <*>
"Ripening Melons in My Sea of Life?"
"So, much pain...
"So, so, much more strife."
"Lord, woe is me?"
"For Fanstorians...
"Can you not now see?"
"What has happened to me?"
"In *2003?"
"Yes, happened to me in my previous lifetime?"
"Long, Oh So Very, Very, Long...
"Happened to me?"
"Yes, if you know me well, you will not dwell!"
"With me in Hell!"
"For, that Satan had me under his spell!"
"As he took not only my Son **Jay."
"But, then again, my only ***Wife!"
"Over and over again as I live this nightmare in my strife!"

" But Lord, I shall not nor ever again give in!"
"I won't take the suicide Trip and let Satan win!"
"For, that is his way and his way is not right!"
"As I again face this New Year and again rethink my life?"
Approximate Word Count: 175.

Author Notes *2003: "On that date of March 31st, 2003...
"My Son Jason was involved in a Horrid accident and passed away due to His massive injuries."

**Jay: "So, we had no choice but to donate His organs."
"And, to learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations,' simply contact my, dear, friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life."
Philadelphia' Pennsylvania"
"At 1-800-DONORS-1."
"And, thanks from the bottom of my Heart and my Son Jason's donated Heart.
***Wife: "My wife Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovskiy passed away only 8 months after our Son Jason's death on November 26th, 2003."
"As a result of her abstaining from taking her necessay medications."
Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
(Just Eighteen Years Old)
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist...
"Life is but a dream"
"And their beautiful picture, "Melon."

Chapter 96
Placement of the Caressa Career

By Ricky1024

"Placement of the Caressa Career"
Written on January 16th, 2018
"Okay students thank you for coming to my class today."
"And yes, this is...
"The Placement of the Carissa Career."
"And yes, at best, this is, your quest...
"Classroom 666!"
"Oh, my name?"
"My name is Miss Elvira Snout."
"And, that's spelled...
"Yes and Shout it Out!"
"Like a pigs and today we will talk about what we want to be?"
"What We Want to Be When I Grow Up!"
(Makes me want to throw-up!)
"When we grow up?"
"Ha, Ha, Ha!"
'All you fine and aspiring Fan Story writers and reviewers"
"Now here at FanStory...
(Of Course)
"Myself, along with Tom Enis, all want you to become known publishers of fine art!"
"And how do we achieve that?"
"Yes Brett?"
"Write words of beauty?"
"Yes and...
"Very, very, good dear."
"Now do I have any others?"
"Any alcoholics perhaps?"
"Cruel, One Star Reviewers?"
"People whom claimed they were going for treatment?"
"Writers whom left their sons or daughters behind with the grandfather or mother?"
"Yes, Boo Ghost?"
"I did!"
"That's Scary!"
"Okay, do I have any hands today besides Brett West or Boo stating that he or she, wants to create and be a great writer here?"
"Yes, Dean Kuch?"
"Oh, you want to be a known, horror, writer like Steven King because you love it?"
"Oh, and I see another hand from Meia Sawyers?"
"And, you too, want to do that also?"
"I see?"
"The both of you fools!"
"Ha, Ha, Hee Haw!!!
"Okay fine, they're both great aspirations?"
"Oh, and then we have "Little Mermaid herself, Elaine who calls herself mermaids!"
"And, want do you aspire dear?"
Miss Snout wonders.
"Well, like when I was at 'Band Camp?'
"I fell in and...
"I realized, and as I almost drowned, that I wanted to write all about wonderful things under the sea!"
"I Sea?"
"Under the Sea?"
"I think?"
"Well, you go girl and sea Elaine, mermaids that you're not under the sea right now!"
"And, more on that later!"
"Okay, any more fools...
"I mean, hands?"
"Yes Barbara Hendersong or what ever!"
"Oh well, what do you aspire or expire for, my dear?"
Of course Snout...
"To be...
"The Number One Novelist on this site!"
"Right, keep at it your beyond and behind right now, at the...
"That Race Turtle!"
"Oh, That's right, we already have one of those too!"
"Oh yes, Miss Tier King?"
"I just want to write about God and religion!"
"Well, but not recommend down here because...
"You're soon going to realize that this is "FanStory and the site is run by Tom Enis."
"And, this is by the way???
"Is HELL!"
Approximate Word Count 476.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as talented artist and writer...
'Phyliss Stewart,' and her incredible picture...
"Devil K"
"And, all my amazing writing friends, here at FanStory."

Chapter 97
Four AM.

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Four AM."
(A One Minute Slammed Poem about Me)
Written on January 21st, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
â??C.FanStory 2018â??
"As I Ponder my Yonder...
"As I await my Fate... "The Darkness overtakes Me?"
"Yes My Coffin's Lid opens and then...
"I Rise...
"Yes, I Rise Again to pretend."
"To pretend that I am still alive?"
"Alive you see?"
"That there's no more?"
"No more of Me?"
"My Mind?"
"Yes, oh My Mind!"
"Mine is gone and died but there is a good reason why?"
"You say for someone like Me...
"Tested and retested...
"Ran over so many, many...
"Makeup of pastel White?"
"No more smile upon my face of delight?"
"Lost my Will to fight."
"Buttons missing...
"No more...
"Clowney Sneeze?"
"Perhaps Lord, I gots a disease?"
"But, how can I put on my show?"
"Lord, won't you help me pretty please?"
"Resurrect Me...
"Redirect Me...
"Protect Me from?"
"Place or put me in the right direction?"
"Make me smile again?"
"Restart My Swollen and Broken Heart?"
"Tell Me why.
"Clown God."
"Why I Had To Die Inside?"
"Perhaps for Me, My life..
"Long gone?"
"Thoughts past long?"
"Part of Me, perhaps a travesty?"
"Lord God, turn my frown upside down and let Me live again?"
"And, give me some Hope...
"I'm at the end of My Rope!"
"Oh Dear Lord above...
"What has happened to me?"
"Approximate Word Count: 233.

Author Notes *Times:
"Yes, in the past 5 years, I've been hit three times while riding a bicycle."
"The first time I had a Heart attack on the way to the hospital and Brain Damage!"
"The second time?:
"Just some minor injuries but the third time?"
"My right leg was broken in six places and I had to have a 18 inch Titanium rod placed into it!"

"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as talented artist...
'Taelbach O'Doyle,' and his incredible picture...

Chapter 98
I Hear Voices in My Head!

By Ricky1024

"I Hear Voices in My Head!"
Written on January 26th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024.
<*>C. FanStory 2018<*>
"I hear voices in my head!"
"They Whimper and Rhimper, perhaps right now?"
"As they did Rumble and Sambal around in my brain!"
"Dancing and Prancing...
"Driving me insane!"
"I try to run and I try to hide but they follow me!"
"Cuz they're always there inside of me!"
"What more can a poor boy like me here at FanStory do?"
"Those damned voices in my head are coming from you too!"
Note: Because of Miss- understood and poor reviews from cruel and heartless demons that Tom Enis supports!"
Comments welcome if you ever felt like this too!"
Approximate Word Count: 127.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Dr.Ricky 1024 the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as talented artist...
'MK Flood,' and his incredible picture...
"Madison's BD Card

Chapter 99
At the Rift from the Back of My Min

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"At the Rift from the Back of My Mind"
Written on January 28th, 2018
"Wicked Wonders of Why...
"Lie within a rift...
"Covered deep...
"Buried to never see the Light of Day?"
"And, there is a real reason why it lays."
"And waits...
"It's perception is a need...
"Deadly indeed...
"Cavernous, Cancerous, and Dangerous...
"As its Greed needs?"
And, as it grows...
"Never shows...
"It's True Colors?"
"Silently, ever so silently...
"Under the covers...
"Where no one should enter...
"Where no one should go...
"Yes, no one must enter this chamber for there is fear and danger?"
"And, it's contained for a reason?"
"You see?"
"And yes, it is still very much a part of me."


"Not a part of me that died over fourteen years ago."
"You see?"
"But it exists in this new me?"
"Ever building...
"Stronger within this Rift."
"No Mirror or Gaze...
"No Snow of Drift...
"But this combination of many factors and needs?"
"Indeed, persisting of Pain...
"Personality Retrained...
"Abstaining from personal wants and needs...
"Never feels, sleeps, or feeds...
"And, as it seeks a source...
"Some Horrid Divorce...
"It wonders why?"
"It's contained so, so, deeply...
"Yes, hidden in the rift within my brain...
"I fear this...
"Oh yes indeed and I've only visited it a few times...
"Not out of pleasure but need?"
"Indeed it's a powered instrument...
"A Deadly Weapon... "Greater than Man?"
"And, if it's released... "The damage it will cause...
"No one will ever understand?"
"So, I contain it...
"Try to forget and never entertain it...
"I'm staying away but it there's each and every day...
"A Danger Sign...
"A Chain...
"As I remember that Horrid of Day...
"Way back in March...
"And not November or May...
"And, I fear what it can do...
"The damage, if it's released...
"Vemonous from this...
"LatterDay Saint Priest...
"And yes, I fear there will be death...
"At best....
"So, I try not to oxygenate but suffocate...
"This Beast...
"With no oxygen from my Lungs...
"Or, my very, last, breath."
"Talk to me...
"God help me...
"Once, if ever it is released!"
"Chain this Beast!"
"And yes...
"It's a form or conception...
"This Entity in me...
"For it will only bring death to all that it *Sees...
Approximate Word Count: 399.

Author Notes *Sees:
"Within each man who loses a child way too soon."
"Lives an Anger, a Beast, a Toxic and Deadly Liquor, Poisonous, that we contain."
(Theology 40.03)
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Dr. Ricky 1024 the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as talented artist...
'cleo85,' and her incredible picture...
"Fire Star"

Chapter 100
Wet Scar

By Ricky1024

"Wet *Scar"
Written on January 30th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
<*>C.FanStory 2018<*>
"Time does not heal this pain."
"And, it Creeps ever forward and always Remains."
(Theology 40.05)
"And, it's Shallow...
"And Silent...
"As the Night Breeze"
"This my ever constant and everlasting disease."
"It remembers me and never forgets."
"As it comes in the night."
"When I've had my most regrets and then it stalks...
"And Ponder's as it captures...
"My **Yonders."
"Oh woe tis me Lord for I cannot see?"
"As I fear this...
"This Mist of misery!"
"Of woe tis me Lord for I cannot be?"
"It takes me forsakes me and then slowly and methodically...
"Breaks me...
"As the memories of the past flash by like an old picture show movie that makes me cry and want to Die...
Approximate Word Count: 146.

Author Notes *Scar:
"I had two operations last year in May and June."
"For a severely infected and perforated hernia."
"I had 8 inches of lower intestines removed."
"This is the scar that still has not healed."
"My hopes and dreams."

"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Dr. Ricky 1024 the New Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as talented artist and writer, 'Dr. Ricky 1024,' and his incredible picture...

Chapter 101
To Be Me?

By Ricky1024

"To Be Me?"
Written on February 13th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
<*>C.FanStory 2018<*>

"When I was only three...
"I didn't quite know yet...
"Know yet what I wanted to be?"
"And, when I turned age four...
"I thought perhaps there is more?"
"At the age of five, things looked up and my 'Me' came alive!"
"And then at age six...
"I wanted to be a Magician with a bag of Magical Tricks!"
"At age seven...
"II wanted to be like my Great, Grand, Daddy and be an Angel from Heaven!"
"At the age of only eight..
"I wanted to be a superhero like Jason...
"From The movie...
"Jason and The *Argonauts!"
"And, I thought that was great but a little later at age nine...
"I changed my mind and wanted to be more...
"More Special...
"A One-of-a-Kind!"
"So, at the age of Ten... "I thought back again and wondered if these things that I wanted to be...
"Were just pretend?"
"So, at the age of Eleven, I thought hard and here's what I came up with and thought that I wanted to become an Astronaut?"
"But, at age Twelve...
"I changed my mind again to a Fireman... "Then a Policeman."
"At the age of Thirteen and as a teenager...
"I got real serious and mean and wanted to be my favorite character of Halloween?"
"A Monster that was scary and mean!"
"Now at the age of Fourteen, Fifthteen, Sixteen, and Seventeen...
"I changed again my friend?"
"And, I wanted to be a Man of Medicine...
"A Surgeon."


"As I got older, I supervised and managed a Supermarket."
"And, as the many years went bye...
"I helped build a Supermarket Chain."
(Three Foodtowns)
"And, I thought that that was what I wanted and was bound to be?"
"Manage many departments but get very little in return?"
"But, after Thirty Six Years of Misery and the loss of my only Son Jason and only eight, months, later...
"The loss of my wife Carolyn...
"I had an epiphany to write"
"And, to be a writer...
"Perhaps, a Poet of Laureate...
"Children's Author...
"A Novelist?"
"And, share my many Ideas and Views that haunt me to this very day...
"But, sometimes as I write and share these many views and thoughts and ideas you see...
"I realize there's more than all of before and realize that what's most important...
"Important of all...
"Is just...
"To Be Me!"
Approximate Word Count: 420.

Author Notes *Argonaunts:
"At the tender age of only Ten and after watching the movie." "Jason and the Argonauts."
(In the Pitman movie theater)
"I realized that I wanted to name my Son Jason."
"After the mythical and Greek hero Jason."
"From the movie...
"Jason and the Argonauts."
"And yes, Jason became my hero...
"My Mythical and Greek hero...
"And, always will be."
"And, to learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations.'
"And, how to save lives...
"Such as my Son Jason...
"Simply call my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life."
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at...
"And, thanks for the bottom of my Heart and my Son Jason's donated Heart...
Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organs Donated on April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
<><><><><><><><><> "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as nd talented artist and writer...
'Dr Ricky 1024.'
"And, his incredible picture...

