Chilling Secret

You are prompted to write a 1000-word flash story answering the mystery of a "chilling secret" and how it affects your protagonist. Use your writer's mind to imagine a secret so powerful and consequential that when revealed changes your protagonist in climactic ways. Think about the secret, and weave your story around the details that you imagine--the secret itself becomes the core and genesis of your story. See where you writer's mind takes you ... will it be horrific, thrilling, or mysterious?

*This contest is brought to you by "The Little Workshop of Horrors" club*

Contest parameters are as follows:
--1000 words or less
--MUST be written in 1st Person (I, we, my)
--MUST reveal the "chilling secret" to the reader, either at the beginning or the end
--All warning labels available: you may incorporate violence, language, and sex as you see fit

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