General Fiction posted May 15, 2024

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An epic struggle!

Sic Semper Tyrannis

by Douglas Goff

Genghis Khan launched a blistering surprise attack, leaving red blood streaks down the back of my legs! I should neither have turned my back on the monster nor entered the tyrant’s territory wearing my yellow Docker shorts. 

I spun about, facing my enraged enemy, pitchfork in hand. Khan was an extremely aggressive foe, known for jumping waist high to deliver damaging blows. He especially enjoyed terrorizing women and children, sending them fleeing in utter panic.

We had met on the battlefield before, where my courage had faltered. But today was different. Today it would be a grim fight to the death. Khan let out a battlecry and launched at me again. I pivoted with a counter-strike!

Later that night I feasted upon the corpse of my enemy. I victoriously tore a chunk of flesh from his drumstick. The bully rooster had finally met his match, ending his reign of terror.

Flash Fiction contest entry

This is fiction. Genghis Khan repeatedly attacked us. And the dog and cat. And squirrels. And the car tires. We gave him to a neighbor who had to put him down when he attacked their small child.

I wish I had defeated him in combat. But alas, I did not.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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