Chapter 102
My Written Word!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

"My Written Word!"
Written on February 20th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024

"One plus One equals Two"
"Then One minus One equals?"
Answer: "What we currently Own!"
"Nothing, Zero, Notta!"
"Waste all, Want all, Give Not equals = F******* GREED!"
"My Written Word!"
"Read well."
"This is My Written Word."
(Taking care of business)
"Elvis 1962."
"What came first the Chicken or the Egg?"
"The Chicken of course."
"You need the chicken to lay the egg."
(In order to create more)
"Then why did the chicken cross the road and why do you idiots here keep all your eggs in one basket?"
"Don't ask Tom Enis!"
"Now how did the dinosaurs get here and are they from eggs, too?"
"Jurassic World" or, of course...
"The Flintstones!"
"Don't you watch TV?"
"My Written Word!"
"Are there really aliens that exist and in human form like President Obama and Trump?"
"Of course!"
"Just watch the Jetsons!"
"Stop writing Brett, Tom, Meia, Barb, Mermaids, Apky, Liberty, and Silvia Kenndy President!"
"And, don't you all watch TV and cartoons?"
"My Written Word!"
"Now lets get serious!"
"Does the Devil really exist?"
"Well we have...
"Devil Food Cake!"
"Deviled Eggs!"
"Deviled Ham!"
"And a lot of devilish people out there like your F****** MOTHER IN LAW!"
"Okay, then why did God create man in HIS IMAGE and not woman?"
"Well, the first...
"When God created Adam He realized
first, that there were no women?"
"Yet of course Adam was very happy running around naked (With his junk hanging out)
"In the Garden of Eden!"
"But then God decided he needed company?"
"So, He took one rib and only one and created Eve?"
"Here Adam, cover your junk with this Fig Leaf!"
(She was.Cruel)
"Which was a mistake because God should have used Adams Heart and Soul!"
"So, does man really have one less rib?"
"They say so and does that mean just because man has one less rib... "Does that mean that women are better and perhaps cruel?"
"Aren't you married?"
"So, of course, since woman has more ribs then does that mean
She is only good for competing in a 'BBQ Rib Eating Contest?'
"My Written Word!"
"Stars are sharp and pointy...
"Planets are round and curvy...
"The Solar System, Galaxies, and Universes have what shape then?"
"Don't ask me!"
"Ask Galileo!"
"Now, if Homer Simpson marries Elvis's daughter Lisa Marie Presley...
"Then what will the name of their first child be?"
"Lisa, Bart, or Elvis?"
"And, did Homer cheat on Marge?"
"Why you asking me Alice!"
"I'm a writer not singer!"
"My Written Word!!!"
"Mickey is a mouse and does Mickey love cheese more than Minny?"
"The answer is uite sinple!"
"Now, enough of this crap let's get down to business?"
"Why are you here?"
"Is it just to write and review my garbage?"
"Just ask my friend President Silvia Kennedy!"
"Cuz she knows a lot!"
"And, she will tell you that this Earth and current situation is here what is called...
"Martial and Civil Rule!"
"Because we forgot to take out the F****** Garbage!"
"And we need to take out that garbage!"
"You have heroin addicts and dealers
"You have rapeists and murderers!"
"You have thieves and you have liars!"
"And, you have Internet Users who steal from the savings accounts of the elderly and the innocent!"
"You have bankers, lawyers, judges, and police officers!"
"All Dorty and all in it for the money!"
(Which is their honey!)
"My Written Word!!!!"
"According to My ' Seven Laws of Judification."
"You have the Oil Industries!"
(Sucking the Core Blood of the Earth dry and polluting this Earth!)
"You have the
Telecommunication Industries and the Banking industry all in it for money!"
"You have the Tobacco Industry."
"R.J.R. Reynolds, Liggit Myers, and Phillip the Cat Morris...
"What the f***!"
"They too all in it for the money and are polluting too!"
(Us smokers and our children!)
"My Written Word!!!!!"
"Lastly we have A lack of Religion and too much Pride."
"Just ask Sam Walton the creator of over Two Thousand Evil and Greedy Walmarts!"
"Yes, because of a lack of Monopoly Laws...
(Which went out in the '80S)
"It's all just Over-breeding and Greed!"
"Yes indeed!"
"And then lastly, you have the friendly neighbor the Jones down the street!"
(Betty and Tom!)
"You invite them over for dinner on Sunday and we all go to the same church?"
"Practice the same religion."
"Take in the same Sacrament."
"And their children play with ours?"
"Then why is Tom coming over to your house on his day off and while you're at work...
"Tom is F******* your wife Dorothy?"
"Is he the Wizard of Oz?"
"Bang, Bang, Bang!"
"Money truly is...
"The Root of All Evil!"
"I guess we have to ask Bill Gates?"
Approximate Word Count: 825.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing as well as talented artist and writer, Me...
(Dr.Ricky 1024) and my Amazing picture...
"A Federal Reserve Sheet of Sixteen US. Notes."

Chapter 103
The Extreme Circumference of My Miss

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"The Extreme Circumference of My Miss-Directions?"
Written on March 10th, 2003
By Some Idiot!
<*> C. FanStory 2018 <*>
"This shoulda...
"Most likely Woulda...
"Been written if I was firstly...
"Not out of my Fuck'en Mind...
"And secondly, Not Institutionalized in some 'Mother Fucking Warehouse for 'Cocoa Puffs! Coming later today after I have had pulls of my Un Needed Medications!"
Approximate Word Count 1,000

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist...
"As well as talented writer...
'Dr.Ricky 1024,'and his incredible picture...

Chapter 104
Love Made Me?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Love Made Me?"
Written on March 24th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
�.¿C. FanStory 2018 £.¿
"Inscription over the Gates of Hell"
(Dante's Inferno)
"As I wander through these Unholy Gates of Hell, I ponder here...
(As well)
"Dear Lord above...
"What am I doing here?"
"Did my *Suicide bring me here?"
"And, if so, is this all that's left for me?"
"Perhaps, we will soon see?"
"So, I ponder, as I wander why?"
"Perhaps this is what you get when you commit suicide and eventually die?"
"Ghastly images of my past surround me!"
"Oh, dear God, is this really happening to me?"
"So, so, so, much suffering!"
"I see pain!"
"No form of Earthly remembrances remain!"
"First lost my Only **Son then lost my Only Wife?"
"Then eventually, my only Life?"
"Oh look over there?"
"It sure looks like some past person hanging upside fown from that tree?"
"Used to know him when he screwed me!"
"And, over there beaten profusely!"
"Another whom I knew..
(Judge Carr)
"Whom also screwed me!"
"Another, an apparent victim of an over dose?"
"I guess?
"On his quest!"
"An apparent heroin overdose!"
"Made this horrid place and Satan his new host!"
"And, I can see..
"Look, sticking put of he?"
"All the many syringes that used to bring pleasure to he!"
"Now as he suffers they are all sticking out of he!"
"Yup and look over thrre?"
"Sitting in his car?"
"My old employer Anthony DeFiglio whom stole from me?"
"Yup, got me for over $100,000 in my profit sharing account!"
""And, when he hit the tree...
"How his mangled and bloody body was thrown about?"
"Damn !"
"I'm so glad that he's down here too with me.:
"Perhaps this 'Hell Thing' ain't so bad?"
"And, let me make it perfectly clear....
"As I down another brewsky of Santoanic Beer!"
"Im watching all these idiots suffering here like three vodka bottle a day alcoholics...
(Debra Krause, Megan Campona Bonner, and Veronica Kraven)
"All rented rooms from me and screwed me for thousands!"
"Suffering with jaundice livers!"
"You take but don't give back to the givers?"
"Can't you see?"
"You know what dears?"
"It's not so bad down here!"
'Inferno Hell.'
"As I watch them all suffering around me!"
"And, I still get to write about them all!"
"Now you see?"
"As if they are all under some damned and sickened kind of Spell?"
"Oh, well?"
Approximate Word Count: 421.

Author Notes *Suicide:
"On December 1st, 2006...
(Just a few short years after the death of my Son Jason and the suicide of my Wife Carolyn)
"I also attempted suicide with a serated kitchen knife."
"And, on March 31st, 2003...
"My son Jason was an apparent victim...
(A passenger in a car)
"Driven by a mentally holed and young man...
(Named Brian Cole)
"Suffered from 'Irreversible Brain Damage.'
"And, passed away...
"April 1st, 2003 after we donated his organs."
"And to learn more about...
"Organ-tissue Donations."
"Simply call my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life."
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1."
"And, thanks from the bottom of my Heart and my son Jays...


"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as talented artist and writer, 'Dt.Ricky 1024 and his incredible picture...
"Me and Corey!"

Chapter 105
'I Give to Thee, All of Me.'

By Ricky1024

"I Give to Thee, All of Me"
Written on March, 31st, 2018
By Richard Edward and Jason Richard Smrkovsky
�£�¢ C.FanStory2018£�¢
(For Miss Liberty Justice)

"Darkness is All Around Me Father?"
"Woe tis Me?"
"Why father, why?"
"You must learn to forget the World below and welcome your new World above, My Son!"
"Darkness is All Around Me?"
"Father, oh Father?"
"Woe tis Me?"
"Why Father, why?"
"Why doth Thu forsaken Me?"
"Cry not My Son!"
"But Father?"
"Make Me again as before?"
"Awaken Me for I have been forsaken...
"Can't You not see?"
"Make Me again Father?"
"Make Me again as My Dad's...
*Buddy friend!"
"Oh Son, Oh My Miss- Forgotten Son!"
"What hath this World done?"
"Once Upon a Time, there was Thee but You have left that behind...
"Can you no longer see?"
"Yes, you were born below but now you belong to Me here, in Heaven above.:
"But Why, Father Why?"
"Did I die?"
"And, what now tis happening to Me?"
"They take now from Me?"
"They break of Me?"
"They remove of Me?"
"Why Father, Why?"
"Did I die?"
"Son, Oh Son."
"Now listen and listen closely to Me."
"Once Upon a Time below, I want You to know...
"You had a family that loved Thee so...
"But, Fate and Destiny decided for you to give...
"So, that Four others could now...
Approximate Word Count: 248.

Author Notes *Buddy Friend:
"Buddy Friend"
(A Dedication)
Written on April 14th, 2003.
(Trophy Winner)
By Doctor Ricky 1024
"I'm not here right now but I'm not Far...
"I'm in a Place...
"Close By...
"Not far like a Star...
"You'll Feel this Place...
"Just take a Moment...
"And, You'll See...
"Then you will Know...
"Just where I'll Be...

**Live: "To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations.'"Simply call my dear friend Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life."
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at...
"And, thanks from the bottom of my heart and my son Jason's donated Heart."

"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as talented artist and writer 'Dr. Ricky 1024,'and his incredible picture...
"Jason and Sasha."

Chapter 106
Black Widow2005!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

"Black Widow 2005!"
Written on April 24th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
�¥�¿ C.FanStory 2018 �¥�¿
"She's all she ever wants to be...
"To Be or to Be not?"
"That is the question?"
"Was I headed in the wrong direction?"
"You decide?"
"It was the Summer of 2005 and I was coming off of a bad marriage."
"She eventially ended her own Life!"
So, here I was, to 'Ponder my Yonder!'
"Knock, Knock?"
"Who's there?"
"Why it's me!"
"Fancy, Pancy, the Nancy!"
"Great I thought!"
"I got a Coo-coo here?"
'She's all she ever wants to be?"
"No 'Sugar and of Spice?'
"But with that tremendous *Rack, I may soon be...
'A Lucky Fellow?'
To Be Continued after in about three hours."
After Dinner.
Approximate and Estimated Word Count 1,000.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, and this amazing and talented artist....
'Little Boogie 007,' and their amazing picture...
"Hanging by A Thread"

Chapter 107
Just Me?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Just Me?"
Written on June 15th, 2018
By Grandpa Ricky
"Gone are the days of 'Yesterday.'
"And, welcome to 'The New Millennium!"
"Cars go faster and last no longer and even run on this 'Bolt Thing!'
"I'm happy riding my Kent...
"Got him after Barbie was spent!"
"From transportation to me?"
"Well, let's see?"
"I'm not as smart as I used to be but that is normal for a man of Sixty Three!"
"Even got most of my teeth and all of my hair...
"No way am I ready for 'Nursing Home Care!"
"Guess it's just a 'Gene Thing?'
"Being the way that I am?"
"Living in my...
'Grandious World' of do as I can't...
"Never as I can!"
"Well, anywho?"
"Raised four, good, women and one amazing young man but...
"He was taken away...
'The Day God Came?'
"Today, I still wonder why the lights went **Out?"
"And, why the Sheriff Deputy Signposted a note on my door?"
"Get the Fuck out Cause your crooked Mortgage Company is less than pure!"
(Who could ask for anything more?)
"But getting used to this SHIT."
"Just call me 'Mister Evicted!"
"Better than...
'Mister Predicted?'
"And, I'm actually writing this by the light of a cell phone and lantern!"
"Runs on three Double A'S and an occasional Oreo!"
"Nope, that's for me!"
"In closing...
"My grandson Alexander Valle calls me 'Poppa' to this Very Day!"
"Guess I got one thing right but thats okay."
"Don't see much of my other three grands?"
"Does that make me...
'Mister LOSER?'
"And not a 'Mister Winner?'
"They probably wonder and my Step-by-Step Daughter Kyle Erin Harbach Drum probably calls me...
'Late For Dinner?'
"But there will always be Alex and Me and that's okay you see?"
"Cause I'M always gonna be...
"Just Me?"
Approximate Word Count: 315.

Author Notes *Understand:
"My only Son Jason has been 'Taken Away now over Fifteen years."
"And, to learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations.'
"Simply call my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W with...
"The Gift of Life." "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at...
"And, thanks from the bottom of my broken Heart and my son Jason's donated Heart."

"My electric was shut off on May 10th after making a payment is $540.00."
"They want $7,158.34 to turn it back on."
"Ha, Ha, Criminals!"
"Can't stop me!"

"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review view this amazing and talented artist as well as talented artist and writer...
'Dr. Ricky 1024'
"And, His amazing and handsome picture...
"Spoon Me Up Chekov!"

Chapter 108
Theologies of A Poet, Prophet, and P

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Theologies of A Poet, Prophet, and Priest 2018"
Written on July 25th, 2018

"Let me tell you first!"
"The Earth is not flat but round and sometimes...
"Upside Down!"
"Consisting of a mass of Molten Core."
(Warms the earth's Center.)
"Plant Life...
"Animal Life...
"Insect Life...
"Sea Life...
"Bird Life...
"And, last but not in the Least?"
"Human Life or 'A Bunch of Morons!"
"The Bird, Fish, Animal, and Insect Kingdom run and rule this Earth the place of all 'Human Kind's' Birth."
"Be it as and be it be unfortunatly we tend to think otherwise!"
"Example Number One:
"God created the Earth and it's Many Residents and rested...
"But on the following day he created a man from His Image."
"But did He incorporateHis Heart and Soul?"
"In Today's World, it seems otherwise."
"Theft, Rape, Adultery, and Murder are always up."
"But why?"
"Was there not 'A Written Contract' giving us the ability of Life?"
"But are we deservant of it?"
"It seems not."
"Example Number Two:
"Human Consumption and Cohabitation."
"Do we still have the Ability to share?"
"To care?"
"Or all we continue to do is 'FUCKING SWEAR!"
To Be Continued!!!

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this Amazing as well as Talented Artist...

Chapter 109
Searching for Me?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Searching for Me?"
(I Live On)
Written on July 31st, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024 5:46 AM.EST
(A Dedication for ('Jay')
"I'm searching for *Me?"
"Lord, where could I be?"
"I don't know why, what, when?"
"Lord, did I **Die?"
"Please, Please, Please?"
"I beg of Thee...
"Won't You help Me?"
"I'm drifting...
"My Soul...
"Is lifting...
"But why Lord, why?"
"Did I just Die?"
Note: "The Soul is Eternal while the Body is but a recptical to contain it."
(Theology 40.06)
"Son, Son?"
"Reach out and Touch Me!"
"Thanks it!"
"Good, as You should...
"I suddenly feel a strange presence?"
"It is enveloping me?"
"Like a camera taking a picture...
"And, Developing Me?"
"This incredibly and beautiful, white, light!"
"And, I continue rising...
"I'm just a Spirit now."
"A Child of God."
"There is nothing and there is Everything?"
"And, as I Rise...
"I see many, many, things???
"Many different colors...
"And, many different clouds...
"And, many different forms as I move ever upward...
"Upward to my Fate and Destiny!"
"And, I am Happy!"
"No longer confused or sad."
"For, I did not die."
"My body is still below."
"So much I now know!"
"Like A Song that plays...
"So sweet this song...
"And, I Live...
Approximate Word Count:222.

