Humor Non-Fiction posted May 16, 2024

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Might mistake them for arresting someone

Police, Shop Bunnings Hardware

by LittleIrishman

Some male Police officers were seen recently shopping at a local Bunnings hardware store in Sydney.

Being Police, one rarely sees such officers in a store like Bunnings.

One might think they are buying certain items for particular Police tasks and activities.

They obviously would not be shopping for weapons like guns, knives, batons, and spray.

Individuals might joke the Police are looking and finding hardware items to use for Police duties and weapons.

Such Bunnings customers there at the time to see these Police officers might have mistook them for arresting them or someone else.

These customers could have suddenly been very well intimidated and tried to walk or run away out of sight.

Customers: 'Hey, I didn't do it. I did not anything.'
Police: 'Are you trying to move away from us? Stand there and put your hands up where I can see it.'
Customers: 'What are you doing here? You're not after me are you?'
Police: 'Ha ha. Of course not. Just doing some shopping.'
Customers: 'Are you sure? One does not often see Police in a store like Bunnings.'
Police: 'That is fine. All is good then. I'll let you get back to your Bunnings shopping.'

- Personal Experiences:
Some male Police officers were recently seen walking through the store at a local Sydney Bunnings store.

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