Spiritual Poetry posted May 8, 2024

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4th Bright Side poem; when we don't know why we feel sad

Looking for the Bright Side

by Debi Pick Marquette

When feeling sad and kinda blue

I don't know what's come over me

And I'm not sure what I should do

In clouds so dark, I cannot see

Then I'll search for that special light

So in the darkness I can't hide

I'll ask for help, in prayer that night

And I will soon see the bright side

 I know those feelings will come back

They are so hard to understand 

When satan plans his next attack

 I know my Lord will hold my hand

That's when I will dust off my heart

And I'll go where I can confide

'Cause Jesus will help me to start

To once again see the bright side



Looking for a bright side is what picks me up and my favorite thing to do to get through any rough patch. Whether it be health, something heavy and stressful in life, or in the kind I write about in this poem. Where you can't quite put your finger on what is wrong.
This is my fourth Bright Side poem.

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