Author Notes *Me:"My only Son Jason was in a horrible accident ."
(March 31st, 2003)
"An unlikely and unlucky passenger."
"In a car driven by a mentally ill Maniac."
(Brian Cole)
"Set on one purpose and one purpose only."
"And, unfortunately as a result of His Injuries...
"We had no choice but to Donate."

**Die: "Perish, decease, pass away."
"And, to learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations.'
"Simply call my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life!"
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at....
"1-800 DONORS-1"
"And, thanks from the bottom of my broken and my Son Jason's donated Heart."

"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, followed by Fan Story and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this amazing as well as talented Artist...
'Lillibug6,' and her incredible and beautiful picture...
"4 Generations of Richard"
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organs Donated on April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)

Chapter 110
My Quest for Life!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"My Quest for Life!"
Written on October 22, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
***CopyWrite FanStory © 2018***
My Quest (At Best)
"Starts right before your very Eyes."
"There will be no surprise as I will take you on this 'Three Part Journey."
First Journey Travel!"
October 22, 2018 8:23 AM.EST.
(Manahawkin, New Jersey)
Breakfest Club
(Mc Donald's)
After checking in with eight friends here and explaining my Journey, I now will head on my Kent Seven Speed Bicycle to first Mystic Islands for Funds from my youngest, daughter, (Dana Alyse) and then on to Atlantic City (After playing Bingo)
At, 'The Golden Nugget Hotel And Casino.'
(Need more funds)
I shall check back later after figuing out what direction
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or Baltimore, Maryland).

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first and again to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review this amazing Artist and Writer...
'cleo 85,' and her incredible picture...
"The Greatest Gift"

Chapter 111
Why Lord?

By Ricky1024

"Why Lord?"
Written on January 12th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright Fanstory C. 2019
"All Rights Reserved"
"Why Lord?"
"Why when I reflect back in time...
"Do I cry?'
"Why Lord?'
"Why me?"
"Why is My World now just filled with past regrets?"
"Why Lord are there just visions of sadness...
"As I reflect?"
"Why Lord?"
"When I reflect to the Sadness...
"Do I uncover the madness?'
"Why Lord?"
"Why when the Darkness seems to get the best of me?'
"Why Lord, do I dream of better days?"
"Why Lord God?'
"Did I lose my Sunny of day?"

Author Notes "So thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ."
"Followed by Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.'
"Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist, 'cleo85.'
"And, her Incredible picture...
'The Flower of Passion'

Chapter 112
My Argonaut Jason

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"My Argonaut Jason"
'Just a Little Boy'
Written on January 21st 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright Fanstory C.2019
"All Rights Reserved"
"He was, 'Just a Little Boy.'
"Not born in a manger in a town of Bethlehem.'
"Nor wore a Crown of Thorns upon his head.'
"He was not meant to be later Crucified for our Many Sins...
"And, eventually paint the ground below...
"The color of Crimson Red.'
"He was, 'Just a Little Boy.'
"Now you see, this little boy was different?'
"As different as could be.'
"You see cuz this little boy came from me and...
"He was, 'Just a Little Boy.'
"He was born in a world of Destruction and Tragedy but you see, He created his own...
"His own, Little Holy Cracker *World.'
"You see because...
"He was, 'Just a Little Boy.'
"And, he lived with his mother as well with his father.:
"And, His Four sisters."
He learned how to get along sorta Played and Lived His own Song."
"You see...
"He was, 'Just a Little Boy.'
"He was shy but Loved and was Loved back.'
"And, as He grew Older?'
"He got a little bolder."
"Educated and wanted everything?'
"That a young man could ever achieve?"
"Because you see...
"He was, 'Just Little Boy.'
"He started his own band wanted eventualy..
"To go to Vocational School and become a mechanic with the tool and not a Drum Stick in His hand.'
"Because you see...
"He was, 'Just a Little Boy.'
"But you see, things aren't always what they are meant to be...
"To be or not to be?'
"Is not the question in this case."
"And, in case you were following along?:
"Yes, recreated His on Songs.'
"But in this particular case?"
"You see...
"My only Son Jason...
"You see...
"Passed away from a Tradgedy."
'Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust.'
"Fate and Destiny are always a must."
"And, in this particular case?"
"He has a new purpose and a New Path."
"A place of, 'Heavenly Joy.'
"Why you may ask?'
"He was, 'Just a Little **Boy?'


Author Notes *Holy Crackle World:
"When Jason was born, he would...
( At a young age of only two)
"And still in his diaper...
"Go around my backyard talking about?'
"His, 'Holy Crackle World' and in his two-year-old language.'
"On March 31st, 2003.'
"After being evolved as a passenger in a horrid car accident."
"A Ford Mustang driven by a 17 year old mentally ill Maniac...
"Named Brian Cole."
"And, after 17 hours.'
"As we watched His blood oxygen level go from normal to zero.'
"To learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations.'
"Simply contact my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life.'
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"At, 1-800- DONORS-1.'
"And, thanks from the bottom of my broken Heart and my son Jason's donated Heart.'
"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.'
"FanStory and Tom the Administrator.'
"Fan Art Review, this amazing, as well as Talented, artist and Writer a 'Doctor Ricky 1024.'
"And, his Incredible picture...
"Just Jay"

Chapter 113
Marked By Someting Terrible?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Marked By Something Terrible?"
(Four Tales)
Written February 13th, 2019
By Doctor Satan 1024!
Copyright C. FanStory 2019
"All Rights Reserved!'

"Don't knock twice!"
"And, never say...
"I'll be back or Bloody Mary more than five times!"
"Never ever and don't sleep in the dark without a night light?!
"AND, your favorite Dolly!,
"Don't say and take...
"The Lord's name ever in vain!"
"Or play, in the dark, The Vigio-Board Game!"
"Are these all Urban thoughts and Legends?"
"Facts and Fiction's?"
"You decide!?
"And, only one isn't real!"
Episode Number One:
"This Episode happened on October 28th, 1968.
"I swear Johnny...
"If you stare long enough?"
"An Evil, as well as, Eerie appearance appears!"
'Nonsense Kelly.'
States Johnny.
"Its eerie Johnny and seems to want to Suck me in!"
'Oh that's nonsense.'
Again states Johnny.
'Kelly, why don't we just knock on the door twice and see who answers?'
"No Johnny you can't knock and never knock twice!"
Kelly States.
"Okay Kelly just try once then."
Asks Johnny.
"So, after knocking just once...
"Nothing happens?"
"Getting ticked off, Johnny decides to give it a try!"
"So, Johnny goes up to the old, worsened, door and knocks...
"Just once please Johnny."
Begs Kelly.
"Pausing and then repeating the process...
"Two knocks...
"And, the Urban Legend states that can get you in severe trouble...
"Suddenly, that creepy and old door flies open!"
"And, something grabs Johnny by his arm...
"And pulls him in!"
Kelly screams and runs off crying!"
Fact or Fiction?
Episode Number Two:
"This incident happened on April 12th, 2003.
"Two boys were late to a party and they were drinking a little bit...
"Driving a little fast...
"When they suddenly saw it?"
"Tommy had to swerve!"
"And, as he look back?"
"There was nothing there?"
"He suddenly got 'White as A Ghost!'
"And, his Soul was seemingly sucked into a vacuum?"
"As if drawn butter!"
"Both Tony and his friend Terry, drove away and realized that they nearly ran something over but there was nothing ever there?"
"Nothing ever there but that....
"That telephone pole?,
"Later at the party and after downing a couple beers, Tony Bommarito said...
"You're not going to believe what had just happened to me and Terry!"
"We were just driving down Nautilus...
"And, right there before our very eyes...
"Before Clearwater...
"We saw this kid...
"Right in the middle of the road!"
"And, he was looking like he was lost?"
"And, he had this wild and curly hair?"
"Kinda bleached!"
"And, he was wearing...
"A green, and red checkered, shirt.,
"A pair of glasses...
"And, also?"
"Baggy jeans."
"I would estimate he was at least 250 pounds."
"It scared the s*** out of me!"
"And, when we turned around to look?"
"He was gone?"
"Is this Fact or is it Fiction?
Episode Number Three:
"It was June 17th, 2004 and another party was about to begin?"
"It was to honor a lost friend who had been involved in a horrible and nasty accident."
"Yes, a terrible ordeal."
"That Shook Up the whole Community?"
"The party was at Jonesy's house right there on the street called Lighthouse."
"Right by Lighthouse Park."
"Timmy pulled up and parked his little, red. car on the side of the road."
"Right there at Lighthouse?"
"Yes, there was already a bunch of kids there and cars...
"So after hanging out for a while, Timmy had noticed that he had forgotten his keys?"
"So, he said to Jonesy."
"I can't believe that I left my keys in the car."
"No worry bro...
"It's okay...
"Nobody would have messed with it."
States Jonesy.
"A little anxious, Timmy goes out to check and what he got outside?"
"He could not believe?"
"That his little, red, car was not where he had parked it?"
"Concerned and confused, now it was right in the middle of Lighthouse with the car running!"
"Yes, I went outside to retrieve my keys and what I noticed next would make anybody fart and sneeze!"
"Not only was the car now running but the radio was blaring!"
"And, to make it worst?"
"The music that was playing?"
"Playing on my radio?"
"Was a Michael Jackson song!
"Beat It!"
"And, I hate that song!"
"Nobody was around the car...
"Nobody was inside the car...
"And, nobody ever admitted to putting the car in the middle of that road!,
Fact or Fiction?
"My last and final Episode of this re-write."
"I will Entitle...
"Pretty in Pink"
"And yes, my girlfriend Christine Zaganiny...
"Was not named Molly but she was quite amazing."
"The year, was as I recall, 1971 since we were both only Seventeen."
(If you know what I mean?)
"And again?"
"there would be a party!"
(What can I say?)
"Party Hardy!"
"We pulled up in my 1970 Camaro Z28."
"And, there was only a few kids there."
"So, Good Golly Miss Molly, after we were there awhile, I went out to my to pickup something that I had forgotten...
"And then I started to doze."
"Must have been more than one shot and kids will be kids...
"If you know what I mean?"
"And then when I woke up?"
"I saw when I saw that there was an ambulance there!"
"And, also several emergency vehicles and a gathering crowd!"
"And inside there was Molly Pretty in Pink Good Golly Christine."
"She did a stupid thing."
"And, took her medication with a shot of whiskey."
"Many years later, I heard her mother Michelle used to visit her."
"Visit her each and every day in the Nursing Home in Philly."
"Where she lay in state like a child dieing and trying...
"And, I'm notlieing?"
"And yes, in a Nursing Facility where she passed away ten, years, later."
"There are actually three and only Three real that are true."
"And, only One that is fake!"
"Can you pick out the faker?"
"6 Star Review later, for you!"
Approximate Word Count:1032.

Author Notes "Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ."
"Followed by Fanstory and Tom the Administrator."
"Fan Art Review and this amazing...
"As well as, Talented artist, 'Photopeb.'
"And their amazing but eerie picture....
"Ghost on the Run"

Chapter 114
Sunset Over Harbor Bay

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Sunset Over Harbor Bay"(A)
Written on April 24th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. FanStory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'

"Time is come and my Harbor is full."
"For it's been too, too damn long....
"And God, I've had my fill."
"I'm waiting now as the sun begins to slowly fade...
"For this is the end...
"And, I how have little more to say....
"As the sun is now setting....
'Harbor Bay.'
"I cast images...
(As if a bait to fish)
"And, no more shall I beg or wish."
"As the sunset is now slowly slipping away...
"Beyond these beautiful waters...
"As, I look upon this Harbor Bay."
"Crystal Waters sprinkle into the remnants...
"Of my yesterdays...
"A time long past....
"Replaced by dancing and eerie....
"Not yet cast."
"And, yes."
"There's not much time now left...
"But perhaps there's much more of me?"
"Of course.'
"No more shall I be subjected to the horrors of Humanity."
"As I watch....
"She wonders and ponder's the thought...
"As she divides the sunsets and ponders a way?'
"Further reaching and thinking...
"What more can I say?"
"Within this image. .
"Of 'Harbor Bay.'
"God, as I so much need...
"To be...
"Wont You wrap your loving arms around me?
"No more this never and... 'Unending pain!'
"No more shall I be subjected as if a puppet on a string!"
"Bearly me."
"And, no more babbling, dangling...
"Begging for my life again to begin.".
"That's the darkness as such...
"Ashes to Ashes..
'Dust to Dust.'
"I now see You as such...
"For the seagulls are leading the way...
"Overlooking this Harbor Bay."
"God yes, I go now willingly.'
"No more feverishly subjecting myself."
"No more shall I worry about my loves of my past."
"Loss of a son and a wife!"
"It's quite quiet and peacefull
"As I slowly lower my body...
"She silently thinking.
"Of a past ...
"And that's what the newspapers did say when they found it washed up on Harbor Bay...


"Sunset Over Harbor Bay, Again?"
Written on May 4th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1034
Copyright C. FanStory 2019
"All Rights Reserved'
"The Beach Haven Times."
(Our local newspaper here in Ship bottom)
"Where I'm currently and temporary disposed."
"Posted yesterday."
"Writer takes his very own life in Harbor Bay."
See page two.
"As the Whiting and Brightening Clouds are now welcoming...
"Yes, welcoming me...
"The Sun's tinge of Orange Glow...
(You should know)
"The Blackened Waters beckoning me...
"Harbor Bay's Waters recede...
"Oh yes reviewers...
"II was once indeed alive?'
"But they say my body washed up on the shores of Harbor Bay."
"Perhaps this day but I must have been resuscitated or may be resurrected?"
"My apparent suicide or drowning?"
"Perhaps I guess I am somehow being protected?"
"Or probably projected?"
"And, maybe it's not yet my time?"
"But then what about this body they say washed up this time?"
"And, perhaps this is my death,?"
"My Quest at best?"
"My Fate and Destiny?"
"Final Destination?'
"As blind, Tis me!"
"Yes, as if I were in my life...
"The clouds are now Blackening and the Sun is setting about Harbor Bay."
"And, perhaps I've lost my way?'
"I remember the seagulls and taking a picture previously before...
"I also can recall the Darkness of the Sun's set, as it remains waiting for me...
"To enter as yet...
"But did I not enter and respond...
"The welcoming Grasp?"
"Of Harbor Bay at last?"
"They say my apparent suicide that day?"
"And, they say they know for sure?"
"But then why Lord does it now feel do pure?"
"Feel to me kind of different here or more D'Amore?"
"This feeling of loneliness has gone away?"
"But did I drown I Harbor Bay?'
"I do remember that I had my fill...
"Oh yes!"
"I remember a quivered feel...
"Tjat night as the Blackened Clouds reflect the oncoming night."
"And yes, it's quiet now...
"Ever so...
"As I now swear I can see the 'Orangd Glow.'
"And, I too swear to you I know but is it because of something above or something below?"
"But, I Joe must go...
"As Darkness besets me...
"Perhaps the Reaper regrets me?'
"But then why do I feel so much better?'
"Is this Life of Me perhaps a passing notion?"
"As my sickened body just lost and floating in a bag...
"Not in Harbor Bay but instead...
"The Atlantic of Ocean?'
"Or, maybe it's due to that person they call...
'The Better?'
"Placing money on me?'
"Dead or Alive,?'
"Let's see?"
"And truly, is this happening?"
"As I now gaze into the Orange Glow and Darkness below...
"As the Blackening waters swell...
"Hell at Harbor *Bay?"

