- Confused or Bewilderedby Tom Horonzy
This work has reached the exceptional level
The question is whether I leave you...
Confused or Bewildered by Tom Horonzy

I had a thought, provoked by a review that seemed to have been written by me but wasn't, causing me to ask the author of the noted comment if I had been a contagion to them, for what they wrote seemed to be as dementedly pleasing as the things I post. (No response as yet.)

Furthermore, I conjured a scene in which visitors touring my mind would find a world with only one corner, yet don't conclude that my world is as as a planet or orb, for neither has a corner. 

If you are wondering what I am writing about, I suggest a review of my profile on FanStory might clarify, for within I opine "being as complex as a Rubik's cube" might be to normal individuals, whereas A B Normals with high IQs, (measured on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale,) may find 'the cube' easier than slipping on Skecher Slip-ins shoes.

I also pondered whether the realm of my thoughts might exist in a world with no corners. After all, brains are housed in a somewhat spherical container, but not being either a neurosurgeon or a forensic pathologist, I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of the corners Ms. Barbra (Streisand) sang in her rendition of The Way We Were - "Memories, Light the corners of my mind." Why doesn't Babs have a third 'A" in Barbra?

 She possibly could know differently than I since James Brolin, her husband, played the TV role of Dr. Steven Kiley on Marcus Welby, M.D. If not he, as Dr. Steve, perhaps he has a medical colleague with a specialty degree specializing in lobotomies.

Therefore, it seems appropriate to ask or state whether corners are To Be or not to Be.?, my most recent release before this piece in the Demented Series on FanStory, which was made public yesterday. Do you agree?
Please post your thoughts in the review box below. If done, I state categorically in advance 'sincere appreciation.'


Author Notes
As Ronald Reagan said to Walter Mondale, "There He goes again," and I... continue to baffle even the most sane readers of my writ.

The smaller print are afterthoughts for clarification or followup thoughts of mine.

The picture posted is my own, and is intended to show a boy thinking "really?", and the stylist laughing at his reaction to my story.


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