Approximate Word Count: 836..

Author Notes *Bay;
n. body of water, wide inlet of sea,space between two columns, recess bay window protecting from a wall.
"Exactly what is 'Harbor Bay?"
Conclusion tomorrow Entiyled
"Hell at Harbor Bay!"
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ."
"Followed by Fanstory and Tom the Administrator."
"To this Amazing Writer as well as talented Artist.'
'Doctor Ricky 1024 and his beautiful picture entitled...
"Sunset Over Harbor Bay"

Chapter 115
Heartley Any Heart Left in Me?

By Ricky1024

"Heartley Any Heart Left in Me?"
Written on May 25th, 2019
Copyright C.Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'

Heartley Any Heart Left in Me?
For it seems to me...
To have gotten away...
Find my Broken Heart?
Okay, I'll be Your Clown and You be my Dora the Explora?
Okay Dora, go get it girl!
But be careful.
You will need just a red Crayon or two?
But no ordinary Crayon will do.
Carefully now for the way to this Clown's Heart?
Is just start praying and please stay in the lines?
Now carefully...
Ever so...
Start with the Left Hemisphere.
That's it!
A little sloppy but I understand...
Soon I will be...
Your loving Man?
Wow Dora!
You really are an Explora!
And, like I said before...
A little sloppy but thats okay!
Jump into the right and hold on tight!
Your almost here!
You just traced the Heart of a Clown.
Been there...
Done that...
No fooling...
Approximate Word Count: 1.

Author Notes *Around: adj.
movement in a circle, going places, semi-circle.
"On March 31st, 2003"
(According to The Asbury Park Press and The Atlatic City Newspapers...
Jason Richard Smrkovsky...
Who was in a Car accident that evening...
In a car driven by a maniac...
Purposefully Crashed...
A Ford Mustang previously raced at Adcock Races at in Atco, New Jersey...
Into a Telephone Pole...
At over 100 MPH.
"To learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
"Simply contact my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life."
At 1-800-DONORS-1.
Thanks from the bottom of my broken and my Son Jason's...
Donated Heart...
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist, 'Galia G.'
And their incredible picture, "Red As Heart"

Chapter 116
Fighting for My Security.

By Ricky1024

"Fighting for My Security"
Written on May 31st, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'

It's, 'Blooding Sunday...' Bloody Sunday!'
And, I just want to go home.
You see my drains are driving me insane and my IV?
Won't cooperate with me!
Been punctured, prodded, bruised, and confused...
Blood drawn and dragged along...
As if a horseless carriage!
Perhaps someday I'll look back....
On the day of my up-and-coming marriage?
Endless Pain trickles out my stomach cavity, continuously as the IV drips the way!
Still feels as if something's inside of me ripping me each day!
Even just had my Social Security taken *Away!
But I'm a fighter as well as a writer and I look forward to a day!
A day when no New tubes are exhuming or consuming my day?
So for now?
I write the good word and hope it hasn't been too much for you to bear?
And, as I Journal it to you?
In my own special way?
Cause I'm kinda missing all of you.
So enjoy the rest of your day.
Approximate Word Count: 193.

Author Notes *Away:
adv. leave, depart.
I was in the casino about little over a week and a half ago before this new hospital things started. And I wanted to see whether I should gamble my last $20.00 away.
To make sure I had enough money left on my Direct Express Card...
I gave all my usual information the man...
Some Indian speaking man who I could hardly understand!
He was asking me for 6 digit number which I found out later a Zip code?
And I said there is no 6 digit code just a 4-Digit pin.
We got into a heated argument.
And, he got me so upset!
And, he wouldn't give me a supervisor or tell me his name.
So, I started to cuss him out!
In return he did me the favor of shutting my card down?
Not just with Direct Express but also with Social Security!
So now my funds are locked up until I send in two forms of identification.
Special Thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and then His Son Jesus Christ.
Followed by Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this amazing writer, as well as artist, 'Doctor Ricky 1024.' And his new picture... "Suffering"

Chapter 117
Within the Thoughts and Actions

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Within the Thoughts and Actions of this Man"
(Dedicated to Corrine Alexis)
Written on July 14th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copywrite C. Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'

On your birthday Corey...
I do so right these words of Wisdom, Encouragement, and Love...
So sincere.
You are my oldest daughter and that's your...
'God-Given Birth Right."
As I do honor Thee...
Corey this night.
No Star shall ever streak as Bright nor Moon shall so glow...
This night...
For without this daughter...
Whom I miss so...
She's not the youngest but most certainly the brightest and most Wise...
And, has her own special aura.
For you see she's an artist and one of the best...
Well educated more than you could guess.
And, even so loved from me?
In the very worst of times?
She was so ready.
Ready and willing as she watched her younger brother Jason...
Be literally Sliced and delivered to four others...
As if a Pizza Pie...
With not as much as a Single Tear in her eye?
And, as time progressed...
To called on her very best...
Yes she went on even though that she messed her first year...
But graduated with Honors...
The following four years.
Where does this then child...
Hey her will?
Was it some kind...
Kind of Miracle Pill?
And yes, she's kind of rough around the edges and will never marry but that's okay with me.
Still sees a little lost?
Can you see?
For with her amazing Career?
And, with her endless ability to...
For me?
She'll ..
Approximate Word Count: 274.

Author Notes *Do: adj.
get by, succeed, attain.

On March 31st 2003 and the worst day of my Fucking life...
I made a phone call to my friend Beverly Morey and her husband John...
To drive on the Garden State Parkway...
North to East Brunswick, New Jersey.
And pick up my daughter Corrine Alexis at Douglas College.
(A part of Rutgers)
Many hours later...
Beverly and John brought my oldest daughter Corrine to experience...
What would soon be...
Believe it or not...
"A Parents Fucking Worst Nightmare."
Yes, for Corey, me, my wife and our other three daughters...
Nikki, Kyle, and Dana Alyse...
Together would share...
The experience of going through a severe tragedy of Racooning....
As even the trauma Nurse could no longer stands by my Son's bedside...
As a continuous flow of fluid released from my son Jason's ears...
Each drop?
Another Angels tears...
And, even though Corey was a fighter and always would fight with Jason...
But this day?
She gave in and told him....
Her only baby brother...
"Jason, you can keep your Pearl drum set in my bedroom....
"As long as you want...
"If You would just come back to me?"
"I'm so sorry."
These Heart Felt words to even this moment in time...
Crush my Heart and Soul.
And to learn more about the miracle of...
'Organ-Tissue Donations'
(As I continue to forever spill my guts)
Simply contact my dear friend Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia Pennsylvania at...
"And, thanks from the bottom of my forever Broken and Jason's forever donated Heart.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this talented Artist and Amazing Writer...
'Doctor Ricky 1024.'
And, his Picture...
"Just Ole Me"

Chapter 118

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Within the Silent and Mellow Voices of My Dreams"
Written on July 21st, 2019
Copywrite C. Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'

During the Twilight Zone of my past Lives...
And, into my present...
Outer Limits...
I now speak these words to Thee...
From word too many words... I search this World...
For this...
'Inwardness of me.'
I'm not overly proud nor overly subjected to...
'Terms of Endearments.'
The past loves and agreements...
Of Losses...
And yes, my lousy of Life?
Lost the Only Son...
Then, the Only Wife...
As for me?
No luck at taking...
My Lousy of Life with a serated...
Steak knife.
And, I Walk alone capturing the Glow...
For I am just...
'A Mere Wisp in the Wind.'
Waiting again for this life of me to begin?
With past *Sins...
Approximate Word Count: 149.

Author Notes *Sins: n.
errors, mistakes, Miss-Steps..
"The loss of your ONLY...
"EIGHTEEN year old SON...
"Follow only Eight months later?"
"With the loss of your...
"Twenty-year spouse wife?"
"This and is more than any human man should have to endure."
"I like to look at that sixteen-year-old lesson... "Yes as a lesson to strengthen me and make me more?
"If you or anybody you may know are contemplating trying to commit suicide?"
"Please call 9-11 like I did and thanks."
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist/ Writer
Doctor Ricky 1024.
And, his Incredible picture...
"Off to See the Maker"

Chapter 119
Love is a Battlefield?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Love is a Battlefield?"
Written on August 5th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'

The constant commotion...
As if...
'Forever Waves.'
Now lost in a Sea of Emotion and Tranquility?
No More me and you baby...
Cause ..
"Love is a Battlefield."
I'm barely hanging on!
Same old, same old...
Cunny Song!
And, as for Time?
Tis now motionless...
Meaningless dribble for me and now for you baby...
Here I am...
Once again broken into pieces!
Falling into pieces..
Can't deny orever broken up again?
Why can't I die?
I'm drifting again apart...
For I so am again..
Dead inside .
Do Lord, here I am again in need of You..
'Vrlvet Arms.'
Living withouts You ..
This old house is agsin...
So, Lord...
Here I come to You in need of Your...
'Velvet Arms.'
And, now can You see?
Exactly what does love mean?
To me?
It's like for my Heart...
Trying to fill this empty void...
And, it seems like it's forever hardcore!
Empty and alone..
Can't decide not or?
Ad if nothing to do?
But the shadow?
And Lord God?
When I try to understand?
She just wants me..
To just take my stingy hand and try to understand?
Yes Lord, this Sharon?
I've worshiped but for Me?
She's not bad but extremely bruised, confused, and deeply sad.
And, I so want her by my side as this as you may well.
And, realize...
Cuz why my love Sharon?
Why should I love you?
And, why should I cry?
When you will surely as she most certainly soon die.
Yes, Blackened and Sad Clouds above gather and within their grasping and greedy claws?
Again, they want it All!
And, far, far, below?
In a place that's never seen a flake of snow?
A place called Hell!
You now know and now understand?
Me my love?
For in order to first Live?
Like my Son Jason?
I too died long, long, ago before there could ever be...
"A me and a *You...
Approximate Word Count: 363.

Author Notes *You: n.
person, human being.

On March 31st, 2003.
At approximately 8 p.m.
There was a severe car accident.
A Seventeen old Maniac..
Hell Bent..
Named Brian Cole.
Who today?
Still walks this Earth.
And, at over 100 miles per an hour?
Yes, my only son Jason the passenger...
And, to learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply call my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S W. with...
"The Gift of Life!"
At 1-800-DONORS.
And, thanks from the bottom of my broken and my son Jason's donated Heart.
Soecial thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review...
Thhis Amazing and Talented Artist, as well as writer.
Doctor Ricky 1024.
And, his incredible picture...
"Just Me"

Chapter 120
All Within the Presence of My Go

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"All Within the Presence of My God"
(Dedicated to Marcie)
Written on August 18th, 2019
Copyright © Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'

The Sun shines a little brighter as my heavy day seems a little lighter?
And, the Moon's glow?
That was long *ago.
But that's okay.
I'll trade it for 'Mister Sunny.'
Any old day!
Waves upon God's Great Green and Deep Blue Ocean.
And yes!
We still though our God given birth.
Learn to find our worth?
Way too, too, much ?
Commotion and we all must learn to get along!
As we listen closely as to the music and waves upon the Ocean.
As I now own...
This now in a song!
Moon glow...
God's blue green Ocean...
We all need now so!
Stars that sing with Hope that they bring!
As we all now must get along!
And, sing!
No More need for Aggression...
Nor Aggravation...
Not on God's Green Nation!
No need for Pain and Justice! Loss of trust becomes... "Ashes to Ashes...
"Dust to Dust!
Yes, we must eventually all face the Maker.
Pass through St. Peter's Pearly Gates.
To be so deemed...
And, judged...
Judged for our past...
And, our Sins...
That somehow still last?
And, lastly as I write and End?
We must all accept Jesus in our Heart.
For He so needs this to become your new job.
"All Within the Presence of My God"
Approximate Word Count:250.

Author Notes *ago: n.
past, over, done.
This simply means happier times.
Special thanks again goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review and this Amazing Artist and Writer...
'Doctor Ricky 1024.'
And, his Incredible picture entitled....
"The Best of Me!"

Chapter 121
Just One Link, I Think?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

"Just One Link I Think?"
Written on September 28th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copywrite © Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'

"God created first...
"Adam and Eve."
"Within The Grasp of Human Hand...
"When will we understand?"
"Only Human Beings run rampant upon this Earth."
(The Place of all Human Kind's Birth)
"Yes, causing Destruction and Displeasure!"
"Aren't we so Clever?"
"And, are we...
"The We Whole, Damned, Shabang?"
"Or I think...
"Lord, just one link?"
"And, Oh Boy!"
"Did I say Destroy?"
"Run rampant?"
"Ravage, Rage, Rape,and cause endless fear?"
"Makes you wonder...
"Wonder why we're still here?"
"Perhaps God has a purpose for us?"
"Maybe we were meant to be more than Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust?"
"In God We Trust!"
"Steal and Rob Me?"
"Well, I'll do the same to you!"
"But, even the Good and the Sad equals out between the Happy and the Bad?"
"There are many reasons why there are changes in the Seasons.'
"But why are Human Beings so complicated?"
"And why can't we just get along?"
"Don't we all dance to the same old song?"
Approximate Word Count: 197.

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, thist Talented Artist and Writer
'cleo85 '
And, her Incredible picture Entitled, "Lights at Night"

Chapter 122
Searching 4 Me Ricky?

By Ricky1024

"Searching 4 Me Ricky?"
Written on February 3rd, 3200
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 3200
'All Rights Reserved'
Yes, it's been over 1,000 years since the destruction of the Earth!
Yes, Earth was destroyed by a massive asteroid strike!
That bounced off the Moon!
And, knocked the Earth into the orbit of the Sun!
Note: "All Human Beings, as we know it, and creatures, were incinerated within two hours!"
"Oh, where oh where could this little Ricky Be?"
"To the park where it's so, so, dark or to the Fair where there's always a bargain, if you dare?"
Or perhaps to the zoo?
To see the Elephants and Kangaroos?"
"Or maybe fishing to Ricki Lake?"
(For Goodness sake!)
"Where she will talk your head off (For Badness sake!)
"Oh, where oh where did this little Ricky get off to this time?"
Well, to tell you the truth?"
"There's no excuse!"
"Because the last time I heard?"
"That he was hospitalized!"
"And, as Loony as a Tweety Bird!"
"Oh no?"
"Then did he go to a Drive-in movie!"
"Hey stupid!"
"He's only ten and not old enough except to drive a bicycle with training wheels!"
"Geeze Louise!"
"Now tell me the truth and share!"
"We know Ricky ain't at the Lake, the Zoo, the Park, the Nut House or Fair!"
"Then what's that Looney bird up to?"
"He rocket shipped and went to the Moon;"
"Right before the Earth was cooked!"
"That goon;"
"He's now residing in a Moon crater with the Beautiful Moon Goddess Luna?"
"And, they're eating Green cheese!"
"Geez Louise,!"
"That's moldy!"
"And, now what's he doing,?"
"For entertainment?"
"Well to tell you the truth?"
"Him and his Luna?"
"They're taking long walks under the Moon light, along the shores of the 'Sea of Tranquility.'
(The largest Moon crater,)
"Bigger than Earth!)
"How are they surviving?"
"Wait a second!"
"You mean to tell me, you're eating moonpies at the Moonstar Diner?"
"And, what else Fanstory Reviewers?"
"Well the last communication by Moon Talkie?"
"Wait a Moon Second!"
"Ricky stated that they went to the 'Moon Lit Theater?"
(Outdoor of course)
"And, yo see the movie entitled...
"Mooning President Trump!"
"Okay, I think I've just about heard enough!"
"And, I think he's been eating too many Moon Cakes or Moon Pie!"
"And, he's living in his own 'Outer Limits or maybe the Twilight Zone?"
"You heard that he's getting married?"
"To Luna the Moon Goddesse?"
"And, who's going to be The Best Man?"
"An Astronaut?'
"And, he said he will be back on his Moon iversary?"
"What's that One millennium?"
"After the birth of his first son?"
"And, what's his name?"

Author Notes Approximate Word Count:471
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father, and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review this Amazing and Talented Artist, 'Doctor Ricky 1024.
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, 'Just Me!'

Chapter 123
WithinaKissofGod's Tears@Prayers

By Ricky1024

"Within a Kiss of God's Tears and Prayers" (A)
(An introduction)
Written on February 10th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

'As we approach the Second portion of the month of February 2020, my thoughts now are on the up-and-coming month of March.'
"The Ides of *March."
'And, on the first of March.'
'I will literally flood this site with 25 to 30 new books.'
'All in which to honor my late and great son.'
Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
'These books will be from the Heart.'
'These books will be from my Mind.'
'These books will be from my whole Soul.'
'From a collection of over 700 that I've been working on for almost seventeen years.'
(Since the death of my only son and never seen nor reviewed
'And yes, as I dig deeper within my being, you here a Fanstory will see and learn.'
'And, begin seeing and learning, as you realize what the loss of a child can do to a man.'
"Within a Kiss of God's Tears and Prayers" (B)
(For 'Jay')
'How do you describe something that you can only now see in your Mind, Heart, and Soul?'
'Perhaps With a Little help from God, we can do this together?'
'Let's start first with Ambition.'
'The will to do what you must...
'Do as you must and can...
'And, do as you should, if you would, if only you could?'
'Next let's start with Grace, Faith, and Hope.'
'I know I needed plenty of that in 2003 because I was at the end of my rope.'
'Finally, we need to reach out and dig in.'
'And, find something that's been missing?'
'Yes, something that's been long lost within Sin?'
'All right, so now with all these values.'
'We need to combine them in prayer.'
'Yes, pray with God.'
'For without God, none of them could ever be there.'
"Within the Kiss of God's Tears and Prayers."

"When Two Hearts on Earth Collide?" (B)
Written on February 10th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1025 and 'Jay'
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

"When Two Hearts on Earth Collide?"
"One so, so, broken and needed inside?"
"Yes, decide?"
"Yes, a choice the decision!"
"A chance to allow another moment to go on living!'
"The Living Dead?'
"Get out of your body, get out of your Head!"
"Your Heart's now needed instead!'
'Present a blood written pathway away from the grave!'
'Close that coffins Lid!'
'And, do as I did!'
'Yes, it's the new Rave!'
'Reach down deep inside, take a moment, and decide?'
'You know you want to!'
'There's not much more now left for you to do!'
'And, like me?'
'Let me take a moment and let them operate!'
'And, take the many needed organs!'
'Yes, it's Christmas and time for the Giving to the Living!'
'And, those gifts of Thee?'
'Well soon, one day, like...
'You will soon see...
'See that when death has you in it's grip like me?'
'Just reach up deep inside...
"When Two Hearts Collide?
'One so, so, broken and needed inside?'
'Yes a chance!'
'Yes, a decision!'
'To allow another moment to go on living?'
"The Living Dead!"
'Get out of your body!'
'Get out of your mind!'
'Get out of your Heart!'
'Present a Blood-Ridden pathway all the way from the grave!'
'Close that Coffin's Lid and do as I did!'
'It's the new rave!'
'All the way from My Grave!'
'Reach down deep inside and *Save!'

Approximate Word Count: 632.

Author Notes *Save: n.
give, offer, allow, present.

'On April 1st, 2003.'
(April Fool's Day)
'I made the Ultimate Sacrifice and allowed God to take many gifts from me.'
'And, to learn more about, 'Organ-tissue Donations?'
'Simply contact my dad's dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. from....
"The Gift of Life."
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1 800-DONORS-1.
'And, thanks for the bottom of my father's Broken and
my donated Heart.'

Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing, Artist, as well as, Incredible Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Hot as Hell Picture Entitled, "Just Me!"

Chapter 124
My Testimony

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"My Testimony" (A)
Written on March 1st, 2020
(Sabbath Sunday)
By Doctor Ricky 1024
(A Latter-Day Saint Priest with the Church of Jesus Christ)
Copyright �© Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

"The Book of Mormon"
(Another testament of Jesus Christ)
"The Book of Mormon is a volume of Scriptures comparable to the Holy Bible from the Ancient Prophets."
"Written on Gold plates and deciphered by the late and great Prophet Joseph Smith."
"The Book of Mormon"
"Is a result and forth coming from the supplication to Almighty God.(1823)
This was the first presence of Moroni.'
(A Messenger of God)
"The First book through the fourth book of Nephi"
(An account of Lehi and Sariah and their four Sons)
"The Book of Mormon shows the trials and tribulations of the Nephites and Lamanites to reach,
"The Promised Land"

"The Promised Land"
Written on March 1st, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024

"As I live and as I Breathe...
"Out and in...
"In and out...
"As I'm still Breathing air...
"Out and in...
"In and out...
"As my Broken of Heart still beats...
"Thump, a thump...
"Thump a thump...
"We here today."
"At the Latter-Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ in Manahawkin, New Jersey need to understand."
"That this is truly the...
"Promised Land!"


"Forgiving for the Living*
(A Dedication for Jay)
Written on March 1st, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

"Within the Family of God."
'I now must move ever forward...
'Forward the best I can...
'To do God's job.'
'I'm not worthy but I still call out Your name!'
'Im trying my very best and call out Your name God, in shame!'
'My Life Lord had been a Two-Way Street.'
'Up again, down again...
'Dear Lord God.'
'Trying the best I can...
'Can You help me with this Job?'
'I write for Thee but I can no longer see?'
'Yes, I know Your there but this month to me!'
'I could sure use a Share?'
'You see for me?'
'This is closely when...
'I lost something so precious, You see?'
'My Buddy Friend."
"Buddy Friend"
Written on April 14th, 2003
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory.2003
'All Rights Reserved'

'I'm not here right now...
'But I'm not far...
'Its a place close by...
'Not far as a Star...
'You'll feel to this place...
'Take a moment...
'You'll see...
'Then you will know...
'Just where I'll be...


"For the King of Kings"
Written on March 1st, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

'I'm worthy and Lord I call out Your Sacred Name!'
'You stand by my side!'
'Because I'm Worthy of Your Name!'
'You are as You are...
'My Savior and Lord...
'Jesus Christ!'
'You brought me back from the he Brink of Death!'
'Blew into me...
'New Life!'
'Into me before my very, last, Breath!'
'For, I'm Worthy...

Author Notes Approximate Word Count: 516.
*Living: n.
exist, be, born, nee.
'On March 31st, 2003 '
'I lost my precious and only Son, Jay.'
'And, on this day, I do honor there...
'And, to learn more about 'Organ-tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the
L.S.W. with,
"The Gift of Life."
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
'Organs graciously offered on April 1st, 2003
(April Fool's Day)

Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist and Talented Writer,
'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just Little Ole Me"

Chapter 125
The Touch of Christ!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"That Touch of Christ!"
Written on March 8th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'
"He's there always...
"He's there always for me and for you!"
"Jesus the Christ died on a Rosewood Cross at Calvary."
"He was seriously tortured, beaten, and whipped!"
"Hair and beard pulled!"
"And, spat upon!'
"Jesus Christ died on a Rosewood Cross at Calvary."
"Wore a Crown of thorns that adorned His Head!"
"Painted the soils below Crimson Red!"
'As I learn more?'
'As I live...
'As I breathe...
'In and out out and then in.'
'My broken Heart hardly beats?'
'Thumpa, Thumpa...
'Thumpa, Thumpa...
'I still live.'
'My broken Heart still beats.'
'And, I still breathe because Jesus so loves me and wants me!'
'Seven inch serrated steak knife to my breast!'
'Not once but twice!'
'Seven inch serrated steak knife to my neck!'
'Not once, not twice, but thrice!'
'Painted The Guinea tee below my neck, Crimson Red!'
'And yes, I too have suffered!'
'And yes, I have also learned.'
'And yes, I now am healthy and in need.'
'In need to write these beautiful words.'
'And yes, these beautiful words for Jesus Christ!'
'For He and Only He has given to me?'
'A gift indeed!'

Author Notes Approximate Word Count:220.

Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing writer,
'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just Me"

Chapter 126
Spitting in God's Eye

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Spitting in God's Eye"
Chapter Number One
(From the Beginning)
Written on April 8th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved"

"Spitting in God's Eye"
Chapter Number Two
(To the Middle)
Written on April 9th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

"Spitting in God's Eye"
Chapter Number Three
(To the End)
Written on April 9th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

Author Notes Special thanks again goes out first as always to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator
Fan Art Review this Amazing Writer and Talented Artist,
And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Grumpy"

Chapter 127
The Passage of My Times

By Ricky1024

"The Passage of My Times"
(A Dedication)
Written on January 26th, 2017
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2017
'All Rights Reserved'

Time is just a Measured Pant...
A stoppage...
Or ending...
Time is moments Frozen,
Calculated and recorded.
Time is a Window of Events within a Portal of Being.
"All watching and forever seeing"
(Theology 24.08)
"Once Upon a Time"
A moment with captured, cultivated, and realized...
Splitting in half...
Not once, nor twice, nor passed...
A being was created!
Created finally at Last!
The Sun rose and the Sun set...
As the Moon...
Calculated the moments...
These moments gathered and Seasons than came...


As well as went...
As the Created Being realized that a Gift upon Him was bestowed...
A seed, a spark, a single moment of time...
Calculated with the passing of time.
The Evented Seasons gathered and turned into years...
And, the Years into decades.
All of this under the careful and watchful...
Eyes of God.
Each and every moment spent...
Each and every breath that's breathed...
Each and every thought...
And, each and every beat of a Heart...
Unique as we can be...
Not manufactured or completely free...
For, We all calculate time differently...
Some with thankful thoughts while, others?
Measure time...
In things purchases as bought...
And, As my time continues to move forward...
And, these decades gather dust...
I realize that time...
Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
Approximate Word Count: 301

Author Notes *Must: n.
continue, move forward.
"This was based on my son Jason and his birth"
To learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with, "The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
'And, thanks from the Bottom of my Broken and Jason's Donated Heart...
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing and Talented Artist, 'jgrace'
And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Are We There Yet?"

Chapter 128
The Strength of Me

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"The Strength of Me?"
Written on July 10th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright Fanstory © 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

The Strength of Me?
Is now for you to see?
If you can follow me?
Can you come with me?
Take the hand of me?
And, sail down a...
"River of No Return?"
Take a Chance with me?
You know my name is Ricky?
Let's ride down the...
"River of No Return!"
To this place so very, very, hot!"
"Where everything there just burns and rots!
"The Strength of Me?"
Is more than just the,
"Hellish Fires of Satan!"
More than all that Hate'n!
More than all the Deadly Demons that reside!"
Now come with me please and do not run and hide?
Flavour the favor and taste the "Cup of Me!"
And yes, a little Bitter but soon you shall see?
Exactly who I *Be?
Approximate Word Count:186.

Author Notes *Be: n.
present, indicative, am, are, is.
The idea of this came from the fact that to be able to move forward in your life...
After the loss of your only son the loss of your only wife..
The loss of your career job...
Eventual loss of your house and then your life.
You need to be strong inside.
You need to gather strength that comes from above.
And finally, Recreate yourself with the Power of Love!

"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ
FanStory and Tom the Administrator.
Fa Art Review,
This Amazing Artist,
And, their Incredible
Picture entitled,
"Ode to Effective Movement"

Chapter 129
Written Word August 8th, 2020

By Ricky1024

"Written Word August 8th,
(For One-Last-time?)
Written on August 8th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

'24,030 days since my birth as I now must realize my worth?'
'My purpose, my intent?'
"Written Word"
'24,000 + spent!'
'And, exactly what?'
'Dear Lord God Above?'
'Hath I achieved?'
'Yes, I've been there and I've contributed in many, many, ways.'
'And yes, I've been tried and tested for many, many, days!'
'I plowed my path and drove my sleighs.'
'Handing out my many, many, gifts.'
'In my many, many, ways?'
'What more Lord?'
'Must I now pray?'


'So yes Lord, I'm now down on my two knees.'
'And yes Lord God, I'm begging you please?'
'Please forgive me for my many, many, many, Sins?'
'Please help me somehow forget all those,
"So Many Unhappy Grins?"
'Please help me Lord God Above?'
'Realize and my perhaps again...
'Find True Love?'
'Realize my Potential?'
"For One Last *Time?"
Approximate Word Count: 223.

Author Notes *Time: n.
unit of measurement.
'Yes, in my almost 66 years.'
'I've realize that we all have potential and that we all have a mission to complete before we pass away.'
Special thanks goes out first, ad always, to Heavenly Father and Hid Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Writer and pretty good Artist, Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Amazing Picture Entitled,
"Me On a Good Day"

Chapter 130
My Planet?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

"My Planet?"
(The Plan)
Written September 19, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

'Tis a cruel, cruel, world.'
'And, I've had enough!'
'Yes, the time has come for me to go.'
'I have lived a good life.'
'Married children and wife.'
'And, my plan is quite simple.'
'Quite simple indeed.'
'To travel afar and fulfill my future needs.'
'I leave gratefully behind my legacy.'
'For the devil is upon us and evil is now everywhere!'
'My vehicle?'
'I hath been working hard!'
'And, it is ready to test!'
'Yes, test flight indeed!'
'My distance is far and afar is my needs!'
'And, by the next full moon?'
'I shall fulfill, indeed?'
End of Part Number One.
"The Flight to Planet Janet!"
Later today.

Author Notes Special thanks goes up first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ.
Followed by Fanstory and Tom the Adminstrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist and Writer,
And her incredible picture Entitled, "

Chapter 131
You Only Live Twice?

By Ricky1024

"You Only Live Twice?"
(Tried and Tried)
Written on October 3rd, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

'He's Mysterious and Charismatic, a presence that insists!'
'He's Honest and Strong-Willed!'
'And, in His Presence?'
'You can't resist!'
'Giving and sometimes way, way, too much!'
'Courageous and Relentless of nature.'
'And, holding Himself up to the "Higher Standards."
'Never letting go once He has it in his grasp.'
'Very strong-willed and Spiritual.'
'Never forgetting His Future Loved ones whom hath passed.'
'The Soul of a Leader.'
'This King of Kings!'
"Preaching the Choir"
'Wherever He shall be.'
'Yes, people will follow this Man!'
'Just wait and see!'
'He has a small circle of close friends.'
'Whom will follow Him to the very Bitter End!'
'Stars in their eyes when they speak of He.'
'And, He can sometimes make you laugh.'
'When He's feeling funny.'
'Do you yet see?'
"When He gets closer to you?'
'You'll soon see.'
'But in His Private Garden?'
'That's open only for Himself to explore.'
'Light and Shadows...
'An Iron Fist but in a Velvet Glove.'
'And, He can be as Angry as a Lion or as Gentle as a Dove?'
'Paradox is like the trademark to His name. and 'And, as He gambles and plays?'
'It's only His own game!'
'What's His name?'
'He's a Walking-Talking Dreamer.'
'A Teacher and never a Preacher.'
'One Life for Himself and one for His Dreams.'
'His trademark is Love a Walking Talking Message from Above!'
'Altruism is not a word that is spoken lightly about Him.' 'Caring for others, never Naughty and only Nice?'
'This Man!'
'Our Savior Jesus Christ!'
"You Only Live Twice?"
Approximate Word Count: 323.

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist, 'Highfive'
And, their Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Jesus and Child"

Chapter 132
Happy Birthday to Me?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Happy Birthday to Me?"
Written October 24th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

'On this very day and with these words?'
'Lord God let's start simply with just the years?'
66 years...
'Almost 20 years...
'A 36 career job all tossed down the drain?'
'And, is it any wonder that I'm not completely insane?'
'I shall write down and say?'
'792 long months have passed away!'
'Yes, since my conception!'
'Dear Lord God.'
'Have I been moving backwards or forward in the right or wrong direction?'
'Three nervous breakdowns and hospitalizations!'
'Yes, those months are long gone but now what about these 3,444 weeks?'
'As I take a peek?'
'Hath slipped away Lord God.'
'As if lubricated with Mobile One Motor oil this day!'
'And, I'm a writer now!'
'Not a mechanic!'
'That's not my job!'
'Geez Louise!'
'Jiffy lube me?'
'Yes, there hath been all the fun times as a child.'
'And, all the after school football and baseball games.'
'Covered with the many stitches and pain?'
'Lord God above?'
'Perhaps the scars still remain?'
'And, come to think of it?'
'It seems, to me?'
'To be or not to be?'
'But is that is truly the question on this...
"My Birth of Day?"
'Or Lord?'
'Have Eye only taken a Peek?'
'Broke the surface?'
'Cast the die?'
'Cross the Broken Heart and want to die?'
'I must forget about all those weeks!'


'Come now with me?'
'As we're now going to move a little bit further into my days?'
'As if in a haze?'
'My long, lost, days, of my Lousy Life!'
'First lost the Only Son?'
'And, followed a short eight months later?'
'With the Only Wife?'
'Yes Lord God above.'
'Almost 20 years of marriage and a 36-year career all down the drain!'
'And on these days of
'Perhaps I did hit a stumbling block or Two?'
'Yes Lord God, when I lost first, my only Son, and then my Only wife?'
'As if a Lousy Date with Destiny and Fate?'
'And, a dance that wasn't very nice!'
'And Lord got no need to now cry or think twice?'
'As I now remember all the wonderful Christmas's long past.'
'But Lord for some odd reason?'
'I continue to try to grasp?'
'All those wonderful Holidays and Special events?'
'It's as if I have now...
Seventeen years later?'
'Pissed nearly each and every one away?'
'But those hours?'
'They are all so much fun?'
'Yes Lord God each and every one!'
'And, as I'm fishing deeper...
'Deeper now...
'Ever so much Deeper?'
'I've seemed to have hooked on to a Large Mouth Bass?'
'34,714,299 minutes!'
'Now Lord, that's a lot of fish to clean!'
(If you know what I mean?)
'But even that's not the very best?'
'Of my horrible life-long Quest?'
'And yes!'
'I have saved the last for the best?'
'And Now God?'
'Exactly what is my purpose and what is my job?'
'For presently....
'It seems to me that I have now caught...
'A whale by the tail!'
'As I present to you on this day...
'A total 2,082,857,950 of Grief...
'On my *Birthday?'
Approximate Word Count: 583.

Author Notes *Birthday: noun
birth, date of conception, to be or not to be.
Note: 'A parent's worst nightmare is to lose a child.'
'But to be doubled up with the loss of your wife?'
'It's just way too much grief.
Special thanks, as always, goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Writer and Talented Artist,
'Doctor Ricky 1024.'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Me!"

Chapter 133

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Preaching to the Choir Here at
Written on January 13th, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2021
'All Rights Reserved'

That's all I made in order to be able to write and write while you have to want to do it.
You need to will it to happen...
Create in your mind and image...
Sustain it and maintain it...
And then simply come up with a title and name it!
In order to be able to write perfectly each and every time without any blockage...
Without any hesitation...
You need a Heart to Mind, to Soul relation!
You'll notice when you review somebody's work whether or not they're on the ball?
Whether or not they have it all?
Do they write from above?
Tis is a gift of Love?
And, can they slam it out in less than five minutes?
Perfectly each and every time!
Do they do it with consistent rhyme?
Does their Broken Heart beat one click at a time?
Can they take you under their wing you listen as they sing?
Are they just the Wind?
"The Wisp in the Wind?"
Waiting for their life to *Begin?
Approximate Word Count: 278.

Author Notes *Begin: Noun.
start, advance, nee.
As I wrote those words.
I could feel the spirit above.
I can feel a gentle nudging.
As if I was cycling something that most could never understand.
Yes in order to write from the Mind, Heart, and Soul.
(And very few people on this planet that can do it)
You have to have the Gift from Above.
You have to be tested beyond human comprehension.
The loss of a child no matter the age, sex, not race.
Is the parents worst nightmare.
To add the recent loss of your spouse of almost twenty years in only eight months?
Is unimaginable.
Suicide is a horrible thing to have to witness!
And, as for my own Existence?
I have Survived suicide and death a dozen times.
So, for two and a half years?
You are in the pit of depression where you do nothing but grieve.
And, you curse your existence and your Savior.
Each and every day you awaken.
And, then one day?
You finally wake up?
And, to learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist and Talented Writer,
'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just Me"

Chapter 134
Breaking Free from Me

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Breaking Free from Me"
Written on February 18th, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory 2021
'All Rights Reserved'

"I'm Breaking Free"
Of me!
I got better plans!
You see?
Now You see Me?
Now you don't?
Who am I?
Firstly you need to determine?
Determine if I am alive or dead?
Can you seriously see?
Exactly what I am?
And, exactly what I see of me?


My thoughts are Grave but finally...
I'vee been saved?
No more shall I plummet below?
Yes, to a place everybody in Extreme Pains?
Eventually must go?
"I'm Breaking Free?"
Of me?
My toes can feel the warmth of the "Sugared Sands?"
Yes I'm Free and I finally...
Approximate Word Count: 189.

Author Notes *Un.der.stand: verb
perceive the intended meaning of
(words, language or a speaker)
Interpret or view(something) in a particular way.
The Death of your children no matter the age?
No matter the race?
Religion, skin color, or sex.
Is a parent's worst Nightmare that never goes away.
We can't control Fate nor Destiny but when something happens like this?
When you basically see your child disintegrate after being in a severe accident?
We lose and blame ourselves.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Me Somemore at Age of Four"

Chapter 135
Compliance of the Id

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Compliance of the Id"
Written on May 22nd, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2021
'All Rights Reserved'

Id was just a silly child!
As a kid?
Id would save his precious packings?
Yes, in a secret place?
And, as he progressed?
I express he wasn't much more inclined!
His first job?
Yes was as a box boy and a shopping cart collector.
Id made just a buck an hour but it kept him in pinball games!
Yes he was only sixteen.
(If you know what I mean?)
And, Id quit school to help out around the house.
Yup, mom wasn't getting by so he decided to give working a try!
Besides, Id didn't much enjoy educating!
And, thought that English?
Well, first was last?
To Be Continued.

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer,

Doctor Ricky 1024

Chapter 136
I Can't Stop Hating Me

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"I Can't Stop Hating Me"
Written on August 27th, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2021
'All Rights Reserved'

I got a long way to run!
No matter how hard I try?
Wondering when the fun has begun?
I got a long way to hide!
Past events keep creeping up inside!
Wondering when I'm no longer going to cry?
Yes, I got a long way.
Lost my sunny day!
Not much more I can say?
Yes, a long way; to go.
The journeys been difficult...
Sometimes the words are hard to find?
But I keep on pressing; down as hard as I can!
But them old feelings continue to collide?
Yes, just keep creeping back up inside!
Way too much calamity!
In order to keep my insanity
I got this feeling you see?
That something's happening deep inside of me?
That there's this purpose?
This Master plan?
Yes, but this displeasure?
That resides in me!
And, I'm now going to demonstrate it each and every time!
Just follow my path...
Look deeper within my laugh?
And soon you will see...
What it's really like to be me?


Once Upon...
When Once Upon?
Yes, was more than just a little bit of Time in rhyme?
All I would do?
Is hide.
Never carried her book to class...
Never took the chance?
Never went to the high school prom!
(Let alone any dance?)
It seemed?
Yes to be!
I was trapped and cocooned within the shyness of me?
It's not that I didn't like the opposite sex.
Hey, it was just hard for me to break this Hex!
Women, kind of just scared me!
As a child?
Yes, I thought little girls who played with their Barbies?
Were immature and just stupid little things!
After all?
Yes, I was a man and played with my GI Joe!
(Don't you know?)
But when I got a little bit older and a little bit bolder?
I started to realize something was happening?
Yes, happening deep inside of me?
That maybe there's more than just meets the eye?
But still I was too shy!
You need to understand?
That as a very young man?
I had a plan!
I knew exactly what I wanted!
Exactly what I hunted?
Yes, that I wanted a son when my life would finally begun?
But never online wireless imaginations?
Had I dreamed?
Yes, that he would become a drummer and start his own band!
My only son.
And, I knew until that happened?
My job below would never be done!
But how can you achieve Creation?
Yes, when you're afraid to start a relation?
And, you won't even carry her book?
Hold her hand?
Or walk her to class?
Make an attempt to communicate with this young and beautiful lass?
But time would pass and I would become a man!
My dream after all needed to be fulfilled and it's been over two decades in the making!
God, forgive but not forbid me for forsaking!
So, I married on a blind date.
A woman whose life was all filled with her past pains and hate!
Yes, there was no family for she but what about me?
But that didn't seem to matter to me?
I thrived on repairing she!
So, yes almost twenty years of marriage would pass...
I finally had the courage to ask the lass.
And yes!
As the years would Slowly pass?
I would solve my mystery.
I would watch the flowers Bloom!
No more what I feel Grief and Gloom!
No more would I live alone!
No more what I feel Crucified!
No more would my life seem Unjustified!
It's as if I took the place of that man!
And, someone took the nails from my hands!
As, if someone took the spikes from the planks!
Dear Lord God thanks!
No longer Cross My Broken Heart and hope to Die!
Shedding those tears from my eyes!
No more would I suffer from the feelings of wanting Death and Suicide!
No more will I feel as if my life is incomplete!
Or just a child that just plays with a little toy!
Because God Blessed me with my baby *Boy!

Author Notes *Boy: noun
1) male child
2) single son.
Note: No matter how life may treat you; as your Journey becomes compressed?
No matter how hard you're smacked in the face?
Bloodied, and you're down on the ground?
No matter the many and endless tests?
As I see the world now with myself in it?
To be able to have even one child who hath passed away.
We must realize that some Stars shine better that way?
And, to learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer,
'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Just Me"
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organ's Graciously donated on April 1st 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
And, The Beat Goes On....

Chapter 137
The All-Timers of My Dementia!

By Ricky1024

"The All-Timers of My Dementia!"
Written on September 6th, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2021
'All Rights Reserved'

It's all over now!
My Ricking Chair?
Forgot how to Rock!
And, my Rock?
Forgot how to Roll!
And, my Roll?
Well, da damned Nursing homes own all of that!
It's all ober now!
How now Blue cow?
Can you cut me a break?
Yes, not a star?
Cuz I lost my Chammar ability?
To spell!
Well now that you going this far!
Sit a spell!
Because I got a disease!
And my cow?
Well it can no longer jump!
And, she can't even remember the way!
Perhaps I should trade it in?
Trade it in for some "Magic beans?"
Do you know what I means?
Grab that long Vine?
Climb it So Divine?
But you see for me?
Yes, my Vine for Me?
Yes, grew mysteriously?
Yes, Underground!
So, I discovered and found?
Found underground?
Yes a very Special and Hot Place?
Yes, of Unholy Grace!
And, did I forget to mention it because of?
"The All-Timers of My *Dementia?"

Author Notes *Dementia: noun
Note: No pun on words this time because it's a serious problem for the elderly!
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Dr.Ricky 1024'
And, His Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Just Me"

Chapter 138
I Don't Know?

By Ricky1024

"I Don't Know?"
Written on August 9th, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2021
'All Rights Reserved'

It's August 9th 2021?
And, as I'm writing this?
I'm having fun?
I don't know?
I do know the Baltimore Ravens are tearing the Tampa Bay buccaneers apart!
Quote pose Raven
I think I'm lost?
Where's the door?
"I Don't Know?"
If it's the Sun that glows or the Moon that shines?
Does this rhyme?
"I don't know?"
What's 1 + 1=?
Is it Number Two or Number Three?
I don't know what the hell's happening now to me?
Do you know what time it is?
I can't remember if the minute hand is the smaller or the larger?
Or if you're supposed to lick an icicle or a lollipop?
Doesn't Santa Claus deliver icicles into your stockings on Christmas Day?
I sure wish I had one today!
"I Don't Know?"
If my brother Christopher is my Brother or my Sister Carol?
But didn't my sister die?
I don't know why?
And I don't know where to begin?
Do You begin at the end or do you begin at the Beginning?
"I Don't Know?"
How old am Eye?
Did I spell that right?
I think I got something in my I?
Don't people have more than four eyes?
It's not when you finally die and go to your grave site?
And then you feel so happy and that's quite all right?
Now, if I was born?
Was I borned or egged?
Does the round one go in the square peg?

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
Mr. Jones'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled,
"I'm No Dummy"

Chapter 139
Plowing My Way

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

"Plowing My Way"
(Through the Stars)
Written December 23rd, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

The year is 2422 and the month of October.
The two weary space travelers have been now over Sixteen months trying to find what is missing?
And, Midnight doesn't come cheap.
'Yes, these days Frank.'
States Mike.
'Listen we have no other choice.'
'We're either going to continue or return?'
Warns Mike.
Note: The XL5 has only enough fuel to reach planet Uranus.
'Of course we have determined Frank that there is plutonium there.'
'And, there is quite an abundant supply.'
'Yes, more than enough to return to Earth.'
'Yes, I know that Michael.'
States Frank.
'But as Captain of this ship.'
'I have determined we still don't have enough fuel.'
'At this moment in time we have no choice but to lasso Star.'
'We will hitch a ride and allow the shooting star to take us hopefully in the right direction?'
'Frank you know we can't fail.'
'Earth's population has been dwindling now for hundreds of years.'
States Mike.
'And, in our Milky Way Galaxy.'
'This is the only planet that has the product we need.'
'And, if we fail?'
'Yes, so does Earth!'
Warns Frank.
Three Weeks later...
'Look Frank there it is Uranus!'
'I told you this was a great idea to hitch a ride on a shooting star!'
Adds Mike.
'I know Mike but it's already been predetermined that the oxygen/nitrogen level is less than adequate.'
'That means that are supply of breathing devices are extremely limited to less than 24 hours.'
'Yes, and I know that Mike.'
'But I think we will be able to get our mission accomplished in the time allowable by our limited oxygen.'
Claims Frank.
'I told those boys back at NASA to provide us with plenty of air Mike.'
'And, it's almost as if they want us to fail and not to return with the product!'
Adds Frank.
'Yes, I know but the first thing we need to do Frank is get the Rover ready.'
States Mike.
'And, from what I can determine?'
(On our limited survey)
'That the product is approximately 112 km away.'
States Frank.
'The XL5 has enough room for the product but the sensors are literally going NUTZ!'
'I know Mike but we got no choice!'
"All of Humanity's Fate"
'Yes, depends on the product.'
States Mike.
Two Days later....
'Mike we did it!'
'We got the product from Uranus to repopulate the Earth!'
'Frank you stupid idiot!'
'The babes here are all Barbies made of plastic!:
'Its Planet Janet!'
'Yes, that has the "Real Product!"
'One Thousand, Beautiful, Drunken, and Naked Aliens!'
'Ill kill you!'
The End?
Approximate Word Count: 561.

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review this Talented Artist,
And, their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Golden Universe"

Chapter 140
Accomplishing 2021

By Ricky1024

"Accomplishing 2021"
Written on January 1st, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2012
'All Rights Reserved'

In Order to Accomplish?
You need first, Perseverance.
You need to face, your Adversary?
And, tackle the Interference.
With the Realization?
That alone we Shall and can Fail!
But together?
Yes, we can become Again?
A Powerful and Reorganized Nation!
Under God and Indivisible.
With Liberty and Justice for All!
We must Ponder each and every
We must March off now to War!
And, the Enemy?
Yes, to me seems to be Invisible and Invincible!


"The Ten New Year's Commandments"
Written on January 2nd, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �©ï¸? Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

(Not in any particular order)
Number One:
Eradicate the COVID-19 Pandemic Virus-Crisis.
Realize that it's absolutely necessary to protect ourselves and others by wearing masks in public places. (especially schools and hospitals)
Wash and cleanse yourself.
Yes, especially your hands and face. Several times more a day than necessary.
Get vaccinated.
It is very important and also get the bonus vaccination when suggested.

Number Two:
Allow all our children in school.
To again salute the United States flag. And, have a moment or a minute of Prayer in class.

Number Three:
Bring back to the United States of America.
The honor and respect that we have lost throughout the years.
Yes that are forefathers had worked so hard to establish almost 250 years ago.

Number Four:
Cut down on wasteful Federal spending.
In order to feed and house the homeless.
Those Who are struggling severely at this very moment in time.

Number Five:
Realize that there are places on this planet that are struggling such as Somelia.
We're 55,000 children never saw Christmas this year because of the internal strife.
Support those programs.
( Such as missionaries and the Red Cross)
Who do so very much.

Number Six:
Tighten and strengthen our borders.
By doing so we will never again have any 9-11 incidents.

Number Seven:
Work harder at educating and housing these people with severe addictions.
Yes, especially when it comes to alcoholism and drugs.

Number Eight:
Force those who have so VERY, VERY much.
Such as the banking industries, the tobacco industry, and the oil industries.
In order to be doing business in the United States?
Yes, tax them and tax them somemore.
In order to create the necessary programs.
That we so desperately need.

Number Nine:
Take care of those who are mentally ill.
Take care of those who are the elderly and suffering.
Take care of those whom have been severely subjected to losses.
By creating the necessary programs.

Number Ten:
Teach our people.
Yes, and as we reach our people?
Yes, showing them.
Yes, that it is absolutely and positively needed.
Yes, each and every Sabbath Sunday.
Yes, to go to our local Churches.
Yes, take in the Sacrament.
Yes, and Honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
By doing so we will build a strong infrastructure for our children and future children.
This will make us in the United States of America.
Again, a proud and respected Nation once more.
And, I say these words in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Author Notes *Yonder: noun
My word simply meaning to realize each and every opportunity.
Special thanks goes out first as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
And, her Incredible Picture Entitled,
"What Dreams are made of"

Chapter 141
Infestation of Harborview Plaza!

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Infestation of Harborview Plaza!" Written on March 21st, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �©ï¸? Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

'There's no excuse for this abuse as thousands upon thousands of German cockroaches are on the loose!'
Note: 'I live at Harbor View Plaza.' Apartment C5.,'
(Man Alive!)
'This is a short story of my basic existence here for the past 30 months.'
'Trying my very best to survive!'
'This apparent invasion by Germany's Best?'
'Has got me up at arms!'
'Yes, at Best!'
'So, now what's my next step on this Quest?'
'A complete and thorough investigation.'
'Yes, at best by a team of professionals.'
Yes, is advised but my landlord Joshua Berkhaker?'
'Just makes excuses and tells multiple lies!'
Note: 'This is a from a Legal Document. Seize and Decist by 30 Days.'
'You must remove yourself and give up the premises.'
'30 Days by April 1st, 2022.'
Note: 'Because of repeated failure to allow access to your unit as well?'
'Because of numerous late payments of your rent.'
'And, also your refusal to remove the clutter in your premises!'
'I Joshua Berkhaker the owner of said premises Harborview Plaza.'
N.J.S.A. 2A-18-61. (c)(d)(e) and (j)
'I further note and give notice.'
'Yes that due to the fact of all the clutter.'
'We were not able to enter the premises.'
'Yes, and spray insecticide poison all over your kitchen counters, inside where you keep your food stuffs, along the floor where your cat eats, and your bedroom where you sleep!'
Note: 'In order to resolve this matter you need to pay my $400 attorney fees.'
'$220 for 5 months worth of late payments.'
'And, $58 court costs.'
'Along with partial rent in December of only $450.'
'For a total of $2,008.'
Note: 'This is before court after court $2,785 for upcoming rent for the month of December 2021.'
"My Response"
'I'm not sure maybe his name should be Valdemar Putin!'
'Yes, because this whole situation pukes to tell you the truth!'
'As for my apartment being filled with clutter?'
'Well, Puketon?'
'I no longer live with the Florence my Mutter!'
'As for $1,100 worth of late fees?'
'Well, let me first cough and then sneeze?'
(Geez Louise!)
'Yes, since that's what the insects are doing to me.'
'I'm guessing that my eyes are also red and itchy.'
(That hardly ever goes away)
'As for my Body?'
'Yes, it is bitten and smitten!'
'And, even my poor little kitten?'
(Gaylord Focker)
'Yes, is suffering too!'
'Me oh My.'
'God what am I to do?'
'So now I must pray.'
'Dear Lord God above.'
'Yes, I know I've not been the best servant as of late.'
'And, I also know on that month when it will snow.'
And, in the past few years.'
'Yes, every Christmas Eve.'
'I believe, I put out the cookies and also the milk.'
'But Lord God Above?'
'And, when I wake up in the morning.'
'Yes, the cookie's are gone but the milk is still sitting there sour?'
'So, in closing.'
'Yes, I guess that means?'
'Yes, I've been more Nasty than Good?'
'Naughty then Nice?'
'But to tell you the truth God?'
'Yes, living here in the Harborview Hood!'
'With all these shi** who could give a F***?'
'Simply sucks!'
'Because when it comes to insecticide treatments?'
'Yes, by Mr. Joshua Beinhacker's maintenance man Jeffrey.'
(Yes, who's half blind, a liar, and also unkind)
'And, yes on my Quest.'
'I allowed Jeff and some unlicensed man.'
'To enter the sanctuary of my abode and lend a helping hand?'
'God you need to understand that simply said?'
'Yes, the spray will not rectify this Hell!'
'And, with Hitler's German cockroaches?'
'Well, they just won't run away!'
'Because there are literally thousands in my apartment!'
'Living in the crevices, the cracks, and the crannies'
'Living inside electronics, outlets, in a wicker frame of a large mirror, and even the door frames!'
This is insane!'
'God knows that yes!'
'And, in my Quest to do my very best?'
'Here at Harborpestview!'
'My illness remains the same!'
'Flu-like infections to my sinus.'
'Yes, as the roaches shed their skins and I breathe it in!'
'Yes, along with the many diseases that they drag in and carry too!'
'Yes, from Cholera, Salmonosis, Dysentery, Diarrhea.'
'Aggravated Asthma, and Pastroenterirtis.'
'Also, iitchy and scratchy eyes, runny nose, constant sneezing, constantly coughing, and other molalities!
Note: My local GP Doctor Suddeth at Long Beach Island medical.'
'And, my local Hospital.'
'S.O.C.H. Hackensack/Meridian.'
'Yes, have treated me with "Levocetirizine"
'This is an anti-allergy medication 5 mg.'
(after dinner and before resting)
'And, "Sulfamethoxazole 50 mg" (twice a day for my infections)
'In closing,
"Harborview plaza versus Richard Edward Smrkovsky."
Mr Joshua Berkhaker?'
'I am not responsible for the Holocaust and any problems your past relatives have suffered!'
'And, just because I have a little German in me all my grandfather's side.'
'You send those Nasty Nazi roaches that cast allergens into my air!'
'Doesn't anybody care?'
Note: 'i contacted a pesticide company.'
(Balance of Nature)
'And, are ready and willing to investigate.'
'I told them my issues and they said they can solve and evaluate.'
'But they are Extremely hard to eradicate!'
'So, in the meantime?'
'I paid my landlord $1 in a Postal money order towards my March rent of $944.'
'Well, I also attached, mailed, and certified.'
'The second short letter stating the following...
'The remaining money went to my new landlords!'
'Yes, who live with me!'
'Yes, who torture me!'
'Yes, and who I'll just have to continue checking my coffee.'
'And, my milk and tea!'
'Yes, in order to make sure that there's nothing in there hiding from me!'
To be continued with the conclusion tomorrow entitled, "Court Matters!"
Approximate Word Count: 992.

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024.'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just Me"

Chapter 142
Well I'll be Your Huckleberry?

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

"Well I'll be Your Huckleberry?"
Written on October 9th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

I'm coming back from The Ring of disaster redeeming qualities casting polyester shake It bake It then purified 14 times almost died!
I drink with the best of them I've been running over with broken bones hanged once and been certified insane what's my name?
Went to Hell twice!
Naughty or nice?
Yes, I slipped the ropes noose around my lousy neck.
(What the heck)
Caused a train wreck and caught my ride on the caboose!
And, after I stole all the that damned money!
Slipped that lousy noose!
There ain't no excuse but who am I?
My MKX Lincoln took down that big, old, telephone pole!
And, afterwards?
(What the Fuc**** heck?)
I laughed when they wanted to haul my lousy ass away!
Now what more can I say?
So, let's now pray ..
I say, no way.
My Dear Lord God above.
I know I'm not one that you should now love.
But there's not much more this old Drunken Gunslinger can see?
Except between You and me?
"I'll be Your Huckleberry?"

Author Notes *Huckleberry: noun
/huck.le.ber.ry of a genus (Gaylussacia)
of American shrubs of the heath family.
also the edible dark blue to black usually acid berry (especially of G.baccata) with ten nutlets.
Note: Alcoholism is a very serious and deadly disease.
It killed my father from cirrhosis back in 1972.
Yes, and he was a 26-year high rank Naval Chief on four Destroyers.
Now what's my name?
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
And, Helvi's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Night of the Monsters"

Chapter 143
Eye M the Victim

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"Eye M the Victim"
Written on October 9th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

Silently it awaits and suddenly it again creates.
Yes, with no hesitation, as it never abates.
Instead only Hates.
I skate the precipice now of My Reality. Looking down into Fate, with Crystal Clarity.
No charity as it again whispers my name!
Woe tis me God!
Lashing and Blackened tongue, spitting as Acidic Screams grasping nightmarish dreams!
Oh woe tis me God!
My swollen Heart resists!
Quote the raven.
I am the victim and the pain shalleth always and forever remain.
As I write these words, now forced down and into my veins...

Author Notes Note: In my 68 years of life.
I have cheated death 14 times and been to Hell twice.
Note: If you know somebody severely depressed contemplating suicide.
Either call 9-11 or the National Suicide Hotline at 988.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
iphone7's Incredible, as well as, Amazing Picture Entitled,
"Down and Out"

Chapter 144
On This October Morning

By Ricky1024

"On This October Morning"
Written on October 10th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

On this October morning as I awake there's certain thoughts I'm now forced to take.
Absorbtion, Confusion, Depression, and Aggrevation.
These are now my immediate family members.
Born in the month of March...
(all the way to November)
They sleep with me and when I unfortunately await?
On this October morning as the
Sun attempts, to brighten my day
but instead Bleeds me awake.
I try my best not to forsake.
But darkness cloaks and it's gone astray?
On this October morning as I wipe
the sleep from my eyes.
But again I'm controlled and Hypnotized.
The rain doth appear but only for a
As if to mock me and telling me...
My time is over due?
So, instead I journal and journal
some more.
The words(not like the rain)now pour
And, I bathe, yes I bathe them all away.
On this October morning as I again make that attempt?
I can feel how must my bodies spent.
One step at a time.
No movement, no rhyme.

Author Notes Note: This is my Birthday month so I'm trying to add but intensify.
Special thanks goes out first as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Incredible Writer,
'Doctor. Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Here's Looking at Cha!"

Chapter 145
The Want of Me

By Ricky1024

"The Want of Me"
Written on October 14th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

"The Want of Me?"
Yes, tis more.
More than even you can now see?
But now can you see?
But it's such a blur to me.
"The Want of Me?"
"The Want of Me?"
Dear God as time has passed and never lasts.
And, it's beat is discreet.
Yes, as the hands pass slowly and unwind...
One constant click of pain and shame.
One more click at a time?
And don't you now know Me?
Whom am Eye?
"The Want of Me?"
I wonder why?
God, why I always cry and want to die?
I don't know how to live.
So, I throw the pair of dice.
And, it always comes up twice.
And, it's always the same?
Yes, when I play the game.
"The Want of Me?"
TIs more than anybody could ever see?
Now you see me?
But Now you don't?
Ashes to Ashes...
Dust to Dust...
Life lasts not forever.
But that's okay.

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Bill Bistak'
Bill's Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Through Time"

Chapter 146
Whan I Grow Up?

By Ricky1024

"Why I Grow Up?"
Written on October 24th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

God when I grow up on this day.
My birthday.
I think I want to be?
Be perhaps more than just who I am to be?
God perhaps when I grow up?
I could be a Spaceman!
And, blast off and discover a new Land?
Or perhaps I could be?
Yes, more than just me?
And, like me Only Son.
Try to help people you see?
Maybe like a fireman or a policeman?
Yes, I think that would be good for me?
God when I grow up on this day.
My birthday.
I think I want to be?
Be perhaps more than just who I am?
Am meant to be?
I always thought about possibly?
Yes, to be a doctor would be nice. And, be able to help people who are ill?
And, give them a chance?
A chance more than just a pill?
God when I grow up on this day.
My birthday.
Perhaps I think I may want to be?
Maybe I could be?
Perhaps just me?
Yes, as a singer in the band?
A one-man band!
After all I can write my own songs. And, I do play the harmonica and drums.
Yes, and of course I can really, really, strum the hum!
Dear Lord God Above.
Whom I So, So, Love.
Yes, on this day.
Yes, my birthday!
And, at the age of 68.
I think I finally know what I want to be?
Be exactly what God has decided for me!
To be a Latter-Day Saint Priest with the Church of Jesus Christ.
Yes, that's really nice to be!
And, also Perhaps a writer?
And, write some beautiful words for people to see?
Yes that's perfectly perfect for me!
To be a little bit more free.
To be a little more free like my son. Whom gave his many organs away.
On a long ago April day.
God to Be to be or Not to Be?
That now will never be the question for he!
Yes, because on this very day.
October 24th, 2022.
My birthday.
Im having a little party but not just for me!
Oh no God above.
Because thanks to You!
Yes, my son still lives on in *Three!

Author Notes *Three: noun
1. The third number on the Numerical scale.
Similar: Three, third, 3, 3rd, thrice.
Note: On March 31st, 200"3"
My only son of three unfortunately made a decision to ride in a car driven by a young man who did not wish to be but the question?
"To Be or Not to Be?"
Cannot be answered in a simple poem or with a song.
Because my son is where he now belongs!
And, to learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
And, the Beat Goes On"
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this talented Artist and Incredible Writer,
And, Cleo's Incredible picture Entitled, "Romance"

Chapter 147
Lost and Found?

By Ricky1024

"Lost and Found?"
Written on October 25th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright � © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

Lost and found.
Found and lost?
Tossed and tossed, and tossed some more?
Don't you want me no more?
Found them lost.
Lost then found?
Ain't no time for fooling around!
No second chance.
No more Romance?
Forget the next ball dance.
Lost and found?
Found and lost?
Ain't no lettuce salad to be tossed!
This internet Love.
Ain't for me!
Can't ever get you on the telly!
Can't you ever see?
Lost and found?
Found and lost?
Yes siree!
I'm a goona spend my time now alone at the movies!

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85'
And, her Incredible Picture Entitled,
"The Butterflies"

Chapter 148

By Ricky1024

Written on October 25th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'.
Sometimes when I sleep?
Sleep and dream?
Dream instead of counting sheep?
Sheep that begin to creep?
Creep into my unconscious feelings?
Feelings within?
Within my sullen Soul of Sleep.
Sleep and wonder?
Wonder and wander why?
Why am Eye here or perhaps?
Perhaps God, i have finally died?
Died as strange thoughts begin to collect?
Collect within again?
Again I reflect.
Reflect why God?
God why am I not getting paid?
Paid as if this is a Masquerade?
Masquerade and Parade?
Parade of pounding?
Pounding again and again?
Again into my Broken Heart?


Sometimes when I even begin to Dream?
Dream another simple dream?
Dream as again I can here that voice that Screams?
Screams and screams louder and louder?
Louder until I can no longer hear?
Hear I go again?
Again way back to the Then?
Sometimes I then awaken?
Awaken and so scared?
Scared and shaking?
Shaking as mixing memories that are long ago?
Ago when Life seemed perfectly so?
So now God can you see?
See that long ago is now matters nothing much to me?
To me it's always going to be.
Be now nothing but ashes?
Ashes to Ashes.
Dust to Dust.
The Liquidfied Tears?
Tears pour down and turn to rust?
Rust that now reflects my life.
Life gone back to rust.
Sometimes when I Sleep?
Sleep and happen to dream?
Dream and always ready to *Scream?

Author Notes *Scream: adverb
1. screech out into the night.
"Johnny began to scream in fear"
On March 31st, 2003.
After a terrible car accident.
When my only son Jason was haplessly and hopelessly driven purposely into a telephone pole at over 100 mph.
March 31st, 2003.
8:30 PM
After a fireman draped him and another smashed Jason's window.
I realized that he was not only unconscious but in serious trouble.
I Screamed out one word.
On March 31st, 2003
8:30 PM.
That was when I died
To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at

Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Screams in the Night"

Chapter 149
It's 4:27 A.M.

By Ricky1024

"It's 4:27 A.M."
Written on December 9th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

Light noticed as my weary eyes estimate.
Damn yes!
It's way too early at 4:27 a.m.
And, that's not great but God's my friend.
Yes, and here I go again!
I rub the sleep from my burning eyes.
(This you must now realize)
Life Escapes Me and at age 68.
I well know soon Eye will have that date.
And, on this date?
Oh, well as my RSV is leaving me but ever so slowly.
(Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
I guess the 20 MG. of Prednisone tis doing it job God but...
But my lungs are still not completely clear because the damn bronchitis is still here!
"Etu BruteThe Ides of March"
The King is dead?
Wait a second!
I'm getting way too far ahead of myself!
God why aren't there instead?
Yes, Christmas is near!
Now thoughts of Sugar-Plums dancing through my weary head?
4:27 a.m. now what to do?
Well, I can always whip up something to eat?
Thanks God, yeah that's what I'll Now do!

Author Notes Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this talented Artist and Incredible Writer, 'cleo85'
Cleo's Incredible picture Entitled,
"Circles of Time"

Chapter 150
Celestial Night

By Ricky1024

"Celestial Night"
Written on May 24th, 1954
(8:34 PM.)
Newport, Rhode Island
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

The year was 1954 and the Planets were aligned just Right.
As, the night was calm and collected. The Milky Way Galaxy milked its way into a position.
He fortunately, skipped off of billions of stars.
Yes, to get the most perfect of view.
Wouldn't you?
The Sun was cloaking and moaning, while Saturn's three Moons needed more room.
The Earth stood silently on its axis awaiting...
Pluto was too cold and too far alone and away.
While, Mars shed tears Frozen in mid-air.
Now, Saturn's Beautiful Rings started to sing, as the Moon.
Yes, as the Moon Goddess Luna later, pounded in anticipation.
(Creating more craters)
Now, Uranus?
The most clever and wisest and most clearly the leader of the group.
Conducted, as all the other Planets in the Entire Universe entitled,
"Ulta Magnificent"
Now had the best view?
Suddenly Mother Earth stood on her axis as if to declare?
"Tis everybody finally there?"
Now, on and In the month of October. As, Moon Goddess Luna would say...
"A Newborn little baby boy was soon on the way!"
The sign of Scorpio, he would soon come to be.
Yes, someone who would suffer.
Suffer and be tested miserly.
And, with Endless Pain and grief.
Many years later...
Yes, he would be given the *Keys and become a Latter-Day Saint Priest.
And, with the Priesthood restored.
And, with the Power of just a simple pen.
He picks up and he writes this Musical Tribute.
Saintly Sabbath poetry!
Approximate Word Count: 413.

Author Notes *Keys: noun
1. Note: According to the Latter-Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ.
And, during a time of Apostomy.
After centuries and 177 years ago on May 15th, 1829.
John the Baptist had given the keys to The Priesthood.
The restoration was restored and given to Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery.
Yes, the Restoration of the Priesthood and the "Keys."
To perform saving Ordinances such as Baptism, the Laying of the Hands, for the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
And, with that power.
Joesph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery would later create the book of Mormon.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
MoonWillow's Incredible, as Amazing Picture Entitled,
"The Brightest Star in the Sky"

Chapter 151
My Life Went Up in Flames

By Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

"My Life Went Up in Flames"
(Written by Candlelight)
May 17th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

The light was blinding, and no church bells were Chiming.
I could hear the noise so very far away.
Yes, on that very sad, sad, and most Incredibly horrible day.
March 31st, 2003.
Dear Lord God.
What does that day still mean to me?
Why do I have to relive this and what's wrong with me?
Last curtain call.
Quote Poe's Raven, "Nevermore?"
But never more seems to be for me everyday
Sometimes though, I do wake up and it's a Sunny day.
But most of the time it's just Cloudy. Darkened inside and I'm thinking about the day that made me so sad.
The day that eventually drove my only wife, Carolyn mad.
I reflect back and count the colors of the Rainbow.
Yes, the many Beautiful hues.
The Beautiful yellows that represent that I'm an unlucky fellow.
The Orange and Greens.
It feels as if my life is constantly tumbling in some Satanic washing machine.
And then, of course, we have all those Reds.
Yes, representing the fact that I'm long *Dead..

Author Notes *Dead: adjective
1. deprived of life: no longer alive.
a dead tree
dead soldier
missing and presumed dead
2. having the appearance of death: DEATHLY.
in a dead faint
3. lacking power to move, feel, or respond: NUMB
Note: the death of your only son is worse enough but then to be followed eight months later by the death of your only wife is too much to bear.
And, the last word: NUMB.
Sums it up quite remarkably.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review.
This Talented Artist and Incredible Writter, 'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Amazing Picture Entitled,
"Coconut Canfled Flame"

Chapter 152
Descripancy Me

By Ricky1024

"Descripancy Me"
Written on February 18th, 2024
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

"To understand the man you first need to be the Man"
Unknown Poet
Now, as I gaze out yes to the
Toms River of lake.
My manufacturing, as well as, and reflective abilities.
There's Baker's Water Street and another restaurant on the waters edge.
Yes, that's for the floating me as ready as ready can be!
And' here I am all alone no Dawna to call my own
Yeah you promised me baby but you put me through some kind of jealousy of Hell.
So here I sit a spell and ponder my yonder.
And, now baby?
Yes, it's you're turn in prison and you can't break free.
What's wrong with this and what's wrong with you and me?
My darling Dawna Deborahara Amanda.
She's yes just a little bit bitter and I'm certainly no quiter sometimes I feel like you're babysitter!
My darling Dawna Deborahara Amanda O'Reels.
She's a littlwe bit Why can't we just keep it real ?
We got married but never completely sealed the deal?
Hide and go seek.
Cat and mouse.
Hit and run?
Yeah the third one would be a lot of fun!
and a little bit of this and a little bit of that .
But she cannot see me?
But God, how she sometimes tickles my fancy with her whimsical ways.
Now, and when she gets out of hand.
That's when the battle starts in the demons and demand!
She has this impish smile that evades.
And, with the powers to be.
With the power of three.
She can charm me.
She can make me cry.
All night and all day.
When the Sun rises She's a flower who blossoms are tarnished.
And, all that remains is that never Ending pain.
Yes, as Eye now call out her *Name.

Author Notes *Name: noun
1. Her name is Dawna Deborahara Amanda O'ReelsSmrkovsky
Note: because very few people can understand my wife calamity seems to follow her every Beck and whim.
She's currently housed in the Ocean County Correctional Facility .
Right here less than a mile from me.
And, in Toms River New Jersey.
Note: "Charmed" is her favorite TV show!

Chapter 153
Simplifying Thoughts

By Ricky1024

"A Sliver of Thought" (A)
(Dedicated to *Bob O'Reels)
Written on March 14th, 2024
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

Timelessly as if never
Motionlessly as if ever
Stoically as if frozen within a "Cocooned Tomb"
Yes, I'm quite sure quite...
Sure there's nothingnessless.
Quietnessly dispensed.
Dispensed and dispersed as if a tablet..
"Within the Mouth of No Return"
But I'm hunting and still hungry. Hungry for my stance of second Chance.
Yes, as if there's still a shimmer.
"A Sliver of Thought"


"Simplifying Thoughts" (B)
Written on March 14th, 2024

As if captured within the shell; as if an Oysters Pearl.
Trapped within the depth of the Blue sea.
Just a Wisp in the Wind within the sail of a ship.
Set off to No Return.
I am as I am just a walk in the desert to an endless place.
Yes, without a drop of water and no thought to my up and coming slaughter.
Just a sliver of Green grass within a Valley at the edge of a Glen.
Yes, and by a river that flows continuously.
Yes, this is me!
Just one single flake of snow falling below.
With no two ever alike.
No two ever again to be.
To be or not to be until my final exit.
Within my final Destiny.

Author Notes *Bob O'Reels:
Will recently turn 94 years old on Saint Patrick's Day.
He started Camp Lejeune kids camp as a sergeant.
Robert taught over 500 Young Marines.
Robert has also been in four wars and was a New York City cop during 911.
(Among many things)

Special thanks goes out first, as always to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'avmurry'
Her Incredible Picture Entitled, "A Part of Mystras"

Chapter 154

By Ricky1024

Written on April 17th, 2024
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

As meadows and glens coat Earth in Green.
As wildflowers appear and do their thing.
We know it's finally Spring
As Rivers and Streams now flow in "Silent Dreams."
Winters long, lost, grasp
And, as God protects
Eye reflect.
Eye reflect and project.
Eye wander on trails of Neverland.
And, obey Father above with every command
Can't you see?

Author Notes Note: The word "Eye" replaces the word "I" and means blindness.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Incredible Writer 'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Silly Old Me"

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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